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**This Video was uploaded at "JuiceHead" Youtube Channel**
Credit In Video TOO.

Today we talk about my review of Fallout London after beating the mod.

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#FalloutLondon #Fallout4Mods #Fallout4London
00:00I just beat Fallout London. I feel like I could finally say this is the best Fallout 4 mod we have
00:05ever gotten. After spending about 35 hours with this mod, I have some thoughts. Lots of positive
00:09thoughts, but some negative ones also. But at its core, Fallout London is just insane. This truly is
00:14a new Fallout game. The sheer scale of this one alone is immense. It took me 25 hours just to get
00:20through the main story of Fallout London, and with all the side quests as well as lengthy faction
00:24questlines, this is very likely a 50 plus hour experience if not even longer. This team worked
00:30on this game for 5 years and then just dropped it for all of us totally for free. The sheer scale
00:35of Fallout London is definitely one of its most impressive parts, but it's also its dedication to
00:40detail, as Fallout London really feels like a breath of fresh air for Fallout overall. It almost
00:45makes me wish Bethesda would give us a non-American Fallout expansion at some point, and you can even
00:50find some online starting to argue that Fallout London the mod is in fact better than Fallout 4
00:56itself. So I'm not saying I agree with that sentiment, that Fallout London is actually
01:00better than Fallout 4, but what I will say is after beating the mod, I could totally see how
01:05the argument can be made. Because Fallout London manages to strike that ideal balance. As you play
01:09it, it still obviously feels like Fallout, but it does have that incredibly iconic London twist to
01:14everything. And I think the reason this works so well is the London team just put in the work.
01:19One of the major things you'll notice while playing Fallout London is how almost everything
01:23is different. This team went through and simply replaced almost all of the assets from Fallout 4's
01:27Commonwealth to make sure London felt totally distinct. An obvious example is the weapons,
01:32and we will talk more about these later, but nearly every NPC you encounter while exploring
01:36around London will be using a totally new weapon, and oftentimes even wearing a completely new set
01:41of armor or clothing. So from the onset, just the visual paths of the town and people you're
01:46interacting with, everything feels fresh and new. Nearly all of the junk items are different,
01:50from desk fans to typewriters or even telephones. They're functionally the exact same piece of junk
01:56from base Fallout 4, but the London team just went through and put in the effort of giving each of
02:00these new models so London will feel different. Not even just that overarching world, the building
02:06kits used for structures, roads, and even the cars are all new for this mod. Even many of the
02:11weathers are edited compared to vanilla Fallout 4. And what elevates this all is it's not just
02:16the visuals, but many of your interactions in this world will also be new and fresh.
02:20London has a whole suite of new enemies that you've never encountered before,
02:23and going up against some of these can definitely elicit some strong reaction. Or even almost all
02:28of the NPCs having some type of dialogue for when you get too close to them, a distinctly London
02:33feature, and even a ton of new collectibles. These aren't bobbleheads from Fallout 4,
02:49as London features several new and unique types of collectibles of its own. It really feels like
02:54the team thought of everything. And of course, there's a ton more even beyond that. This is all
02:58to say that the Fallout London team put in a mountain of effort where other projects just
03:03don't. They went through and literally remade almost everything so the entire experience would
03:07feel new and fresh, even though just reusing assets likely would have saved thousands of
03:12hours of dev time. And one of the other unique aspects about this mod is how it evolves as you
03:17play. Fallout London is very strategically laid out, so more and more of London becomes available
03:22as you play through this mod. The Thames is incredibly radioactive, so you're basically
03:26forced into specific paths and certain interactions with a few major factions early
03:31on. And although it kind of sounds contrived as I describe it here, in actual gameplay terms,
03:35this becomes a very organic way to introduce you to London over time. And then as you start those
03:41questlines with some of those major factions, you're gradually introduced to more and more
03:45districts of London. So even if some of you have played 10 to 15 hours of Fallout London,
03:50let me tell you, you haven't even found the entire map yet. Like this map looks pretty full,
03:54right? Well, this is actually only a subset of the map as several districts have standalone maps
04:00that you unlock as you get to them. So particularly with Westminster, when you actually get to
04:03Westminster for the first time, it feels like you opened an entire DLC sized area that has a ton of
04:09additional quests, things to find, and even a lot of unique pieces of new content. You don't even
04:13find Westminster until Act 2 of the mod. And there are several other districts just like that that
04:18you'll only unlock later on. And as you're playing, it generally feels like you have endless exploration
04:23with more and more of the city opening up as you progress. And a big part of this is you're
04:27constantly meeting new people and unlocking questlines for them. You don't even meet Camelot,
04:31one of the most publicized of the factions until Act 3 of the mod. The team here really did a great
04:36job at making this feel consistently rewarding. As you unlock new districts, things don't feel
04:40similar. It feels like you are in an evolving world. And going into Westminster for the first
