After the Miami Dolphins first preseason game, NFL's newest technology made some fans upset

  • last month
The Miami Dolphins defeat the Atlanta Falcons 20 to 13 in their first preseason game. Tobin goes over the Dolphins game.. he is not a fan of the NFL's newest Technology.
00:00We have a Dolphins preseason to react to from this past weekend.
00:04Anybody else's audio issues for CBS?
00:06Awful. Did you guys notice that during the game?
00:08Was that a thing?
00:08It was like it blip like, yeah, I thought it was going.
00:13I just always chalk it up to direct.
00:15I thought it was just buffered.
00:16Yeah, I was like, I was like, I was like, is this I was like,
00:20but I saw people were having issues with it
00:22on on social media, so it was annoying.
00:26I was watching it.
00:27Luckily, on Fox five, Atlanta, it was what?
00:32Yeah, what?
00:34Usually when you go on pirate feeds, though, usually it's the home feed.
00:38Yeah, I don't know.
00:39That was interesting. Very strange.
00:40I learned a lot about the Falcons.
00:42Oh, did you? Yes, I did.
00:43What did you learn about them?
00:45A lot of young rookie pro.
00:46You know, they may be a little sleeper team.
00:48Oh, yeah.
00:49They got Bichon back there who's doing this thing.
00:52Couldn't be better than the Dolphins.
00:54Rookies, though, not at all.
00:55Dolphins, rookies all out.
00:57Yeah, I would tell you.
01:00Here's another thing I take from, like, especially preseason.
01:06Look at the energy, the intensity that the defense played with.
01:12Everybody was all over the place.
01:15Very few instances of instances
01:18where you thought somebody was out of place.
01:22And if you can do that with guys who aren't even going to be on the team,
01:27then that you have a chance of doing something special
01:30because that's the hardest, guys.
01:32You can get the guys making all the money to go out there and play hard.
01:35Right. It's the guys who you don't that.
01:38No, they might not have a spot, but still go out there and do their job.
01:42I can also just say, though, like, and I think you would agree.
01:46No, I don't agree.
01:47I already tell you.
01:49No, no, no.
01:51Why do you do this?
01:52You guys started the show agreeing.
01:54Remember that?
01:56Patrick Paul, we both think that Toronto needs to be so long ago.
02:00So, um, I think you would agree, Marcos.
02:04Yeah. Coach, we've.
02:06He's got a presence.
02:08That guy has a presence.
02:10I mean, maybe he didn't get as many shots of it because you were watching
02:12the Falcons, the Falcons preseason.
02:15You do realize that you got to have some of that to get hired as
02:22something about him.
02:23He's just got to he's got he's got a good sideline patrol, you know.
02:28And I like that because Mike McDaniel and coach Weave,
02:32they can they can mingle on the sidelines.
02:34You know, last year you had old fuddy duddy up in the box.
02:38You know, there's headphones, right?
02:40Yeah, it's up there.
02:41No, it's eye to eye contact.
02:42Most of the communications with him.
02:44But but but it wasn't if it wasn't right in this game.
02:47There was a specific time where Mike McDaniel and coach Weave
02:52were eye to eye, Leroy, like you and me right now, look at that.
02:55Look at me. It's different.
02:56Look at me. I'm not like that.
02:57Look at this.
02:58Silly sauce says it right.
02:59This is the best.
03:00We were his number one principle is that no matter what,
03:03he does not agree with Toby, even if he does agree.
03:08You know, because here's why.
03:09What you guys don't understand is.
03:12Even if. I.
03:17100% agree with him.
03:19I can't let him know it because then he'll ride it into the ground.
03:24And so that's what I don't want.
03:26It's not the agreeing part of it.
03:28It's the follow up stuff that you say
03:32after we say the same thing.
03:34So I would just disagree.
03:35No, I just I'm just it's a Josh Hartz's best.
03:38Like he's he's sold by his sideline intimidating.
03:41Look, I am Anthony Weaver.
03:43If I could just put it like this.
03:45He puts demeanor in demeanor.
03:48Like that's what he does.
03:49Oh, oh, demeanor in demeanor, dude.
03:53That's coach Anthony.
03:54We you under and wait.
03:57And this is why I can't agree.
04:03This is why I can't agree with him,
04:04because even if we agree on something that's, you know, football related,
04:09you're going to take that tidbit of information and then go rogue.
04:13And I don't want to be a part of it.
04:15Dude, you would agree, rogue, which it's a it would be.
04:17It would be silly to disagree that he does not put the meter in the meter.
