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9 Business Lessons - How I Made $1.6m in 30 Days


How to guarantee you regret your life:https : //dai.ly/x93180y

My honest advice to a perfectionist:https : //dai.ly/x9319i4

My honest advice to someone who’s doing too much : https://dai.ly/x9319ty

My honest advice to someone who feels behind in life : https://dai.ly/x931a78

My honest advice to someone who wants financial freedom : https://dai.ly/x931ex2

If I Wanted to Be a Millionaire Before 30, I'd Do This : https://dai.ly/x931gzm

The Best Book I've Ever Read about Making Money : https://dai.ly/x931j9y

How to Go From $0 to $10,000 a Month in 4 Steps : https://dai.ly/x931kb6

How to Make $10,000 Month Writing Online : https://dai.ly/x931l42

How to 10x Your Income The 4 Ladders of Wealth : https://dai.ly/x931ldm

Why You Feel Lost in Life by Ali Abdaal : https://dai.ly/x933252

How to Figure Out What You Really Want in Life : https://dai.ly/x933hm8

How to Change your Life in a Year - 3 Simple Ideas : https://dai.ly/x933u78


00:00Hey friends, welcome back to the channel.
00:01So this business has just hit a milestone
00:03and actually we've made $1.6 million in the last 30 days,
00:06which is absolutely freaking insane.
00:08But in this episode of Backstage,
00:09which is the series where I take you behind the scenes
00:11of this YouTube channel and this business
00:12and share the learnings along the way
00:13so you can hopefully learn from it.
00:14I'm gonna be sharing seven life and business lessons
00:17that me and my team have learned
00:19over the last couple of months,
00:20building up a product to the point
00:21that we've been able to make $1.6 million
00:23in a 30 day period.
00:24So let's get started with lesson number one.
00:25Alex Formosy has a concept that he calls ignorance debt.
00:28And basically what he says is that
00:30at the start of a journey,
00:31when you're starting a business or doing anything,
00:33you spend a long time paying off ignorance debt,
00:36i.e. it's a debt that you are under
00:38because you're just ignorant about things
00:39and you don't have the relevant knowledge
00:41or the relevant skills.
00:41You will get outsized returns on the information.
00:44As soon as you have that knowledge,
00:45you'll be able to skyrocket straight to
00:4720, 50, 100, 500,000 a month.
00:49Now broadly, I think of myself as someone
00:51who's pretty good at learning stuff.
00:52I like to do things
00:53and then I like to learn things as well.
00:55And I've read so many business books over the years,
00:57but a few months ago when it came to launching
00:59this latest cohort of our part-time YouTuber Academy,
01:00I just didn't take the concept of sales and marketing
01:02very seriously at all.
01:03And this was a massive like hole in my knowledge.
01:06And it was only when I spoke,
01:06when I was chatting to my CEO coach, his name's Eric,
01:08I'll link stuff down below.
01:10He and I had a session in like Q3 of last year, 2022,
01:14where we were identifying areas
01:15in which I can level up as a leader.
01:18And he asked me, you know, what's, you know,
01:19when it comes to running a business,
01:20what's your weakest area?
01:21And I said, oh, probably sales and marketing.
01:22Cause I don't know,
01:23I literally know nothing about sales and marketing.
01:24But then a few weeks later, he kept on being like,
01:26hey, have you started reading those books yet?
01:28Have you started reading those books yet?
01:29And then I decided to read the books.
01:30I read dot com secrets by Russell Bronson
01:32and $100 million offers by Alex Formosy
01:35and copywriting secrets by Jim Edwards, someone like that.
01:38And those books, all three of them
01:39were completely mind blowing
01:40because they leveled me up from like here to like here
01:43in like sales and marketing in the space of like three books
01:46and collectively those three books have added so much value
01:49in top and bottom line to the business.
01:50And yeah, I really wish I'd paid off
01:52this ignorance debt sooner.
01:53And actually there's another lesson that I got again
01:54from our CEO coach, Eric, who said that essentially
01:57when you're trying something new,
01:59everything you need to know is already in someone's head
02:00and it's just your job to get that knowledge
02:02out of someone's head.
02:02And so the way you get this knowledge out of people's heads
02:04is by either reading their book or taking their course
02:06or listening to them on podcasts
02:07or even speaking to them face to face.
02:09And so one of my friends, Cliff Weitzman,
02:10who's the founder of a company called Speechify,
02:12I interviewed him on my deep dive podcast link over there
02:14or down there somewhere.
02:15One of the things he does is that when he wanted to get good
02:17at learning a particular skill,