04:44time is just an experience. The streets are clean. There are working trains and even cabs you can
04:49utilize here. But then go back to Islington for a quest and you'll just find destruction and
04:53disarray. Each district in Fallout London has its own ruling faction. And in turn, a whole set of
04:58quests that will take you in and around that district, which does create this really fun
05:02experience. As you do the main quest, you'll be introduced to these new districts and basically
05:06meet a bunch of people there. And then you probably will get a bunch of side or faction-related
05:11questlines that you can take on. So you could end up spending several hours just getting to
05:15know these people before eventually returning to the main quest and moving on to the next district
05:19where you could effectively repeat that exact process. And over time, you really do begin to
05:24start to feel attached to those peoples in a certain area. And I gotta say, this fan-made
05:28mod managed to do a better job at making these peoples feel distinct and unique than some of
05:32the mainline Fallout games. Questing in Fallout London is fine. I feel like with this one,
05:37the quantity and scale of some of the quests are insane. Like how much content is actually here
05:42is what makes it all so impressive. But many of the individual quests and the overall writing
05:46is just fine. At points, it's really good and at other points, it's just okay. But one of the
05:50aspects of Fallout London questing that really surprised me is how there are multiple ways to
05:54complete many of the quests in this mod. Oftentimes, you'll have several options on how to complete a
05:59certain objective. So at one point in the mod, you'll need a signature from the various district
06:03heads to get a royal decree. And there are several ways to get that signature. You just take out the
06:07district head going the full violence path and you'll have to find a hidden note somewhere that
06:12you can then take to a forger character who will fake the signature of that district head for a
06:17fee. You can just do some work for the district head as it'll spawn off a quest or two and after
06:21completing those quests for them, they'll sign the paper for you. Or even other times, just have
06:25some dialogue options or even skill checks that you can pass to get the signature more easily.
06:30That's just one of the examples. But consistently throughout this mod, I found that there were
06:33several paths to complete quests and I seriously appreciated that. Even just speaking about Fallout
06:38London overall, you can beat this mod with three different factions and your experience at the end
06:43will be very different depending on which faction you're siding with. You will encounter a wide
06:47array of different factions while playing this one and each really does have its own unique identity
06:52and even feelings about London overall as well as the other factions here. Some of the questlines
06:57are looking at some of the gangs of London and there is a full-fledged gang war quest line that
07:02has a very specific theme, but separately there's also a group of people just looking for solace in
07:07London and that questline has a very different theme where you're really helping a bunch of
07:11underdogs out and you have a full questline where you can support them, but also a ton more. Fallout
07:16London has this through point main quest, but each of the major factions also has a questline you
07:21could do for them. Some of these are directly intertwined with the main quest, but then for
07:25many, you continue that separate from the main quest and some of the faction endings are even
07:29more moving than some of the main quest endings. One of the other pretty interesting parts about
07:33Fallout London is how often they didn't use quest markers. Oftentimes you'll be led to a certain
07:38location or really a dungeon and once you're inside, the quest markers are just gone. You'll
07:43have a task to find something and all you know is, okay, it's in this building somewhere. So I
07:47personally found this pretty fun. A lot of times it was nice to not have the game be as handholdy
07:51as it typically is in Fallout 4, but at other points with how tedious some of these items could
07:56be to find, it could definitely get old. Like, yeah, when you're spending 30 minutes looking for
08:00this tiny key, you kind of just wish there was a quest marker on it eventually. But this too I
08:04appreciated. It made the mod feel like some of the older Fallouts and a lot less handholdy than
08:08Fallout 4 and just overall, it gave some of the questing in Fallout London a certain novelty that
08:13we haven't really been seeing from some of the recent Fallout games. And many of the quests in
08:17Fallout London are just interesting and fun. I was robbing the Bank of England, doing train heists,
08:22literally fighting for the fate of London and even getting into boat shootouts. While the writing
08:27was merely okay, in my opinion, some of the actual quest gameplay was incredibly fun. And a lot of
08:33times I was excited to do that next quest because it just had some epic set dressing. And actually,
08:38if you want to see some of that in the latter half of this video, I'm going to specifically
08:41highlight and show some of my favorite quest moments from Fallout London. But one aspect of
08:46Fallout London that did begin to get old was just how fetch questy things could be at points. And
08:51the map layout certainly contributes to this. Fallout London oftentimes would have this thing
08:55where you need to get something from person X. But to get that, you need to get something from
08:59person Y first. And person Y has one or two quests you have to do with them. And actually, it's not
09:04just one person, but actually three. So at several points in this mod, you'll likely just want to do
09:09the next main quest to progress that overarching story. But in order to actually get to the next
09:14step of the main quest, there's six secondary side quests that you'll have to complete to
