• 2 months ago
00:01:20Please don't humiliate me with your respect
00:01:22You will save us, sir
00:01:25Virginia, what is this? Nothing like this has happened
00:01:28You are young and beautiful
00:01:32The world is before you
00:01:34I beg you, I can't lose my job
00:01:36For the first time someone looks at me with such eyes
00:01:40It's a pity it's because of a crushed jug
00:01:43I beg you!
00:01:44What are you doing? Please calm down
00:01:47I'm sorry
00:01:50Close the windows, I think someone is knocking on the street
00:01:55Maestro, you are composing
00:02:02Did you bring the langoustines?
00:02:05Yes, ma'am
00:02:06Did you send everything I wrote?
00:02:07Yes, ma'am
00:02:08The peacock?
00:02:09Yes, ma'am
00:02:11Very fresh
00:02:12Did you bring the newspaper?
00:02:17Here you are
00:02:20Thank you
00:02:24Virginia, give them some coffee
00:02:27Yes, ma'am, but...
00:02:29Can I have a cup of black coffee?
00:02:32That one is not ready yet
00:02:36Oh, well
00:02:37Black ones are also very nice
00:02:50But Paris cured him
00:02:52Oh, Dominic, how many times have I dreamed about this moment
00:02:55He sits down at the piano and plays, just plays
00:02:58Nothing scares him, nothing hurts him
00:03:01Yes, ma'am, I did it
00:03:03But now gently, carefully
00:03:09Are they watching the yard?
00:03:11For this money? They wouldn't have conscience
00:03:14But I heard some noise
00:03:17Oh, me too
00:03:20But not from the yard, but from the other side
00:03:31A beautiful motif, isn't it?
00:03:34Very beautiful
00:03:36And you sing beautifully
00:03:39Thank you
00:03:41You were supposed to be a singer too, weren't you?
00:03:44Yes, my father wanted it very much
00:03:47But when I gave him a salmon souffle for the first time
00:03:51He changed his mind
00:03:53He understood that my vocation is cooking
00:03:56He licked the plate, swallowed the saliva and said
00:03:58Son, from today you can learn nothing more
00:04:02I bless my father
00:04:04It is very important to meet someone on your way
00:04:07Who will recognize our talent
00:04:10Thanks to my father and meeting the master
00:04:14I got to paradise
00:04:16Oh, Dominic
00:04:18Yes, ma'am
00:04:20Thanks to you, my life is a composition of happiness
00:04:23If one day, after death, I go to heaven
00:04:25And there will be no music of the master and my kitchen
00:04:27I will confess to St. Peter
00:04:29Dominic, you are already an angel
00:04:32Mr. Dominic, the master told you to repeat
00:04:35That they will come soon with this other man
00:04:38Mishot, Edmund Mishot
00:04:41And that you have to prepare some glasses
00:04:43What you know, because I don't know
00:04:45Let Dominic explain everything slowly
00:04:48The girl has to get used to it
00:05:02Hide this newspaper somewhere
00:05:04I don't want the master to see it
00:05:11The glasses are needed for Mr. Edmund to play on them
00:05:14On the glasses?
00:05:19Do you know what a tertia is?
00:05:21A penultimate
00:05:25A tertia is an interval, i.e. the distance between sounds
00:05:29From which the higher one is noted in the third place
00:05:33In the pentatonic system relative to the lower one
00:05:38Good answer
00:05:41You can't explain music, you have to listen to it
00:05:47Do you hear the difference, Miss Janka?
00:05:51Then imagine that Maestro Rossini
00:05:54For a long time heard sounds normally and at the same time
00:06:00A raised tertia
00:06:02At the same time?
00:06:04All of them?
00:06:11Does Miss Janka know what a nephralgia is?
00:06:17Bad answer
00:06:22When we boil milk, are we afraid it will boil or not?
00:06:27We are afraid
00:06:29So a sensitive person is like boiling milk
00:06:33It can boil at any moment
00:06:41If I, for example, took you by the hand
00:06:46And wanted to kiss you
00:06:49It could happen that you would run away
00:06:54Because your sensitive soul would not withstand such a tension
00:06:59I think it would
00:07:06It means you are strong
00:07:08Music has its limits
00:07:11For example, Maestro and I can boil when we hear a false melody
00:07:15That's why the guard doesn't let the musicians into the yard
00:07:19And when will we talk about the crushed bell?
00:07:21You don't trust me?
00:07:24Does Mr. Dominik know how difficult it is to find a good place now?
00:07:28Dominik, just Dominik, without you
00:07:44Finally, we are in paradise
00:07:49I was in paradise a moment ago when you were playing
00:07:53Because you haven't tried my sauces yet
00:07:56Maestro, how can you compare?
00:07:58Edmund, do you know how to get a laurel?
00:08:04I write down on a piece of paper
00:08:06Buy a laurel leaf and add it to the morning shopping list
00:08:11Maestro, you are joking and the whole world is waiting for your works
00:08:15Dominik and I are preparing a taste composition
00:08:20Tornado with mushrooms
00:08:24But the whole thing is still a bit underdeveloped
00:08:28I think we will have to change the proportion of porto to cream
00:08:33The advantage of porto, of course
00:08:36It's so banal
00:08:37Do you think so?
00:08:38Yes, it's like giving a strong bass base
00:08:41The melody won't break
00:08:43Maybe you're right
00:08:45Have you heard cornichons?
00:08:47Oh, cornichons are fine
00:08:50Green peas too
00:08:52I haven't heard rye oil in its entirety, but what I have heard is very good
00:08:57Rye oil?
00:08:59I tasted something yesterday
00:09:01And it's called rye oil
00:09:03Maestro, why didn't you play for me?
00:09:05Let's wait until Saturday
00:09:07For now, take a glass
00:09:10Miss is probably surprised by the customs in this house
00:09:14No, why?
00:09:15Well, we are undoubtedly a bit weird
00:09:19But we try to be harmless weirdos
00:09:24Did Miss buy a newspaper?
00:09:29I forgot to tell her
00:09:38Oh, here it is
00:09:50For God's sake, stop knocking on these glasses
00:09:54I'm very sorry, but I read something here
00:09:57Did you read it?
00:10:01You didn't read it
00:10:04Here you are
00:10:08Let's go to the fridge
00:10:12Fishless sauce
00:10:15That's funny
00:10:17Fishless sauce, Wagner's music
00:10:19And I was supposed to say that
00:10:21But you didn't
00:10:22I was supposed to say that Wagner's music is fishless sauce?
00:10:27Why not? It's funny
00:10:29A lot of jokes are attributed to you
00:10:31Some are much stupider
00:10:32What stupider? What much stupider?
