• last year
لمشاهدة احدث المسلسلات التركية تابعونا



00:00:30Where were you, Mrs. Zeynep? I was so worried about you.
00:00:48Zeynep, what happened? Why did you come back so soon?
00:00:51What happened?
00:00:54What happened, tell me.
00:00:57I saw Halil Ibrahim at the stone bridge.
00:01:00He saw me, he waved at me, he said he was coming.
00:01:03Then all of a sudden there were screams, gunshots.
00:01:06I was so scared.
00:01:08Oh, son of a snake, Tarık.
00:01:11You found the innocent, didn't you?
00:01:14I don't know, mom. I was so scared I couldn't look.
00:01:17Did anyone see you, Zeynep?
00:01:19I don't know, aunt.
00:06:47Zeynep'i ayırdın, Fikret'i ayırdın.
00:06:50O el kadar Tuncay'ı bile kayırdın sen.
00:06:59Hadi da çocuklar çıkalım bir hava alalım, hadi.
00:07:02Sana senin bir kabahatin yok.
00:07:05Senin bir kabahatin yok.
00:07:08O Nedim'e yok mu?
00:07:11Ah o Nedim'e.
00:07:18Hep bu hallere düşmemizin tek sebebi o kadın.
00:07:23Kine yaksın şimdi bir yerine...
00:07:26...oğlum öldü diye.
00:07:31Benim yakışıklilik Tarık'ım, benim...
00:07:37...öz babasından bir sevgi görseydi...
00:07:41...başka yerlerde arar mıydı?
00:07:48Gel böyle gel.
00:08:01O Tarık zaten birilerinin başına bela olmadan ölmeyecekti.
00:08:05Ben ona o kadar üzülmedim ama...
00:08:08...o genç kız, Yasemin...
00:08:11...ah canım benim yazık oldu.
00:08:17Halil İbrahim'e ne olacak dersin?
00:08:20Ne olacak? Levent takmış peşine birilerini...
00:08:23...sabaha zor çıkar.
00:08:26Bacımızı da yaşamak yok yani, intikam peşinde koşuyoruz.
00:08:34Hepsi aynıdır.
00:08:37Huyları budur.
00:08:40Asiye'nin yeğeni değil midir?
00:08:43Huyları batsın.
00:08:46Anne ben bu Levent'ten nasıl kurtulacağım?
00:08:49Kurban olurum kızım ben sana.
00:08:52O pıtırcığım benim, ağlama sen.
00:08:55Ağlama, senin o gözyaşlarını kurban olurum anne.
00:08:58O benim meleğim.
00:09:08Bu hal İbrahim Karaso...
00:09:11...yerin yedi kat dibine de saklansa onu bulup geberteceksiniz.
00:09:14Onun o kalleş yüreğini söküp bana getireceksiniz ve bu iş...
00:09:17...Tarık'ı toprağa vermeden bitirecek.
00:09:23Tamamdır Levent abi.
00:09:41Sen neredesin Temel, seni çok merak ettim.
00:10:08Yasemin'i öldürdüler Eda Hanım.
00:10:11Yasemin'i mi?
00:10:25Halil Bey'im yetişememiş.
00:10:28Yetişse kurtarırdı Yasemin'i de yetişememiş.
00:10:31O toprağın altına düştüğü zaman...
00:10:34...kurtarırdı Yasemin'i de yetişememiş.
00:10:37O Tarık'la da şerefsiz var ya Tarık'la da...
00:10:40...onu da dört tane adamını da infaz etmiş orada Ali İbrahim.
00:10:43Ölmüşler mi?
00:10:46Geberip gitmişler işte Eda Nur.
00:10:49Neyini anlamadın?
00:10:53Peki bu Leto'lar...
00:10:56...nasıl toplamışlar Yasemin'le Ali İbrahim'i?
00:10:59Onu bilmeyelim de...
00:11:02...tek ihtimali var.
00:11:08...bu şerefsiz Tarık Leto'yla bir oldu...
00:11:11...tuzak kurdu kardeşlerime.
00:11:14O zaman...
00:11:17...onu da kurtaracaklar.
00:11:20Erol hanım.
00:11:51Ben Temel'e bir şey söylemedim...
00:11:54...sen de Turan'a söyleme zaman.
00:12:16Fikret Leto'ydu değil mi?
00:12:19Fikret Leto.
00:12:22Buyurun oturun.
00:12:25Rahmetli Tarık'ın...
00:12:28...abisiydiniz değil mi?
00:12:34Başınız sağ olsun.
00:12:37Kusura bakmayın sizi zamanla tanıyacağım.
00:12:43Siz de kusura bakmayın komutanım...
00:12:46...bu Halil İbrahim Karasu'nun...
00:12:49...geçmişini sormuşsunuz.
00:12:52Hasminizi tanımıyor musunuz Fikret Bey?
00:12:55Vallahi yıllar önce buralardan gitmiş komutanım...
00:12:58...dolayısıyla hiç iltibatımız olmadı.
00:13:01Siz de bu cinayetler için profesyonel iş edemişsiniz...
00:13:04...haliyle biz de merak ettik...
00:13:07...necidir bu Halil İbrahim Karasu diye.
00:13:10Halil İbrahim Karasu'nun sicili temiz...
00:13:13...bir şey yok. Kırmızı ışıkta bile geçmemiş.
00:13:16Dediğim gibi devlet kayıtlarında...
00:13:19...olumsuz bir şey yok.
00:13:22Siz emin misiniz kardeşiniz Tarık Leto ile...
00:13:25...arkadaşlarını bu adamın öldürdüğüne?
00:13:28Eminiz komutanım.
00:13:31Belki jandarmada yoktur kayıtları.
00:13:34Sonuçta İstanbul'dan geldi bu adam.
00:13:37Emniyette vardır belki.
00:13:40Dediğim gibi sicili temiz.
00:13:43İstihbarat kayıtları?
00:13:46İstihbarat bölge başkanından da rica ettik, o da bakacak.
00:13:49Sağ olun, eksik olmayın.
00:13:52Fikret Bey...
00:13:55...benim de sizden bir ricam olacak.
00:13:58Estağfurullah, buyurun.
00:14:01Leto ailesi bölgenin ileri gelen güç faaliyelerinden biri anladığım kadarıyla.
00:14:04Acınız büyük, anlıyorum.
00:14:07Ancak bu işi kolluk kuvvetlerimiz çözecek.
00:14:10Emniyetimiz, jandarmamız güçlü.
00:14:13Adalet yerini bulacaktır.
00:14:16Ancak siz adaleti kendiniz sağlamaya kalkarsanız...
00:14:19...ben buna müsaade etmem.
00:14:22Devletimize karşı boynumuz kıldan incedir, Hüsteymen'im.
00:14:25Hem bizim kimseyle bir meselemiz yok.
00:14:28Evet, evimize ateş düştüğü doğru...
00:14:31...ama emin olun...
00:14:34...o ateşin yangına dönüşmemesini sizin gibi ben de çok isterim.
00:14:37Bunun da tek çaresi Halil İbrahim'in yakalanması.
00:14:40Ölü ya da diri.
00:15:10Baş çavuşum.
00:15:13Bu Halil İbrahim Karasu'yu yakalamak için benim önce düşmanlarını tanımam lazım.
00:15:16Letolar kimdir, kim değildir, kaç kişiler, ne iş yaparlar, hangi deliklerde var...
00:15:19...hepsini tek tek öğrenmek istiyorum.
00:15:22Emredersiniz komutanım.
00:16:22Hoş geldiniz Fikret Bey.
00:16:29Siz dün Zeynep'le nereye gittiniz?
00:16:32Bir yere gitmedik Fikret Bey.
00:16:35Ben çıkmayacağım dedi dışarı, bana da izin verdi.
00:16:38Bir şey mi oldu?
00:16:44Zeynep'i seviyorsun değil mi Şopa?
00:16:47Dakika düşünmem abi, canımı kurban ederim onun yoluna Fikret Bey.
00:16:50Karımla ben de her gün dua ediyoruz ona ayağına taş değmesin diye.
00:16:53Vallahi kardeşinizdir diye demiyorum.
00:16:56Melaike gibi insandır kendisi.
00:17:00O olmasa Elif ile biz nasıl evlenirdik?
00:17:06Kardeşimi seviyorsan...
00:17:09...bundan sonra attığı her adımdan haberdar edeceksin beni.
00:17:12Anlaştık mı?
00:17:15Bir şey mi oldu Fikret Bey?
00:17:19Anladın mı Şota? Anlaştık mı?
00:17:22Emredersiniz Fikret Bey.
00:17:33Efendim abi?
00:17:36Az bir gelsene benimle.
00:17:39Ne oldu oğlum?
00:17:42Bir şey yok anne, hadi.