09:19basically make all of these people happy. And while some of these are really fun, like that
09:22train heist I mentioned a bit earlier, or even robbing the Bank of England, some of these other
09:27ones are a lot simpler. And it just feels a lot more like a simple fetch quest where you're
09:31dealing with individuals. And the map layout makes this a lot worse. Due to how districts are broken
09:35up in London, sometimes you're actually going between several districts, and that means several
09:40different load screens. So some quests in London definitely felt Starfield-esque as almost load
09:45screen and running simulators, where I really wasn't doing much in terms of actual enjoyable
09:49gameplay. So thankfully, this is a relatively small part of the mod, but for me, this was
09:54definitely the low point of the mod overall. The voice acting in Fallout London was somewhat mixed
09:59in that some voices sound better than others.
10:01But honestly, the sheer amount of voice acting
10:30that this mod contains just blew me away. Like, for it to be this consistently good,
10:35and then to have this many different characters fully voice acted is incredible, easily one of
10:40the most impressive feats of Fallout London overall. And Fallout London also just has a
10:45ton of dialogue. You would think with something on this scale that there'd be some sparsity of
10:48choices, but it felt like during every single quest, you had plenty of secondary dialogue
10:53options to just gain more context or find out about specific factions or characters.
10:58If you want to start to understand the world and peoples of London, the dialogue options are
11:02definitely there and they're really well done voice acting wise. When it comes to the roleplaying
11:06side of this, things were a bit more mixed. Like yeah, you could roleplay to a certain degree of
11:10the generic good or evil options, but at points in dialogue, sometimes you'd have a few dialogue
11:14options you're like, okay, they're all effectively saying the same thing. There's not really much
11:19variance in where you're going with each of these. But speaking of Fallout London overall,
11:23I found this to be more of an RPG, particularly compared to Fallout 4. The mod has a massive
11:27amount of skill checks within it, including some in the initial minutes of this mod,
11:32which was pretty cool to me. Most of these will pop up in dialogue and notice two different types
11:36of these. Some are just the familiar special checks. So if you have a special stat high
11:40enough, you'll unlock some new dialogue or a different path through that dialogue.
11:44I played as a high charisma character and this came in handy constantly,
11:47whether it was making my next objective easier or not having to do something at all,
11:51getting more caps out of a trade, or sometimes even just passing a skill check only to be told
11:56they can't actually offer more. Not my problem, sweetie. Take it up with Gaunt if you like,
12:02but don't blame me if he just blows your head off. That was just a one-off interaction,
12:06but I found it pretty awesome and very realistic. But yeah, how you build your
12:10character in Fallout London has a very large impact on dialogue and I really enjoyed that
12:15factor. But also some of your perks can come into play here. On more than one occasion,
12:18I had some unique dialogue opportunities as a result of a perk I had taken. And some of
12:23these will open up into completely new segments of dialogue or background information. I love this,
12:28and overall I think the mod did a great job at making how you built out your character
12:32feel like a very relevant part of navigating this story. When it comes to the actual quest
12:37consequences, there are definitely some overarching choices you can make. Like at one point when I
12:42didn't want to get this guy's signature, I just massacred him and his entire faction. Well,
12:45apparently some of the other people in London's world cared about this, so one of the other
12:49factions was immediately made aggro to me. So from that one choice, I just cut off one of the
12:54potential ending factions out of three for this mod. Fallout London definitely had quite a few
12:59of those bigger decisions where you could really have an impact on things one way or another,
13:03and overall I felt like my choices during various quests did have a fair amount of consequence in
13:08the world. It's not quite on par with something like Fallout New Vegas, but it's definitely better
13:12than Fallout 4. And overall, I really enjoyed the questing of Fallout London. There are high
13:16and low points, and it definitely isn't perfect. I don't think Fallout London's story is necessarily
13:20one of its strongest points, but the actual questing content is pretty fun. A lot of times
13:24the objectives were enjoyable, and many of the characters you're interacting with are interesting
13:28and do genuinely elevate the mod. As well as a lot of the quest content is uniquely London,
13:33which does have a certain novelty to it. You'll find tons of references to British things,
13:37or even interact with iconic British people. And through the story, you're doing lots of these
13:41quests at or around iconic landmarks. Even if you've never been to London, you'll recognize some
13:46of these. If you have been to London, you'll likely have some pretty memorable experiences
13:50during some of these quests, as this mod does an incredible job at faithfully recreating some of
13:55these landmarks. Oh yeah, and Fallout London has ladders scattered throughout it, which really just
13:59makes it better than all of the American fallouts. And one aspect of Fallout London that will likely
14:04be a surprising changeup for many of you is its combat. Fallout London is not only considerably
14:09harder than vanilla Fallout 4, but it's also just different. Melee weapons take a much larger focus
14:14in London, as guns are generally meant to be more sparse. And I found this to be quite a bit of fun.