02:18he would find the top 100 people who are doing that skill.
02:21A Google sheet of the hundred people
02:22who knew about the topic the most.
02:24He would send them cold emails
02:25and then I'd message every single one of them.
02:27And then he would literally hop on a Zoom call with them
02:28for a half an hour and then ask them about stuff.
02:30And at the end of the Zoom call, he would say,
02:32this is amazing.
02:32You know so much about performance marketing.
02:34Can I come say hello in person?
02:35And if they said yes, he would buy a ticket
02:36to go to their town on the weekend
02:38and then grab a coffee with them.
02:39And that was how he leveled up his skills.
02:40So one of the main lessons I'm taking away
02:43from all of this stuff is this importance of leveling up.
02:46Because when it comes to making money,
02:47really your ability to make money is directly proportional
02:50to the amount of skills that you have acquired over time.
02:52And you acquire skills through investing time,
02:55sometimes money, sometimes sweat, sometimes experience.
02:57And the more you level up those skills,
02:59the more your own, I guess, personal stock price
03:01or like money-making power increases.
03:04And what that results in is a feeling of financial confidence
03:09rather than necessarily financial security.
03:11Now, at this point, a lot of people have a question
03:12around like, how do you balance out kind of reading
03:15and doing the thing?
03:17And the way I think of it is like the foundation is action,
03:21but kind of reading and acquiring knowledge
03:25goes on top of the pillar
03:26of the foundation of taking action.
03:27So for example, let's say someone wanted
03:29to learn web design as a skill.
03:31What I would recommend is don't just try
03:32and pay off your ignorance debt
03:33by reading books about web design
03:34and watching videos in the first instance.
03:36Start by doing the thing.
03:38And as you're consistently making progress
03:40in doing the thing, then actually the stuff you read
03:43becomes way more applicable.
03:45Like for example, the book,
03:45$100 Million Offers by Alex Formosy
03:47was the main book that we followed step-by-step
03:49to craft the offer, which was what we put on our sales page
03:52for our YouTuber Academy,
03:53which generated this like insane amount of revenue
03:55in 30 days.
03:56And we literally followed a step-by-step method,
03:58but it's not that I read the book
04:00and then tried to sell something.
04:02It's like that foundation of action
04:04was then complimented by reading the thing.
04:06And I kind of wish I'd read the thing earlier,
04:08but I'm glad that I still had the bias to action
04:10of doing the thing.
04:11And so one mistake you can make is by not reading enough,
04:14by just being too quick to take action.
04:16But I suspect the problem that more people have
04:18is that they're too slow to take action
04:20and too quick to just jump to the books
04:22and the reading and all that stuff.
04:23By the way, if you're enjoying this video so far,
04:24then you might like to subscribe to Sunday Snippets.
04:27This is a weekly email that I send every Sunday,
04:29and I've been doing it since like 2018.
04:31For the last five years,
04:32I've been sending this weekly email and it has,
04:34it's quite short.
04:35It's just got a few thoughts,
04:36something I learned that week,
04:37and then a few links to like books or podcasts
04:39or articles and stuff that I've read.
04:40It's completely free.
04:41It will always be free.
04:42You can unsubscribe whenever you want.
04:43And often with like videos like this,
04:45where I've been thinking about these lessons
04:47for the last like two months,
04:48I've shared some of these lessons
04:49in a little bit more of an elaborate format
04:51in Sunday Snippets.
04:52So you can always kind of get more real time updates
04:53as to what I'm learning as I'm learning it,
04:55if you sign up to that.
04:56So let's talk about a specific lesson
04:57when it comes to the world of marketing.
04:58And there's a few,
05:00a few things that we really learned as a business
05:03and kind of me personally,
05:04that allowed us to get to this $1.6 million
05:06in 30 days point.
05:07And those three things are number one, offer creation,
05:09number two, copywriting, and number three, funnels.
05:12So let's start with offer creation.
05:14This is like terminology that I didn't even know
05:17what an offer was before I started reading this book
05:19and realising, oh my God, this is a thing.
05:21I wish I'd known this 10 years ago.
05:22An offer is basically the thing that you are selling.
05:25It's like, you're making an offer to someone.
05:26Hey, would you like to buy this thing?
05:29This is the offer that I'm giving you.
05:30I will give you X in return for Y.
05:32And Hormozy talks in the whole book
05:33about like how to craft a $100 million offer,