00:17:51Abi bir şey mi oldu?
00:17:54Gel gel.
00:17:57Gel gel.
00:18:02Abi ne oldu söylesene, nereye gidiyoruz?
00:18:05Zeynep yürü da.
00:18:08Kadir abi yalnız bırak bizi.
00:18:15Geç otur şöyle.
00:18:22Sen dün sabah neredeydin?
00:18:29Neden sorduğunu anlayamadım abi.
00:18:32Senin eğri taşta ne işin vardı Zeynep?
00:18:38Kim söyledi?
00:18:41Zeynep beni delirtme.
00:18:44Bak seni bu zamana kadar üzmedim.
00:18:47Bir kez olsun kırmadım, el de kaldırmadım sana.
00:18:50Ama benim ayarlarımla oynama, bozuşuruz Zeynep.
00:18:53Eğri taşta ne işin vardı Zeynep?
00:18:59Tarık'ın böyle bir şey yapacağını biliyordum.
00:19:02Kimse zarar görmesin istedim.
00:19:07Halil İbrahim'e haber gönderdim.
00:19:11Eğri taşa gelin, ben sizi Samsun'a götüreceğim dedim.
00:19:15Tarık da seni takip etti, onların yerini öğrendi değil mi?
00:19:18Abi ben kan dökülmesin istedim, niyet merkezi kurtardım.
00:19:21Kimi kurtardın?
00:19:24Tarık öldü, Yasemin öldü.
00:19:37Senden başka kim biliyor bunu?
00:19:44Annemle sakin ol.
00:19:47O da söylemişse Elif'e söylemiştir o kadar.
00:19:50Aferin, aferin. Bütün sülaleye anlatın isterseniz.
00:20:00Haber gönderdim dedim. Kime gönderdin kızım haberi?
00:20:06Ama orada yokmuş. Ocakçısı Arif almış mektubu.
00:20:17Bak Zeynep.
00:20:19Bu konuyu burada kapatacağız.
00:20:22Ama bana söz vereceksin.
00:20:24Bir daha asla bu konuya dahil olmayacaksın, duydun mu?
00:20:27Bak asla.
00:20:30Tamam mı Zeynep? Söz mü?
00:20:33Tamam, söz.
00:20:35Ben şimdi öbür eve geçiyorum.
00:20:37Arabanın navigasyon geçmişini sildim.
00:20:39Sen de annemlere söyle, hafızalarından bu konuyu silsinler.
00:21:03Kızım, ne oldu? Ne diyor abin?
00:21:07Eğritaş'a gittiğimi öğrenmiş.
00:21:09Nasıl öğrenmiş? Bizden başka bilen yoktu.
00:21:12Arabanın navigasyonundan.
00:21:14Söylemesin kimseye.
00:21:16Yok yok, söylemeyecek.
00:21:18Sen de artık bu işlere karışma. Karışma kızım benimle.
00:21:22Vallahi helal olsun Ali İbrahim'e.
00:21:24Hepsini kıtır kıtır doğrasın.
00:21:26Az çekmedik ha o letoların elinden.
00:21:28Ya Arif, ne vir vir konuşuyorsun?
00:21:30Yok. Her Nemrut'u deviren bir kara sinektir.
00:21:33Hem göreyim misin Allah'ın işini?
00:21:35Bolu Bey'i azıtınca körün oğlundan körü oğlu yaratıyor.
00:21:38Uzatma Arif, uzatma. Git borçları topla, hadi.
00:21:58Selamun aleyküm.
00:21:59Aleyküm selam.
00:22:06Buyurun Fikret Bey.
00:22:09Başın sağ olsun Fikret Bey.
00:22:11Eyvallah, dostlar sağ olsun.
00:22:15Allah razı olsun. Eyvallah.
00:22:25Hepimiz bu toprağın çocuklarıyız.
00:22:31İyi günümüz olsun.
00:22:37İyi günümüz var.
00:22:39Kötü günümüz var.
00:22:43Bizim aile olarak bir takım hatalarımız olmuştur.
00:22:47Ve insanız neticede.
00:22:49Ama çok da yararımız olmuştur insanımızın aşına, içine.
00:22:55Kimse de bunun aksini diyemez.
00:22:58Burası Karadeniz.
00:23:00Fırtına illaki çıkacak.
00:23:03Ama o fırtına dinene kadar ne canlar yanar...
00:23:06...ne ocaklar söner...
00:23:09...hepiniz benden daha iyi bilirsiniz bunu.
00:23:13Demem o ki...
00:23:17...o Halil İbrahim'e söyleyin...
00:23:21...gitsin jandarmaya teslim olsun.
00:23:23Yoksa bu iş çok daha büyüyecek.
00:23:29Ya ben istemem ki bu topraklarda daha fazla kan dökülsün...
00:23:32...gözyaşı dökülsün.
00:23:34Ama bu saatten sonra Tarık Leto'nun acısı sadece o Halil İbrahim'den çıkmaz.
00:23:40Onu da bilin.
00:23:54Halil İbrahim'in bu saatten sonra kaybedecek neyi var da bizi dinlesin Fikret Bey?
00:24:02Onun kimsesi kalmadı.
00:24:05Ama sizin var Temel.
00:24:11Sevdikleriniz, eşiniz, dostunuz, bacınız, babanız, ananız...
00:24:19...ağlamasın isterim.
00:24:32...yarın çıkın...
00:24:35...cenazemize gelin.
00:24:38Acımızı paylaştığınızı herkes görsün.
00:24:41Her kim ki cenazemize gelir...
00:24:44...canımıza verin.
00:24:46Her kim ki cenazemize gelir...
00:24:49...canı bize emanettir.
00:24:53Hava arkadaşınıza da söyleyin.
00:24:57Gittiği yol yol değil.
00:24:59Çıkmaz o yol.
00:25:02Gitsin teslim olsun jandarmaya.
00:25:07Haydi selametle.
00:25:10Bizim canımızdan başka kaybedecek bir şeyimiz yok.
00:25:13Malın, mülkün, servetin itibarın var.
00:25:16Anamız ağlamasınmış.
00:25:18Fikret Bey, ha bu memlekette bizim anamızı...
00:25:21...senin baban, onun dedesi, onun dedesinden başka ağlatan olmadı.
00:25:25Arif, Arif.
00:25:34Ben dedim diyeceğimi.
00:25:36Duyanlar da duymayanları anlatsın.
00:25:39Gerisi sizde artık.
00:25:43Ne uzatıyorsun Arif? Ne uzatıyorsun?
00:26:13Dağda kızılut biter.
00:26:16İçinde keklik örter.
00:26:20Dağda kızılut biter.
00:26:24İçinde keklik örter.
00:26:29Eşkıya'dan da beter.
00:26:33Osman ve Halil İbrahim.
00:26:37Osman ve Halil İbrahim.
00:26:39Osman ve Halil İbrahim.
00:26:55Sakin, sakin ol, sakin.
00:27:05Kim var oraya?
00:27:09Benim, Halil İbrahim.
00:27:14Bir sus da duymayalım adamı.
00:27:16Kim dedin, kim dedin?
00:27:18Halil İbrahim.
00:27:20Ulan Halil İbrahim.
00:27:22Sen mi geldin?
00:27:24Sabır, af kırma adama.
00:27:26Adam kalkmış evimize, misafir gelmiş.
00:27:30Halil İbrahim ne oldu sana?
00:27:32Nedir bu üstünün başının hali?
00:27:34Anlatacağım. Hepsini anlatacağım.
00:27:40Gel adam böyle.
00:27:50Bana bak Halil İbrahim.
00:27:52Yoksa o kadar yolda yürüyerek mi geldin?
00:27:54Derseydin uşaklara bıraksalardı seni.
00:27:57Şu hale bak, yorgunluktan bitmişsin.
00:27:59Ver bakayım o çantayı bana.
00:28:03Geç o içeri.
00:28:05Sobanın başına, çıkar üstünü başını.
00:28:07Rahat et.
00:28:09Şu hale bak, öleceksin.
00:28:11Daha değil Osman, daha değil.
00:28:14Bana bak, aç mısın?
00:28:16Evde de pek bir şey yok ama...
00:28:18...süt ekmek atar yeriz artık.
00:28:20Hadi gel.
00:28:25Buyur şöyle.
00:28:38İyi akşamlar.
00:28:41Başınız sağ olsun.
00:28:43Asiye ana.
00:28:45Nasıl da sağ olsun.
00:28:51Bir saniye, konuşalım mı?
00:28:53Ne konuşacaksan buraya yanıma konuşacaksın.
00:28:56Şimdi çocukların yanında olmadığını...
00:28:58Burada çocuk yok.
00:29:00Abileri öldü, uşaklıkları bitti.