14:18Fallout London introduces a ton of new melee weapons, and several of these are pretty unique
14:23in their gameplay. But this also means that in the early game, finding good weapons and really ammo
14:28for those weapons is hard, to the point where you'll likely rely on using a combination of melee
14:34and ranged weapons early on. After playing Fallout 4 so many times and just getting handed a ton of
14:39great equipment in the early part of that game, this felt like a really nice changeup. I found
14:44myself relying mostly on melee for the entire first act of Fallout London, and I was only using
14:49my ranged weapons for some of the tougher or particularly far away enemies. I think for most
14:53of us, we don't really use melee in Fallout games all that often, so the novelty of relying on it so
14:58heavily here, especially with a ton of new melee weapons that are really interesting and unique,
15:02makes that experience in Fallout London fun. Plus, a lot of the times, it's melee on melee,
15:06as other enemies will rely on this as well. But the mod is also just generally hard. Stimpaks
15:11are fairly sparse. And you begin the mod with a debuff to damage output, as well as taking
15:16increasing damage dealt, but you can cure these through the story. So early on, you're conserving
15:21ammo, relying on food to heal yourself, and it creates some fun gameplay moments. It's almost
15:25like a pseudo-survival mode in those early hours of Fallout London. And mind you, I'm only playing
15:29on normal. This is a very difficult mod, even on normal difficulty. I have to imagine on actual
15:34survival, this'll be a pretty memorable experience. Ammo crafting is also back with Fallout London,
15:39and I actually needed to do that. I probably bought more ammo from vendors in Fallout London
15:44than I have in my entire 2,000 hours in Fallout 4. By the mid to late game, things improve here,
15:49as you get a bit more comfortable in your build and really just have more equipment overall.
15:52But I found the overall balance of Fallout London to be consistently harder than Fallout 4,
15:56while still being really fun. I generally enjoyed how hard this mod was at times,
16:01even just playing on normal difficulty. Although there definitely could be some
16:04issues here as well. As of right now, there are a couple of bugs that can artificially
16:08decrease your damage output or potentially even increase how much damage you are taking.
16:12Fortunately, I didn't have those issues while I was playing, but if the game seems a little bit
16:16too hard, one of these bugs may be impacting you. And speaking of, yeah, unfortunately,
16:21it isn't all positive when it comes to Fallout London, as while this may be the best Fallout
16:25mod ever, it's still a Fallout mod and that does mean bugs. A lot of people are having difficulties
16:30with the downgrading process of Fallout London. And like, yeah, it's been covered to death,
16:34it's unfortunate, it's probably a mix of some issues with the downgrader, but also some issues
16:38on the user side. But even in the mod itself, there are also some problems. There definitely
16:41is a lot of crashing, particularly if you're not using mods like Buffout 4 or the long low
16:46times fix, it seems like you can get way too much crashing. Although if you do use those mods,
16:50the crashing seems to be a lot lower. Still not perfect. I would probably say in my 30 to 35
16:55hours with Fallout London, I crashed about a dozen times, which honestly is probably on par
17:00with a typical Bethesda release. Although at the same time, I did encounter some other bugs,
17:05which definitely can be frustrating. There is a dog companion in Fallout London named Churchill,
17:09who I was using through much of my early game experience, but at some point Churchill turned
17:13into a typical dog meat, which was rather unfortunate and things just weren't the same
17:18after that, so I had to take him behind the shed. There's some quest blocking problems in Fallout
17:22London. Walking to a certain area led to crashes every single time until I loaded an earlier save
17:27to get around that. I had this courier who had to deliver me a message for one of the final quests,
17:32but he kept getting downed over and over, not actually allowing me to talk to them. So I had
17:36to use some console commands to give them a ton more health so I could finally have this
17:40interaction. But honestly, that was the bulk of my issues. I would say crashing was probably the
17:44most prevalent of them, but other than that, this really wasn't all that bad as far as bugs go.