00:10:34Why don't you say anything?
00:10:35Maestro, please calm down
00:10:37This is the price of fame
00:10:39People tell each other
00:10:40Please tell me these stupid jokes
00:10:42Please tell me these stupid jokes right now
00:10:45Well, when he was supposed to pay a visit to Tamberling
00:10:50You told him to come early
00:10:51To leave his high-class sis in the hallway
00:10:54And then you forgot to take him back
00:10:56I told you, I told you
00:10:58That when Vice-Rabbi Graham Wall played his composition
00:11:03You said that with women's pieces it's like with their children
00:11:08We'll never know the father
00:11:10Yes, I said that
00:11:13And that you don't compose now
00:11:17Because you wait for the Jews to finish their shabbat
00:11:23And now they're composing Merber and Alevich
00:11:25This is Jewish shabbat
00:11:26How can you repeat such things?
00:11:29Do they think I'm an ordinary simpleton?
00:11:32A scoundrel who plays anti-Semitic pieces?
00:11:36God, why do I live in this world?
00:11:38I need to write a statement right away
00:11:40About what?
00:11:41Richard Wagner is coming to Paris
00:11:44And he's being greeted with such information
00:11:47It's very sad
00:11:49Maestro, this is some kind of madness
00:11:52Everyone, Merber, Verdi, Berlioz
00:11:54Thinks he's a complete lunatic
00:11:56The whole of Paris is laughing at him
00:11:58I can't laugh at him
00:11:59Not me
00:12:01Here, read it
00:12:03I've already read it
00:12:05You hid it from me
00:12:09I knew you'd get irritated
00:12:11Twelve years ago Wagner told me
00:12:15That I'm a abandoned courtesan
00:12:17And a manufacturer of artificial flowers
00:12:19Calm down
00:12:22Eighteen years ago he said
00:12:24I suffer from abdominal pain
00:12:26I trade fish
00:12:28And live with women with a dubious reputation
00:12:30I don't feel offended
00:12:32He hates me
00:12:34And everything I represent
00:12:36But I won't repay him the same way
00:12:38Ignore him
00:12:40I should
00:12:42I don't know his music at all
00:12:45I brought you a score
00:12:47Do you remember Tristan and Isolde?
00:12:49I didn't read it, I have poor eyesight
00:12:52So why are you so angry?
00:12:54You have no obligation to know his music
00:12:56You stopped composing operas because of them
00:13:00What are you talking about, Olympia?
00:13:02What are you talking about?
00:13:04I stopped composing
00:13:06Because I'm a lazy man
00:13:08There is no conspiracy of young people
00:13:10No conspiracy of critics
00:13:12There is only a conspiracy of my wife
00:13:14And my friends
00:13:16To isolate me from the world
00:13:18There is no conspiracy
00:13:20He offended your father
00:13:22He has been writing
00:13:24Since his dear uncle died
00:13:26He eats pate
00:13:28He is a scoundrel
00:13:30Did he really write that?
00:13:32Yes, and to the German who translated it
00:13:34I had to pay 5 francs
00:13:36I didn't read it
00:13:38Maybe the translator
00:13:40Made a mistake
00:13:46I want to confess
00:13:49No one can see
00:13:51That we are busy
00:13:53I made up that joke about the sauce
00:13:57Different journalistic hyenas come here
00:13:59Do you remember how they said
00:14:01That we sell back the fruits
00:14:03That are left after the harvest?
00:14:05So what?
00:14:07Should I throw the money in the mud
00:14:09Just because they are left?
00:14:11And what about that joke?
00:14:13One asked me at the gate
00:14:15What we will give on Saturday
00:14:17And I said nothing
00:14:19Didn't you hear about the new fashion in music?
00:14:21Weren't you at Wagner's concert?
00:14:23If music can be without melody
00:14:25The sauce can be without fish
00:14:29He laughed and left
00:14:31Were you at Wagner's concert?
00:14:33I was
00:14:35And what?
00:14:39Half of the hall
00:14:41Most of them left before the end
00:14:43And how did he play?
00:14:46He had nice moments
00:14:48And ugly squares
00:14:50In any case, I confess
00:14:52It's all my fault
00:14:54Mr. Dominik is too good
00:14:56You can't take all the blame
00:14:58I'm also to blame
00:15:00And what does Mrs. have to do with it?
00:15:02Oh, because she hid the newspaper
00:15:04Too poorly
00:15:06And the maestro read it
00:15:10And what are these conspiracies for, Olympia?
00:15:12I knew you would get angry
00:15:14I wanted to prepare you somehow
00:15:16You are my angel
00:15:18But you are exaggerating
00:15:20With opening the wings
00:15:22Edmund, you will bring my resignation
00:15:24To this newspaper
00:15:26As you wish, maestro
00:15:30What do you want to resign?
00:15:32You didn't say anything
00:15:34What do you care about this joke?
00:15:36You have to publish it
00:15:38That I didn't say anything
00:15:41I don't think they want money
00:15:43They would be ashamed
00:15:45I don't think so
00:15:47I'd better write right away
00:15:49I'm sorry
00:15:51Couldn't you hide the newspaper better?
00:16:03If someone asked
00:16:05You didn't see me at this concert
00:16:08I didn't see you
00:16:10Of course
00:16:12I saw you in such a small degree
00:16:14That it was someone else
00:16:16Thank you
00:16:18I completely agree with you
00:16:20Nice moments
00:16:22And terrible souls
00:16:30I don't understand
00:16:32What did you confess to?
00:16:34To a crime
00:16:36What crime?
00:16:38To a conversation with art journalists
00:16:44You scared me
00:16:46Have you ever eaten a chocolate hazelnut?
00:16:48Are you kidding?
00:16:50Is it edible?
00:16:52I'm just wondering
00:16:54Because it's like this
00:16:56Chocolate sauce could be a little bitter
00:16:58And a little sweet
00:17:00And the melody
00:17:02So the hazelnut is mild
00:17:05You have to think
00:17:09I would probably faint
00:17:13When will we tell about the bank?
00:17:15At the end of this scene
00:17:19It will be our ending theme
00:17:23Or maybe we'll buy the same one
00:17:25Or similar
00:17:27I have a little debt
00:17:29It's impossible
00:17:31This service is a gift from some vizier or sultan
00:17:35You can't buy it
00:17:43Not to complicate things
00:17:45In simplification
00:17:47I don't write anything about your conversation with the journalist
00:17:49I don't know anything about her
00:17:51Do you agree?