00:29:08Şandarmadan sonra çarşının içinden geçtim.
00:29:12Kahveye uğradım.
00:29:13Ne için?
00:29:15Ben gerekeni söyledim onlara.
00:29:17Ayağınızı denk alın dedim.
00:29:19Fazlasını da söylerdim de.
00:29:22Şimdi karşımıza almamanız lazım baba.
00:29:24Elalem abuk subuk konuşur bu saatten sonra.
00:29:26Bir yanlış işleri çığırından çıkarır.
00:29:31...mesajı gayet net alınadılar bence.
00:29:34Bizden taraf olacaklardır.
00:29:36Mahmut Han da...
00:29:38...akıllı bir adam zaten.
00:29:40Gerekeni yapacaktır diye düşünüyorum.
00:29:42İyi düşünmüşsün Fikret.
00:29:46Sen Ayşe ile Tuncay'ı al.
00:29:48Git, ben burada kalacağım.
00:29:51Peki baba.
00:29:53Hayırlı akşamlar.
00:29:55Hayırlı akşamlar.
00:29:59Tarık değil de...
00:30:01...Tuncay ölseydi.
00:30:06Bir şey yapar mıydın?
00:30:08Yapardım tabii.
00:30:15Merak ettim.
00:30:18Hayırlı akşamlar.
00:30:20Fikret, şu...
00:30:22...Reşit'e söyle...
00:30:25...ya da ben söyleyeyim ya.
00:30:27Hem de sizi geçireyim. Hadi, hadi.
00:30:30Geç, geç, geç.
00:30:37Hadi Yigit, hadi oğlum.
00:30:55Buyur Rezat Bey.
00:30:57Biz cenazedeyken...
00:30:59...Yusuf'un kahvesini taratacaksın.
00:31:02Hem cenazemize gelmeyenler...
00:31:04...bunun bedelini ödeyecek.
00:31:06Hem de Halil İbrahim'in kulağına gidecek ki...
00:31:08...eğer dağa çıktıysa oradan aşağı insin.
00:31:11Emredersiniz Rezat Bey.
00:31:14Ben bu gece burada kalacağım.
00:31:16Sen çiftliğe git.
00:31:18Anlaşıldı, anlaşıldı Rezat Bey.
00:31:20Hadi Yigit.
00:31:22Araçları hazırlayın.
00:31:30Benim anlamadığım...
00:31:33...o Tarık şerefsizi sizi nasıl buldu?
00:31:38Yoksa Zeynep mi taktı peşine getirdi?
00:31:41Benim aklıma başka bir şey gelmiyor.
00:31:45Zeynep iyi kızdı da...
00:31:49...demek o Asiye'nin yeğeni Levent'le nişanlanınca...
00:31:51...o da değişti.
00:31:55Elbet ona da bunun hesabını sorarım.
00:31:58Hadi, hadi bırak şimdi bunları.
00:32:00Senin dinlenmen lazım kardeşim.
00:32:02Hadi kardeşim geç yerine, yat dinlen güzelce.
00:32:04Ben iyiyim Merve Osman'ım, sağ ol.
00:32:08Hadi kardeşim senin güçlü olman, dinlenmen lazım Halil İbrahim.
00:32:10Hadi kardeşim geç yerine yat.
00:32:18Hadi kardeşim.
00:32:22Hadi şöyle.
00:32:24Bana bak, rahat rahat uyu.
00:32:26Ben sabaha kadar uyanıyorum kardeşim.
00:32:28Hadi Allah rahatlık versin.
00:32:54Nefes alıyor.
00:33:24Nefes alıyor.
00:33:54Nefes alıyor.
00:33:56Nefes alıyor.
00:33:58Nefes alıyor.
00:34:00Nefes alıyor.
00:34:02Nefes alıyor.
00:34:04Nefes alıyor.
00:34:06Nefes alıyor.
00:34:08Nefes alıyor.
00:34:24Nefes alıyor.
00:34:40Halil İbrahim.
00:34:54Seni kaybettim sandım.
00:35:02Halil kalk.
00:35:04Çok özlemişim.
00:35:08Çok özlemişim.
00:35:12Çok özlemişim seni.
00:35:14Çok özlemişim seni.
00:35:16Çok özlemişim.
00:35:22Seni kaybettim sandım.
00:35:24Seni kaybettim sandım.
00:35:28Kalkman lazım Halil.
00:35:30Kalkman lazım.
00:35:52Dört kişiler.
00:35:56Arka taraf sende.
00:36:22Yardım edin.
00:37:10İyi misin Halil İbrahim?
00:37:14Arkadan sık.
00:37:52How did you do it? How did you do it, Halil Ibrahim?
00:37:54Osman, we have to go now.
00:37:56They must have heard the gunshots from the town.
00:37:58I'm a kid, I'm a kid. How can I leave you, Halil Ibrahim?
00:38:00Brother, the detachments won't leave you alone.
00:38:03We have to go.
00:38:04Come on.
00:38:08How did you kill those bastards?
00:38:10Osman, come on, come on.
00:38:12We have to go.
00:38:13Come on.
00:38:21We have to go.
00:38:22Come on.
00:38:23Come on.
00:38:38Sergeant, let's see if I understood correctly.
00:38:40Correct me if I'm wrong.
00:38:42Rizvan Leto.
00:38:43As far as we know, he's a married man.
00:38:46His wife is Nedime Leto.
00:38:48His unmarried wife is Asiye.
00:38:51Nedime Leto has two sons and a daughter.
00:38:54Asiye Leto has two sons and a daughter.
00:38:56She has one son and one daughter.
00:38:58Nedime Leto's family is a crowded and powerful family.
00:39:02But Asiye Leto's family is dark and dangerous.
00:39:05Is that true?
00:39:06It's true, sir.
00:39:07Asiye Leto is the midwife of her three brothers.
00:39:10Their eldest son Zuhal married Nesim Kulpa.
00:39:14So she's the daughter-in-law of the richest family in Black Sea, sir.
00:39:19She has one son and one daughter.
00:39:21Her youngest son, Ayşe, whom we met at the Büyülement incident.
00:39:24The wife of Mr. Fikret who came yesterday.
00:39:27So Mrs. Nedime...
00:39:30...took her nephew as her daughter-in-law.
00:39:34She married her own son to her nephew.
00:39:39So this woman loves her nephew.
00:39:43I don't think so, sir.
00:39:47Her youngest brothers are Cevat and Batullah.
00:39:51I'm sure, sir.
00:39:52If she comes back here, there will be countless files on her.
00:39:55So it's a murder case, huh?
00:39:58Now we understand the compulsive conversation of the Kuma family.
00:40:03I looked at this Cevat file.
00:40:05He was reported to have killed Halil Ibrahim Karasu's father 20 years ago.
00:40:10He said he was suspicious of the recordings.
00:40:12That's right.
00:40:14Come in.
00:40:21Four people were killed in the conflict on Yeşilpınar Hill.
00:40:27Ayşe, your brother was here when my father said no one would do anything.
00:40:30How did he get this gold?
00:40:33Tell Levente...
00:40:35...not to interfere in our business again.
00:40:44Levente's men...
00:40:46...killed Halil Ibrahim somewhere.
00:40:52...Halil Ibrahim killed four men.
00:40:56Cevat, Cevat, Cevat!
00:40:59You didn't crush this snake's head when you were a kid.
00:41:03Look how it grew.
00:41:07Call that Levente to me.
00:41:09Call that Levente to me.
00:41:21We're ready for the mosque, but isn't it a little early?
00:41:24Levente will be here soon.
00:41:25We'll leave after that.
00:41:27First, we'll go to the Asian mothers.
00:41:29Then we'll go to the funeral.
00:41:31The woman is in pain now.
00:41:32What if she sees my mother and says something bad?
00:41:34Please tell her, Zeynep.
00:41:35Please tell her.
00:41:36For God's sake, don't get involved today.
00:41:38Zuhal's mother is coming too.
00:41:40We'll go to the funeral together.
00:41:47Hello, Levente.
00:41:48My father is calling. Come to us.
00:41:54Don't make it too dark.
00:41:56I made it a little dark.
00:41:59Thank you.
00:42:01Would you like some, Zeynep?
00:42:02I'll put it in.
00:42:05Levente is coming.
00:42:08We'll go to the Asian mothers from there.
00:42:10There's nothing to do.
00:42:12She's in pain.
00:42:13We'll put up with her.
00:42:15Zuhal will be there too.
00:42:17Why wouldn't she come?
00:42:18Of course she will.
00:42:19She'll be with her sister on her painful day.
00:42:22Even Asiye feels better when she's with Zuhal.
00:42:25At least she has a love for my father.
00:42:27It's not love.
00:42:30Let's say obsession.
00:42:33But I'm not sure if Zuhal even loves Ayse and Levente.
