ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 6

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ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 6


00:00Previously, on Love Island USA, the islanders took off in a wild challenge, and after some
00:22end flight turbulence, for some, both crashed cars.
00:29Why did you do it exactly?
00:33It's just fucking weird.
00:36Honestly, I thought it was funny.
00:41Obviously, I like you.
00:43I'm not pushing you to say this stuff.
00:45I just don't want to fuck up.
00:47How many guys are you going to kiss?
00:49I just want to take a step back.
00:51I like him so much.
00:53I don't want to hurt him.
00:55I think it's over.
01:05Romance is still rocky.
01:09As a sexy party is crashed by some unexpected guests.
01:16Oh, wow.
01:23Oh, my God.
01:30Welcome to Love Island USA.
01:32After Kayla kissed Hakim in the challenge, Aaron's had his feelings hurt, his pride bruised,
01:37and his chances of a green card severely dented.
01:41How are you feeling, boo?
01:43Yeah, I'm pretty good.
01:45Just pretty deflated.
01:47I'm sorry.
01:48I hope you're OK.
01:49No, it's all right.
01:51Yeah, I can definitely tell you care about her a lot.
01:54It's not like, I don't know how I got to it, but, like...
01:57But I have to be honest with you, because that's what I was going to talk to him about.
02:00I'm like, it was, for us, like, it was literally a challenge.
02:05It was a game.
02:07Honestly, I chose him just to be petty, like, just to let him know, like, fuck off, basically.
02:12And I didn't even kiss him.
02:13To be honest, I fell in the fucking water and drowned.
02:16Like, you know, like, I don't fucking like that guy.
02:19No, just like, I don't know, like, it just caught me off guard.
02:22And then in my head, I was just like, I was like, I don't understand why she would have done it.
02:26And the only plausible reason why I think she could have done it
02:28was because she obviously felt some sort of way, like, towards him.
02:31She's had two kisses with two other guys that supposedly she's not interested in.
02:35Which is, like, what, is she going to keep saying that until she's kissed 17 people today?
02:38She's not interested in it.
02:39It's like, at what point do you, like... Do you know what I mean?
02:41If you're not interested in it, then don't do it.
02:43Like, I get if you're interested, then come for a conversation with me beforehand.
02:46Then that's fine, like, and you're pursuing that, then that's fine, I get it.
02:48Just have the conversation with me first.
02:50But don't do something that contradicts what you're saying.
02:54Like, I trusted her, but then I was like, now do I not trust her?
02:57She kissed Connor, she didn't like it.
02:59She kissed Akeem, she didn't like it.
03:01It's like, how many people are you going to kiss before you realise?
03:03It's like, how many people are you going to kiss before you realise?
03:05So now I'm just thinking, like, she's just buying her time in here.
03:08And I'm still struggling to understand.
03:10Like, I don't get it. I still don't understand it.
03:12I'm, like, freaking out.
03:14Hey, look, don't freak out.
03:15Like, really badly.
03:17The only reason, like, he got so upset is because he cares so much.
03:21He has the biggest heart of anyone in here.
03:23I just, like, feel like I should have, like, in that conversation, like, listened to him more.
03:27And, like, instead of, like, being so defensive.
03:29Yeah, I think...
03:30Like, in me, I was, like, responding, like,
03:32Well, like, if you know that we have such a strong connection, like, why is it such a big deal?
03:38But, like, now, like, looking at it, like, yeah, no.
03:41I think...
03:42Like, if he went tomorrow and did the same thing, I would have been pissed and upset in the same...
03:46Like, I would have felt the same way.
03:47Okay, well, then that...
03:49I mean, you really gotta think about that.
03:50But, like, while in the moment, I'm not, like, thinking of that, obviously.
03:53Well, that's not obvious.
03:54I feel like you have...
03:56Like, that's your job.
03:57Like, as, like, being with him is to think of him in the same way you would want him to do you, right?
04:08No, you're completely right.
04:09Like, I fucked up.
04:10Yeah, so that is on you.
04:11Yeah, you did.
04:12And that's okay.
04:13We fucked up.
04:14We fucked up.
04:15Both of you guys didn't handle this well.
04:17But it's not over.
04:19I just felt like, okay, am I just, like, the easy option?
04:21You're just going for me because, you know, like, like, I'm soft.
04:25No, I don't think that's, that's the truth at all.
04:28Like, to be honest, what I see from you guys, like, she's very comfortable with you guys.
04:32Like, she's, she's obviously stated she thinks of you like, you know, you're her best friend.
04:38She's getting along the best with you, like, and I do know that she really likes you.
04:43And, you know, I feel like you guys do have the strongest connection.
04:49Well, just know whatever is meant to be will be, you know.
04:53At the end of the day, everything will work out in your favor, you know.
04:56However things are supposed to play out, they will.
04:59Yeah, like, I'm so lucky to, like, come in here and, like, meet him and couple up with him.
05:03And I just, like, don't want to fuck it up.
05:05It's not over.
05:06It's not over.
05:07It's going to be okay.
05:10It's good.
05:11All right, thank you.
05:12No worries.
05:14No, no, no, no worries.