05:36where his vibe is you wanna create an offer
05:38that's so good that people feel really dumb saying no to it.
05:41And so that means you want the value of the offer
05:43to be way, way, way higher, 10 times higher,
05:46if not more ideally than the price of the offer.
05:48Let's say I were to offer you a, I don't know, iPhone 13,
05:51and I were to charge you $10 for it.
05:53That's an offer that you would feel dumb saying no to
05:55if you thought it was actually legit.
05:56If I literally said, hey, give me $10
05:57and I'll give you this fully working iPhone 13
05:59because you know the value of an iPhone 13.
06:00And so really when it comes to crafting an offer,
06:02the thing that we've learnt is that
06:04you've got to think about the offer first
06:05and like the delivery second,
06:07because fundamentally the thing that people are buying
06:09is the offer.
06:09So when it comes to our course,
06:11we were really thinking about what is the gold standard?
06:13What is the absolute best offer that we can make?
06:16And then once we have crafted that offer,
06:18let's then worry about
06:20how we're going to then fulfill that offer.
06:22And just that mental model shift of offer and delivery
06:25being like two different things was a massive level up
06:28in the way that we've been thinking about our business.
06:29Oh, and by the way, if you're wondering what I do
06:31with all the excess cash that this business generates,
06:33I invest it in index funds, mostly in the S&P 500.
06:36And the app that I personally use to invest
06:37is called Trading212,
06:38who are very kindly sponsoring this video.
06:40Now Trading212 is a fantastic app
06:41that allows you to invest in basically anything
06:44in a sensible fashion.
06:44And there's a couple of cool things about it.
06:46Firstly, it's got like a practice mode
06:47where you can invest and trade with fake money.
06:49So if you're new to the world of investing
06:50and you don't like the idea
06:51of like putting real money on the line,
06:53you can invest with fake money
06:54and then it actually tracks
06:55what the markets are doing in real time.
06:57So you can see how much money you would have made
06:59or you would have lost.
06:59But my favourite part about it
07:00is that it makes it super easy to invest in index funds.
07:03As you guys know,
07:04if you've seen any of my videos about money,
07:05I do not recommend trying to pick your own stocks,
07:07but instead investing in broad stock market index funds,
07:10which have really low fees.
07:11For example, something like the S&P 500,
07:13which basically gives you a small percentage ownership
07:15of the top 500 companies in the US.
07:17Now, if you're based in the UK in particular,
07:18you should definitely open up an ISA,
07:20an individual savings account.
07:21And this is a tax-free wrapper
07:23where every year you can put up to 20,000 pounds
07:25into one of these ISAs.
07:26And actually Trading212 have a new deal
07:28whereby if you open up an ISA
07:29and you put any amount of money into it,
07:31they will give you 1% cash back on that money.
07:33So you're literally making free money on top of the ISA.
07:35So if you're based in the UK
07:36and you've been putting off opening an ISA,
07:37then this is the perfect time to do it.
07:39Either way, whether you want to open an ISA
07:40or just a normal trading account,
07:41you can head over to trading212.com
07:43or you can download the app on the App Store.
07:45And if you use the coupon code Ali, A-L-I,
07:46when they ask you, that will give you a free share,
07:48which is worth up to 100 pounds.
07:50So you're literally getting free money.
07:52You might as well do it.
07:52So thank you so much Trading212 for sponsoring this video
07:54and let's get back to it.
07:55Okay, lesson number four that we've really learned
07:57over the last like few months
07:58is just really leaning into the idea of experimentation.
08:02Like for me, whenever I'm struggling to do something,
08:05I try and tell myself, it's fine, it's just an experiment.
08:08Let's just try it out and we'll see what happens.
08:10And similarly for this YouTuber Academy cohort,
08:12when it came to crafting the offer
08:13or crafting the sales page,
08:14initially I wasn't fully sold on this.
08:16Like we were like, oh, is it gonna be too salesy?
08:19Is it gonna be too scammy?
08:20I don't know.
08:21And then we were just like, you know what?
08:22It's an experiment.
08:23Let's just try it out.
08:23Let's follow what's in the book
08:24and let's just see what happens.
08:25We don't have to use it if we don't like it,
08:27but let's just do it and see what happens.
08:29And then it was really, really, really helpful.
08:30And the other thing I think experimentation does,
08:32which is super nice,
08:34is that it reduces the feeling of failure.
08:37Like when we think of scientists,