17:48Compared to most mod releases, Fallout London is remarkably bug free. You could definitely tell
17:53QA work was put into this one. And if anything, I would put my experience with Fallout London
17:57pretty on par with my experience reviewing Starfield. Like yeah sure I got some crashes,
18:01a progress blocker or two that I needed to use a console command to fix, but otherwise things were
18:07mostly fine. It's not like my 35 hours were a bug ridden mess, no, things were relatively smooth
18:12the vast majority of the time with a few blips here or there. And the Fallout London team has
18:16said a patch is coming to address some of the major issues so hopefully things will only continue
18:20to improve as we go forward. Although performance is definitely an aspect of this mod that people
18:25may have issues with, the city of London is super ambitious in Fallout London and as a result,
18:29performance definitely takes a hit at some points. Lots of the time it was totally fine,
18:32I would have that rock solid 120 FPS, but then in some areas you would just plummet.
18:36Going to Westminster in general cut my FPS in half because it is a far more detail rich area,
18:42and even some of the notable landmarks just have a ton going on and will seriously lower your FPS.
18:47But it's one of those weird things where I almost prefer it this way. I feel like the team worked to
18:51create a stunning city and I'd rather have it actually be there in all its glory and detail
18:57with lower FPS than have it be a cut down city or have more load screens and have more FPS.
19:03And even with the FPS drops I still found this mod perfectly playable. Like yeah at points my
19:07FPS was lower but it was definitely never to the point where it was a genuine issue for this mod.
19:11Although of course this is going to be a very specific detail. For me on my specific setup
19:16and my specific system it wasn't a big problem, I could definitely see this being a problem on
19:20weaker PCs. And to just reiterate some of my issues from earlier, some of the quests have
19:24very hard to find items near impossible and the only real solution is to look up answers on the
19:29Fallout London discord, although thankfully that discord is very helpful. Some interiors for
19:33locations are convoluted or just generally boring. Like there are some locations where you only ever
19:38need to get to one room in this entire building, but that room is off to the side and up a flight
19:43of stairs. So you just always fast travel here then have to do 30 seconds of running over and
19:49over and over and that can definitely get tedious. Some of the interior designs felt needlessly
19:54convoluted and like realism was preferred over practicality. Like yeah just put the office on
19:58the ground floor even if technically it wouldn't be there in real life. Some locations have quest
20:03markers but not much else. Like some locations you kind of just go in and it looks kind of cool
20:07but there's really not anything going on there. It's not a genuine point of interest with things
20:11to find. And some interiors literally had nothing in the way of notes or stories to tell which felt
20:16like a bit of a step away compared to some of the mainline Fallout games. But honestly I felt like
20:20there was so much other content in other places that this didn't bother me that much. As well some
20:24quests do become fetch questy. Do three quests to get this person to let you in and now repeat that
20:29same exact process for several other people. It happens a couple times over the course of this
20:34story and again due to the way the map is laid out this means a lot of fast traveling and a lot
20:38of load screens. But overall Fallout London is definitely something special. This mod is simply
20:43unlike any other Fallout mod we have ever gotten due to its size, quality, and just how much new
20:49content it's actually bringing to you for free. If you haven't tried Fallout London yet you
20:53definitely need to and more may even be coming. Fallout London already has its own Nexus page and
20:58many people are already creating mods for the mod so it'll be interesting to see where all of that
21:03goes. But if you're looking for more reasons to play London and you don't mind light spoilers I
21:07now want to highlight some of the most interesting things I found or experienced while playing this
21:11mod and some of the fun side quests I found. For most of my playtime in Fallout London I was
21:15adventuring around with Lord Mountbatten who is absolutely hilarious. You could find him just
21:20hanging upside down you'll probably naturally stumble upon him during one of the main quests.