05:19Liv and Akeem can't decide what to have for breakfast.
05:21So we've made idiot intern Brad hang from the roof with a menu.
05:25But yeah, you said you're making me breakfast tomorrow.
05:27We can make it together.
05:29So we're going to make...
05:30All right, so we're making blueberry pancakes tomorrow?
05:32I don't like pancakes.
05:34What do you like?
05:37Oh, yeah, well, I'm going to get...
05:38We're going to do the avocado toast.
05:39But how good was my avocado toast this morning?
05:41A good three.
05:43Like, out of three?
05:48Can we talk about how you are an aggressive lip biter?
05:56Do not do that.
05:59I bit and held it.
06:01Like, I'm strength.
06:02After I told you to calm down.
06:05We'll work on it.
06:07I'll give you some lessons.
06:08Shut the fuck up.
06:11Okay, well...
06:25Well, your eyes are open.
06:29By the look of things, Connor and Janaye are catching up.
06:32Or they're waiting for a bus.
06:33You know, the cushioned bus stop by the pool under the giant neon XOXO sign.
06:38Every town's got one.
06:40How are you?
06:41It's just a weird night.
06:45Are you okay?
06:48We can talk later, yeah?
06:49The villa's on fire.
06:50The villa's on fire.
06:51The villa's on fire.
06:52We're not.
06:53We're good.
06:54We're good.
06:55I feel like everyone is.
06:56We're the firemen.
06:57Yeah, we're the...
06:58We're just throwing out matches and they're just filming.
07:00I'm very grateful that it's not me and you in a crazy situation right now.
07:03No, I agree.
07:05I just like the pace of my conversations with Janaye.
07:08They don't feel like there's this crazy rush to take a bunch of steps too quickly.
07:14We're just kind of taking it day by day.
07:16I mean, obviously, there's plans for future kisses.
07:20I have a serious question.
07:22When you're working out at the gym...
07:25I feel like we talk about me.
07:27I feel like...
07:28No, no.
07:29I mean, you can't tell.
07:30I don't work out as much as you do, but...
07:31I can tell.
07:32I think everyone in here can tell.
07:33How to work out.
07:34That's good.
07:41Kayla's rehearsing for her brand new role as...
07:52Like, I fucked up today big time.
07:54I shouldn't have done that.
07:55The reason why I'm so upset is because the last thing I want to do is hurt you,
07:58because I really like you, so...
08:02I'm just, like, mad at myself.
08:04I do?
08:05Mad at yourself.
08:06I have two minds where I'm, like...
08:08Part of me is, like, I get it because, like, yeah, it was the challenge,
08:12and that you're more than right to do that.
08:14I was just...
08:15I just...
08:16I wouldn't have...
08:17Because I don't think I would have done it to you,
08:19then I just expected the same back.
08:21If you would have had a conversation with me beforehand,
08:23then I would have been, like...
08:24I would have understood,
08:25but obviously you didn't know that that's what you was going to do,
08:27so I get that.
08:28You hadn't communicated with me,
08:30and that's where I started pranging out,
08:32and that's where I started thinking, like,
08:34oh, do I actually trust her?
08:35No, I understand.
08:39I really didn't think that it was going to bother you like it did,
08:46if I'm being quite honest.
08:47Like, at the end of the day, like, I don't want to hurt you,
08:49and I like what we have.
08:51I'm not here for anyone else.
08:53I just, like, really, like, care about you,
08:56and, like, you're, like, my best friend in here,
08:58and not only that, but, um...
09:00I also, like, never thought I would have, like, a connection, like,
09:04like I do with you.
09:06I'm sorry.
09:07I'm sorry.
09:10I really don't know where we stand.
09:11Like, I don't want it to be over,
09:13but I feel like he doesn't want anything to do with me.
09:17After today, I have come to the realisation
09:19that I shouldn't just be closed off just for you,
09:21and then, like, if someone else does come in,
09:23then I do need to, like, speak to them
09:26and just, like, test it from, like, our end, at least.
09:30Sorry, our end to my end.
09:49Hannah's had a rough night.
09:51Kendall's still mad at her for kissing Hakeem.
09:53Wait until he finds out she used Hakeem's shirt as a make-up wipe.
09:57I just wonder what, um, Kendall's going to do now.
10:00I think he's pretty shaken mentally.
10:06I don't want to lose him.
10:07Is it, like, a silly thing, like, being caught up in the moment?
10:10Everyone knows, like, he's the only one that I want.
10:13Everyone knows that.
10:24It's between us.
10:25Who's, like, made out with their, like, couple?
10:27When you first made out with them, were you like,
10:29yep, this is her?
10:33Oh, shit.
10:34It wasn't that it was bad at all.
10:36It's just, it was like...
10:38This was kind of like...
10:41Oh, what the fuck?
10:52What a night.
10:53I've never been so drained of being sad.
10:55I'm, like, fucking knackered.
10:59Going to bed.
11:02You really sleep in this bed?
11:04You really sleep in this bed?
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12:00And you can listen to a brand new episode of Spill The Tea
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12:17Welcome back to Love Island USA.
12:25Oh, my God, I fell asleep with socks on.