08:40experimentation is literally part of what they do.
08:41Like an experiment is like,
08:43hey, I'm testing a hypothesis or an idea
08:45and I'm gonna do an experiment
08:46and I'm gonna see if it succeeds or if it fails.
08:47And either way, I'm gonna learn something.
08:49It's gonna give me some data
08:50about whether my hypothesis was true or maybe not.
08:53And this is the thing that we started doing a lot
08:54in the business recently,
08:55especially over the last few months,
08:56just treating things as experiments.
08:58You know, adding this extra sales feature
09:01to our landing page to add extra revenue for the cohort.
09:04Is it gonna work?
09:05Who knows, but let's take an experimental approach.
09:07Let's try it out and see what happens.
09:10One of the ways to think about this is like,
09:11this is how Jeff Bezos thinks about this apparently.
09:14There's like two doors.
09:15There is door number one and then there's door number two.
09:18Now, if you go through door number one
09:20and you have the option of coming back,
09:23this is like that.
09:25And if you go through door number two
09:27and then the way back is blocked,
09:28that's like a different kind of decision.
09:30And essentially what he says is that you wanna recognize
09:32is the decision that you're trying to make reversible?
09:35If you go through that door,
09:36do you have the option of coming back from that door?
09:39Or is the decision you're making irreversible?
09:41And he basically argues
09:42that if you are making a reversible decision,
09:44then actually the speed of the decision-making
09:46is what's important.
09:47And I think that's where this idea
09:48of playful experimentation comes in.
09:50But if you're making an irreversible decision,
09:52at that point you should spend more time thinking about it.
09:54And so this is now a mental model that I try to apply
09:56to any time I find myself overthinking a decision.
09:59I ask myself, is it reversible or is it irreversible?
10:01And if it's reversible,
10:02I can choose to take an experimental approach to it.
10:04I can approach it with a spirit of play
10:06and I don't necessarily need to let the idea
10:08of failure hold me back.
10:09So lesson five is all about alchemy.
10:10Now this is a book by Rory Sutherland,
10:12who's like a marketing and advertising guru.
10:16I actually interviewed him on my podcast,
10:17but that'll be linked somewhere over here.
10:18And what Rory Sutherland talks about
10:19is how you can actually create value from nothing.
10:21For example, let's say you're a YouTuber
10:23and you wanna delegate your video editing.
10:24I could create an offer where I say,
10:25hey, I will teach you in a two-hour seminar
10:27how to delegate your video editing.
10:29That's fine.
10:30Or I could say, I will teach you a 30-minute seminar
10:33where I teach you how to delegate your video editing.
10:35And I will also give you a step-by-step checklist
10:39that you can follow.
10:40And I'll also give you the literal job description
10:43that I use to hire freelance editors.
10:45And I'll give you a bonus half an hour long training
10:48where I show you how to give feedback to your video editors
10:50so that by the end of it,
10:51you'll be able to outsource your video editing.
10:53And the perceived value of that offer is way higher
10:56than I will teach you how to delegate,
10:58how to outsource your video editing in two hours,
11:00even though it's the same product.
11:01And this is the thing that just blew my mind.
11:03It's kind of unfair.
11:04I think just recognising the alchemy,
11:06recognising that the perceived value of an offer
11:09is not necessarily the same
11:11as the actual value of the offer.
11:12And the packaging matters a great deal
11:14was a huge level up in my own business,
11:16kind of acumen and business knowledge.
11:18Alrighty, let's talk about lesson number six.
11:19Now, this is a concept
11:20that Naval Ravikant talks about a lot.
11:22And that is the concept of acquiring a specific knowledge.
11:25Number one, specific knowledge can't be trained.
11:27If you can be trained for it,
11:28if you can go to a class and learn specific knowledge,
11:30then somebody else can be trained for it too.
11:31And then we can mass produce and mass train people.
11:33So if that's the case, then you're extremely replaceable.
11:35Specific knowledge is found by pursuing your curiosity
11:37and building specific knowledge will feel like play to you.
11:40This is really good.
11:41This is sick.
11:42Like this is what I meant by specific knowledge.
11:43You know, this video is about
11:44how we got to 1.6 million in 30 days.
11:46I think it's because I've literally spent the last six years
11:48building specific knowledge
11:50in the realm of kind of being a part-time YouTuber,
11:53like how to build a YouTube channel
11:55while doing other stuff on the side