22:03And upon rescuing him you take him on as your own companion and he will deliver
22:13some hilarious lines over the entire course of this game.
22:34But one of my favorite interactions was with this bridge. Fallout London has
22:41two very notable bridges with Tower Bridge and London Bridge. Tower Bridge is just generally
22:46iconic but now you can find it occupied by these new beef eater enemies who have a very specific
22:51taste for flesh. Yeah they like a specific type of beef. And as interesting as exploring this
22:56location is things become even more interesting over on the parallel London Bridge. Because London
23:02Bridge is one of the earliest settlements you can unlock and to do so you'll have to deal with
23:06Beefy. As it turns out Beefy is a former beef eater themselves and I had this super unique
23:31and fun interaction due to me having the appropriate perk as I met Beefy.
24:01One of the other really cool and notable quests you'll do is breaking into the Bank of London.
24:15This is a main story quest and it has that incredibly satisfying outcome where you properly
24:19get to break into the Grand Vault and witness all of the gold for yourself but you also get
24:24a new companion here. But one of the other very notable side quests is for Alistair Tenpenny.
24:50This is a super fun interaction in Westminster.
24:52Alistair Tenpenny is of course the owner of Tenpenny Tower from Fallout 3. While London
25:20takes place just 40 years prior to Fallout 3 so we have a younger version of Alistair here
25:25in London with Tenpenny Manor. And Alistair does have a pretty fun side quest of his own
25:30as he is frustrated with his view.
26:01But thankfully we can help Alistair out. This was another example of having multiple
26:06methods to complete a certain task as to blow up the Eye there are several places you can
26:11acquire the explosives. And even how you approach the Eye itself as you do have options to just turn
26:16on Alistair to save the Eye instead, warn the locals ahead of the destruction so they could
26:21flee the area but still end up blowing things up, or don't say anything just blow things up
26:26and ignore those locals and leave them to their own fate. I ended up warning the locals so they
26:29could evacuate and eventually went for the explosion anyway.
27:00But to my surprise this was not the end of this story as several hours of real life time later
27:28those locals I warned found me and wanted to take revenge because well yeah I blew up their
27:33home for 1,000 tickets. But overall this was a super fun quest that does seem to have several
27:38interesting outcomes. Over the course of the story you do meet several faction heads and
27:42many of these people have super interesting bases. Camelot is a full set of knights and
27:47squires that genuinely use arrows and swords which was pretty wild to find. But perhaps even cooler
27:52was the Cyber Fox which is a full on nightclub in Camden. Apparently it's a very accurately
27:57recreated version of a real life location and yeah it was a simple place but super unique and
28:02I think they did a great job with its implementation.
28:22I personally completed Fallout London with Angel, they're that secret organization from the start
28:26and I won't spoil much about them but you can also beat the mod with either the 5th column
28:30or Camelot and I have to imagine those versions of the ending are a bit more positive. Angel
28:35is definitely the evil option and yeah you definitely get fairly evil. Blackmailing royals
28:40is hilarious but burning down towns with the people still in their homes is easily one of
28:44the darkest things I have ever done in a Fallout game but I kind of love doing it. But the epic
28:49conclusion will be the battle for London, it seems like regardless of which faction you side with
28:53you'll have this as an ending and they did a phenomenal job with this. I'm doing this from
28:58the Angel side so I'm up against Camelot and 5th column troops but between the sounds,
29:02the number of combatants and really just overall this truly feels like an epic final battle in
29:08this cool urban environment. It's really not like something I've ever experienced in a Fallout game
29:30It was easily one of my favorite moments in this mod and probably one of my most fun moments in a
29:34Fallout game generally. You really get to roleplay as a soldier in an urban environment for a half
29:39hour to an hour and one of the interesting choices with Fallout London is there is a hard
29:43cutoff in that there is a point of no return fairly early on where you must side with Angel
29:48or choose another faction to end the game with but at that moment the other options will be aggroed
29:53to you but also after this final battle the game just ends. Fallout London does have ending slides
29:58which are super well done very New Vegas-esque and these will reflect not only your major story
30:03decisions but also several side characters and what becomes of them but as the credits roll you
30:08are just put back at the main menu so make sure you make a save before ending this one as you'll
30:12probably want to have one before that point of no return but overall yeah Fallout London is a
30:16fantastic mod I highly recommend giving it a try for yourself I'll have links down below for you
30:20to download it but if you want to get excited for other DLC sized mods on their way to Fallout 4
30:24check out this video.