00:42:36I mean, I understand that Ayse doesn't like Fikret.
00:42:39After all, they loved each other.
00:42:42But how did your father get you engaged to them?
00:42:45I still don't understand.
00:42:46Calm down.
00:42:47Haven't you been able to solve the problem all these years?
00:42:50Rızvan is the prisoner of that Asiye and the Yılan family.
00:42:55I have a feeling that...
00:42:58...God is going to put these tyrants in trouble.
00:43:05...how can a child deal with them alone?
00:43:08I spent the whole night safe and sound, God knows.
00:43:47Who would go to such a fight with Bal Osman?
00:43:49Why would he?
00:43:51He has nothing to do with Balci.
00:43:54He's the one who did what he did yesterday.
00:43:59Are you talking about Ali Ibrahim Karos, sir?
00:44:02This Osman is probably Ali Ibrahim's friend.
00:44:05Ali Ibrahim took refuge here.
00:44:07The men wanted to find out where he was and ambush him.
00:44:11But they couldn't ambush Ali Ibrahim.
00:44:16Let's go inside.
00:44:20Master, you go after Ali Ibrahim.
00:44:23I'll take care of Mr. Levente.
00:44:25Come on, come on.
00:44:40Let's take a little break here, Ali Ibrahim.
00:44:52It's good.
00:44:57Is Şahin Kaya from that side or this side, Osman?
00:44:59I don't know, Osman.
00:45:01I'm out of my mind, Ali Ibrahim.
00:45:03Don't ask me anymore, brother.
00:45:05What the hell is going on?
00:45:07What did you do, brother?
00:45:09It's my fault.
00:45:11I shouldn't have come to you.
00:45:13I didn't think you'd find me so soon.
00:45:17It's not about me, sir.
00:45:19It's about my dirty life, Ali Ibrahim.
00:45:21What if I die, what if I stay, what will happen, brother?
00:45:23But machine guns, sniper rifles...
00:45:26What is this?
00:45:27It would be an honor for you, brother.
00:45:29Would it be an honor for the dishonorable, Osman?
00:45:32Well, I guess not.
00:45:44Let's not go to Şahin Kaya, Ali Ibrahim.
00:45:46It's hard to get there.
00:45:50And they say there's something here in front of Şahin Kaya.
00:45:54If there is, it's the real thing.
00:45:55Come on.
00:45:57Let's not get caught in the rain.
00:46:00Who is this Kurdoglu?
00:46:04Before we were born,
00:46:06he was such a quiet, calm man.
00:46:08They shot my father for blood.
00:46:11Then he shot 18 of his men.
00:46:14Then he ran away.
00:46:16They say he knows the bottom of the Black Sea like the inside of a hunter.
00:46:20They say there is no such thing as a hidden treasure.
00:46:27But of course, I don't know if this is the truth,
00:46:30or if it's made up by the people,
00:46:32or if it's a big fairy tale.
00:46:41Let's go, let's go, Osman.
00:46:44Let's go to Şahin Kaya.
00:46:46Did I tell you to do this, Ali Ibrahim?
00:46:47Leto will follow us.
00:46:49They think we'll go to Şahin Kaya.
00:46:51Let's go first and make our preparations.
00:46:54Okay, if you say so.
00:46:56Come on.
00:47:01Let's go.
00:47:17Let's go.
00:47:28Thank you.
00:47:31Let's go see Rızvan Baba.
00:47:35Put your phone down.
00:47:41You're trying to do things that don't work.
00:47:43We can listen to you.
00:47:45That's why.
00:47:47Let's go.
00:48:18We'll come to the funeral if you let us live in the evening.
00:48:24Of course I'll let you live.
00:48:26Your friends are waiting for you.
00:48:29I couldn't stand seeing my aunt in such pain.
00:48:33I promise it won't happen again.
00:48:36Let's not make your father wait.
00:48:38Let's go to your aunt.
00:48:45You promised.
00:48:47I did.
00:48:49Don't get mad at me.
00:49:06What are you going to do tonight, Levent?
00:49:10We'll have guests from Batu.
00:49:12We'll talk business for Tarık.
00:49:14We'll talk business.
00:49:16What are we going to do tonight anyway, Zeynep?
00:49:19I was wondering if you were going to be with us.
00:49:22Are you going to keep talking?
00:49:24Come on.
00:49:25Let's go.
00:49:34What do you mean you won't tell me?
00:49:37Tarık is dead.
00:49:38All the witnesses are dead.
00:49:40Why should I tell you now, Sema?
00:49:42I thought about it all morning.
00:49:44What else would it do other than make you hate me?
00:49:49Eda Nur.
00:49:50Nothing is hidden in this life.
00:49:52Someone must have heard it.
00:49:53Tarık must have told someone.
00:49:54Someone must have seen it.
00:49:55Then how is this going to work?
00:49:57I thought about it too.
00:49:59Let this happen.
00:50:00I'll go to the top of the cliffs.
00:50:02I'll let myself go.
00:50:04There's no other way.
00:50:06Eda Nur.
00:50:07For God's sake, don't say things like that.
00:50:08Stop. Stop.
00:50:11Calm down now.
00:50:12We have to go to Aunt Fatma now.
00:50:16Sema, what am I going to say there?
00:50:18I'm sorry, Aunt Fatma.
00:50:20Yasemin may have died because of me.
00:50:22What am I going to say?
00:50:23What am I going to say?
00:50:24Look, honey.
00:50:27But can we leave that woman alone today, Eda Nur?
00:50:29Can we?
00:50:30Then they won't understand that there's something wrong, Eda Nur.
00:50:32I can't.
00:50:33How can I do this?
00:50:34How can I do this?
00:50:36You have no fault.
00:50:38Look, I'm with you.
00:50:40We're going to go together.
00:50:42We're going to test your head health for five minutes.
00:50:44We're going to come back.
00:50:47They won't understand that there's something wrong, okay, Eda Nur?
00:50:49Let's get yourself together, okay?
00:50:51Come on.
00:50:53Come on.
00:51:10Go on.
00:51:11Hang in there.
00:51:12Get well soon.
00:51:16While I was waiting...
00:51:27Thank you for everything.
00:51:29If we were able to do it...
00:51:30How can we be able to do it?
00:51:37Thank you for everything, dear.
00:51:38Thank you, guys.
00:51:42Did you come here by plane in the morning?
00:51:44We couldn't make it because of the traffic jam.
00:51:47So we came here by car at night.
00:51:50How did this happen, Asiye?
00:51:53It happened out of love, Ismail.
00:51:56My son was a very noble man.
00:51:59He didn't care about anything.
00:52:01He loved the village girl and the girl loved him.
00:52:09That Halil Ibrahim...
00:52:11He's a snake.
00:52:13He has a tail.
00:52:15The minute we went to ask for the girl...
00:52:18He took the girl and took her to the mountain.
00:52:20He took the girl to the mountain.
00:52:22Just to humiliate us.
00:52:26He did it just to humiliate us.
00:52:34He tortured the girl.
00:52:36He raped her just to make her love him.
00:52:42He set a trap for my son.
00:52:45He told him to come if he was a man.
00:52:48He told him where he was.
00:52:50He killed the girl.
00:52:52And he killed my son.
00:53:07What did you do, Aunt Fatma?
00:53:09Sit down, my dear.
00:53:26Now tell me.
00:53:30Was my Yasemin...
00:53:32...my beloved Halil Ibrahim?
00:53:37They were different, Aunt Fatma.
00:53:41They loved each other since they were little.
00:53:45Was Halil Ibrahim not here?
00:53:47I mean...
00:53:49His phone, internet...
00:53:51...connections didn't break.
00:53:53Halil Ibrahim disappeared for a while.
00:53:56My Yasemin was very sad.
00:53:58But when he came back...
00:54:00...they solved that issue.
00:54:02Maybe this Tarık Leto...
00:54:05...was his stomach ache old?
00:54:08He must have been five years old.
00:54:10A pervert.
00:54:12Was Yasemin okay?
00:54:15Why didn't my daughter tell me about this?
00:54:20Maybe she was shy.
00:54:23Maybe she couldn't tell you.
00:54:25Maybe she didn't want to tell you.
00:54:27Maybe she didn't want to tell you.
00:54:31Maybe she couldn't tell you.
00:54:37Those bastards...
00:54:40...they got used to getting what they wanted.
00:54:45We buried one of our daughters in our hands.
00:54:53If we can keep our promise...
00:54:57...we'll go back...
00:54:59...to ask the people...
00:55:02...who caused Yasemin's death.
00:55:12...I understand you don't understand...
00:55:14...but the man came here and threatened you.
00:55:17If you don't come to my funeral...
00:55:19...you'll be my enemies from now on.
00:55:21There's something called science and politics.