04:21Like he's just got something about him.
04:23No, there's something about him.
04:26Here's another thing that I want to mention from this preseason game.
04:29You know that right there.
04:31That was like the Australian breakdance.
04:34Listen, all my moves are original.
04:38Here's another thing.
04:39Virtual measurements.
04:41Get the hell out of here.
04:42Oh, right.
04:44Oh, the yellow lines and stuff.
04:45Yeah. What is this soccer?
04:47Get out of the virtual measurements.
04:49Don't trust them.
04:50Nope. Don't want them.
04:52All right.
04:52I have lived a football life that has been defined by two things.
04:56All right.
04:57The greatest invention in sports, which is the yellow line first down
05:01and the chain gang.
05:02And I don't want to move off of it.
05:04I don't want to change because this is ridiculous.
05:09They just go up and the sky puts where the football is.
05:12What is that?
05:13And by the way, they were wrong on both of them.
05:17So what are they doing now?
05:18Dude, they just went.
05:20Maybe you were checked out by this.
05:21It's understandable.
05:22Second period.
05:23Second quarter of I watch.
05:25I watch some football.
05:26But by the way, the second half of this game.
05:30Yeah. The worst football I've ever watched in my life.
05:33Very bad. But that's what you the worst.
05:34That's what you understand.
05:39Of the 44 people playing on the field.
05:4340 of them aren't going to be playing football.
05:45I do understand.
05:45But the first the first half is good.
05:47That was good football again.
05:50Those are your guys closest to the team.
05:53What you going to say?
05:54Have they trying to make a team, dude?
05:57This this this cannot stand this.
05:59This virtual.
06:00So explain to me, because I don't pay attention to all that.
06:03All right.
06:03So they had a measurement and they just go
06:08and Steve Goldstein reveals going to the virtual measurement
06:11and they just show up on a screen
06:14of virtual football with the line and they're like first down.
06:20I was like, what?
06:21What is that?
06:23What do you mean, first down?
06:24That's how it's going to go.
06:25Where's my chain gang?
06:26So my question is.
06:28I don't think they were wrong.
06:30Oh, they were wrong.
06:31Why can't they just take
06:34one chain?
06:37And walk it 10 yards with a digital reader
06:41and stop at 10 yards.
06:43Maybe that's how they're doing it.
06:44I don't know, because all you got to do is have a number on the original thing
06:48and you can walk it to however many yards away.
06:50I'm just supposed to take their word for it, that this is the measure.
06:55First of all, don't ever.
06:57Listen, what they do is hard.
07:00OK, hard enough.
07:03Don't just assume that they're right.
07:05And then, by the way, so Raheem Morris comes out.
07:08He challenges the spot challenge, challenge the computer.
07:12And why?
07:15So the first time in this new technology, I'm supposed to believe it.
07:19Raheem Morris is like, ah, he stepped out of bounds and he was right.
07:25So he stepped out of bounds, but that has nothing to do with the first down.
07:28No, because they spotted it like he never stepped out of bounds.
07:31Right. So when he go back.
07:32So according to them, not stepping out of bounds.
07:35He got the first.
07:36We're me.
07:36Raheem Morris didn't challenge whether he got the first.
07:39He challenged that he stepped out of bounds before that. Yeah.
07:41So, yeah. So what does one have to do with the other?
07:43Because they, first of all, got it wrong with this fake measurements.
07:47No, the measurement, the measurements were right.
07:50No, it was wrong. It was wrong.
07:52Do you understand what I'm saying?
07:53Because he did not get the first down.
07:54No, because they changed.
07:55He stepped out of bounds, but the 10 yards was still the 10 yards.
07:59I don't like it. You understand what I'm saying?
08:01I don't like it. I gave it away.
08:03They said, and this is a new thing.
08:05This is why. Yeah.
08:07This is why I never agree with Toe.
08:09Because the conversation we're having right now
08:12and what you're complaining about are two different things.
08:15The measurement could be accurate.
08:18OK, whether he got there is a whole nother conversation.
08:23But that has nothing to do with the measurement.
08:25Absolutely does.
08:26Because I'm watching the game expecting trust. Yes.
08:29But they missed him stepping out of bounds.
08:32They didn't get the 10 yards wrong.
08:34Doesn't matter.
08:34They distracted me with something over here, and it maybe missed
08:37the main point over here.
08:39They fixed it. Challenged.
08:41You got to want to know how you fix it originally with the chain gang.
08:44Even if you had the chain gang, it would have been the same thing.
