The Snake That Couldn't Slither

  • last month
by Peggy Bradbury
illustrated by Syd Hoff
00:00The Snake That Couldn't Slither.
00:13Story by Peggy Bradbury.
00:15Pictures by Sid Hoth.
00:18There once was a handsome young snake named Simon.
00:22He was slender and scaly and twice as long as a snake needs to be.
00:27But Simon almost never smiled.
00:30He was sad because he couldn't slither or squiggle or slink.
00:35Except for the flipping tip of his tail poor Simon was stiff.
00:39He spine would bend only slightly and this made him slow.
00:44The other young snakes slithered alone in squirming swirls as they hastened over the
00:48jungle floor.
00:50Simon sighed to himself.
00:52I simply can't slither as other snakes do.
00:57But good if my length and my strength are stupendous.
01:00A snake who can't slither is no snake at all.
01:04Each day, Simon watched the other snakes.
01:08He wanted to join in.
01:10But when he tried.
01:12It was always disaster.
01:15Other snakes succeeded in climbing tree trunks in fast spirals.
01:20But Simon missed the twists and fell slumped to the ground.
01:25Then the snakes had their races.
01:28They hissed and passed Simon.
01:30He struggled by inches while others sped by.
01:34No one wanted Simon on their side.
01:38Sometimes they squeezed in and out through a lattice of tree vines and scooted to the
01:42tallest tops.
01:44But when Simon insisted on testing his talents, they had to stop.
01:50Possessing no slither, he simply got stuck.
01:54I am so ashamed, he told his sister Sue listlessly.
01:58Don't be silly, Sue said.
02:01Someday you'll slither with the best of us.
02:04But the other young snakes said unsympathetically, Simon's a slob.
02:09He's a poor excuse for a snake.
02:12His appearance may be impressive.
02:15The grown-ups whispered, but a snake who can't slither is no snake at all.
02:21One sunny Saturday in September.
02:25Some sneaky poachers came stalking snakes.
02:29Simon and the rest of the snakes were surprised as they slept.
02:33When they woke up and saw what was happening they were almost surrounded.
02:38Capture seemed certain.
02:41At once they slithered to the river to escape.
02:44They streaked along swiftly.
02:47All except Simon.
02:49At the river's edge the snakes spied a tree with a branch spreading over the fierce river.
02:55They tried in turn to stretch across to another branch on the safe side.
03:00But each one who tried collapsed as he stretched.
03:04Finally, Simon came inching along to join them with the poachers in close pursuit.
03:10There were only seconds to spare.
03:13He struggled slowly up the tree.
03:16He held onto the long branch the tip of his tail squeezing tightly and slung his head
03:21toward the other side.
03:23With his great length and strength, he stretched out and grabbed the far branch.
03:30His body hung suspended between the two trees.
03:34Simon braced himself stiffly above the rushing waters.
03:38Slither across, he shouted.
03:41The snakes slid speedily over his back.
03:45Then Simon swung himself to the other side surprising the poachers who could not cross
03:50the ferocious river.
03:52Simon saved us you shouted.
03:55Simon said smiling shyly.
03:58I was happy to serve.
04:00The snakes slithered ahead going slowly for Simon.
04:04But they stopped as Simon passed them and shouted.
04:08See this.
04:10I can slither and squiggle and squirm.
04:13The struggling and stretching has loosened my spine.
04:17Astounded, the snakes saw a slithering Simon circle them ecstatically showing off his skill.
04:24No more sadness for Simon.
04:27I guess I'm a snake after all.
04:30Simon said.
04:32The end.