00:55:24You'll go to his funeral...
00:55:26...and beg for his forgiveness.
00:55:28Then you'll do whatever you want.
00:55:31...you go to the funeral...
00:55:33...we won't go.
00:55:34Let the devil see their faces.
00:55:36Enough of their cruelty.
00:55:38I told Fikret.
00:55:40We're not afraid of anyone.
00:55:42What will they do?
00:55:43Will they kill us because we didn't go to the funeral?
00:55:45I have those Letos.
00:55:47Okay Arif, we understand.
00:55:48It's you.
00:55:49The ladies are here.
00:55:50Hold your chin.
00:55:51Okay, I'll continue later.
00:55:52You'll continue later.
00:55:56Oh God.
00:55:57Mr. Semih, welcome.
00:55:59Let's sit over there.
00:56:00It's crowded here.
00:56:09Get ready, guys.
00:56:10They're coming.
00:56:22Let's go.
00:56:52Where is Ali Kemal going?
00:56:54I don't know.
00:56:55I don't know where they're going.
00:57:22Let's go.
00:57:24Let's go.
00:57:50You did well, dear.
00:57:52We shouldn't leave them alone.
00:57:55Eda Nur.
00:57:56Kaynan asked about you.
00:57:57Come here.
00:57:58Okay, dad.
00:57:59I'll go.
00:58:00I'm going.
00:58:06What happened?
00:58:07If I go for myself...
00:58:09...God won't let me take a step.
00:58:13Good luck, Yusuf.
00:58:15Mind your own business.
00:58:20Don't go against your father.
00:58:25Come on.
00:58:26Let's go.
00:58:28Let's go.
00:58:29Let's go.
00:59:14Eda, are you okay?
00:59:17Call an ambulance!
00:59:25Seba, let me go!
00:59:33Arif, run!
00:59:34I beg you, run!
00:59:37Call an ambulance!
01:00:30Help your mom, please!
01:00:34I'm sorry.
01:00:39Please help your mother.
01:00:42No, I can't.
01:01:05God bless you.
01:01:09Don't miss it.
01:01:12You didn't leave us alone on this painful day.
01:01:17Thank you very much.
01:01:20Thank you, friends. God bless you.
01:01:22God bless you.
01:01:30My son, Tarik, was brutally murdered.
01:01:36His men were killed.
01:01:39Of course, our state will do whatever it wants.
01:01:44We have infinite respect for our laws.
01:01:47But this is my personal matter now.
01:01:54Because if someone comes out and kills your child,
01:01:59this is your personal matter.
01:02:03Look, I'm telling you from here.
01:02:06Whoever helps my son's murderer,
01:02:13whoever is a friend of my son's murderer,
01:02:18whoever protects him,
01:02:21even whoever salutes him,
01:02:25is my enemy.
01:02:27Those who hear that I'm merciless to my enemies should tell those who don't.
01:02:33On the other hand,
01:02:36I will be merciless to those who help my son's murderer.
01:02:45Until my last breath,
01:02:48I declare that I will see him as a friend of the Leto family.
01:02:58I declare.
01:03:02Thank you. God bless you.
01:03:13We'll go this way.
01:03:15Let's take a break, Osman. We'll camp here.
01:03:19This place is open. Let's go deeper.
01:03:23They'll see us here, Ibrahim.
01:03:25Let them see.
01:03:27What do you mean, let them see?
01:03:29Do you know how to set up a tent, Osman?
01:03:31I'll try.
01:03:33Let's go.
01:03:35Let's go.
01:03:37Let's go.
01:03:39Let's go.
01:03:41Let's go.
01:03:42Do you know how to set up a tent, Osman?
01:03:44I'll try.
01:03:46Okay, try.
01:03:48Yes, just at the bottom.
01:04:04At the end, you put the green.
01:04:13Thank you.
01:04:15Thank you.
01:04:22Shukran, the gendarme arrived. You'll bring them some tea.
01:04:26Okay, Leyla.
01:04:28Did the gendarme come?
01:04:30They searched the cafe. Five dead, ten wounded.
01:04:34Why are you so sad?
01:04:36What do you mean, searched the cafe?
01:04:38How can you not be sad?
01:04:40What were they doing in the coffee shop when we had our funeral?
01:04:46I wasn't sad at all.
01:04:58Oguz Du, right?
01:04:59That's right.
01:05:01Oh, you've met Lemet before.
01:05:04Yes, we met yesterday.
01:05:05He is the brother of my daughter-in-law Ayse.
01:05:11And this is his father.
01:05:14He is Bacanamut.
01:05:17Nesim Kulpa.
01:05:19His family doesn't have a job.
01:05:24But their main job is energy.
01:05:27They do great things with Iranians, Azeris and Russians.
01:05:32This is my uncle's son, Dursum.
01:05:37My aunt's son, Hayri.
01:05:40He has a tea factory.
01:05:43My uncle's son, Sabahattin.
01:05:47He came all the way from Samsun.
01:05:50He makes tobacco in Samsun.
01:05:54My aunt's son, Omer.
01:05:56He is a construction worker.
01:05:58He constructs everywhere in the world.
01:06:01Not just in our country.
01:06:03He is my uncle's grandson, Shukri.
01:06:06He is a lumberjack.
01:06:10My aunt's son, Ali Osman.
01:06:13He is a miner.
01:06:15My brother's children are here.
01:06:20My sister's children are here.
01:06:23I don't want to name all of them.
01:06:28And this is Oguz.
01:06:35Mr. Oguz.
01:06:37I accept your visit as a welcome visit.
01:06:43If you ask me for the price of every bullet fired in this country...
01:06:48...it will cost you dearly.
01:06:52We and all our loved ones...
01:06:56...prepared coffee for our brother...
01:07:01...while we were doing our last duty.
01:07:03What can we do about it, Mr. Usta?
01:07:06There are all kinds of games in coffee.
01:07:09For example, a man may have lost his temper...
01:07:13...got angry and got bored.
01:07:16Two people on a motorcycle...
01:07:18...came with automatic weapons and helmets and committed a murder.
01:07:23Then they burned the motorcycle with their equipment.
01:07:27I mean, it didn't seem like a murder.
01:07:34We will continue our investigation.
01:07:37I just came to renew my warnings.
01:07:41If you say, we will establish justice ourselves...
01:07:46...you will face the state.
01:07:48You asked for justice, Mr. Usta.
01:07:52Where is the murderer of that time?
01:07:55Ali Ibrahim Karasu will pay for justice sooner or later.
01:07:59The murderer of Ocakca Arif...
01:08:02...the murderers of the other innocent people who died in the coffee...
01:08:06...and the ones who made them surrender will pay for justice sooner or later.
01:08:09Don't doubt it.
01:08:15I'm sorry to trouble you again.
01:08:16Excuse me.
01:08:17Thank you.
01:08:18I'll take you.
01:08:19You shouldn't have bothered.
01:08:31We have a job to do.
01:08:34Let's talk to Ankara, if you want.
01:08:38They have just been exiled. They won't take them back.
01:08:41Let's get these things on track first.
01:08:44Then we'll talk.
01:08:46Let's go.
01:08:50You were going to ask the intelligence about Ali Ibrahim's past.
01:08:52Is there any progress?
01:08:54We got the same news from there.
01:08:55It's all clear.
01:08:57Thank you again.
01:08:59Thank you, friends.
01:09:14Can we talk?
01:09:16Now, brother.
01:09:19Leave us alone.
01:09:22Come on, all of you.
01:09:27Is this how you respond to what we talked about yesterday?
01:09:30What sin did the people in the cafe have?
01:09:33Don't get involved in this, please, Zeynep.
01:09:35I thought you were Tarık's son, but you were Tarık's father's son.
01:09:39Shame on you.
01:09:43It's true that I was my father's son.
01:09:46But know that I love you the most in this life.
01:09:49More than your mother, more than your father.
01:09:51Otherwise, you would have plowed that land before Tarık.
01:09:55My love for you can't be tested, Zeynep.
01:10:02I didn't know about your coffee business.
01:10:06If I had, I wouldn't have let you.
01:10:16What are you doing?
01:10:32What are you doing?
01:10:33What are you doing?
01:10:34What are you doing?
01:10:38Leave me alone.
01:10:46Leave me alone.
01:10:51What's going on?
01:10:54Stay until morning, so you can think about it.
01:10:58I swear I'll shoot you.
01:10:59Get me down.
01:11:00Leave me alone.
01:11:07Leave me alone.
01:11:08Leave me alone.
01:11:16I'll find something to eat.
01:11:18And if there's another idiot behind them, I'll prepare a surprise for them.
01:11:23Are they going to stay like this?
01:11:25Let them stay until I come.
01:11:26We'll take care of the rest.
01:11:29Well, well.