12:30Welcome, my friend.
12:39Tony, you wake up like a Disney prince.
12:44Good morning.
12:45How was last night?
12:49I swear to God.
12:51Like, you didn't touch me once.
12:59Am I the only one that doesn't wet their toothbrush?
13:02You guys don't wet your toothbrush?
13:04You think wetting your toothbrush is crazy?
13:06Damn, raw-dogging your toothbrush is crazy.
13:08I don't know how to cook this chicken.
13:11Oh, oh, please don't let me ruin this.
13:13Over easy eggs.
13:14Do we have salt?
13:21How about a dude make breakfast and stuff?
13:23They don't deserve breakfast.
13:25None of them.
13:26The only person that deserves breakfast
13:28is Janae and Serena.
13:30I'm going to make Leah a piece of avocado toast,
13:32but I'm going to put avocado just directly half of it
13:35because I'm two-faced.
13:38I'll put mine in a little heart shape
13:40and then I'll cut it so it looks like it's broken,
13:42but I'll put it together so she's like,
13:44and then we just pull it away.
13:48How are you feeling?
13:49Like, waking up the next day, I'm like,
13:51is it really that big of a deal?
13:53You don't want to be walking on eggshells.
13:55Yeah, like, now it's just, like, tension.
13:57He's at the point where he's just, like, upset with me,
14:00so it's like, even whenever I conversate with him,
14:02it's, like, uncomfortable for me
14:04because he's, like, in the mood.
14:06Like, he's in the mood.
14:07That's so petty.
14:08I don't even know, like, how to approach today.
14:10Like, if he's being distant, what do I do?
14:12Just be distant.
14:13Go about your day because you know what?
14:15Shut up.
14:16Should I be like that today too?
14:18No, you should not.
14:19I mean, I don't know.
14:20I'm not good.
14:21Obviously, I've never been in a relationship.
14:23I'm not good at this shit.
14:24I'm like, I need advice.
14:25You just be so confused.
14:26I am.
14:27I'm like a lost puppy.
14:28You got a game plan for today for you?
14:30Just going with the flow, man.
14:32Going with the flow.
14:33Are you trying to chat up Serena a little bit more
14:35or are you trying to chat with any other girls?
14:37I'm just focusing on her.
14:38I just want to try to talk about new things
14:40and know a little bit more about her too.
14:43That's a good plan.
14:44Keep doing you, bro.
14:46Do you speak to Hannah in the end?
14:48Sometimes I think it's just best to, like, leave it for later.
14:50Yeah, bro.
14:51I'm not going to make a decision.
14:52I'm not going to make a decision whenever the fuck I want to.
14:53Is Hannah still your number one?
15:00She's your point eight.
15:04I mean, obviously, you know,
15:05he felt some type of way about me choosing Hakeem.
15:08I just apologized to him again and I let him know, you know,
15:11like, I'm going to give you your space.
15:12Like, I apologize for what happened.
15:14What did he say?
15:16He's just like, I really appreciate that.
15:18He said he wants time to think about it and pray on it.
15:21And I said, 100% respect that.
15:24I don't want to do too much, though, in his space.
15:26Because last night I was like, oh, like, do you still want to cuddle?
15:28And he was like, not tonight.
15:30And I was like, OK.
15:31All avocados done?
15:33I got one right there if you want to use it.
15:36Go for it.
15:38Rob, you want the eggs?
15:40I made Liv eggs, the toast, avocado.
15:44We agreed.
15:45I made her breakfast yesterday.
15:46She was like, oh, I'm going to make you breakfast tomorrow.
15:48I've cooked breakfast here more than I have in, like, the past five years.
15:53I'm exactly on the same wave as you.
15:57Got you.
15:59I can get you some.
16:01No, it's OK.
16:03Did you want that?
16:04Did you want some to drink, too?
16:05No, it's OK.
16:06I'm about to go make my tea.
16:07All right.
16:10You look good.
16:12I like how you did your hair today.
16:14You be switching that thing up.
16:16Must be nice.
16:17I need you to make my tea.
16:24What is it?
16:25Lemon honey?
16:27Lemon honey tea?
16:28Lemon water?
16:30Let me know next time, because I'll make it for you.
16:32No, it's OK.
16:33I like it made a certain way.
16:35Let's go two more.
16:37While they all work out their problems, we're going to be working out.
16:41There we go.
16:42See what I did there?
16:43I did.
16:44That was a good one.
16:47All right.
16:48Made it through the first one.
16:49All right?
16:51I feel like noodles are supposed to do this.
16:52I'm just kidding.
16:53Oh, you're so strong.
16:54You're a strong one.
16:57I'm just going to leave this here for Liv.
17:00That is her little station.
17:01All right, just let her know in a minute, please.
17:04Yeah, right there.
17:10Oh, who made you breakfast?
17:13Oh, that little tiger.
17:14I did.
17:15I feel like I'm forcing Liv to actually talk to me.
17:19I made her breakfast today still.
17:22Oh, no.
17:23You think she forgot or just doesn't care?
17:25If you forgot, then you don't care.
17:29My main concern isn't Liv.