00:17:53Of course
00:17:55I'm very sorry
00:17:57But you didn't make any mistake
00:17:59Yes, I couldn't talk to him
00:18:01Maestro, one moment
00:18:03When you were going out
00:18:05You interrupted Lafrock
00:18:07About this beautiful jar
00:18:09And smashed it on the floor
00:18:11It didn't happen to me
00:18:15It would have happened to you
00:18:17I heard
00:18:19When something happened
00:18:21Between C and A
00:18:23In the second volt
00:18:25I was conducting
00:18:27I'm sorry
00:18:29But it happens
00:18:32Be careful
00:18:34Be careful
00:18:36Maestro, be careful
00:18:40What the hell
00:18:42I liked this service so much
00:18:44What a pity
00:18:46I caught it with my sleeve
00:18:48And here you go
00:18:50It was a gift from the king of Portugal
00:18:52You can't fix it
00:18:54You're upset
00:18:56And you don't see what's going on around you
00:18:58You told me to look around
00:19:00And I didn't notice the bell
00:19:02Calm down, Jackie
00:19:04Maybe it will stick together
00:19:06How is it possible, Baudelaire
00:19:08That you don't see a clear conspiracy in all this?
00:19:10I see it with my own eyes
00:19:12The French are too lazy
00:19:14To organize a conspiracy
00:19:16I'm not talking about the French
00:19:18I'm talking about the Jews
00:19:20Meyer, Berlioz
00:19:22They come to my first concert
00:19:26So that no one can accuse them
00:19:29And then they quietly intrigue
00:19:31They make an opinion against me
00:19:33And in the next two concerts
00:19:35There is already
00:19:37A Jewish conspiracy
00:19:39For such an artist
00:19:41As Richard Wagner
00:19:43There can only be obstacles
00:19:45To caution
00:19:47Baudelaire, Baudelaire
00:19:49You don't know how tired I am
00:19:51To put feelings
00:19:53Into music
00:19:55Costs much more
00:19:57Than the sweetened syrups
00:19:59Of this Italian-Jewish
00:20:07They know very well
00:20:09That I'm doing a revolution
00:20:11That will destroy their whole
00:20:13Kramix of surfaces
00:20:15This Kramix with pasta Tandetta
00:20:17That's why they want to destroy me
00:20:19The witches themselves have become wiser
00:20:21They don't even attack me
00:20:23They just drink
00:20:26Sauce without fish
00:20:30Sauce without fish
00:20:32What a champagne joke
00:20:34Of this fat caftaner
00:20:38Is he still alive?
00:20:40Yes, he said recently
00:20:42That the rumors of his death
00:20:44Are, in any case, very exaggerated
00:20:46By what miracle can you live
00:20:48To a beautiful age
00:20:50And make colossal money
00:20:52Selling people painted varnishes
00:20:55He supposedly testified
00:20:57Everyone is in a hurry to his death
00:20:59And I'm not
00:21:01Here everyone is counting on his opinion
00:21:03Do you know what the emperor said
00:21:05When Rossini apologized for being late
00:21:07They meet
00:21:09Of course
00:21:11So the emperor
00:21:13In response to the apology said
00:21:17Between us ruling
00:21:21King Buff
00:21:29Rossini will perform his vow
00:21:41Ah, cunning beast
00:21:43Do you think
00:21:45Do you think it's some kind of intrigue?
00:21:49Excellent move
00:21:52At least he never made
00:21:54Any malicious remarks about my music
00:21:56Because I don't know it
00:21:58Listen people
00:22:00Rossini tells you
00:22:02You don't have to know Wagner's music
00:22:04Even I don't know it
00:22:06Because and why
00:22:08And I should thank him for that
00:22:14Fitz, stop barking
00:22:16Go to the lady
00:22:20Go get that dog
00:22:44My wife still doesn't demand
00:22:46What is Rossini
00:22:49Old, warm dog
00:22:51But he can cast a spell
00:22:53He's a flirt
00:22:55Although he's sick
00:22:57He's suffering from pneumonia
00:22:59He's panicking
00:23:01He's afraid of the train
00:23:03It would explain a lot
00:23:05When it comes to his music
00:23:07I wouldn't suspect
00:23:09That it's a match
00:23:11That's what you think
00:23:13It's an epicurean
00:23:15He doesn't like to cause pain
00:23:17It's a convenient solution
00:23:19And very epicurean
00:23:21Yes, but he's rich
00:23:23He takes care of his peace
00:23:25So he's a nasty old woman
00:23:27Who takes care of him
00:23:29He visits him every Saturday
00:23:31Have you been there?
00:23:35I don't like the smell of old age
00:23:37If he read it
00:23:39If he read everything I wrote
00:23:41It's a revenge
00:23:43A very well thought-out revenge
00:23:46I don't think it's a revenge
00:23:48I think it is
00:23:50It's genius without a higher level of cunning
00:23:52Even if it's possible, it's unlikely
00:23:54Master, does cunning have a level?
00:23:58I wish you, dear child
00:24:00With all my heart
00:24:02That you meet only
00:24:04With a level of cunning
00:24:06The dog left it in its room
00:24:16Of course, the dog will start barking
00:24:24This man wants something from you
00:24:28What is it about?
00:24:30My name is Dominique Libuet
00:24:32I'm the chef of the Master's kitchen
00:24:35I invented your music
00:24:37It tastes like fishless sauce
00:24:47Rossini told you to forgive me
00:24:49No one told me anything
00:24:51We have a republic in France
00:24:53Why did you pay us a visit?
00:24:57I came to inform Mr. Wagner
00:24:59That I'm at his disposal
00:25:01And I serve satisfaction at all times
00:25:06I serve satisfaction
00:25:08What does that mean?
00:25:10It means that if I call him for a duel
00:25:12He'll be happy
00:25:16Listen, man
00:25:18You're crazy
00:25:22I was a soldier
00:25:24I'm a man of honor
00:25:26And I think I have the right
00:25:28To voice my views on art
00:25:30And even die for it
00:25:32Do you at least know
00:25:34What you're laughing at?
00:25:36I was at your concert
00:25:38I made it to the end
00:25:42And you didn't like it?
00:25:44I can't say that
00:25:46I liked the fragments
00:25:48Oh, yes
00:25:50Yes, I even started to wonder
00:25:52If it would be possible
00:25:54To combine a herring with chocolate
00:25:56Fantastic idea
00:25:58Did you try it?
00:26:01It's in the experimental phase
00:26:05In that case, good luck
00:26:07With the experiments
00:26:09Won't you duel?