01:11:30Look at the world a little bit upside down, so your brain loses blood.
01:11:39I'm following every man that Rustem sent.
01:11:42If there's a problem, I'll get my team out of here.
01:11:45Good, good.
01:11:46But don't worry.
01:11:48Don't make me an enemy of this Fikret and Rizvan.
01:11:51This coffee business is good, isn't it?
01:11:54It's good.
01:11:55It's very good.
01:11:57Look, Rizvan couldn't even tell his son.
01:11:59Because he'll be against it.
01:12:01You won't feel sorry for them.
01:12:03If you do, you'll feel sorry for them.
01:12:05If you're in pain, you'll still feel pain.
01:12:08Brother, the girls are here.
01:12:12Let me see.
01:12:15Wow, wow, wow, wow.
01:12:19The girls are here.
01:12:24Come here.
01:12:26Come here.
01:12:28Come here.
01:12:32I found you.
01:12:33I found you.
01:12:36What's your name?
01:12:38I mean, what do you mean, I'm going to Levent's house?
01:12:41I told you, mom.
01:12:43Since my brother is building a world on the day he was buried, he'll pay for it.
01:12:48Zeynep, my daughter.
01:12:50If you think your father will say something, he's a man, he'll do it.
01:12:55I know, calm down.
01:12:58But there will be a situation where even my father will give me the right.
01:13:01How will that situation be?
01:13:06I will not marry Levent even if I die.
01:13:10I'm going to break this engagement, one way or another.
01:13:23Mr. Barbaros, welcome.
01:13:25Thank you, hello.
01:13:27Hello, how are you?
01:13:30Welcome, how are you?
01:13:33Come on in.
01:13:38Take a seat.
01:13:40Come on, let's sit.
01:13:46How are you?
01:13:47Thank you.
01:13:48Now, first of all, gentlemen.
01:13:52But you know, we have a law.
01:13:54Otherwise, you know, I would have greeted you much more formally outside.
01:14:00But this time, I'll break my promise to you.
01:14:11You use that room.
01:14:24Thank you.
01:14:27Where are you going, Zeynep?
01:14:30I'm going to Levent's place.
01:14:45What happened, Mr. Barbaros?
01:14:46You look like a bird.
01:14:47Why are you grinning?
01:14:49That's it.
01:14:52Get up, you were playing well.
01:14:56Get up, get up.
01:14:57Get up.
01:14:58Get up.
01:14:59Let's see which one plays better.
01:15:02I'm going to eat you.
01:15:11I wanted to say good night before going to bed.
01:15:14I'm going to bed.
01:15:15I wanted to say good night before going to bed.
01:15:21Good night, Zeynep.
01:15:31Did you hear that?
01:15:35Miss Zeynep, at least we should have told your brother.
01:15:38No need.
01:15:42I know he doesn't like Levent at all.
01:15:45He doesn't like Levent, but he loves Ayşe.
01:15:48There's nothing to do.
01:15:57Miss Zeynep.
01:16:00Get out of the car.
01:16:16Miss Zeynep, welcome.
01:16:17Ah, Mr. Levent is not available.
01:16:20What does that mean?
01:16:21There are guests from Batu.
01:16:22From a very important meeting.
01:16:24I know.
01:16:25He called me too.
01:16:29Miss Zeynep shouldn't be here, Şota.
01:16:45I'm going to eat you.
01:16:46I'm going to eat you.
01:16:47Did you hear that?
01:16:48I'm going to eat you.
01:16:59What's up?
01:17:17What are you doing here?
01:17:22I wanted to visit my fiancé.
01:17:25But what else can I see?
01:17:28Mr. Levent is having an affair with women.
01:17:32Get out of the car.
01:17:33What a shameless man you are!
01:17:40We buried my brother today.
01:17:42Are you having an affair here?
01:17:46Get out of the car.
01:17:47What happened?
01:17:48Did you run away for fun?
01:17:49You were kissing and smelling so well.
01:17:52Zeynep, look, it's not what it looks like.
01:17:53I'm going to explain.
01:17:54Get out of the car.
01:18:03Şota, put him down.
01:18:05Şota, who am I talking to?
01:18:06Put him down.
01:18:10Are you going to shoot me?
01:18:12Put the gun down.
01:18:13Put it down.
01:18:14Put it down.
01:18:15Are you going to shoot me?
01:18:16Are you going to shoot me?
01:18:17Put it down.
01:18:19I said stop.
01:18:20Put it down.
01:18:21I said stop.
01:18:28Don't do it.
01:18:32Don't do it, Zeynep.
01:18:35You can have fun.
01:18:40I'm Şota.
01:18:41Zeynep, come here.
01:18:42I said come on.
01:18:45Come here.
01:18:50You're done.
01:18:51Did you hear me?
01:18:52You're done.
01:18:53You're done.
01:18:57Who did this?
01:18:58Who did this?
01:18:59You did this.
01:19:00You did this.
01:19:02I'm going to kill you.
01:19:03Did you hear me?
01:19:13I'm going to kill you.
01:19:18Are you ok, Mrs. Zeynep?
01:19:21I'm ok.
01:19:23I'm ok.
01:19:35Hey, Libran, he's gone.
01:19:43There's something I don't understand.
01:19:46If we give these to them, how are they going to eat them?
01:19:49I mean, how are they going to eat them?
01:19:52I'm telling you, Halil Ibrahim.
01:19:54They'll die there.
01:19:56If they don't die, don't torture them.
01:19:59Pull their heads out.
01:20:01We don't deserve that.
01:20:03You're right, Osman.
01:20:06You're right.
01:20:10Halil Ibrahim, what are you doing?
01:20:12Don't do it. My head is spinning.
01:20:26Thank Osman.
01:20:28Or I wouldn't have let you down.
01:20:37You're working for Levent Kopa.
01:20:39We understand.
01:20:41I'll loosen your ropes a bit more for every piece of information you give me.
01:20:51You'll tell me everything you know about the Letos.
01:20:55Then I promise I won't kill you.
01:21:11Come in.
01:21:17Come in.
01:21:20Your father is here.
01:21:22How is he?
01:21:23He's angry.
01:21:41He's angry.
01:21:57Did Levent shoot you?
01:22:07Tell your brother...
01:22:09...to come to dinner with your mother and father tomorrow.
01:22:15Okay, father.
01:22:25Why are they coming, father?
01:22:28Are you calling them to say we're done?
01:22:33Let them apologize to Zeynep.
01:22:38I don't want an apology, father.
01:22:40It's over for me.
01:22:42Everyone makes mistakes, Zeynep.
01:22:46Let them apologize first.
01:22:48What about the disgrace your daughter is living?
01:22:51I was going to come to that.
01:22:55What are you doing with a single man?
01:23:02I don't understand.
01:23:04Even if the man is engaged, he's single.
01:23:08He does what he wants.
01:23:11Even if he's married, what does it say?
01:23:19A woman never goes to a place where she's not invited.
01:23:25I don't understand, father.
01:23:28Levent can deceive me as he wants.
01:23:30I can't go to a place where I'm not invited.
01:23:34Look, daughter.
01:23:36We're an honorable family.
01:23:39As long as he doesn't hurt us, he can do whatever he wants.
01:23:45Father, don't you understand?
01:23:47I don't want to go to a place where I'm not invited.
01:23:51Father, don't you understand?
01:23:53I don't want to.
01:23:54You want.
01:23:55You want.
01:23:56You want whoever your father wants.
01:24:07We can't accept this.
01:24:09I buried my son today.
01:24:13I buried my son with my own hands today.
01:24:18How can you treat me on such a day, on such a subject?
01:24:42If you tell me what you want, I can help you.
01:24:45You said Kurdoglu was hiding here.
01:24:47That's what they say.
01:24:49That's what I heard.
01:24:52Where is he hiding?
01:24:54That's what we're looking for.
01:24:57Cave, cow, tree bark.
01:25:00He's lying somewhere.
01:25:02We've already made the Latvians our enemies.
01:25:05And the gendarmes are after us.
01:25:07If Kurdoglu had stayed a little further back...
01:25:11If Kurdoglu had stayed a little further back...
01:25:15Why should Kurdoglu be our enemy, Osman?
01:25:18The cave is still his house.
01:25:20Then he wouldn't say, why did you come and take my house?
01:25:23We didn't take it.
01:25:25We just looked.
01:25:31Where are Temel and Turan?
01:25:34They left yesterday after the coffee, Uncle Dervish.
01:25:37They're going to Halil Ibrahim.
01:25:40Someone's going to follow them.
01:25:43Halil Ibrahim will explain.
01:25:45No, no.
01:25:46Yesterday they said, we'll stay somewhere else...
01:25:48...and when we're sure, we'll go to Çayınkaya today.
01:25:50But Nedanur...