17:31I think if we're a new couple, there should be an amount of effort that anybody should put in.
17:39And whether she does that or not is indicative of then how she feels.
17:42Because at the end of the day, it's like, all right, if you want to have some time with me, then you're going to make it known.
17:46I don't want to be forcing somebody to do that.
17:48She's invested in everybody else's, like, BS, not this.
17:53But it's not a priority for her.
18:01Is that Aaron and Kayla on the sunbeds?
18:04Are they having a fight again?
18:06What could they possibly fight about today?
18:08Yeah, I don't know.
18:13I just feel like, yeah, like this is an experience about, like, taking risks and stuff.
18:17I don't want to, like, make you feel like, like, if you feel like talking to another person or another girl comes in here, it'd be only fair.
18:26Like, yeah, you need to pursue that.
18:28You know, that's why we're here.
18:29And I think ultimately it will show, like, where we stand, you know?
18:33Yeah, I definitely should have been more thoughtful and considerate of you yesterday during the challenge.
18:38But the kiss meant nothing to me.
18:40Yeah, yeah.
18:41I mean, where do you stand?
18:42How do you feel?
18:44I don't want to say, like, my, like, trust is gone, but I feel like I don't have that much, like, I don't know.
18:49It wasn't like it was before.
18:50I understand that.
18:51But also, like, I feel really bad about the situation.
18:54If I could take it back, I would.
18:55But, like, I want you to know and understand that I like you a lot.
18:58And I don't know if you do.
19:00You know?
19:02Like, I'm happy just to, like, forgive and, like, put it behind us.
19:04But I don't know, like, in terms of, like, forgetting about it and just, like, obviously I'm still a bit upset about the whole situation.
19:10I just have, like, maybe, like, my guard up a little bit more now.
19:13I was there thinking, like, well, OK, maybe now I can't even trust her.
19:15And now she's playing me for an idiot.
19:17I was just more, like, I guess a very extreme way of explaining it is disappointed.
19:22I wish I didn't maybe like you as much as I do like you.
19:25Because it would probably make the situation easier.
19:27But I think it would just keep testing us, and then...
19:30It would do us well.
19:31And a messed up, screwed up love life, in a way.
19:36Well, they're laughing, they're laughing.
19:38He's smiling.
19:41Yeah, look, look, look, look.
19:46First and halfway only.
19:49Yeah, they good.
19:50Good enough.
19:52Looks good to me.
19:57I found her.
20:01My lovers.
20:03We just saw you looking like a sad puppy over here.
20:07This dock is so nice.
20:08You guys, look where we are.
20:12How are you feeling?
20:13Like, what are you thinking right now?
20:14You look like you're, like, overthinking life right now.
20:18I'm just not feeling it.
20:19At your breathing point.
20:20That's OK.
20:21Like, I don't want to, like, leak or delve on.
20:23And, like, there is no, like, flirty flirt between us.
20:26I don't get those, like, butterflies.
20:27I know.
20:28I'm not, like, ready to, like, jump on his bone and kiss him.
20:31And, yes, I am a slow burner.
20:32But, like, after a week, I should be at least willing to kiss you.
20:34You know what I mean?
20:35And, like, my intuition and my gut is just, like...
20:37Yeah, that's true.
20:38I know.
20:39I'm starting to get annoyed.
20:40And that's another...
20:41Yeah, I can tell you.
20:42Another reason I know it.
20:43I just feel like he's, like, playing the game.
20:46He's going to tell you what you want to hear.
20:49Like, it's OK to have different opinions.
20:51You don't have to have the same mind.
20:53I feel like no matter what I say or, like, if I'm talking, like, tell me a story.
20:56Like, just any story.
20:58The other day, I went hiking, and I saw this really big coyote.
21:02Like, any time I'm hiking, I see a coyote.
21:07No, not that bad.
21:08Is it that bad?
21:09No, I swear.
21:10It is that bad, because I thought that, too.
21:11I feel like I literally have fucking Cordell written on my fucking forehead.
21:14And then, like, I just feel like everybody's like,
21:17poor Cordell, poor Cordell.
21:18I know.
21:19And, like, nobody's worried about my feelings.
21:21But the thing is, these guys are so sweet.
21:23I don't think anyone's going to be like that.
21:25No, I don't think anyone's going to feel that type of way.
21:28We love you, girl.
21:29I don't think it'll be fair to either of us to stay in this.
21:32I don't want, you know, like, either one of our experiences to be cut short
21:36because, like, we're not meshing how we should be on that romantic level.
21:40It's like, he is a great guy.
21:42He's really sweet.
21:43He's really nice.
21:44He's just not my great guy.
21:47I can't do it no more.
21:48I'm ending things with Cordell.
21:50The last thing I would want to do is hurt Cordell's feelings.
21:53Like, it is really hard having to weigh out, you know, my feelings
21:57versus, like, you know, good qualities.
21:59And, like, see, like, on one hand, it's like, he's a good guy.
22:02He's really nice.
22:03But then there's the other side where it's like no butterflies, no romance,
22:09not even really any flirting.
22:11Give me hugs.
22:12We love you.
22:14We love you, we love you, we love you.
22:15When do we think we're going to do it?
22:18Right now.
22:19Right now.
22:20What are you going to do right now?
22:21I would hate for anybody's feelings to get hurt, but I'm choosing myself.
22:24Even if that means taking a risk, I need to put myself first.
22:28And we'll be here with open arms.
22:30Yes, we will.
22:31You go run over there, you run right back, girl.
22:32We got you.
22:42Welcome back to Love Island USA.
22:44Kendall's annoyed with Hannah for two main reasons.
22:47One, for kissing Hakim, and two, for refusing to play him at ping pong.
22:51That would have been sick.
22:52That would have been sick.
22:53Okay, so I need you guys' opinion.
22:55Okay, go, Hannah.
22:57Okay, so with Kendall today, we haven't really even talked or anything,
23:01or had a conversation.
23:02I've been like, hey, how are you, and that's really it.
23:06It's kind of awkward.
23:07It was just very awkward with us in the bed last night.
23:10He was over there, and I was over here like this.
23:13Aw, I mean, I can't blame him.
23:15I get it, I can't blame him, because he said he was hurt about it,
23:18and obviously I get it.
23:19I'd be hurt too.
23:20As much as we also say that he deserves the best too, so do you, obviously.
23:26But also, none of us are looked down, and none of us are exclusive.
23:31I mean, I always own up to my mistakes.
23:33Like, it was a game.
23:34I thought it was funny, but I know Kendall feels the way he feels for a reason,
23:39but it just kind of sucks to wake up and, you know, it's not the same vibe.
23:44If I were you in your situation, I would give him his space.
23:48I think when someone really wants their space,
23:50I would rather give it to them rather than, like, you know,
23:52Annoy them.
23:53Especially to where he might start missing you, you know?
23:56I think he will.
24:00Kordell has asked Kendall to borrow his dark green e-book to read Fifty Shades,
24:05so you could say Kinky Kordell's borrowed Kendall's khaki Kindle.
24:09Does that mean we have a good game plan?
24:12You're like my best friend out here.
24:13Yeah, I know.
24:18Fucking Kindles and Kindle.
24:19I know, dude.
24:20Oh, shit, I call myself Kindle.
24:23I don't even know my fucking name.
24:24What are we doing here?
24:29I know, we best friends out here, bro.
24:30That's why I got your back, dude.
24:31I'm looking out for you, bro.
24:32And that's why I'm looking out for you, bro.
24:34How you feeling, big dog?
24:35I'm feeling still good about Hannah and I.
24:39It's okay to have questions and be confused.
24:41But I am, yeah, yeah.
24:42It's still a little bit muddy.
24:43I don't want to go back to, like I said, go back to being,
24:46oh, let's pick up where we left off.
24:48Like I said, we took a step back, and I really want to take it slow with Hannah.
24:52And see how it goes.
24:53And if, you know, as things progress, the walls might go down.
24:58That's why I'm like, hey, the walls might come down.
25:00So what about you and Serena?
25:01What's your game plan for tonight?
25:03Just, like, where is she anyway?
25:05I don't know.
25:06Just chat.
25:07Just talk.
25:08We've been at a good, steady pace.
25:09Just hopefully she makes a move on me tonight.
25:11You think you're waiting for her to make a move on you?
25:14Yeah, that's what we talked about.
25:15She said she'll make the move.
25:18So I'll be ready when that time comes.
25:19Okay, cool.
25:20So, you know.
25:21That's exciting.
25:22Just keep it going.
25:24I feel like we're in a good spot.
25:25I'm feeling very positive with me and Serena today.
25:27So I ain't got shit to worry about.
25:30After the conversation me and Serena had last night, I feel like we are on the same page.
25:35Here comes your girl now.
25:37Here comes your girl now.
25:48She hates us.
25:53She's like, oh God.
25:55Hey, hey.
25:56There he goes.
25:57You want to talk?
25:58Can you talk?
25:59Can you talk?
26:00Yeah, yeah.
26:01Okay, let's go over there.
26:02You're pulling me for the chat?
26:04Am I in trouble?
26:09We'll be chatting back.
26:12So, I have something to say.
26:15You got my heart pumping.
26:16I feel like I'm in trouble right now.
26:18You're not in trouble.
26:20You know, people, when they get nervous, they use their hands.
26:24It's a whole lot of hand movement.
26:26I don't know.
26:27Yeah, she doesn't want to be with him anymore.
26:30I told her to make it short, sweet, and simple, so we'll see.
26:33It feels wrong to watch this.
26:35It's like wrong, but can I also have popcorn?
26:39I didn't want to have this conversation with you because, you know,
26:43we said we were going to be open and, like, honest with each other and stuff like that.
26:47And I just, you know, come to the conclusion that I don't think I'm feeling like a romantic connection between us.
27:00I'm not going to fuck.
27:04I wasn't expecting you to tell me that.
27:06I guess maybe I'm just feeling more of a friend vibe right now.
27:10I'm, like, you know, getting those, like, butterflies and that, like, romantic spark.
27:14That sort of thing.
27:16I'm not between us.
27:22Come here, come here.
27:23Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down.
27:25That's the end of an era right there.
27:27Wait, what are you pointing to?
27:29Serena's breaking up with Cordell.
27:31You're fucking kidding me.
27:33Like, what is it that I was missing?
27:35What do you mean?
27:36Like, could you explain to me a little bit?
27:38You know, like, you would be, like, listening to what I say, but, like.
27:41I'm not really paying attention to it?
27:43Yeah, like.
27:44Do you think that really fucked up what we had going on?
27:47Not completely.
27:48Like, I don't think that was everything.
27:49Like, obviously, that played a part.
27:51But, like, the fact that I'm not, like, oh, my God, like, I want to, like, kiss and, you know, stuff like that.
27:55I mean, I think that is, I guess, telling for myself.
27:58And you also want that.
28:01And, you know, like, you deserve what you want.
28:13I felt like we had a little, could have had a little romance going on.
28:17But, you know, knowing that she don't feel the same way about me sucks.
28:23I don't even know how to, I don't even know what to say right now.
28:27It sucks, and I wish that we could have found that little spark going on.
28:31But can't force some shit.
28:33That's the last thing that I want.
28:37It's not, it's not the same.
28:39I don't know if he says positive things all the time.
28:41Well, apparently he does.
28:44I know.
28:47I know.
28:48Don't make it obvious that we're staring.
28:51I definitely understand, so it's cool.
28:53I definitely understand, so it's cool.
28:58But it's cool.
29:00Come give me a hug.
29:02No, don't give me no side hug.
29:04I'm not.
29:09He's a great guy.
29:10He's a good person.
29:11But just not my great guy and my good person.
29:18Come on.
29:19To the rescue.
29:20Let's go.
29:23Come here.
29:29You all right?
29:30Give me some skins.
29:31Yeah, dude.
29:44Feel us in, King.
29:45She said, like, what we have is good.
29:48It's really good.
29:49Everything that we're doing is great.
29:50But she just doesn't feel me on a romantical level.
29:54And I kind of give her, like, a friendship vibe.
29:58Damn, bro.
29:59Got friend-zoned, Lucky.
30:00But, you know, I'm not tripping.
30:01I mean, obviously, it sucks.
30:03It hurts a little bit.
30:04Yeah, bro.
30:05It's always going to hurt.
30:06It's better to know that, though.
30:07She's a great person.
30:08I think everybody here knows she's a really good one.
30:11And I'm not surprised she did it, but still proud of her for doing the right thing and just letting you know.
30:15I told her Lucky felt that it was coming, but...
30:17For real?
30:20I felt it.
30:21I told him that, you know, I just wasn't feeling that romantic spark.
30:23I was just asking, like, what he could have done differently.
30:25Oh, good.
30:26Constructive Chris, as well.
30:28How do you feel?
30:29Like, do you feel good?
30:30Do you feel free?
30:31Do you feel, like, light?
30:32I feel good.
30:33I mean...
30:35If you had a spark, you would have wanted to kiss.
30:36Believe me.
30:37That's okay.
30:39Where are you sleeping tonight?
30:40Probably still sleeping in the same bed.
30:42You're comfortable still laying next to him?
30:44I'm comfortable.
30:45What if you fall asleep and you wake up to him just, like, eyes open like...
30:48Shouldn't you change your mind?
30:49I've never, like, any things with somebody before because I'm always in my head,
30:54and I'm like, what if I'm making the wrong decision?
30:56But I did what I felt like I had to do, and, like, I'm not regretting it.
31:01I'm a big believer in, like, everything happens for a reason.
31:05Like, she just wasn't your person.
31:07Like, you're a catch, dog.
31:08So, like, any girl's going to be lucky to be with you, bro.
31:10Appreciate that.
31:11Appreciate that.
31:12Yeah, of course, bro.
31:13And you got all of us.
31:14I know it.
31:15A lot of love.
31:16A lot of love.
31:17That's how guys do it.
31:18We harp on, then we move on.
31:20A lot of love.
31:26The trick to the perfect pancake...
31:28I love how you just eyeball it.
31:29...is you got to eyeball it.
31:31You do it perfect every time.
31:34It's just you have to get the consistency right.
31:40Wait, wait, wait, wait.
31:41I got a text!
31:43Oh, my God!
31:45What the fuck?
31:47Oh, shit, you got a text?
31:48Get it.
31:50My heart is, like, in my stomach.
31:52My heart is in my ass, okay?
31:54Islanders, it's time to undress to impress,
31:58as tonight the villa will host an underwear party.
32:01Hashtag dare to bear.
32:06Oh, fuck.
32:07What do you mean, fuck?
32:08You literally wear nothing all day anyway.
32:10Oh, I can't wait to put the lingerie on.
32:12We're going to be looking good.
32:14Our lingerie, our lingerie, our lingerie!
32:21Underwear party.
32:22Underwear party?
32:24Underwear party?
32:25I have the hottest lingerie.
32:27And it says Miss Erin right on the app.
32:32The islanders are spending all evening in their underwear.
32:35I do that.
32:36It's called Sunday.
32:37And sometimes Monday if I'm working from home.
32:40And confession time, I am working from home.
32:43Right now.
32:50I don't think I told y'all I appreciate y'all
32:52for uplifting me today.
32:55You know, I told y'all how I feel a little sad,
32:57a little down or whatever, but you know.
33:01Listen, it's a sexy night.
33:02You're sexy and single.
33:06It's time to pop, bitch!
33:08I'm feeling some type of way about the Hannah situation.
33:12Like, I'm looking to progress, but my walls are up.
33:15Like, I'm gonna kind of take a step back.
33:18Erin and I feel great.
33:20Well, I feel great about him.
33:22You guys are all set?
33:23You're all back on good terms?
33:24I won't forget what she did.
33:25But are you still gonna stay true
33:26to what you said about exploring?
33:28Oh, yeah, 100%.
33:29Forgive, but never forget.
33:30What about you?
33:31How you feel about Leah tonight?
33:32You know what I'm saying?
33:33You know what I'm saying?
33:35I feel good.
33:36I mean, it's not perfect.
33:37But, like, it's a great start.
33:42I think my set should be like this.
33:46The girls are gonna look sexy.
33:48Cheers to showing our new esketches!
33:53I'm gonna do whatever.
33:54Make it, girls!
33:55Make it, girls!
33:56Make it!
33:58Bro, what are you doing?
33:59Trying to stretch little man out.
34:02My best life
34:04Yeah, yeah
34:06I'm living my best life
34:08My best best life
34:10My best life
34:12Yeah, yeah
34:14I'm living my best life
34:17My best life
34:19My best life
34:21Yeah, yeah
34:23I'm living my best life
34:25I'm living my best best life
34:27I'm living my best life
34:29I'm gonna do what I want to
34:31Oh, oh
34:32I'm living my
34:33I'm living my
34:35I'm living my
34:37I'm gonna do what I want to
34:39Oh, oh, oh
34:41I'm living my
34:43I'm gonna do what I want to
34:45I'm living my
34:47Oh, oh
34:49How you doing?
34:50I'm doing good.
34:51You know, like, I talked to you,
34:52just because she told me
34:53I'm not gonna change the way,
34:54you know, I act against her.
34:56It'll just be more on the friendship side.
34:58Villa full of gorgeous girls,
34:59it can't go wrong, right?
35:01Might have to, uh,
35:03head upstairs with Jhene, though.
35:04I might have to go do that.
35:06Go grab you some magical shit,
35:07if you need to.
35:10All right.
35:11No, you don't.
35:12Love you, man.
35:14I'm thinking about the work part.
35:16Planning out?
35:18You wanna go have a talk upstairs?
35:22You wanna go talk it out?
35:23I don't know.
35:24You don't know?
35:25Let me think about it.
35:26Too bad.
35:27We're going!
35:29I would have said yes.
35:30I was like, let me think about it.
35:32Come on.
35:36This is a crazy outfit.
35:39Are you just saying that?
35:40No, I'm not just saying that.
35:41I just threw this on.
35:42This is nothing crazy.
35:43You just threw this on?
35:44This is level one.
35:45You just had this?
35:46This is level one.
35:47Yeah, I'm sexy.
35:49Oh, I feel so crazy in this outfit.
35:51This is a good night for us.
35:52I'm so...
35:54Pull it.
35:55I did.
35:56You want me to pull it?
35:57Don't rip it.
35:58I'm not gonna pull it.
35:59Don't, like, yeah, no,
36:00no, you have to.
36:02Oh, he's so gentle.
36:03I know what I'm doing.
36:05No, I'm serious.
36:06Like, in every little thing,
36:07you're really good.
36:09Anyway, what's up?
36:10Not much.
36:13Are you gonna?
36:15My queen.
36:16I don't deserve you.
36:17There you go.
36:18A little faster would be really good.
36:21I don't deserve it.
36:22Faster, though.
36:23And don't drop it.
36:24Much better.
36:27You're the sweetest.
36:29How do you think we're doing,
36:31like, me and you?
36:32I think good.
36:33There's, like, no pressure
36:34on, like, the pace that we move,
36:37which I think helps so much
36:40for me to just feel, like,
36:41comfortable in, like,
36:42getting to know you,
36:43you know what I mean?
36:44Aw, good, yeah.
36:45No pressure.
36:46And thank you also for being open
36:47because I just want to show you,
36:48like, I'm actually really fun,
36:50and I'm really cool.
36:51You are really funny.
36:52You are really cool.
36:53I'm actually really funny.
36:54You just haven't seen me yet.
36:56I think you're funny.
36:57What are you talking about?
36:58You make me laugh all the time.
37:00You are so easy to be around,
37:02which is really nice.
37:04I love how you're, like,
37:05touch and cuddle,
37:06and then who knows
37:07what's happening tonight,
37:08but, you know.
37:09I have an idea
37:10of the way we're dressed.
37:12I'm not trying to apply pressure,
37:13but you have the green light.
37:15Imagine our only focus
37:16is, like, on each other
37:18and not, like, here in the world.
37:19We're in it.
37:20We're in it.
37:21Right now.
37:22I just realized that,
37:23like, in this moment.