08:47I don't like it. Never.
08:48You do realize that, right?
08:49Here's wait, wait, wait.
08:50Please tell me technology. No, no, no.
08:52Please tell me you understand.
08:55Even if they had the chain gang and declared it a first down
09:00and Raheem Morris challenged it, it would have been the same thing.
09:04So you understand that technology makes us lazier.
09:07It makes us lazier.
09:08And so now the refs don't feel like they have to be as spot on here.
09:11Here's another situation.
09:13You guys only see when.
09:17I refuse to agree with Toby,
09:20but you're missing the other way.
09:23He will not admit.
09:26That the measurement had nothing to do with that,
09:30but I'm not arguing that I'm just saying, I don't like it.
09:33I don't like it.
09:34I don't like the seniors.
09:36I first of all.
09:39Let me ask a question.
09:41Has anybody ever seen a young person holding those chains?
09:44No, it's always an old guy dressed up like he was an official in the 50s.
09:49Apocalypse on getting dumb truck.
09:51No, I'm talking about the guys on the chains.
09:53I don't hold the chains.
09:55He's on the field.
09:57I've never really noticed the age of the gang.
09:58A million years old.
10:01They're a million years old.
10:03I'm upset they're out of work.
10:04They always get in.
10:05They're always ass over tea kettle when somebody hits the chain, right?
10:09The chain, Duke, can never get out of the way.
10:11One of the greatest things in sports.
10:13Watch it.
10:14Watch it.
10:15It's the best.
10:16Dude, watching one of the old guys get dumb trucked on the sidelines.
10:20Can you name me a football fan that does not love
10:25that mother bleeping chain getting stretched out and it being
10:30put there and you're like, wait, wait, wait, let's not forget this.
10:34Let's not forget this.
10:35Yeah. Who doesn't love that?
10:38And now we're going to put it up on a screen.
10:41Huh? Now it's just on a screen.
10:43Hey, here's the crazy thing.
10:46They pull up the well, so they don't even bring a chain now.
10:50No, that's the problem.
10:52Steve Goldstein was explaining.
10:53There's a chip in the football now.
10:55Yeah. And they're just like, all right, here's our measurement.
10:58And it literally was just a full screen on the broadcast
11:01that showed football over the yellow line.
11:04OK, this is before it was challenged.
11:06But I was like, that's how they're doing it.
11:08Now, first down the yardage wasn't challenged.
11:12He challenged. I understand.
11:13I'm not I'm not I'm not debating that.
11:15OK, I'm saying the idea, you know, speed up play.
11:18I don't like it, dude.
11:19Why not play? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
11:23You can't say.
11:25The old don't like technology.
11:28And you're sitting here arguing like you're 80.
11:31Nothing but some way.
11:32Do you guys understand this? Right.
11:34Everybody gets a little bit like you're not used to it.
11:37You don't do it.
11:39I'm OK with not having the old ass ref run on to the field with some
11:44journey to speed up everything that you realize.
11:47That's the only thing other than the football and the football has even changed.
11:51That's the same thing since the beginning of football.
11:53We don't need to change everything.
11:55This is like the people that want to get rid of extra points.
11:57They go. It's a waste of time.
11:58I need it. I need it.
12:00But they tweeted. They moved it back.
12:02I understand.
12:03But but there was the time where they're thinking, let's get rid of it.
12:05Yeah, because I don't want that.
12:07I don't want to get rid of the chain gang.
12:09First of all, you're taking away jobs.
12:10Yeah. Second of all. Yeah.
12:12And second of all, just the aesthetics of football are being ruined. Yeah.
12:16I got Alexa ref in my games now. Right.
12:20Do you do you understand, right?
12:23That the stuff you're talking about,
12:26you usually never see any way because they go to commercial.
12:29No, that's not true. No, they always come back for the chain gang.
12:31Yeah. You know, is it sure?
12:34Yeah. Dates out.
12:35It works in tennis, soccer and volleyball.
12:37Oh, I've heard this argument, too.
12:39It's not the same. It's not the same when you're in.
12:42It's like it's like it's like Al Pacino said in any given Sunday,
12:45you got to fight for that edge.
12:47Oh, yeah. You are fighting tooth and nail for that football.
12:51And you're back.
12:53You got to fight for that.
12:54You got to fight for that edge.
12:56With your fingernails.
12:58Right now. With your fingernails.
13:00Give yourself a minus one for aiding and abetting.
13:04Because you're just a minus one.
13:05You like cheerleading for which ones?
13:07Me. Nobody liked this.