01:25:52...that Kayı woman can't keep her mouth shut.
01:25:54Yesterday Yusuf also said something, but...
01:25:58...it's hard to tell.
01:26:00Don't say anything to anyone.
01:26:02I won't, Uncle Dervish.
01:26:05Don't worry about me.
01:26:08I didn't say it to hurt you, dear.
01:26:10Don't upset me.
01:26:11No, Uncle Dervish.
01:26:13It's nothing to do with you.
01:26:15How is this going to happen, Uncle Dervish?
01:26:19Will our people know about this?
01:26:22I don't know about yours, dear.
01:26:26Mine doesn't give up easily.
01:27:00There's a road going down.
01:27:08Come, Osman. Come.
01:27:09Don't be afraid.
01:27:11Don't be afraid, Osman.
01:27:12You talk so easily, Halil Ibrahim.
01:27:22Be careful, don't fall there.
01:27:38We found him.
01:27:39Are you sure?
01:27:41What if he's there?
01:27:43Maybe he's dead.
01:27:44The body is there.
01:27:46For God's sake, Halil Ibrahim.
01:27:47Don't mess with me.
01:27:49Hey, Firdos!
01:27:51We're friends!
01:27:56Wait, what are you doing? Be careful.
01:27:58What are you doing?
01:28:00What are you doing?
01:28:02What are you doing?
01:28:04What are you doing?
01:28:07Let's see.
01:28:08Give it to me.
01:28:09I don't have anything.
01:28:10Be careful, Halil Ibrahim.
01:28:16Are you okay?
01:28:17I'm fine.
01:28:19I'm coming.
01:28:32No one has been here for a year.
01:28:34This is how it looks.
01:28:36So, what do you say?
01:28:38Can we get out of here, Osman?
01:28:42Halil Ibrahim.
01:28:43You see that this is Gurdoğlu's grandmother.
01:28:46Why are we forcing ourselves?
01:28:48Let's go somewhere else.
01:28:51We'll be here for a while, Osman.
01:28:55Let's tidy up here.
01:28:57Let's clean up a little.
01:28:59Let's take a break.
01:29:00We'll take care of it later.
01:29:03If you say so.
01:29:05Let's take the rifle.
01:29:10Halil Ibrahim.
01:29:12What happened?
01:29:13Did you hear that?
01:29:15Oh my God.
01:29:17Oh my God.
01:29:30Come on.
01:29:32Come on.
01:29:37Demet, what happened?
01:29:38What happened, Turan?
01:29:45Let's go, Osman.
01:29:54What is this?
01:29:55How are we going to get out of here?
01:29:57What is this?
01:30:01Did Halil Ibrahim do this?
01:30:03You are such a stupid man, Turan.
01:30:05How did Halil Ibrahim set up such a trap?
01:30:08If you call me stupid again...
01:30:10...I'll put you in his mouth when I get down here.
01:30:12Don't go any further.
01:30:13How are we going to get out of here?
01:30:16Don't shout, Turan.
01:30:18Don't shout.
01:30:19We heard the men's voices.
01:30:20I can't stand alone.
01:30:21Whoever comes, come.
01:30:23Save us.
01:30:25You started shouting again.
01:30:27Don't I know what I'm doing?
01:30:30Is that Halil Ibrahim?
01:30:34Halil Ibrahim.
01:30:35We're here.
01:30:36Let me down.
01:30:37Please, let me down.
01:30:38Did you do this?
01:30:39Come here.
01:30:41Come here.
01:30:43Are you okay?
01:30:44Calm down, Turan.
01:30:45I'll cut you now.
01:30:46I'll stay calm.
01:30:47Are you okay?
01:30:48I'm not okay.
01:30:49Where did Halil Ibrahim come from?
01:30:55Osman, I'm going to cut you.
01:30:57I'm going to cut you.
01:30:58How can I know which one is whose?
01:31:00Don't bother me.
01:31:01Let me down.
01:31:02I'm going to cut you.
01:31:11What happened?
01:31:12Did something happen?
01:31:13Why did you come?
01:31:14It happened.
01:31:15It happened.
01:31:17What happened?
01:31:18Fethullah is looking for coffee.
01:31:20What are you talking about?
01:31:22Arif and four more people died.
01:31:24Dervish is also injured.
01:31:26Dervish and Semahattin were there.
01:31:27We barely saved ourselves.
01:31:28We barely hid.
01:31:30Brother Fikret came to the coffee.
01:31:32He said, join Tarık's funeral.
01:31:35When he didn't join us, he shot the bastards.
01:31:42Osman, take my brothers.
01:31:44Take a break.
01:31:46I'm coming.
01:31:48Where are you going?
01:31:49Wait in the cave until I come.
01:31:56We barely made it.
01:31:58In the cave.
01:32:00In the cave.
01:32:01Oh, my God.
01:32:02We barely made it.
01:32:03We barely made it.
01:32:04We barely made it.
01:32:07We barely made it.
01:32:08Come on.
01:32:10Halil Ibrahim is coming.
01:32:12What are you doing, Halil Ibrahim?
01:32:14Don't do it, Halil Ibrahim.
01:32:18Don't do it.
01:32:23Get up.
01:32:26Get up.
01:32:31Get up.
01:32:35Get up.
01:32:46Go on.
01:32:48Go on.
01:32:56Go on.
01:33:04Come closer.
01:33:06Come closer.
01:33:08Come closer.
01:33:14Not to the toilets.
01:33:16Halil Ibrahim will come.
01:33:18He will surrender to the gendarmerie.
01:33:21On one condition.
01:33:23From now on, not a single innocent person will be harmed.
01:33:28Do you understand?
01:33:30Don't let me see you again.
01:33:32Go on.
01:33:33Go on.
01:33:45They shot that bullet at me, not at you.
01:33:48So I can go down.
01:33:50Since they are making a fuss...
01:33:53...I will go.
01:33:55Going down after all this...
01:33:57...what does it mean to surrender, Ibrahim?
01:34:00Please, don't get involved in this anymore.
01:34:02You have already suffered enough.
01:34:04This is my problem, I will solve it.
01:34:06Halil Ibrahim.
01:34:07Don't make this matter any longer.
01:34:09From now on, we are only together.
01:34:10Only together, brother.
01:34:12Are you going to die?
01:34:14We will come with you.
01:34:17What friends?
01:34:19We are blood brothers.
01:34:21If necessary, we will die for each other.
01:34:23Don't do anything stupid, Halil Ibrahim.
01:34:25You can't convince us.
01:34:33In that case...
01:34:36...today is not the day to die.
01:34:39It is the day to settle the score.
01:34:48Thank you.
01:34:49Bon Appetit.
01:34:51Thank you.
01:34:52Calm down.
01:34:54Thank you, calm down.
01:34:57You sit down, too.
01:34:58Calm down.
01:35:06My mother and father...
01:35:07...passed through my brother.
01:35:10They said they had guests from the west.
01:35:12They said they were talking business.
01:35:14They called the girls for him.
01:35:16But they didn't listen.
01:35:18They killed him.
01:35:25I promise you on behalf of my brother...
01:35:27...and myself, Zeynep.
01:35:29This will never happen again.
01:35:31My brother already regretted it like a dog.
01:35:35My daughter.
01:35:36If Fikret touches you...
01:35:37...I will reject him.
01:35:40Your brother hit my daughter.
01:35:42How can I call him my daughter?
01:35:44Tell me.
01:35:45Which one of us didn't make a mistake, mother?
01:35:48Levent is good, but he is angry.
01:35:50He lost his temper and made a mistake.
01:35:53I am the mother of your grandchildren.
01:35:55Don't I have any memory?
01:35:57I swear on my brother.
01:36:04If I didn't break his bones there...
01:36:06...I didn't break your memory.
01:36:08No one can come and take my place.
01:36:10Neither my fiancée nor my wife.
01:36:11You can't hit Levent.
01:36:12Rızvan, let him go.
01:36:13You can't touch his daughter.
01:36:14No matter what you do outside...
01:36:15...this will never happen again.
01:36:19You should get married first.
01:36:22Then you can do whatever you want.
01:36:25You will call him uncle until you cross the bridge.
01:36:27That's it.
01:36:28No one has ever crossed the line with that spoiled girl.
01:36:30You did well.
01:36:32Ayşe, shut up.
01:36:35Look, Nesim is very angry.
01:36:37What if Rızvan got engaged?
01:36:40Rızvan can't give up on you.
01:36:41I'm in the middle.
01:36:48Brother Levent.
01:36:50Someone called Rüstem came with his man.
01:36:54They're all crazy.
01:36:55He's your man.
01:36:57They're all crazy.
01:36:58Come and see.
01:37:00I'm sorry.
01:37:02What are you saying?