00:26:13I don't accept duels
00:26:15Anyway, in the face of a wide system
00:26:17Of new ideas
00:26:19Even kind judges can quarrel
00:26:23I'd like to ask you
00:26:25To keep our conversation
00:26:27From the ears of third parties
00:26:29Especially I don't want
00:26:31Maestro Rossini to know anything
00:26:33I understand you perfectly
00:26:35Don't worry
00:26:37We'll be quiet
00:26:41Who are you?
00:26:45Honorary cook
00:26:47Herring in chocolate
00:26:49But so honest
00:26:53He liked the fragments
00:26:59From the hands of cook Rossini
00:27:03A beautiful death
00:27:05They felt threatened
00:27:17Is there a difference in sound
00:27:19Depending on what I pour into the glass
00:27:21Between water and vodka
00:27:23One sixtieth of a note
00:27:25A joke
00:27:28To be honest
00:27:30It can be a very pleasant
00:27:34Here's the proper way
00:27:36To verify a theory
00:27:38Through practice
00:27:54Now we need a theory
00:27:56A new fashion
00:27:58You don't have to compose
00:28:00But you have to give a theoretical speech
00:28:02Why are you a genius
00:28:06Please, let's change the subject
00:28:08Let's go to the living room
00:28:10But let's take the experimental equipment with us
00:28:12I feel a lack of practice
00:28:26Knock on the door
00:29:08I love you like crazy
00:29:10I can't believe you said that
00:29:14I swear on my life
00:29:16Leave it, it must heal
00:29:18But kiss me
00:29:20All right
00:29:23But there will be an exam later
00:29:25But kiss me
00:29:33A la the holy truce
00:29:35Wait for the fermentation
00:29:39Chop the liver
00:29:41Add a little pepper
00:29:43Aromatic herbs
00:29:45Rub the filling
00:29:47Add anchovy
00:29:49Kiss me
00:29:52The biggest
00:29:56Cook on fresh butter
00:29:58With the addition
00:30:00of rasped elephant
00:30:02Put on the grill
00:30:04Decorate with bitter oranges
00:30:08And wine
00:30:10Only from the top
00:30:12Oh, I know
00:30:22Knock on the door
00:30:24I'd like to have a drink
00:30:26What's he doing here?
00:30:28You don't know him?
00:30:30What a literate
00:30:32His name is Boder
00:30:34We rarely meet
00:30:36Who let you in here?
00:30:38I came in by myself
00:30:40By the kitchen door
00:30:42I like to come in from the back
00:30:44What's your business?
00:30:48A very discreet and trustworthy friend
00:30:50I'm counting on your help
00:30:52I mean
00:30:54contact with the Russians
00:30:56I don't want to be rude
00:30:58but maybe you could try the front?
00:31:00The front? I tried
00:31:02Okay, a monster
00:31:04He didn't even want to talk to me
00:31:10I'll help you
00:31:12I'd rather you help me
00:31:14in fulfilling my mission
00:31:16Then I'll be silent like a pig
00:31:19What is this blackmail?
00:31:21Wagner asked me
00:31:23to find out
00:31:25if the Russians will accept his visit
00:31:27If not, there was no offer
00:31:29You can wait
00:31:31I'll see what I can do
00:31:45Can I call your wife?
00:31:47Excuse me?
00:31:49I wanted
00:31:51to kiss you
00:32:05I love
00:32:07the smell of a woman
00:32:09filled with love
00:32:13I live with a girl
00:32:16who smells like a nightingale
00:32:20I'm like
00:32:22a painter
00:32:24destined to paint in the dark
00:32:28Or like a cook
00:32:30who has to cook
00:32:32and eat his heart
00:32:34so he will eat
00:32:36his heart
00:32:38Too stupid for you?
00:32:40Not in your interest
00:32:42She caught something
00:32:46This is Mr. Wodler
00:32:48and this is Mr. Michot
00:32:50Mr. Michot is a secretary
00:32:54What can I do for you?
00:32:56My friend, Richard Wagner
00:32:58feels some kind of gratitude
00:33:00towards the madman
00:33:02in the newspaper
00:33:04I'd like to know
00:33:06if Maestro Rossini
00:33:08feels healthy enough
00:33:10to accept him
00:33:12I'd be obliged
00:33:14At the moment?
00:33:16No hurry
00:33:18I go to Edinburgh every day
00:33:20If one day you'd like
00:33:22to inform me
00:33:24Of course
00:33:26I'll try
00:33:30You have beautiful eyes
00:33:38See you
00:33:44What should I do?
00:33:46I won't say
00:33:48that Maestro didn't want to see him
00:33:50I'll say
00:33:52that Mrs. Olimpia is ready
00:33:54to throw me out
00:33:56Why did you bring him here?
00:33:58He was here
00:34:00when we arrived
00:34:02I'll say
00:34:04It's all my fault
00:34:08You have to try
00:34:10without sugar
00:34:14Thank you
00:34:20There's a very delicate
00:34:26Wagner wants to meet
00:34:28you to thank
00:34:30you for your advice
00:34:34Wait a minute
00:34:40How do you know?
00:34:43Mr. Modler asked us
00:34:45Mr. Michlott wanted to beat him
00:34:47Very well
00:34:49Leave me alone
00:34:51Instead of a straight face
00:34:53he felt obliged
00:34:55to make a thank-you visit
00:34:57It's normal
00:35:01Mr. Michlott even wanted
00:35:03to challenge him
00:35:05But Wagner doesn't accept
00:35:09Will you accept him?
00:35:11I don't care
00:35:15Maybe we should beat him
00:35:21That would be too much
00:35:23You'll accept him
00:35:25What should I do?
00:35:27You don't know everything
00:35:31I didn't want to tell you
00:35:33but you know what he wrote
00:35:35What does it matter now?
00:35:37He wrote
00:35:42Rossini murdered Opera
00:35:44That's what he wrote
00:35:46Opera died with Rossini
00:35:48He wrote
00:35:50He wrote
00:35:52It's a bit like with Uyghur
00:35:54First we worry
00:35:56and then we say
00:35:58I'll have
00:36:00a lot of nice wigs
00:36:10I'll have
00:36:12a lot of nice wigs
00:36:30Come in
00:36:40He won't bite me?
00:36:44No, no
00:36:46He won't
00:36:48Go to the lady
00:36:50Minna! Minna!
00:36:52Hide the dog!
00:36:56Let the dog understand
00:36:58where his place is
00:37:12It's done
00:37:16at 11
00:37:18I'll introduce you
00:37:20to Edmund Mishot
00:37:22He'll take you to Rossini
00:37:24Thank you
00:37:26Tomorrow at 11
00:37:28Yes, at 11
00:37:30When Mishot is late
00:37:32he'll recognize you
00:37:34Why should he be late?