37:26You have to seal it with a kiss.
37:27¶ ¶
37:28¶ ¶
37:29¶ ¶
37:30¶ ¶
37:31¶ ¶
37:33¶ ¶
37:34¶ ¶
37:35That was a great kiss.
37:38She's a good kisser.
37:39Janaye's looking insane,
37:41and I'm just glad
37:42we finally got
37:43that longer kiss
37:45that I've been waiting on.
37:46Felt like a good step
37:47in the right direction, for sure.
37:50That eye contact.
37:53So pretty.
37:54You're so sweet.
37:56¶ ¶
37:57¶ ¶
38:08Coming up bombshells crash the party
38:29Janae has grabbed the girls to tell them all about her kiss and soul ties and Connor has grabbed the nearest pillow
38:36We both agree that we're going at such a good pace and then I can't remember what we promised
38:42I was like, I just wanna kiss
38:43And it was like a nice long cute little kiss like it wasn't like a makeout or anything
38:47You know what I mean? But yeah, I can't even remember what we talked about half the time, but I just know it's so easy
38:52Yeah, like the way it was just like a friend. Yeah, like at first it was like nerve-wracking
38:56But now it's just like we could talk for hours if you wanted to, you know what I mean. That kiss was
39:04Definitely a 10 out of 10 and I'm a harsh grader. So 10 out of 10 is good. We're like doing this
39:10I was like, please don't let anything or appear on me
39:13You know, I mean like I'm starting to get nervous that it's going so good. I don't wanna jinx it
39:21Here comes America's favorite Ariana magic in her underwear
39:29Mean I've no idea what you're wearing that under but it looks lovely
39:42What that's a bombshell
39:48It's Ariana
39:57Hello Islanders
40:03Thanks for the heads-up about the underwear party
40:16Guys don't look worried. I don't always come with bad news
40:32My god, she's banging
40:38I'm not here to send anyone home tonight. Yes
40:44So you guys can just relax we're just gonna have a fun party
40:52And I never come to a party empty-handed
40:59Janae and Hakeem, can you help pass out my presents for sure? Thank you. Make sure we get a good
41:08It's a parcel parcel, there you go little princess, huh?
41:14Go ahead open them up and have a look at what's inside
41:29Okay, you're so sweet I thought underwear party sounds kind of sexy
41:37Let's have some fun each couple can decide who is going to take on which role
41:46One of you needs to put on the blindfold and the other one needs to be handcuffed to the post behind you
41:57Yeah, yeah, I could push you up on here and I'll put on the blindfold yeah you get handcuffed
42:06But you're so ready to get dominated damn boy, I'm not putting anything on my face. I'll be the handcuffs
42:23Okay, you guys all look amazing is everyone comfortable feeling sexy
42:33I almost forgot
42:37Invited a couple of super sexy women to join the party
42:43Oh shit, I can't see shit
43:04Welcome back to Love Island USA
43:07Two hot new bombshells are on their way into the villa half of the islanders can't believe their eyes
43:14And the other half can't use their eyes
43:18But because they're but they're blindfolded
43:23I'm Andrea. I'm from Miami, Florida. I'm 25 years old
43:29I don't think I'm gonna have to do much to turn these boys heads
43:37Nicole I'm 26 and I am a medical sales rep. I know what I want and I get what I want
43:43Girls, you better watch out
43:50All that she gasps oh shit boys Aaron, what do we see they look like absolute weapons of mass destruction
44:01Y'all sound great. Hello. You're looking absolutely stunning. Thank you Kayla. We got another blonde
44:11You guys ready to have some fun, I'm so excited. Oh my god, I'm scared
44:22I know you've been watching and some of the boys have caught your eye
44:34Now it's time to let them know who they are
44:39With a kiss
44:54My god, I can't see Wow
45:02All right, Nicole you're up first go get your men
45:12Oh God far away, she's far away
45:27Like your boots, oh, thank you
45:29Shut up
45:40I can't breathe
45:50Oh my god, oh
46:05What's going on what is happening right now
46:11Somebody tell me the details who's getting kissed right now
46:23She's still going out of boy Kendall
46:28No, it looks good nice job
46:39Or something
46:53She just
47:04Yeah core down
47:09Very close to this. I'm very happy for him
47:16She's just not shy
47:25Wow, what a way to meet for the first time
47:34I don't like this at all
47:37All right, Andrea girl have some fun over there
47:42Baby can't you see I'm calling a guy like you should wear one
47:56Who is it it's Rob
48:02It wouldn't be a bombshell she wasn't kissing more fucking
48:07That's a really good kiss
48:09Thunder oh my gosh
48:14Now I'm happy I have the blindfold on yeah, you might be lucky you have the blindfold on
48:31Oh, thank you, he's hot tonight
48:52It's happening
49:06Okay now I'm done
49:17For those of you who haven't already, please meet Nicole and Andrea
49:24Hi guys. Oh
49:39Tomorrow night, I mean that's one of the most beautiful I've ever seen in my life candles like who's hands
49:53The cards on the table. I'm open
49:56Now would I should be interested?
49:59I'm really scared that he's gonna pursue someone else