01:37:06Tamer, are you sure you're Rüstem?
01:37:08I'm used to it, brother.
01:37:09Are you sure you're Rüstem?
01:37:10I'm used to it, brother.
01:37:29What's wrong with you?
01:37:34What's wrong with you?
01:37:36Halil Ibrahim has captured them.
01:37:38Then he released them.
01:37:42No, he didn't let you live when you did such a disgrace to me.
01:37:47He's sending a message.
01:37:50Brother Levent.
01:37:51Halil Ibrahim will surrender to the gendarmerie so that no one will come to us.
01:37:56I say we put the bridge in prison before we get to Abugara.
01:38:00Let's not let him surrender.
01:38:01Let's get him down.
01:38:04Brother Levent, I'm coming with you.
01:38:05You stop, Tamer.
01:38:06For God's sake, you stop.
01:38:14Look at me.
01:38:15Take all the men you have to the bridge.
01:38:18If necessary,
01:38:19If necessary,
01:38:20fly the dynamite to that bridge.
01:38:22But don't let Halil Ibrahim pass.
01:38:28Take them here.
01:38:29Let's go.
01:38:36Stop here.
01:38:37Stop here.
01:38:47You hide the car there.
01:38:49You follow him.
01:38:50You hide the car there.
01:38:52You pull the car back.
01:38:54You hide.
01:38:56Come on.
01:38:57Come on.
01:38:59Everybody keep your eyes open.
01:39:01Halil Ibrahim will not get out of this bridge alive.
01:39:03Halil Ibrahim will not get out of this bridge alive.
01:39:05Do you hear me, everybody?
01:39:10Daughter, look, they are colorful.
01:39:12Your brother's side is colorful.
01:39:13Take them here.
01:39:14Son, you pull the colors this way.
01:39:16Here, let's do it with whites.
01:39:18What is it?
01:39:19What does it show in the picture?
01:39:21Look, what's on the window?
01:39:22It's yellow.
01:39:23Is this going to happen?
01:39:24Try it.
01:39:25No, this is green, look.
01:39:26Take this, try it.
01:39:30Okay, Leyla.
01:39:32Okay, daughter.
01:39:35This is also colorful.
01:39:37There is something in the other house.
01:39:39I don't know if it's good news or bad news.
01:39:41I hope it's good news.
01:39:43I think you should tell my father.
01:39:45What's going on?
01:39:52Come in.
01:39:57This is the idea.
01:39:58The volunteers are here.
01:40:00They're on their way, dad.
01:40:04But there's another situation.
01:40:07Halil Ibrahim.
01:40:09He's going to surrender to the gendarmerie.
01:40:14It seems it's time to scatter the coffee windows.
01:40:21But there's another situation.
01:40:24Levent sent his men to the bridge, to the ambush.
01:40:27They won't let Halil Ibrahim surrender.
01:40:33Let them pray.
01:40:35Let Halil Ibrahim die there.
01:40:38Let them pray, let him die.
01:40:56Let's go.
01:41:19Thank you.
01:41:22Thank you.
01:41:26Thank you.
01:41:56Thank you.
01:42:27God damn it.
01:42:50Drop your gun.
01:42:51Don't shoot me.
01:42:52Drop it.
01:42:53Drop it.
01:42:54Don't shoot me.
01:42:55Drop it.
01:42:56Drop it.
01:42:57Drop it.
01:43:01Drop it.
01:43:03Drop it.
01:43:04Don't shoot me.
01:43:06Drop it.
01:43:07Don't shoot me, Halil Ibrahim.
01:43:08Drop it.
01:43:12Didn't I tell you not to come across me again?
01:43:15Okay, okay.
01:43:33Call an ambulance, quick.
01:43:34Call an ambulance.
01:43:35He might be alive.
01:43:36Green hills.
01:43:37Trees everywhere.
01:43:40Spread out.
01:43:41Check everywhere.
01:43:43Close all exits of the town.
01:43:44Don't let anyone out.
01:43:51Is he alive?
01:43:52No, sir.
01:43:55Thank you.
01:43:59Thank you.
01:44:00Thank you.
01:44:01I don't know how right it is to talk about this on such a sad day, but Bacanak.
01:44:08Life goes on despite the losses.
01:44:12We parted with our son.
01:44:15But we have two beautiful children here.
01:44:18They will make us happy with their happiness.
01:44:21I mean, let's wait until Tarık's beard grows.
01:44:26Then we'll have our wedding. What do you say?
01:44:30Our elders say we should hurry in good deeds.
01:44:37We also have a surprise for Zeynep.
01:44:40What is it, mom? I'm so curious.
01:44:43Zeynep had a dream. She got up from here and went all the way to America.
01:44:47She studied and got a good education.
01:44:49She wanted to build a mandir to contribute to the people.
01:44:53Mr. Nesim collected all the land that Zeynep liked and convinced the villagers.
01:44:59You can start your own farm right after the wedding.
01:45:09You made it rain.
01:45:13You made it rain.
01:45:26Can you look at this?
01:45:33I'm sorry, but I need your permission. It's urgent.
01:45:44I don't want it.
01:45:51I'm going.
01:45:52Temel, wait.
01:45:54Wait a minute.
01:45:57Temel, that's enough.
01:45:58Don't go. Look at me.
01:46:00You did what you had to do.
01:46:02The men paid for it. That's enough.
01:46:04Yasemin, Arif.
01:46:07A lot of men died.
01:46:08Eda, stop.
01:46:10Uncle Dervis was injured.
01:46:12These men were looking for you at the cafe.
01:46:14When you were at the cafe.
01:46:16I've been through everything. Halil Ibrahim said he'd surrender.
01:46:19They ambushed the bridge.
01:46:22May God have mercy on us.
01:46:24Where is Halil Ibrahim now?
01:46:38Commander, I found the car here.
01:46:50He left the car and ran away.
01:46:52Is he hurt?
01:46:53Who lives nearby?
01:46:55His name is Muzaffer.
01:46:58You two stay here. Let's go.
01:47:07Let's go.
01:47:28Everyone should line up.
01:47:30He's a professional.
01:47:31You'll capture him alive.
01:47:33As long as Halil Ibrahim Karasu doesn't shoot, no one will shoot.
01:47:37Surround the house. Hurry up.
01:47:39Come on.
01:47:43You go that way.
01:48:07Good day.
01:48:08Is Halil Ibrahim Karasu here?
01:48:12No, commander.
01:48:16If you want, go ahead. Take care of yourself.
01:48:36İmperial Prison
01:48:46What's up, son? Is there a problem?
01:48:48Yes, dad. There is a problem.
01:48:50The news is not good.
01:48:53I didn't give you a definite instruction.
01:48:55Don't interfere with my work.
01:48:59I don't understand.
01:49:02How can all those men not catch a man?
01:49:04I don't understand.
01:49:05But the bandit said he would surrender.
01:49:07Why are you blocking his way?
01:49:09Let him rot in prison.
01:49:11Don't get involved in things you don't understand, Ayşe.
01:49:15There's nothing to understand, Levent.
01:49:18The boy was going to surrender.
01:49:20You were going to let him go, you were going to surrender.
01:49:26Anyway, let's not talk about this at the table.
01:49:30Come on, we have to do it.
01:49:33I was wondering what was necessary.
01:49:36Doesn't a man have to surrender to justice?
01:49:39He can be tried, he can be punished.
01:49:41If necessary, he can rest in peace. What nonsense is this?
01:49:46Now, Zeynep.
01:49:48A man will come.
01:49:51He will shed our blood.
01:49:53Then he will rest in peace, won't he?
01:49:57What blood?
01:49:59What's the difference between you and the others?
01:50:01You call Halil İbrahim a bandit.
01:50:03Isn't this what you're doing, a banditry?
01:50:06Are you defending your brother's killer, girl?
01:50:09I'm not defending any killer.
01:50:13And no killer.
01:50:15Zeynep, sit down.
01:50:18Zeynep, I'm talking to you!
01:50:22If you raise your voice to my brother again, I'll cut your vocal cords.
01:51:18Why did you sell me?
01:51:32In the mountains, the red herb ends
01:51:37In it, the cake is a skirt
01:51:41In the mountains, the red herb ends
01:51:45In it, the cake is a skirt
01:51:49Worse than a bandit
01:51:53I'm sorry, Halil İbrahim
01:51:58I'm sorry, Halil İbrahim
01:52:02To your curly hair
01:52:06To your snow-covered ends
01:52:10To the mountains
01:52:15I'm sorry, Halil İbrahim
01:52:19To your curly hair
01:52:24To your snow-covered ends
01:52:28To the mountains
01:52:32I'm sorry, Halil İbrahim
01:52:53I'm sorry, Halil İbrahim
01:52:58To your curly hair
01:53:03To your snow-covered ends