11:56without it taking over your life
11:57and growing it to insane levels.
11:58That is specific knowledge
12:00that you can't really be trained for.
12:02Secondly, it's knowledge that I gained
12:03through exploring my curiosity.
12:04Six years ago, when I started my YouTube channel,
12:06I never set out to make money
12:08setting a course for YouTubers or anything like that.
12:10I didn't even set out to make money at all.
12:11I just thought, you know what?
12:12I'm gonna make a video every week for two years
12:14and hopefully something good will happen
12:15and maybe some people will sign up
12:17to my medical admissions courses.
12:18And thirdly, acquiring the specific knowledge
12:20felt like play to me.
12:21People would see me, you know, when I was at med school
12:23or when I was working as a doctor,
12:24editing videos in the evenings and stuff
12:26and thinking, that sounds like a lot of work.
12:28How do you have the energy to do that and all this stuff?
12:30But to me, it genuinely didn't feel like work.
12:32It genuinely felt like play.
12:33And so the lesson I would take away here
12:34if you're watching this is that
12:35what is the specific knowledge that you can acquire
12:37or that you can build in whatever field you're in
12:39which would make you more valuable,
12:41which would increase your personal earning power,
12:43your personal stock price,
12:44so that further down the line,
12:45you can monetize it if you really want.
12:47And then finally, I wanna talk about PPP,
12:49not the Pakistan People's Party,
12:51but those three Ps are number one, patience,
12:54number two, progress, and number three, playfulness.
12:57So patience in the sense of
12:59this was not an overnight success.
13:00I've been trying to make money on the internet
13:02since the age of 13.
13:03I am now 28.
13:04So for the last 15 years,
13:05I've been literally trying to make money on the internet.
13:08And this is the first month that we have had.
13:10It's the first million dollar month
13:11or million pound month or whatever you wanna call it.
13:14The first 10,000 pound month was when I was 20.
13:18So seven years into the journey.
13:20And the first 1000 pound month was when I was like 18.
13:23100K month was when I was about 25 years old.
13:26And now I'm 28 and we've just done a million pound month.
13:28And that's like a really long journey.
13:30And so many people are like,
13:32you know, I get emails from people being like,
13:34bro, how do I make my, I'm 13 years old.
13:36How do I make money quick?
13:38And I'm like, man, you aren't gonna make money quick.
13:40This is not about quick.
13:41This is about the long road.
13:43This is about having patience, making progress
13:46and executing with playfulness.
13:48Brings us to number two, progress.
13:49You gotta make progress.
13:50Again, it comes to this thing of taking action,
13:52having a bias towards action
13:54and actually just taking small actions every single day
13:56to get you to a certain point.
13:57It's about consistency rather than intensity.
13:59As like James Clear would say,
14:00you know, putting in consistent effort
14:02over a very long period of time compounds massively
14:04compared to like intense bursts of effort
14:06when you feel like it,
14:07when you have the motivation to do it.
14:08And then finally,
14:09I think the thing that makes all of this sustainable
14:10is approaching all of this stuff
14:11with an attitude of playfulness.
14:13An attitude of, you know what?
14:14Let me just try things out and see what happens.
14:16Let me try and make this fun for myself
14:17because fundamentally,
14:19I've been trying to make money on the internet
14:21for 15 years now.
14:2215 years is a very long time
14:23and I still think I'm kind of young.
14:25You know, 28.
14:26Some people might say 28 is a kind of old,
14:27but like, whatever.
14:28I've still got basically my whole life ahead of me.
14:30I've been trying to make money on the internet
14:31for like literally more than half of my life.
14:33But the reason it's been sustainable
14:35is because I approach it broadly
14:37with an attitude of playfulness.
14:38Whatever you're working on,
14:39whether it's your studies or your work
14:41or your side hustle or anything in life,
14:43I think approaching it
14:44with more of an attitude of playfulness
14:46is just the thing that reduces the amount of stress,
14:48makes it more fun
14:49and makes it way more sustainable in the long run.
14:50All right, so if you enjoyed this video,
14:51you might like to check out this video over here,
14:53which is what I would do
14:54if I started a YouTube channel today
14:56because I learned completely from scratch
14:57and that will give you like a step-by-step playbook.
14:58So hopefully you find that helpful.
14:59Thank you so much for watching.
15:00Catch you later.
15:01I'll see you in the next video.