00:37:36Because I can get lost
00:37:39Who knows what can happen tomorrow
00:37:41What do you think
00:37:43if Rossini could help me
00:37:45to play my opera?
00:37:47Why, sir?
00:37:49Between us geniuses
00:37:51let him compose as little
00:37:53and as little as possible
00:37:55to public performances
00:37:57of your music
00:37:59Then they'll respect you
00:38:01To make it so simple
00:38:03It is simple!
00:38:05The only meaning of existence
00:38:07is to be useful
00:38:09It's a disgusting thing
00:38:11In order not to feel the weight of time
00:38:13you have to get drunk
00:38:15and everything is the same
00:38:17It can even be poetry
00:38:19And that's how the end of the world will be
00:38:21It's unnatural
00:38:23but I have to perform
00:38:25in Paris my Tannhäuser
00:38:29We'll need a pact with Satan
00:38:31for that
00:38:33It's too consequent
00:38:36You're right
00:38:38Mechanization will Americanize us
00:38:40and the progress will lead
00:38:42to the involvement of spiritual forces
00:38:50I like your music
00:38:54Thank you
00:38:58Those reds reminded me
00:39:00that I have to visit
00:39:02my lover with similar colors
00:39:04May I?
00:39:06Leave him
00:39:08What if he's a lady?
00:39:14Do you think
00:39:16I could fuck a lady?
00:39:18Only cats and dogs
00:39:20Do you understand?
00:39:22Anyway, you're justified
00:39:24Thank you again for your help
00:39:26and for your understanding
00:39:28Let's look at it differently
00:39:30We're both too scared
00:39:33Can I kiss you?
00:39:37There's no love without hatred
00:39:41It's a very banal process
00:39:43Please forgive me
00:39:51I always thought
00:39:53that women are devils
00:39:55I really don't know why
00:39:57they are allowed in the church
00:39:59Aren't you going to visit your lover?
00:40:01No, I'm not
00:40:05A bow for your wife
00:40:07She has a very nice dog
00:40:25Why are you scaring the guest?
00:40:27He didn't look scared
00:40:30He was drunk
00:40:32I know
00:40:34You could have been more polite
00:40:36What does he care about me?
00:40:38He cares about me
00:40:40Do you understand?
00:40:44Lady, don't stand in my way
00:40:46I have to
00:40:48I'm dying
00:40:52You just want me to die
00:40:54To choke with guilt
00:40:56Leave me
00:40:58I want to die in peace
00:41:00I'm going to Rossini
00:41:02with a visit
00:41:08You always said
00:41:10that you hate him
00:41:12and his music
00:41:14Did you make a deal with him
00:41:16or did he make a deal with you?
00:41:18I made a deal with him
00:41:20because of this clown
00:41:22You'll destroy everyone
00:41:24who stands in your way
00:41:27Not me
00:41:29but my work
00:41:31I'll order Hitler
00:41:33to strangle the dog
00:41:35and me too
00:41:39I'm standing in your way
00:41:43You're not standing in my way
00:41:45You only torment me
00:41:47with your contempt
00:41:49your jealousy
00:41:51your hatred
00:41:53but you're not standing in my way
00:41:56and you're pulling me down
00:42:00I don't regret anything
00:42:02Do you hear me?
00:42:06And you'll never understand
00:42:08who Matilda was for me
00:42:10Who Matilda is for me
00:42:12And that's what's in my work
00:42:26The dog is pulling the bitch
00:42:28from the bitch to the dog
00:42:44That's all there is to this music
00:42:46That's all
00:42:52Maybe it's not little
00:42:54but it's beautiful
00:43:00I like it
00:43:02It's beautiful
00:43:06It doesn't make sense anymore
00:43:24Maybe I should just
00:43:26drive past her ugly face
00:43:46The dog is pulling the bitch
00:43:48from the bitch to the dog
00:43:51I won't be so simple
00:43:53I won't be able to explain myself
00:43:59You have to get tired of repeating
00:44:03It will lessen the pain
00:44:13The dog is pulling the bitch
00:44:15from the bitch to the dog
00:44:17The dog is pulling the bitch
00:44:27I hate photos
00:44:35I hate
00:44:46I wanted
00:44:54Master asked me
00:44:56to bring the paper
00:44:58Give him everything he wants
00:45:04Where have you all been?
00:45:06What's going on in this house?
00:45:08I'm here, I'm sorry
00:45:10I was in the cellar after the wine
00:45:12Of course!
00:45:14Where's Olimpia?
00:45:16She's talking to the candidate
00:45:18for the new cellar
00:45:20Virginia is leaving?
00:45:28She said
00:45:30So unexpectedly?
00:45:32But you were
00:45:34You noticed
00:45:38I'm sorry
00:45:41What happened?
00:45:43You don't have to tell me
00:45:45if you don't want to
00:45:47What happened?
00:45:49She fell in love
00:45:51and she's leaving
00:45:53My God
00:45:55You were so happy
00:46:03It was like a lightning strike
00:46:05I'm very sorry
00:46:08I asked Virginia
00:46:10to stay with you
00:46:14My plan has changed
00:46:16Calm down
00:46:18Virginia is still working
00:46:20She'll come and go
00:46:22Unless I poison him
00:46:24Dominic, stop joking
00:46:26It's not a joke
00:46:28It's a very concrete proposal
00:46:30OK, OK
00:46:32You're always drunk
00:46:34I can't
00:46:36I don't want to see this man
00:46:38What's all this for?
00:46:40What am I supposed to talk to him about?
00:46:42Who came up with the idea
00:46:44to bring him here?
00:46:46You agreed yourself
00:46:48I didn't want anything like that
00:46:50He said I was drunk
00:46:52or that I had to leave
00:46:54I had to leave
00:46:56My hands are shaking
00:46:58Why did you ask him?
00:47:00Why did you invite him?
00:47:02I'm going crazy
00:47:05We'll sort it out
00:47:13I think I know how you feel
00:47:21It must hurt
00:47:25He's younger and stronger
00:47:29We should suffocate him
00:47:31or shoot him
00:47:33If we don't keep our cool
00:47:35we'll end up even worse
00:47:37We're out
00:47:39Aren't you curious about his looks?
00:47:41Why should I care?
00:47:43I'd like to look him in the eye
00:47:45Maybe then we'll understand
00:47:49Like what?
00:47:51I don't know
00:47:53But let's not give up
00:47:55You play the main role
00:47:57You're nice
00:47:59We have to see him
00:48:02What kind of man is he?
00:48:06Why is he better?
00:48:08Why is he so good?