13:09Nobody liked it.
13:10What do we what?
13:12Because here's the thing.
13:14You get the chain gang at the most once again, maybe twice, maybe.
13:22Well, we got to take that out. We got to take it away.
13:23Yes. Why? Yes. Why?
13:26Because tennis is out of bounds all the time.
13:28Here's the deal.
13:30Because. You do understand
13:35that when they do the chain game is two old guys
13:40eyeing it on the side to figure out where the ball is.
13:43Right. Yeah. No, you have actual numbers.
13:47But we we've established trust with those old men.
13:50No, we haven't. Yes, I have.
13:53We're always trying to knock them off the line.
13:56No, I'm not the guy.
13:57But here's the deal.
13:58Here's you know what they do, right?
13:59So they put the chain.
14:01They write the yardage on a little notepad and then they put something in the ground.
14:06Well, I don't need to do all that.
14:08And then once or twice a game, they get dumb truck like, no, nobody.
14:12Wait, you understand when the chain game gets run over on the sidelines,
14:17it cleans out about 10 people on the sidelines.
14:20You don't need it.
14:21It's just it's just not fun.
14:23It's not fun. It's not football.
14:26It's not. What? It's not football. Football, man.
14:30Chips, satellites.
14:32How about accuracy?
14:35It both. They missed.
14:36No, they didn't miss.
14:38That's the conversation I was trying to avoid.
14:40They didn't get that wrong.
14:43As you started this conversation by saying, OK, so well,
14:46they did not get the measurement wrong.
14:48Let me get this.
14:48So Skyler Thompson gets this first down.
14:51Yes. Allegedly. Yes.
14:52And Steve Goldstein says, all right, we're going to go for a measurement.
14:55And I'm like, yeah, great chain game.
14:57And then he goes, here it is.
14:59Cartoon like what?
15:04But again, the measurement wasn't wrong.
15:06But imagine gathering around your television, right?
15:08We're going to gather around.
15:09We're at your Super Bowl party.
15:11Yeah. All right.
15:12Our favorite event of the year.
15:14We got our wings.
15:15We got our egg rolls.
15:16We got our mac and cheese.
15:18We got our we got our beer.
15:19Robbie's there.
15:20All right.
15:21Biggest game of the year.
15:22The big game.
15:23Here we go here for the measurement.
15:24We're all waiting for.
15:29But instead, now it's just going to be graphic on my television.
15:32Oh, yeah.
15:34If you're going to do it's got to be like,
15:36then put the football with some lasers on the field.
15:40I got to see football stuff happening on the field.
15:43Maybe Daft Punk.
15:44Not a graphic.
15:45Maybe that was just preseason graphics.
15:47Maybe it'll be better.
15:50We're up on the other side.
15:52We're up on that together.
15:53It's a first time.
15:55So how do they sound though?
15:57That was right. No, that's Pharrell.
15:59That's not Daft Punk.
16:01Pharrell sings that part.
16:03You either do the graphics and go all the way or you don't.
16:06I just I just feel like we're doing it like the mountain climber on
16:10Price is right.
16:14And it just stops short.
16:16No, they got it right.
16:19It's probably more accurate.
16:22Maybe it is.
16:22OK, but they need to find a way to make it like the chain.
16:25You want to make it.
16:26Where's the show?
16:27Just showed it.
16:28Just just show the football.
16:30No, just show two old men running onto the field.
16:33I want to prove the graphically pull in the chain.
16:35Yeah. Like if you made them like holograms.
16:38Whoa. Something like that.
16:40Yes. We're going to have celebrity.
16:41But if this is because and again, maybe this was just what they had.
16:44Celebrity chain gang.
16:45Tupac. Let me tell you something.
16:47Well, once a month
16:50and celebrity would get their face broken.
16:53No, no, no.
16:53The they're hot, dude.
16:54I watch chain game my whole career at every level.
16:57I've watched chain games taken out.
16:59And it was all because the guy was ass over tea kettle
17:01because he couldn't get out of nobody's way.
17:03Well, let me ask you this, though, in all your years of football.
17:06How often is the chain game wrong?
17:08Come on. Not often.
17:09Come on. How many times?
17:11Hey, pull it tight. Yeah.
17:14Oh, that is tough.
17:15When that gets tangled up.
17:16Oh, right. Then we got.
17:17No, this. Listen, this makes it quicker.
17:24It sounds like the guy complaining about the invention of the car
17:27because he likes horses. Right.
17:29I mean, come on the clip, the clop.
17:31It's therapeutic.
