• 2 months ago
Prophet Jacob guides the Israelites to pray to the One and Only God. God annunciates to him about the next prophet, who will be from his own generation. One night, his son, Joseph, dreams about the sun, the moon and eleven stars which kneel in front of him. He tells Jacob, who advises him not to tell his brothers about the dream. Prophet Joseph is dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. For centuries, the story of his life has been told over and over in many different ways and in many different languages. This is the Iranian version of a very beloved story.


00:18Don't know how I survived
00:21Well this ridiculous party never end
00:25How did you pass last night
00:30I was very scared. I had to sleep among the animals
00:36How could you just leave me here and go away
00:41How could you sleep in a soft bed knowing I had to sleep on hard stones?
00:47We had no choice. We had to go
01:11Simeon Judah, what's that?
01:18It's a storm we have to take shelter move
01:22Enough Levi, there's a storm. We have to take shelter. We have to leave. There's a storm coming. I'll return. Don't worry
01:47What's the matter
02:22Watch the animals
02:25Don't disperse
02:29Make sure your luggage is secured. All right, watch the caravan
02:38Be careful
02:41Get close together
02:44Don't lose each other
02:48The Lord is thirsty
02:51Everyone in the caravan is thirsty
02:55Where's the well
03:15Excellent see Malik keep our direction
04:20Storm vanished
04:23What was it what an unusual storm it started and ended so sudden
04:37Where are we Philly
04:44May the gods have mercy
04:46We've lost our way
04:49It's as if the storm came to mislead us
05:03It started suddenly and then ended just as suddenly
05:29Should we do I don't know. I don't know this place
05:40The storm has ended don't worry I'm here
05:47Okay, I really can't
05:52The movement of the birds could be a sign
05:57Let's go that way
06:01All right, we're going mount up
06:07How do you know it's the right way
06:10Well, we have to go some way. I
06:13trust in the God of my ancestor Abraham I
06:17Hope we'll find the way and if we don't
06:21The thirst will kill everyone
06:28See how much water we have very little half a water skin
06:34Give water to whoever is thirsty
06:38What about us
06:40If we run out, we'll die
06:43We live together and die together if there is water then it's for everyone
06:49It's not proper to think only of yourself
06:52Why did I not value him God entrusted him with the kingdom of heaven
07:22To me he was destined to become God's messenger on earth
07:28I wasn't a good father. I
07:32Didn't love my child enough
07:34If I had of I wouldn't have given him to his enemy
07:41Do you really consider my children Joseph's enemies do you think otherwise?
07:46My brothers didn't like Joseph, I wish he hadn't gone with them. I sent him with them
07:56I am to blame
08:01I wish I hadn't sent him with them
08:04How I wish that I had not
08:37God I hear something
09:12There's a caravan coming right this way
09:22You're right
09:37Caravans rarely come this way
09:40What are they doing here? We're out of sight. They won't see us
09:45Even if they don't see us, what about the sheep? There's enough time. The caravan is still far away
09:52Naftali, yes
09:55Take the herd away. Stop when you can't see this tree and hill
10:32Know that tree and the hills beside it
10:36We are three leaves from Canaan. There is a well by that tree
10:44Let me give the good news to the caravan there's no use
10:48The water in that well is salty. Are you sure the water is salty?
10:55I've passed here a few times
10:57Even the animals can't drink from this water
11:01The people will die at first
11:03Think of something
11:05The best thing to do is go to the next well quickly and find water before nightfall
11:11Otherwise both the people and the animals will suffer let's go
11:18Everyone move on we must move faster
11:59My kind Lord, although my brothers from me, I know you are kind to me
12:10Save me from this well, I
12:14Vow if I'm rescued I'll worship nothing, but you all my life and always obey you
13:36Don't beat them there's no point
13:40We'll rest here a while
13:51It's this
13:55They have smelled the water the animals don't know
14:01Don't understand what's happened at all
14:05What's the matter with these animals
14:31It has water did you hear what's the use of it salty?
14:58Are you sure it's not drinkable
15:03The old man is very sick and thirsty
15:06Why don't we take some and test it perhaps the animals contested
15:11Don't try uselessly. I told you it's salty
15:19No harm in trying as you wish
15:35What'll you do if they take him out of the well
15:38That's good. Didn't you want him to be found and taken by a caravan?
15:43You want him to let them take our brother away. You're right
15:47We mustn't let them have him for free
15:51That's not what I meant what you meant isn't important the important thing is Joseph can be sold for a lot
15:59You mean to tell them we're selling our brother. No
16:03we'll say
16:05We'll say we're selling our runaway slave