00:48:10If we don't look him in the eye
00:48:12we'll end up even worse
00:48:14Maybe you're right
00:48:16I'll go to Olympia
00:48:18and apologize
00:48:20I have to calm her down
00:48:28I don't want you to meet him
00:48:30Who is he?
00:48:32How do you know he's younger?
00:48:36Who is he?
00:48:38What does it matter?
00:48:40It matters to me
00:48:46What are you doing?
00:48:48I'm poisoning Wagner
00:48:52Are you crazy?
00:48:54Throw that plate away!
00:48:56Leave it!
00:48:59Or I'll push you with this knife
00:49:01and you'll be dead
00:49:03What are you doing?
00:49:09How could you?
00:49:11Who is he?
00:49:13What is he better than me?
00:49:15Better? Worse?
00:49:17It's all wrong
00:49:19I don't understand
00:49:21I've been walking and thinking
00:49:23and I don't understand
00:49:25You said it was only me
00:49:27Maybe it was too good
00:49:29I don't know
00:49:31It doesn't matter
00:49:33I've decided
00:49:35Will you feel better?
00:49:37I don't know
00:49:41I want to tell you
00:49:43that I owe you a lot
00:49:45Stop it
00:49:47I thought we'd always be together
00:49:49You were wrong
00:49:51I was wrong too
00:49:53Maybe it's a mistake
00:49:56There's no mistake
00:49:58If you teach others
00:50:00how to keep their dignity
00:50:02maybe they'll learn
00:50:04You're mean
00:50:06Don't insult me
00:50:08It's not a mistake
00:50:10It was a lie
00:50:12It's not my fault
00:50:14that it's over
00:50:16and that it's different
00:50:18We have to help Obert
00:50:20Yes, I'm coming
00:50:22Dominic, you're a miracle
00:50:27What did you tell him?
00:50:29That there aren't as many interesting views
00:50:31as a rival's mouth
00:50:33I'm sorry
00:50:35about Virginia's departure
00:50:37Will we poison Wagner?
00:50:41If I add too much buxpan
00:50:43he'll at least get a release
00:50:45Or I have such a letter
00:50:47Wawrzynek, Laurowaty
00:50:49Wątroba, once and for all
00:50:51Wdrobny Mak
00:50:53Give me that buxpan
00:51:09Oh God, he's gone mad
00:51:11Give me something else
00:51:23Oh God
00:51:29Too much wind
00:51:31on my wool
00:51:43How's it going?
00:51:45Here again?
00:51:47We're waiting for Mr. Wagner
00:51:49I don't care
00:51:52I came to Virginia
00:51:54About what?
00:51:56What do you mean?
00:51:58I'm taking her from here
00:52:00Excuse me?
00:52:02Didn't she tell you?
00:52:04About what?
00:52:08About you?
00:52:10She didn't tell you
00:52:12Yes, she did
00:52:16So I'm taking her
00:52:18Are you mad at me?
00:52:20And do you want to kill me?
00:52:22I do
00:52:24Take advantage of it
00:52:28Come up with something new
00:52:30A new dish
00:52:32Suffering helps to create
00:52:34A trail in chocolate
00:52:36Or death in chocolate
00:52:38I'll think about it
00:52:40Tell her I'm waiting downstairs
00:52:42Oh, I noticed that some people
00:52:44have an appetite for death
00:52:46It may be interesting for a cook
00:52:49There's a sign at the bar
00:52:51Cold dishes
00:52:53Good, isn't it?
00:53:01Please help me
00:53:03It's a terrible mess
00:53:05You don't have to explain yourself
00:53:07You're not my slave
00:53:09I'm waiting downstairs
00:53:11I'll be right there
00:53:13Don't hurry
00:53:17That bald man?
00:53:19That rascal?
00:53:21For some, he's a bald man
00:53:23For others, he's an albatross
00:53:27An albatross
00:53:29What does it mean?
00:53:31A poet
00:53:35Is he better than me?
00:53:41He'll destroy you
00:53:44He's a bad man
00:53:46What are the ages of condemnation
00:53:48for the one who found
00:53:50the infinity of luxury in a second?
00:53:52What are you saying?
00:53:54Who are you repeating it for?
00:53:56You found luxury with him, not with me?
00:54:04They're coming
00:54:06They're coming
00:54:08I saw them through the window
00:54:10Michot and Wagner
00:54:12What should I tell them?
00:54:14What should I talk to them about?
00:54:16Please open the door
00:54:18and ask Mr. Wagner
00:54:20If he answers yes,
00:54:22please take this
00:54:24and hit him
00:54:28Shut up
00:54:30I understand you're angry
00:54:32but that's not the reason
00:54:34to make such a noise
00:54:36I'm sorry
00:54:39What's that?
00:54:41A sail to the mountains
00:54:59What beautiful roses
00:55:03I'd like to accept them
00:55:05as banal
00:55:08but a sincere appreciation
00:55:10for your beauty
00:55:18Thank you very much
00:55:20Mr. Wagner
00:55:22My husband is waiting for you
00:55:24Virginia, tell the maestro
00:55:26that Mr. Wagner and Mr. Michot
00:55:28have arrived
00:55:30Give me the vase
00:55:50Well, Mr. Wagner
00:55:54Oh, you Orpheus
00:55:56Aren't you afraid
00:55:58to cross
00:56:00this terrible threshold?
00:56:02I know
00:56:04that you're trying
00:56:06to make me unkind
00:56:08in your eyes
00:56:10I've attributed
00:56:12to you various
00:56:14malice and spite
00:56:16but that's not true
00:56:18Why would I do that?
00:56:20But, maestro
00:56:22I wouldn't dare
00:56:24to offend a musician
00:56:26who, as they say,
00:56:28tries to broaden
00:56:30the boundaries of our art
00:56:32But, please
00:56:35Maybe later
00:56:39I'm sorry
00:56:41It's my fault
00:56:43I didn't notice the carpet
00:56:45It doesn't matter
00:56:47The wicked
00:56:49who try to play
00:56:51with our money
00:56:53don't appreciate
00:56:55my common sense
00:56:57I won't bother you
00:56:59Once again
00:57:01thank you for the roses
00:57:03Thank you
00:57:07Anyway, to despise
00:57:09a musician
00:57:11you have to know her
00:57:13I never go to the theatre
00:57:15I've heard only
00:57:19from Tannhäuser
00:57:21It was in Kissingen
00:57:23I think it's beautiful
00:57:25I liked it very much
00:57:27May I, maestro
00:57:29honorable maestro
00:57:32for those kind words
00:57:34that move me
00:57:36to the depths
00:57:38and testify
00:57:40of your greatness
00:57:42and nobility
00:57:44So there is no
00:57:46misunderstanding between us
00:57:48Even if I considered you
00:57:50the author of these jokes
00:57:52I wouldn't feel offended
00:57:54My theoretical works
00:57:56have such a character
00:57:58that they can cause
00:58:02even the most kind
00:58:06What about your
00:58:08treatise on Tannhäuser's performance
00:58:10in Paris?
