Tyler Toad and the Thunder

  • 2 days ago
by Robert L. Crowe
illustrated by Kay Chorao


00:00Tyler Toad and the Thunder by Robert L. Crowe
00:15Illustrated by K. Corral To my wife Sandy
00:19I have enough wind for the sail but your love and encouragement have been the rudder
00:24R.L.C. for B.P. Sprout, my mother
00:29K.C. T. Tyler Toad was sitting in the rain on his
00:33favorite rock But suddenly the sun disappeared, a black
00:38cloud swept across the sky And then another
00:42And then Thunder said T. Tyler Toad
00:46And he jumped in a hole Is there someone down there, called John Bluejay?
00:53He was patrolling the forest as usual I'm down there said Tyler
00:59I am waiting for the Thunder to go away It frightens me
01:04Don't you know that Thunder is just the Milky Way Patrol testing their cannons?
01:10That's what you say Tyler shook his head I am not coming out until it goes away
01:16What are you doing in that hole? asked Mrs. Raccoon wiping her paws on her apron
01:22She had been washing carrots in a nearby puddle
01:26Waiting for the Thunder to go away said Tyler I am frightened
01:32Don't you know that Thunder is the sound of the sky animals banging pots and pans?
01:38That's what you say Tyler slid further back in the hole
01:42I'm not coming out What's the matter with Tyler?
01:47Asked C.C. Chipmunk He's afraid of Thunder said John Bluejay
01:53Don't you know that Thunder is just the big bass drum in the parade across the clouds?
01:58C.C. Chipmunk pointed at the sky That's what you say Tyler closed his eyes
02:05Mr. Badger came waddling to the group What's all the trouble, he shouted
02:12Stand back stand back That frog needs air
02:17Get him out of that hole I'm not a frog, and I'm not coming out
02:23said Tyler in a nasty voice Now Tyler said Reginald P. Merriweather Fieldmouse
02:30Don't you know that Thunder is just the great toad shaking a piece of tin up in the sky?
02:36The great toad, said Tyler Are you sure?
02:40And he hopped out of the hole and stood blinking in the sun
02:44But suddenly a black cloud swept across the sky
02:48And another And then there was an absolutely gigantic
02:52clap of Thunder, cried T. Tyler Toad
02:57And he jumped back in the hole on top of John Bluejay, Mrs. Raccoon, C.C. Chipmunk, Mr.
03:03Badger, and Reginald P. Merriweather Fieldhouse
03:18The End
