• 2 months ago
Prophet Jacob guides the Israelites to pray to the One and Only God. God annunciates to him about the next prophet, who will be from his own generation. One night, his son, Joseph, dreams about the sun, the moon and eleven stars which kneel in front of him. He tells Jacob, who advises him not to tell his brothers about the dream. Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries, the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.


00:00Have you seen Joseph, the Hebrew child?
00:07No, I haven't seen him. You were bringing him.
00:11But when I look back, he wasn't there.
00:14Why do you want him?
00:16Fale told me to watch him. If he isn't found, I'll be punished severely.
00:45You tried to run away?
00:48How dare you try to run away?
00:59What's wrong? Why are you so upset?
01:06I feel that someone is hurting my darling Joseph.
01:11Tell me what's wrong.
01:14Joseph isn't well, Leah.
01:18Joseph is not well.
01:26You will never run away again.
01:30Your owner said you would run away.
01:33I'll break your legs so that you cannot run.
01:36You will not run away from me again.
01:47My arm! My arm!
02:08What's the matter? Calm down, will you?
02:11I don't know what happened. My arm suddenly began to hurt.
02:17Such pain is not without reason.
02:19Either you lifted something heavy, you hit something, or a snake has bitten it.
02:25I noticed the slave child had disappeared.
02:28When I realized, I searched for him.
02:32And I found him at that grave.
02:35He was hiding from me.
02:38When I slapped him, my arm paralyzed suddenly.
02:46It paralyzed when you hit him?
02:51Can the poor child bear your slap?
02:54Did you not realize his god would take revenge?
02:58Idiot! We're taking him for sale.
03:00How can we sell him if he is damaged?
03:05Why did you run?
03:07I didn't.
03:10It is my mother's grave.
03:13I wanted to say goodbye.
03:20A slave's tomb has no sign, let alone a shrine.
03:24This is no slave's tomb.
03:29Who are you, Joseph?
03:37Was his slap hard?
03:44Do you know what I ought to have done to him if you had run away?
03:49The reason that he slapped you was in fear of his own punishment.
04:00Do you hate him now?
04:06I was taught not to hate.
04:10I believe you.
04:14If you will forgive him, I will untie your binds.
04:19Will he hit me again?
04:26I swear to Abraham's god, I will not allow anyone to hit you again.
04:33Are you a monotheist?
04:35I'm Malak, son of Zah, son of Ankar, son of Ishmael, son of Abraham, a great-grandson of Ishmael.
04:43Who are you?
04:45I'm the son of...
04:47The son of...
04:50The son of the well.
04:54You don't want to reveal your father's name.
04:57I am the son of the well.
04:59I was born yesterday in the well that you saw when the courier of God appeared.
05:05I do not understand what you are saying.
05:08It is no problem if you do not want to tell me, but forgive him.
05:19All right. I forgive him.
05:23Bravo, son.
05:26Bid your mother's tomb farewell so we can set off.
05:39Get moving, everyone.
05:41Prepare to leave.
06:24Hello, father.
06:28Hello, father.
06:32Did you find Joseph?
06:37Is he lost, father?
06:39Why are you wounded?
06:43As of now, there shall be neither blessing nor affection amongst the children of Israel.
06:51Not a long time has passed, but the wolves that attacked Joseph are now attacking each other.
07:05Levi, I left Joseph in your care.
07:11I wouldn't have sent him to the plains had you not been there.
07:17Why did you not look after him?
07:21What has happened to Joseph?
07:25What have you done to him?
07:27Answer me!
07:29Answer me!
07:31May God's curse be upon you!
07:34Where is Joseph?
07:37Answer me now!
07:39What did you do to Joseph?
07:42Leah, stop it.
07:43What did you do to him?
07:45I said stop!
07:52My Joseph.
07:55My Joseph.
07:59Some things have come to my attention.
08:02I do not know if you have noticed them.
08:06If we had not lost our way in the storm, we would not have come this way.
08:12If our animals had not stopped at the well, we would not have stopped either.
08:17If we hadn't been thirsty, we would not have pulled water from the well.
08:21All those events were God's blessing so we could have this slave and profit greatly.
08:28What is destined to be yours will be yours.
08:31All the elements in this world work together, so you get what God has willed for you.
08:39On this trip, this Hebrew slave was meant to become ours.
09:10Help me.
09:11No great is done.
09:16Save me.
09:19This pain is too great.
09:22Save me.
09:23This pain is killing me.
09:36This pain is killing me.
09:40Save me, O great Ishtar.
09:44Save me.
09:45This pain is killing me.
09:48Save me, O great Ishtar.
09:52This pain is killing me.
09:57My arm.
09:58Save me, Ishtar.
10:04Save me, O great Ishtar.
10:14My arm.
10:15My arm.
10:17My arm.
10:33My arm.
10:34My arm.
11:04My arm.
11:06My arm.
11:08My arm.
11:33Save me, great Ishtar.
11:45This pain will kill me.
11:50My arm.
11:51This pain is killing me.
11:57Save me, great Ishtar.
12:03Save me.
12:22What did you do?
12:29Your hands have healed me.
12:33I did nothing special.
12:36Everybody can do the same.
12:38With rubbing and pressure, the pain will lessen.
12:42Malik rubbed, but it was useless.
12:59Do you look at the sky?
13:01Are you a star worshiper?
13:05Is the star that disappears during the day worth worshiping?
13:10So it is not the moon or the sun that you worship?
13:14Because the moon disappears during the day and the sun during the night.
13:18My god is the creator.
13:20The one who created everything.
13:23The unique one god.
13:26Although you are a child,
13:29you seem to have chosen a better god than Kekmir and myself.
13:35A god that loves you and answers your prayers.
13:42Useless god.
13:44I suffered and moaned, and it did absolutely nothing.
13:50Thank you, Joseph.
13:59I was dying with pain, and you helped me.
14:04I apologize to you for slapping you.
14:10Forgive me.
14:15It was a good one.
14:17If that slap causes your being guided, I am satisfied.
14:22I am from this region. I am a guide.
14:26I have always guided caravans.
14:31It seems this time you have become our guide.
14:34Guidance is in his hands.
14:36He guides whomever he wills and leaves in darkness whomever he wills.
15:07I don't know who this child is,
15:10but I witnessed him healing Kekmir's arm by praying.
15:14He has a good relation with his god.
15:17Maybe he is a prophet.
15:20He doesn't need to be a prophet to heal Kekmir's arm.
15:25I told you yesterday, if Joseph forgave him, he'd be healed.
15:30What about my dream? Everywhere he went, everything became lush and green.
15:36A dream proves nothing.
15:38You don't know the one god.
15:41He forgives you if you oppress anybody, either in this world or in the other world.
15:46If the oppressed forgives you, so too will God.
16:03It was once lush and green here.
16:07This year, the lack of rain is a threat to the crops.
16:12I am from this area.
16:15If it doesn't rain, famine will kill everybody.
16:26God is benevolent and magnanimous to his servants.
16:32Malek, someone is unwell. Come with me.
16:49He has been ill for some time, but today he became worse.
16:56He is not well at all.
17:02He is breathing his last.
17:06There is no hope.
17:08What can we do? We can't leave him behind.
17:14Make him a litter, and tie it to one of the beasts of burden.
17:19He'll follow the caravan that way.
17:24You will be all right. Life and death are in God's hands.
17:29Life and death are in God's hands.
18:00Son, go.
18:04There's no hope for me. I will die soon.
18:08You must go. You must go.
18:13I'll stay with you.
18:16You will be all right. Life and death are in God's hands.
18:22Don't lose hope.
18:29You must go.