00:58:12Thank you very much
00:58:14I mean
00:58:16Who is
00:58:18this director of the opera?
00:58:20This Royer
00:58:22Is he a Jew?
00:58:24Who is he afraid of?
00:58:26Why does he say
00:58:29that there is no money?
00:58:31What is the purpose of these intrigues?
00:58:33Why do they bother me?
00:58:35There is no theatre without intrigues
00:58:37Gluck fought
00:58:39for victory for years
00:58:43when I visited him in Vienna
00:58:45felt unhappy
00:58:47for reasons similar to yours
00:58:49That's our fate
00:58:51Pressure, nerves
00:58:53Directors, drunkards
00:58:55Impressarios, thieves
00:59:00Forced to earn a living
00:59:02You know, it used to be even worse
00:59:06Continuous begging
00:59:08Continuous improvisation
00:59:10It's hard to understand
00:59:12how in such conditions
00:59:14you could get such wonderful works
00:59:16as Othello or Mojżesz
00:59:18They are not improvisation
00:59:22It's a well-thought-out structure
00:59:24These few things
00:59:26I learned from German scores
00:59:34Before I leave this world
00:59:36I would like to hear
00:59:38the whole passion
00:59:40of the divine
00:59:42Jan Sebastian
00:59:44What a maestro
00:59:46Who is talking about death here?
00:59:50I'm sorry that I talk so much
00:59:52about myself and the past
00:59:55But let me explain
00:59:59the concept of my reform
01:00:11The element of music
01:00:13is unlimited
01:00:17The point is
01:00:19to reject
01:00:21any template in opera
01:00:23We still have the same scheme
01:00:25A bravura aria
01:00:27and then seven people
01:00:29interrupts the action
01:00:31and performs in front of a ramp
01:00:33standing like a skeleton
01:00:35who cares about nothing
01:00:37We used to call these hulks
01:00:39a row of fools
01:00:41There is a series of locais for drinks
01:00:43But even if there wasn't
01:00:45the audience could reject
01:00:47the actors with tears
01:00:49Will you allow me
01:00:52to perform for descendants?
01:00:54This is an exaggeration
01:00:56An exaggeration for sure
01:00:58The orchestra
01:01:00The orchestra still repeats
01:01:02the same formulas in the accompaniment
01:01:04not taking into account the character of the character
01:01:06the situation
01:01:08without synthesis
01:01:10without cohesion
01:01:12What can such a conventional nonsense
01:01:14have in common with the mission of music
01:01:16with the essence of drama?
01:01:18The bravura arias were also my death
01:01:20They didn't satisfy everyone
01:01:22and they didn't satisfy anyone
01:01:24But as far as the action is concerned
01:01:26I understand that you are heading
01:01:28to a logical and regular
01:01:30course of events
01:01:38Of course dramatic
01:01:40But tell me
01:01:42how to reconcile
01:01:44the desire for logic
01:01:46with the musical form of opera
01:01:49which in itself is already conventional
01:01:51From a logical point of view
01:01:53people with great feelings
01:01:55don't start singing
01:01:57It's nonsense
01:01:59Yes, yes
01:02:01But you have to slow down
01:02:03Absurdity and ridiculousness
01:02:07If opera is an organism
01:02:09in which all the arts
01:02:11merge and complement each other
01:02:15Poetry, music, painting
01:02:17the composer should
01:02:19personally do everything
01:02:21write the libretto himself
01:02:23make the decorations himself
01:02:25Why not?
01:02:27Didn't you improve
01:02:29Wilhelm Tell's libretto yourself?
01:02:31Of course I improved it
01:02:33according to my instructions
01:02:37If only I could
01:02:39provide everyone
01:02:41without any restrictions
01:02:43with the whole staging
01:02:46Singers have to stop
01:02:48describing themselves
01:02:50Singers have to start expressing
01:02:52with their voice
01:02:54the truth of feelings
01:02:56the truth of suffering
01:03:00You keep talking about the truth
01:03:02but we are in the sphere
01:03:04of convention
01:03:06From the point of view
01:03:08of musical form
01:03:10it can lead to
01:03:12declamatory melopeia
01:03:15I've prepared a little snack
01:03:19Can Dominik serve it?
01:03:21Of course
01:03:23I've broken my pencil
01:03:25I'm sorry
01:03:37If we are alone
01:03:39how do you manage
01:03:41to have such beautiful hair?
01:03:43At your age
01:03:45I was bald
01:03:47like a knee
01:03:49I don't know
01:03:51I don't do anything
01:03:53I just grow
01:03:55No lipstick?
01:03:59Just a different kind of head
01:04:01Maybe that's what it all depends on
01:04:03What does that mean?
01:04:05That one has to be like this
01:04:07and the other, even if he doesn't want to
01:04:09has to be completely different
01:04:38Old acquaintance
01:04:40Yes, you could say that
01:04:42Mr. Dominik
01:04:44stayed at my concert
01:04:46and then criticized me
01:04:48but at least he came
01:04:50I'm sorry
01:04:52that I wasn't there
01:04:54but I hardly leave the house
01:04:56But Maestro
01:04:58I've always thought
01:05:00that from my kitchen
01:05:02is very close to great art
01:05:04It's just about people liking it
01:05:06and that's it
01:05:09Just to shake
01:05:11Mustard with horseradish
01:05:15But Maestro
01:05:17it's a very interesting comparison
01:05:19It's not fishless sauce
01:05:21Mustard with horseradish is something very spicy
01:05:23Dominik, please immediately apologize
01:05:25to our guest
01:05:27I'm sorry and I regret
01:05:29I just wanted to add
01:05:31that there is no reason
01:05:33to forcefully deceive the tragedy
01:05:35She will find us anyway
01:05:43I'll think about it, Mr. Dominik
01:05:47Enjoy your meal
01:05:49and I'm sorry again
01:05:55Please forgive him
01:05:57He is shaken
01:05:59He broke up with his beloved
01:06:01It explains a lot
01:06:04It explains
01:06:08I'm sitting quietly
01:06:10and I'm writing
01:06:12You were talking about
01:06:14the death of the melody
01:06:18You gave an excellent example
01:06:20of this kind of melody
01:06:22that I mean
01:06:24in Tell's prayer
01:06:26Free singing
01:06:28supported by a cello cry
01:06:30reaches the peaks
01:06:32And then I created the music of the future
01:06:34You created the music of all times
01:06:36and this is the best
01:06:38And the chorus of darkness
01:06:40from Moishe
01:06:42This too
01:06:44Apparently I was inclined
01:06:46to modern music
01:06:48You know what
01:06:50if I wasn't so old
01:06:52who knows
01:06:54maybe I would take up writing
01:06:56again and add to this
01:06:58hideous old school
01:07:01I got sick
01:07:03for 15 years
01:07:05over composing
01:07:0740 operas
01:07:09I had enough
01:07:11I'm naturally lazy
01:07:13Theaters went bankrupt
01:07:15Singers faked
01:07:19I decided that the only thing
01:07:21I can do in this situation
01:07:23is to be silent
01:07:25Finita la commedia
01:07:27It's a pity
01:07:30It's a pity
01:07:34We even have something warm here
01:07:36Would you like to taste it?
