Nicolás Maduro: I ask the National Assembly to speed up the approval of the anti-fascist laws

  • 3 weeks ago
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro heads a new session of the National Defense Council to analyze the latest post-electoral events and the actions of the fascist right-wing in that nation. teleSUR
00:00the President of the Moral Republican Council, the Fifth
00:05Power of Venezuela, and General Prosecutor of the Public
00:11Ministry of the nation.
00:16Those are data which is very briefly said to us
00:25with a scientific capability that in a record time
00:32managed to reestablish the peace and calmness
00:36and also identify the responsible material
00:44and intellectually in a joint way captured the fascism paid
01:03and stimulated through the social network
01:06is the timely, justice, direct, and brave.
01:15Yes, all this attack's objective is
01:18to intimidate the society and establish a terror state.
01:23Another opportunity happened already
01:26against the brave President Salvador Allende.
01:31They were establishing a terror state,
01:35and they ended up on 11th of September at 11 AM
01:41bombing in a car with warplanes where he was located,
01:49only with a helmet.
01:55They were already making the work
01:57of threatening the work class and the communities
02:00and to prosecute and to capture and fill
02:06the stadiums of football stadiums
02:09with thousands and thousands of social leaders,
02:12popular politics.
02:16There was Victor Jara, and the fascism not only
02:20captured him, but shot at him and cut his finger.
02:25He cut his hand.
02:27They cut his tongue.
02:31Crimes that only remember the ones committed
02:34in the time of colonization and hunger,
02:37when they used to dismember to our big indigenous chief
02:43Huaycaipuro, when they dismembered to Bartolina Siso.
02:53Those are the fascism crimes that
02:59was willing to erase from the face of Earth
03:04the progressive projects, the reaction of the oligarchy
03:08and the right of Chile facing the search
03:13of a beautiful project like the one of Salvador Allende,
03:16was the same of Europe and the United States
03:19and from the socialism, was brutal.
03:24And precisely, they murdered and make a coup d'etat
03:29on September 11, 1973, when the president, Salvador Allende,
03:35was summoned for a referendum, precisely
03:39to avoid the referendum after accuse him
03:43during months to the president Allende of fraud,
03:49alleged fraud in the parliamentary elections that
03:52managed to have a representation in the Senate
03:57and the deputy chamber that was stopping his decision
04:00as president, stopping the right for votes in Chile.
04:07Those are things in the history that
04:10is being forgotten and we want to remember.
04:13And there is, after a national and international campaign
04:19saying that president Allende committed fraud,
04:25and the stabilization campaign through the newspaper,
04:30Mercurio, the radio, the television of the time,
04:36is the history.
04:38Venezuela is vaccinated and has immunity against the fascism.
04:45One of the strongest immunities is the justice
04:49to achieve the peace.
04:51More than 96% of the Venezuelans support the peace.
04:59More than 78% support that severe justice is
05:08for the manifestation of criminals,
05:11drugged, and convicted, and confess our political prisoners
05:17continue the spear point, CNN, AP, AFP,
05:24the spear point of the social network
05:26in the hands of the technology imperialism.
05:30But in front of that, the truth of Venezuela,
05:33the bravery of the republic is imposed
05:38from the institutions of the union,
05:41the republican union of the institution,
05:43and the union of the people.
05:45The fascism put the face, the criminal face, into the light.
05:50But the fascism in Venezuela has to be healed.
05:55I've been talking about healing the society.
06:00Not all the ones who voted for any reason for the fascism
06:06are agreeing with the violence and crime of the country.
06:10They could have seen that behind of the deceit and the liar
06:16offer was a violent and assault of the power at the time.
06:21And why they could see it?
06:22Because we stand still.
06:23Because we don't let us blackmail.
06:25Because we don't have fear.
06:27Because we're not coward.
06:29We weren't born the coward's day.
06:32Because we are standing in bravery.
06:36Because we're not going to surrender
06:37our country to imperialism.
06:39We're not going to give the wealthy of our homeland
06:41to imperialism.
06:42We're not going to surrender to this oligarchy
06:46the political power in this country.
06:48We're not going to surrender.
06:49And we're not going to treason our people.
06:52This is not treason time.
06:53The treason gives a lot of strikes
06:57in the back to the liberator, to Zamora,
07:00to our own Commander Chavez.
07:03What was 11 and 12, April 12, the deathliest strike
07:11of treason, but they couldn't either.
07:14Where are the intellectual author of this violence?
07:16Where are the ones putting the funds in this violence?
07:19Where are the ones who are planning?
07:22Where are they?
07:25Where are the ones that have been called to the violence
07:28and then try to, where is Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia?
07:34What is hiding?
07:36Why is he running?
07:37Why is fear?
07:38Why is he not presenting himself?
07:42Where is the greatest face of Mrs. Machado,
07:46who is sentenced to kill, and murder,
07:49and prepare criminal groups, and believe
07:52that Picasso, the sport of elements,
07:55is going to be in the political power in the country.
07:58They hire, they deceive, they pervert,
08:02and they launch the violence.
08:03And then they abandon.
08:05It's the first time they launch the violence
08:08to a group of people, and then they abandon it.
08:12They abandoned all of them.
08:14Those are locked to assume this responsibility.
08:20The material author has to assume their responsibility.
08:24If it is in my constitutional functions
08:27as a head of state, and head of government,
08:30and president of Venezuela, I demand
08:33to all the powers of the state the highest
08:36severity, the highest offense in an iron fist,
08:41facing the crime, and the violence,
08:44and the hatred, iron fist injustice, severe justice,
08:50certain justice to make a value for the constitutional
08:56principles, and the society will heal,
08:58and will wake the ones who've been deceived by the fascism.
09:03And I'm certain that day one, only peace and tranquility.
09:08How many people was threatened, Mr. Prosecutor?
09:13Not only the threatened ones, but how many military families
09:17were threatened and blackmailed?
09:20Your wives, daughters, sons, how many
09:22were prosecuted, yourselves?
09:32How many families of the police forces were threatened?
09:38How many leaders and representatives of communities
09:45were threatened?
09:48There's two Matai women murdered by the hatred crimes
09:53by the armed groups.
09:57One in Turmeno, murdered by hatred militants
10:02of the Comanditos.
10:04They were found in record time and professional way,
10:08and they're captured.
10:12Left to capture another one.
10:15At the same time, we need to capture
10:19the rest of the murder of a noble woman who managed
10:24to assault to the power.
10:27Or I ask, if they have managed to prolong this violence one
10:33week, 15 days, how many deaths will we have?
10:37Thousands, like in Indonesia?
10:41And if they managed to assault the Miraflores Palace
10:44and the political power, how many deaths?
10:49That's when I'm thinking about the bloodbath.
10:52I denounced it in time.
10:57They, with their hatred and their fascism,
10:59they wanted a bloodbath, and we stopped it.
11:03Because we are the warranty of the peace, the harmony,
11:07the tranquility, and the constitutionality.
11:12So justice has to prevail, and intellectual authors
11:22and the economical author must go to jail.
11:26And they have to pay.
11:28This time, it cannot be impunity.
11:30No to the impunity.
11:33And then we will go to a process of hatred sanctions
11:43in a prolonged and intense way.
11:45How many sportsmen and women was blackmailed
11:48to make a statement?
11:51I have hundreds of messages of sportsmen and women,
11:55athletes, football players, baseball players that
11:59were saying, or they were being blackmailed,
12:03saying that if you don't make a message,
12:07we're going after you.
12:09How many influencers of the country?
12:11How many of the influencers that are outside of the country
12:18that were left in the trend of speak badly about Venezuela,
12:25they sent it to the hatred?
12:27How many from the United States called
12:30to kill the president of Venezuela
12:33and their main leaders?
12:36It's not a crime in the United States, in Chile,
12:38and Peru, and Colombia, sent to kill
12:43to head of state of leader of another country.
12:46How many influencers?
12:49A lot of them are regretted now with the method of Pablo
12:55Do you know what this method?
12:59Money or bullets.
13:01Or you accept this money, and you
13:03pronunciate against Venezuela, I will give you the bullets.
13:09How many singers and artists, one by one, that were called?
13:14And they know.
13:16I know.
13:18We know.
13:20To all of them, from all genders that
13:24are living in Venezuela and outside of it, one by one,
13:28it is or not a faceless operation.
13:32We know this already.
13:35We faced it in 2014, 2017.
13:39Even we forgot it.
13:40When in the Grammys, we were shown the turn flag backwards.
13:46And the most famous artist as a West Venezuelan,
13:52now intervention, the Oscars, Grammy,
13:55and all the awards of the world in Viña del Mar.
13:58That was a fashion, a lot of bills,
14:00because they believe the Venezuelan people
14:03eats with the artists.
14:05We don't eat blackmail.
14:09The one who goes to the face and bullseat going back,
14:13it's not the first time.
14:15The ones that went with the face to speak against this country,
14:21to speak hatred and intervention against Venezuela,
14:25we will see you go back.
14:27You will see it.
14:30So we have to un-fascism the far right of Venezuela.
14:39And that's a task for us, because the opposition
14:44leader, in a good way, in a good measure,
14:47is surrendered to the fascism.
14:52Happened in Italy, in Germany, in Europe 100 years ago.
14:56The social and democratic leader, or a coward,
15:01left in Europe, surrendered to the fear, and the blackmail,
15:05and the pressure.
15:06They couldn't stand the pressure, Ivan Gil.
15:09They couldn't stand the pressure.
15:10And if fascism happened, it was because of them.
15:16And swipe it down from the history,
15:17because within the time, you remember the brave.
15:23But the cowards of that time, no one remembers.
15:26So justice.
15:28We thank the general prosecutor for this report.
15:32Surely, we will have more detailed reports
15:35through this communication media.
15:37A lot of important things.
15:41Mr. Ambassador in the system of the United Nations
15:45to make it known to the governments where
15:48we have elections, to all levels,
15:52and the general prosecutor, I wish
15:55to be in this position of a communication effort.
16:00I'm going to give the word.