01:07:38No, thank you
01:07:42the doctor ordered me to eat
01:07:44only at certain times
01:07:48Maybe you
01:07:50will have something to eat?
01:07:52Now I can't swallow anything
01:07:56Poor Dominik prepared everything
01:07:58to make you happy
01:08:00He will be disappointed
01:08:02Maybe however
01:08:04I'm sorry
01:08:06I can't
01:08:08It's hard
01:08:10He will suffer his pride
01:08:12but he will have to deal with it himself
01:08:14Nobody should be forced
01:08:16to joy
01:08:20I don't think so
01:08:22Thank you for the visit
01:08:25You are so honest
01:08:27and interested
01:08:29in your ideas
01:08:31May you fight
01:08:33and win the battle
01:08:35I wish you that
01:08:37from the bottom of my heart
01:08:39And I thank you from the bottom of my heart
01:08:41One moment
01:08:43I'll be back in a moment
01:08:51Maestro has his years
01:08:53Sometimes you have to
01:08:55repeat something a few times
01:08:59I didn't think Rossini
01:09:01would turn out to be such a man
01:09:03Sensible, simple, natural
01:09:05Able to understand my theory
01:09:09He treats other people's opinions very seriously
01:09:11but he always had a gift of melodic invention
01:09:15If he had received a solid German education
01:09:17he could have achieved a lot
01:09:20But he is one of those Parisian musicians
01:09:22who has some greatness
01:09:26Besides, I always liked his creativity
01:09:28A great artist
01:09:30and a wise man
01:10:12Very old music
01:10:14You could say
01:10:16music of the past
01:10:24You won't stay for dinner
01:10:26It would be nice
01:10:30my wife is very ill
01:10:32I don't want to leave her alone
01:10:34Oh yes
01:10:36I understand
01:10:38I wish you good health
01:10:40From the bottom of my heart
01:10:42I thank you in her name
01:10:45I'll see you out
01:10:47Once again
01:10:49thank you for the flowers
01:11:09So what?
01:11:11Like a new friend
01:11:14He didn't mention Cyrillic
01:11:16He didn't like it
01:11:18Yes, Cyrillic is not for him
01:11:22May I clean up?
01:11:24Virginia has already left
01:11:28Wait, wait
01:11:32Wagner is on a diet
01:11:34but we are not
01:11:36Leave it
01:11:38It's poison
01:11:42No, it's not
01:11:44We wanted to poison him
01:11:46but I gave him life
01:11:48I'm not sure
01:11:50if it's right
01:11:52I'm sorry
01:12:00He didn't convince you?
01:12:02No, he's a very capable man
01:12:04but he knows too much
01:12:06for sure
01:12:08a little fanatic
01:12:11I don't trust such people
01:12:13that all strangers are enemies
01:12:15a threat
01:12:17One is enough for me
01:12:19My head hurts
01:12:21I'm going to lie down
01:12:23If he didn't kill us, he strengthened us
01:12:35So what?
01:12:41Everything will be the same?
01:12:43I don't understand
01:12:51What about despair?
01:12:53What to do with despair?
01:12:59that it will pass
01:13:03How long?
01:13:07You don't write out of fear
01:13:09Out of ordinary little fear
01:13:13And I wanted to die for your music
01:13:17It's not worth dying for any music
01:13:21You have enough genius
01:13:23but you don't want to write
01:13:25about real despair
01:13:29You have no right to despise Wagner
01:13:33I don't despise his art
01:13:38for example
01:13:40in Tristan all the fragments
01:13:42are from Haydn
01:13:44I just don't agree
01:13:46with his view
01:13:48that there is some progress in art
01:13:50Sometimes something will work
01:13:52regardless of the wise or stupid doctrine
01:13:56and you can't hate anyone
01:14:00Wagner is a man sick with hatred
01:14:02but you
01:14:04have fear
01:14:06You are afraid of pain
01:14:08and you want to heal it with harmony
01:14:14As long as you live day by day
01:14:16this medicine is enough
01:14:22But when evil comes
01:14:24that you don't understand
01:14:28can you still run away?
01:14:31I will talk to the emperor
01:14:35I will try
01:14:37to show his opera
01:14:39and I want everyone
01:14:41to hear
01:14:43the lament of disappointed love
01:14:49I'm sorry
01:14:51It doesn't matter
01:14:55Albatros also laments
01:15:01A friend of the poet
01:15:05Virginia wanted to leave with him
01:15:09But he won't leave
01:15:11He will come back
01:15:15No, he won't
01:15:19I'm just like you
01:15:23I don't want to risk humiliation
01:15:27I don't want to endure
01:15:29the torture of jealousy
01:15:33I killed Virginia
01:15:39What are you talking about?
01:15:45I will go to the prefecture
01:15:47Don't worry
01:15:49There will be no scandal
01:15:53I strangled her in her apartment
01:15:56If I confess right away
01:15:58there will be no trouble
01:16:08It's impossible
01:16:12Because Figar wouldn't do it?
01:16:14Cooks are braver than hairdressers
01:16:18Dominic, if it's true
01:16:21Forgive me
01:16:29And compose something important
01:16:33I don't believe you
01:16:35You didn't do it
01:16:39Sometimes I also think it's impossible
01:16:43But it happened
01:16:47Otherwise everything would be so-so
01:16:51But it's not
01:16:57I hope you're still joking
01:17:01You're still waiting for a happy ending
01:17:07We're standing on the edge of the abyss
01:17:11And our skills
01:17:13protect us from anything
01:17:21I'd better go
01:17:37The poor man
01:17:41believed in harmony
01:17:51But his life was ruined
01:17:55It was the end
01:18:01The end
01:18:05It was the end
01:18:09It was the end
01:18:13It was the end
01:18:15It was the end
01:18:47Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen!