ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 25

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ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 25


00:00:00Previously on Love Island USA
00:00:14Words got said I know where the guys heads are at
00:00:22Even with Cordell He said
00:00:25That's just a fraction of what they were doing
00:00:27The other 90% he kept saying to her, if you come back with me, how would you feel if I get back with Serena?
00:00:32If you told me you were 90% on home ground, please go fuck yourself
00:00:38And she said
00:00:40Cordell told her that I'm 90% Serena, 10% you
00:00:44Then she said
00:00:46Leah said, he told you it was like 90% me and only 10% you
00:00:51That was never a conversation that we had
00:00:54He literally was like, it would take a lot to turn my head, but you're pretty much up there
00:00:58And then
00:00:59I worry about all the incendiary things
00:01:02Get in the dumpster with me
00:01:03Fuck you, fuck Miguel, fuck all the boys over there
00:01:08Everybody is disrespecting us
00:01:12Have some fucking respect because I told you what the fuck
00:01:15I'm sorry that I did that to you
00:01:16You can go ask them boys over there
00:01:18You can go ask her
00:01:20Thank God
00:01:37What the fuck
00:01:41I think everyone should probably just shut the fuck up
00:01:43No fucking shit
00:01:45And the challenge
00:01:47Man, I feel bad for Kayla
00:01:50Because they didn't even show the worst of it
00:01:54Raises questions
00:01:57How could I be worse?
00:02:04I'm a criminal
00:02:06It's subliminal
00:02:08Welcome to Love Island, USA
00:02:11Tensions in the villa are at an all time high
00:02:14You're telling me
00:02:15I asked Liv to get me a cheese toastie 20 minutes ago
00:02:19Let's go chat
00:02:20Go chat
00:02:22I don't even fucking
00:02:24Day up
00:02:27I'm sorry
00:02:28It's okay, no it's okay
00:02:30Don't be sorry
00:02:31This is exactly why I wanted to fucking talk to her first
00:02:35Nothing's directed at you
00:02:36He's just contradicting himself a lot
00:02:39Right now my shit is fucked up
00:02:41I don't know what the fuck to think right now
00:02:43She don't want to try nothing
00:02:45She's like, she talked to a girl
00:02:47And a girl told her
00:02:50A girl told her like, everything that went down
00:02:53Obviously you wanted to tell her that first
00:02:55Exactly, I wanted to tell her
00:02:56That's why I kept trying to tell her
00:02:57Like, this is why I wanted to tell you
00:02:59Because you hearing this shit from another woman
00:03:01Is gonna sound fucking crazy
00:03:02And he just goes, I'm fucked
00:03:03What happened?
00:03:04He's contradicting himself a lot
00:03:09Just a bunch of bullshit
00:03:10Like, I'm not here for you
00:03:13To me, you had your test in there
00:03:15You decided if it was stronger or not
00:03:18You brought her back to me
00:03:20Actions say a hell of a lot more than words
00:03:22You chose to be in a couple with her
00:03:24And leave my ass single
00:03:25And that's fine
00:03:26That's a decision you made
00:03:28Then stand on it
00:03:30Stand on it
00:03:31He just said he wanted to bring me back to like
00:03:34Like, see us both in a room
00:03:36And like, figure out our vibes both together
00:03:38And then figure out who he likes more
00:03:40Have his cake and eat it too
00:03:41That's the thing
00:03:42And I understand that
00:03:43And that's from him
00:03:44But for me
00:03:45That's how you look at it
00:03:46It's not okay
00:03:47It's not
00:03:48You're not gonna have your cake and eat it too
00:03:50You made your decision
00:03:51I just feel like there are so many different opinions
00:03:54And so many different mouths
00:03:55That were just like chattering
00:03:57And spreading lies and stuff
00:03:58And like, I wanted to have a conversation
00:04:00Like, I want her to know everything that happened
00:04:02And I want to clear the air
00:04:05But at the end of the day
00:04:07If y'all made a strong connection in three days
00:04:10And we couldn't do that in three days
00:04:13Then like, I mean, just from my perspective
00:04:16And like, crack on, you know what I mean?
00:04:20You felt disrespected, right?
00:04:22You've stuck by her through everything, dog
00:04:25So, you bringing this girl back?
00:04:27Of course she's gonna feel some type of way
00:04:29That's stress, G
00:04:30I didn't know I wanted to talk to her first
00:04:32I couldn't talk to her
00:04:33I told her this shit
00:04:34I couldn't talk to her
00:04:35Because of how she was feeling
00:04:36I was trying to let this shit die down
00:04:38Even though a girl told me, like
00:04:40She felt as if I needed to talk to her first
00:04:42I know I disrespected her
00:04:44I know that
00:04:45I can't change that
00:04:47That's just what I did
00:04:48I mean, I was exploring
00:04:50And you are able to actually communicate with Serena
00:04:53Because she's close-walling you
00:04:55She's not even letting you have a chance
00:04:57And if she's not gonna allow you to do that
00:04:58Bro, like, the message is clear at this point, man
00:05:01Is this how she's gonna react every single time?
00:05:03Is that what you are looking for?
00:05:05Is that how you want your wife to behave
00:05:07When shit hits the fan?
00:05:08There comes a certain point
00:05:09Where you gotta be like, as a man
00:05:10Stand on fucking business and say
00:05:11You know what, Serena?
00:05:12Like, if you're gonna act like this
00:05:13Okay, I'll let you be
00:05:15Because I got a great girl
00:05:17Right here next to me with Deya
00:05:19Last thing I want you is to continue to go back to Serena
00:05:21Yeah, bro
00:05:22The way Serena's handled this conflict is insane
00:05:24She's just in an emotional state
00:05:26She is fiery as hell
00:05:28But this is what you get with the fire sometimes
00:05:31The disrespect was wild
00:05:33I'm sorry that you are hurt
00:05:35I know that it's not a good feeling
00:05:37It is what it is
00:05:38I also just don't want us to get fucking mad about
00:05:41I'm not gonna get mad
00:05:42No, no, no
00:05:43But I'm not gonna get mad about stupid shit
00:05:46Being made up and said and all this stuff
00:05:48It is what it is
00:05:50There was a huge lack of respect
00:05:52And that I showed him here
00:05:54And he didn't show me there
00:05:55I feel like he was pretty genuine and honest with me
00:05:57That he does really like you
00:05:58And he does have a connection with you
00:05:59And he wants to get to know you and me
00:06:01So of course there's gonna be
00:06:02He said, she said around
00:06:03I'm not gonna pop off because of he said, she said
00:06:05I'm just like, I'm
00:06:07Again, I wanted to have a conversation with you
00:06:09And know where you guys lie
00:06:10And I wanted you to know where our
00:06:12What our conversations have been
00:06:14And that a hundred percent he has told me
00:06:16That he does like you
00:06:17And he does have a connection with you
00:06:18Like I wanted to tell you that
00:06:20I care
00:06:21Like I actually like this guy
00:06:23Like the emotions are coming out
00:06:25I've been holding him in
00:06:26Bottling him in
00:06:27Keeping my cool
00:06:28But I'm not trying to be in no love triangle
00:06:30Like I'm strong
00:06:31But like I'm not doing this
00:06:32Did she bring up this 90 percent, 10 percent thing?
00:06:35What 90 percent?
00:06:36I never said 90 percent
00:06:3710 percent
00:06:39Apparently he said to Leah
00:06:40He said he was 90 percent feeling
00:06:42I ain't never said no fucking percent
00:06:44It's on shit bro
00:06:45That's what I was assuming
00:06:46She putting words in my fucking mouth
00:06:48I've never said no shit like that to her
00:06:50I barely talked to Leah like that
00:06:51It's all miscommunication
00:06:52Serena's getting told this in her ear
00:06:53And that's why it's continuing to fuel the fire
00:06:56She's just getting all these like
00:06:57He said, she said around the villa
00:06:59But none of it is actually true
00:07:01So besides actually coming from you
00:07:05I know this whole fucking time bro
00:07:08Just been in her ear
00:07:09Just chatting and shit
00:07:10Right, right here
00:07:11Right, right here
00:07:12Get the clarity you need brother
00:07:13We support your happiness bro
00:07:15That's what we're here for bro
00:07:16We want to support your happiness
00:07:17And I stand by what the fuck I said bro
00:07:19I love you dog
00:07:20Come here brother
00:07:21Nah it's cool
00:07:22I'm not tripping bro
00:07:23That's how she feel
00:07:24That's how she feel
00:07:25But there is a great girl dog
00:07:26You got someone great bro
00:07:27Who literally is mature as hell bro
00:07:29What Serena's doing right now
00:07:30Is the complete opposite of maturity
00:07:33I've tried to come across a lot tougher than they are
00:07:37What the fuck
00:07:39What did you talk about 90-10%?
00:07:41Cordell you literally said that this morning
00:07:43I've never told you no fucking 90-10% shit
00:07:45Yes you did
00:07:47This morning
00:07:48Where would I make up that
00:07:49I've never said no fucking 9%
00:07:50I've never said no numbers
00:07:51Grow the fucking taste
00:07:52I've never said no fucking numbers to you
00:07:53Cordell you literally said that
00:07:55You over here spilling this bullshit
00:07:56Leah I fuck with you heavy
00:07:57But I've never said no 90-10%
00:07:59Where would I create that out of my head?
00:08:01I don't fucking know
00:08:02But I've never told you 90%
00:08:03I've never said no fucking numbers
00:08:05What are you talking about?
00:08:06You said you told her
00:08:07We were sitting there
00:08:08You were saying
00:08:09I fucked up, I fucked up
00:08:10Yeah I did fucked up
00:08:11I told her I fucked up first off
00:08:13But I've never said a fucking 90-10%
00:08:15What the fuck is you talking about?
00:08:17Oh my god
00:08:18Where the fuck would I make that up from?
00:08:20You literally said you told her
00:08:21When you guys were in Casa
00:08:22You said you made it very clear
00:08:24Where you stood with Serena
00:08:26To homegirl
00:08:28And then you said
00:08:29It was like 90% Serena
00:08:3110% her
00:08:32And then you said
00:08:34There was a very big chance
00:08:35If you brought her back here
00:08:36You may still couple up with Serena
00:08:38I said that
00:08:39Is that a lie?
00:08:40I've never said no 90-10%
00:08:41First off I told her
00:08:42This doesn't mean
00:08:43That we're coupled up
00:08:44You know that I'm bringing you here
00:08:45To test my connection
00:08:46Between Serena and you
00:08:47And see where it is stronger
00:08:49She knows that already
00:08:51This is a conversation we had already
00:08:53But you over here
00:08:54Spilling some bullshit about 90%
00:08:56Like yes you're right
00:08:57You caught me
00:08:58You're lying to hurt Serena even more
00:09:00I'm not
00:09:01You caught me
00:09:02Red handed
00:09:03I told her that I was still feeling Serena
00:09:04I still had a strong connection with Serena
00:09:06You said you had a stronger connection with Serena
00:09:08I said I had a strong connection with Serena
00:09:10It's gonna take a lot to turn my head
00:09:12But you're getting there
00:09:13Okay but you didn't have this conversation with Serena
00:09:16No fucking shit
00:09:17I wanted to
00:09:18Y'all not fucking understanding
00:09:19The first conversation I wanted to have
00:09:21Was with her
00:09:22So I can clear this shit up
00:09:23Erase the number part
00:09:24Let's agree to disagree on that
00:09:26People were saying a bunch of shit
00:09:27That you said to her
00:09:28And then it was getting very scrambled
00:09:30And now it's getting like very messy
00:09:32And I think everyone should probably
00:09:34Just shut the fuck up
00:09:35I swear to God
00:09:37I remember people telling me things
00:09:39And then they tell me they didn't say that
00:09:41And I'm like do I have fucking Alzheimer's?
00:09:44Even if he didn't say it
00:09:45He said a whole bunch of other shit
00:09:47That is very equivalent to that
00:09:49If not worse
00:09:51Saying he fucked up
00:09:52He fucked up
00:09:53He doesn't know if he made the right decision
00:09:55Like you said basically the same thing
00:09:57It was just maybe I heard it wrong
00:09:59Maybe it was worded wrong
00:10:01I knew this shit was gonna spiral the way it spiraled
00:10:03Because I did not get a chance to speak to her
00:10:05Out of my own mouth
00:10:07And I apologize for that
00:10:08I never wanted you two to ever get into it like this at all
00:10:11I can't believe that it came out like this
00:10:14I feel absolutely terrible that it came out like this
00:10:17I'm sorry y'all gotta see me like this
00:10:18No you're fine
00:10:19I'm not like this at all
00:10:21We know you're not like that
00:10:22I'm not going back and forth with you
00:10:24I feel like really it's between you and Serena to clear it
00:10:28I was more frustrated because
00:10:30I never said no shit like that
00:10:32And they were saying it came out of my mouth when it didn't
00:10:35And that spewed a whole bunch of other bullshit
00:10:38I know the real
00:10:40Between me and Serena
00:10:41I have such, such stronger feelings with Serena
00:10:44But I also like Daya too
00:10:45So I don't know where my head is at
00:10:48And I just need time to think
00:10:50I'm sorry about that
00:10:51It's okay for you
00:10:55Do you want to talk to Gordel with me and you?
00:10:57No, but we can
00:10:58Come on
00:10:59Yeah, that's easier
00:11:02We don't need 20 opinions
00:11:08You can sit in the middle
00:11:11I just want to say
00:11:12I've literally told her that you've been honest with me
00:11:14Since the beginning
00:11:15That you have a very strong connection with Serena
00:11:17It would take a lot to turn your head
00:11:19But at the same time
00:11:20You feel like in a couple of days that we've met
00:11:22I'm up there and I
00:11:23Yeah, you still
00:11:24I'm checking boxes
00:11:25And then you still want to come here
00:11:27And get to know me
00:11:28And you still want to come here
00:11:29And get to know her
00:11:30But I'm going to let y'all talk
00:11:31I'm going to let y'all have your peace
00:11:32But maybe chill the fuck out
00:11:34You're probably going to get up and go
00:11:36Look, I just want to make my amends with you
00:11:39Shit went down between me and her
00:11:41We kissed
00:11:42We cuddled
00:11:44We hugged
00:11:46All of that shit happened
00:11:48I'm not finna beat around the bush
00:11:50I don't even use fucking numbers
00:11:51I'm not even good at math
00:11:52How the fuck would I use numbers?
00:11:54Regardless of the situation
00:11:55I don't give a fuck about that shit
00:11:57It's dead
00:11:58I don't care
00:11:59It's all about me and you here
00:12:01I have been completely honest to you
00:12:03On what I did out there
00:12:05Obviously you made your decision
00:12:06I get that
00:12:07I'm not going to force you
00:12:08You made your decision
00:12:09And I
00:12:10You re-coupled with this girl, Gordell
00:12:13You fully re-coupled with this girl
00:12:16I'm not trying
00:12:17I'm sorry, listen
00:12:20How I was going about it
00:12:22And she told you the same way
00:12:23I told her that
00:12:25Just because it says re-coupling
00:12:27Does not mean that I am re-coupling up with you
00:12:30If you felt like that connection was so strong
00:12:34To where it doesn't matter
00:12:36Like, fuck how Serena would feel
00:12:40This is what I want
00:12:41And this is
00:12:42It doesn't matter
00:12:43That's what happened
00:12:44Kissing and then being like
00:12:45Oh, but I feel guilty
00:12:46But give me another kiss
00:12:47Like, that's fucked
00:12:49What reality were you like
00:12:51Yeah, I'm going to bring her back
00:12:53She's going to be single
00:12:54And she'll be fine with me
00:12:57Still playing in her fucking face
00:12:58Getting to know this girl
00:12:59And getting to know her
00:13:00And I feel like you knew
00:13:02I was not about to bring another man in
00:13:04But you knew that I've been very respectful
00:13:07Of what we had going on
00:13:08No matter how slow I moved
00:13:10That's not about you
00:13:11You knew how I felt about you
00:13:12I'm not worried about you
00:13:13You knew how I felt about you
00:13:14And I thought you felt the same way
00:13:16I do
00:13:17I thought you felt the same way
00:13:18I do
00:13:19Feelings come and go
00:13:22We both could use the resolution
00:13:25I do got these strong feelings towards Serena
00:13:27It's not going to change
00:13:28We've built everything from day one
00:13:31From day one I've always
00:13:33I seen her
00:13:34I seen something in her
00:13:35That made me like her so much
00:13:37I'm really hoping I can fix things with Serena
00:13:40Stupid as they may sound
00:13:42I gotta understand
00:13:44Been through a lot with that girl
00:13:46Got a lot of feelings towards her
00:13:48Feelings come and go
00:13:51I'm sorry that I did that Serena
00:13:53We both could use the resolution
00:13:56I know you care
00:13:58I seen that you care from the jump
00:14:00I see how much you care
00:14:01And I see how much I fucked up
00:14:03There was not a time that I did not think of you
00:14:05Just because I still wanted to pursue with her
00:14:07Does not mean I have to
00:14:08I'm trying to let you know like
00:14:10I want you
00:14:12I do
00:14:14I do
00:14:16I do Serena
00:14:18What if I could forget
00:14:20I do
00:14:21I've always wanted you from day one
00:14:24And you know this
00:14:26I wanted you
00:14:27I wanted you to come in here
00:14:29Even after seeing that by your fucking self
00:14:31And tell me that it's me
00:14:33I'm not expecting you to
00:14:34Welcome me back with open arms
00:14:36I'm not expecting none of that shit
00:14:39But I do know that I'm willing to
00:14:42Wait for you
00:14:48We'll see, I don't know
00:14:56Give me a hug
00:14:58Come on now
00:15:00You know what?
00:15:01You stand on it, I get that
00:15:12You know I forgive you
00:15:26Welcome back to Love Island USA
00:15:28Serena's craving a midnight snack
00:15:30So she's looking for some Froot Loops
00:15:32You're in luck Serena
00:15:33There's 17 of them in that villa
00:15:35With love guys
00:15:37With love
00:15:38Kenny, I thought we were friends
00:15:41Of course we're friends Serena
00:15:43Then why are you hyping him up to disrespect me?
00:15:45This had nothing to do with you
00:15:47I was just making a comment saying
00:15:48Bro, yeah, I haven't seen you like this
00:15:50From the jump with someone
00:15:51You did dump him
00:15:52You did friend zone him
00:15:54You did twist zone him
00:15:55Yeah, I know right
00:15:56You twisted today, you came back
00:15:58I know, but yeah, that's what I'm saying Serena
00:16:00If I see my guy happy
00:16:01And like, literally giddy and shit
00:16:03I'm not gonna be like
00:16:04Hey man, cut that shit
00:16:06But this is what, this is
00:16:07But hey listen, this is
00:16:09I would've said hey
00:16:10There should be no kissing
00:16:11There should be no cuddling
00:16:12But Serena
00:16:14You're saying some crazy shit
00:16:16Thank you
00:16:17Fuck you Kendall
00:16:19As much as we have love for you
00:16:21I still gotta rub us the wrong way
00:16:23You're gonna rub me the wrong way
00:16:25Hearing that y'all are
00:16:28No, there is no rooting
00:16:29This isn't like a Dea over Serena thing
00:16:31This is, if you see something
00:16:33Bring her back
00:16:34And see how it's
00:16:36You went around, this is not the best
00:16:38I was hurt
00:16:39And I think I did what I should do
00:16:42I don't regret anything that I said
00:16:44Besides fuck you Kendall
00:16:46That's the only thing I regret
00:16:48I'm glad you got that
00:16:49Cause I was hurt
00:16:51Hearing that
00:16:52Cause I'm like Serena, I fucking love you
00:16:58So how do you think
00:17:00Serena's gonna be
00:17:01I don't know, you never know
00:17:03I feel like it looked like they were talking like
00:17:05I mean
00:17:08Cause I care for you
00:17:09And I care for him
00:17:10I know
00:17:11And I'm seeing you too
00:17:12And like I'm seeing you too big
00:17:13And I'm like fuck man
00:17:14Like this isn't what I wanna be a part of
00:17:16Like I don't wanna see this shit
00:17:17I didn't wanna fight with him either
00:17:18I know you didn't
00:17:19I was trying to be very
00:17:21That's a situation that could be avoided
00:17:23I know, I need to learn to just shut the fuck up
00:17:28I am really sorry that
00:17:30The way I've been saying things seems like
00:17:32I've just
00:17:34I'm cool with everything
00:17:35And I don't really give a fuck
00:17:36And I just can move on and shit
00:17:39But that's not the case
00:17:40I do care
00:17:43I care
00:17:44If you find someone here
00:17:47I care if you get hurt
00:17:50When I was in the castle
00:17:51Like you was
00:17:52In my head a lot
00:17:59Even that just sounded fucking dumb
00:18:01No I think it's cute
00:18:05I appreciate it
00:18:06I feel the same
00:18:08I just didn't wanna feel stupid
00:18:11But you are definitely someone I care about
00:18:14And the last thing I wanna do is hurt you
00:18:16Like I said
00:18:17Make you feel like
00:18:18You're just
00:18:19Adrift in my imagination
00:18:23Yeah I was gonna hug you in a really weird way now
00:18:26But it's gonna be there
00:18:35You are a really dope person
00:18:37I'm a cool girl
00:18:39You're a cool girl
00:18:40I'm a cool girl
00:18:41You're a cool girl
00:18:43Regardless of
00:18:44Perhaps some of the choices I make
00:18:46I care about how she feels
00:18:48I do care
00:18:49You know
00:18:52She picked someone else
00:18:54You know
00:18:55It would suck
00:18:56And seeing her when I got back
00:18:58I felt really happy seeing her again
00:19:00She is someone I very
00:19:01I do care
00:19:02Deeply about
00:19:07I'm just happy to be here
00:19:11And I'm happy to have met someone like you
00:19:15Me too
00:19:18Don't look at me like that
00:19:22Let's sleep before I get in trouble
00:19:26You know this is soul time
00:19:28You know this is soul time
00:19:35Kenny's last conversation with Janae
00:19:37Was full blown emotional carnage
00:19:39So he must be terrified
00:19:41Hopefully not that terrified
00:19:42He is wearing white pants
00:19:43And he's sitting on a white sofa
00:19:46I don't know if you want to
00:19:47I'll go first
00:19:50So I understand like me and you
00:19:51Had just gotten a couple
00:19:52Like not too long ago
00:19:53You know what I mean?
00:19:54I just assumed
00:19:56Which I shouldn't have
00:19:57That me and you were like
00:19:59In a good place
00:20:00So when you came back from
00:20:01Casa Amor
00:20:02And you had a girl
00:20:03I was like devastated
00:20:05I think I just overreacted
00:20:07I was just really really hurt
00:20:09And I've taken so many L's
00:20:11Since I've been here
00:20:12I was like I just can't
00:20:13Take this one
00:20:14It just like really hurt
00:20:15My feelings I guess
00:20:16But I know that I need to
00:20:17Like be okay
00:20:19I just want to apologize
00:20:20And I will do my best
00:20:21To stay in my lane
00:20:24I appreciate that
00:20:26Thank you for your apology
00:20:28It just boils down to like
00:20:30We had limited time together
00:20:32But at the end of the day
00:20:33I think there were
00:20:34There's never been like a hiccup
00:20:35Or like anything
00:20:37To test what we had
00:20:38Even like last night
00:20:39Seeing you that way
00:20:41You know the pain
00:20:42That you were in
00:20:43Like it was a hard night
00:20:45Like I
00:20:46I don't think I like
00:20:47Really considered your feelings
00:20:48I think I was like
00:20:49Really selfish
00:20:50Because I was so hurt
00:20:51So I just felt bad
00:20:52That you felt bad
00:20:57I think you're a very strong
00:20:58Independent woman
00:21:01I felt like you've given me
00:21:02Your all
00:21:04And like in the time
00:21:05We were together
00:21:06I gave you mine
00:21:09You know even today
00:21:11There's been clarity
00:21:12For me
00:21:13And I see you
00:21:14And I'm like
00:21:15Damn it would be nice
00:21:16Like to be with her right
00:21:17And I think
00:21:18The fact that me and Kat
00:21:19Are coupled up
00:21:21We're just sharing a bed
00:21:23I brought her here
00:21:24To test what we had
00:21:25What we had
00:21:26I'm putting you
00:21:27Yeah I know
00:21:28I'm putting you as
00:21:30A priority
00:21:32I think it'll make us
00:21:34In a sense
00:21:35Like you've shown me
00:21:36Already like
00:21:40It is just like
00:21:41A me thing
00:21:44Like the reassurance
00:21:45I'm now convinced
00:21:46My love language
00:21:47Like to receive
00:21:48It's probably
00:21:49Words of affirmation
00:21:50Because that made me feel
00:21:52Way better
00:21:54Whatever happens next
00:21:55I trust
00:21:56That he's doing this
00:21:57To help
00:21:58Help our connection
00:21:59Become stronger
00:22:00So I just feel like
00:22:01It's a little speed bump
00:22:02Or like a little
00:22:03Commercial break
00:22:04And then we'll be
00:22:06Back to the scheduled
00:22:08Very soon
00:22:09Can I have a hug?
00:22:12I have a hug too
00:22:13For Evan
00:22:14I just want to
00:22:17I miss you
00:22:18Yeah you have no idea
00:22:21I miss you a lot
00:22:22Thank you for
00:22:23Thank you for
00:22:24Expressing yourself
00:22:25Because I feel
00:22:26So much better
00:22:30Janaye's written
00:22:31A love song for Kenny
00:22:32But she has to
00:22:33Sing it very quietly
00:22:34Because his new girl
00:22:35Catherine's downstairs
00:22:36Getting ready to
00:22:37Climb into bed with him
00:22:38And she might hear
00:22:39And they say
00:22:40Romance is dead
00:22:41Me and Kenny
00:22:42Had a conversation
00:22:43Yeah yeah
00:22:44Now it's looking
00:22:47Yeah yeah
00:22:48So don't
00:22:50About me
00:22:51So right now
00:22:52You want to
00:22:53Sing on the day
00:22:54Stupid as it may sound
00:22:56This guy bro
00:22:57That's why
00:22:58I'm gonna sleep on it
00:22:59And figure out
00:23:01How you really feel
00:23:03Morning turns to
00:23:05Haven't even
00:23:06Thought about
00:23:07You leaving
00:23:08I did say
00:23:09To him
00:23:10The only way
00:23:11You're gonna know
00:23:12If this makes any sense
00:23:13Is if you bring her back
00:23:15You don't know
00:23:16Where your heart is at
00:23:17And I am so sorry
00:23:18That you felt
00:23:19Like I may have
00:23:20Betrayed you
00:23:22I can't
00:23:23I just spazzed out
00:23:24Like this
00:23:25Well you spazzed out
00:23:26On a lot of people
00:23:27But Alex
00:23:28I'll take it
00:23:29I do love you
00:23:30I love you too
00:23:33I think the vibes
00:23:34Are good now
00:23:35If I could say
00:23:36So myself
00:23:37Yeah let's not
00:23:38Jinx it
00:23:39I really like him
00:23:40A lot
00:23:41Makes me feel
00:23:42So special
00:23:43Came out
00:23:44Of your
00:23:45Leaf trap
00:23:46Ready for
00:23:47Bed we step
00:23:48On Nicki
00:23:49Like a DJ
00:23:50No no
00:23:51Watch my fucking hair
00:23:55How are you doing
00:23:56How you doing
00:23:57I'm fine
00:23:58I'm fine
00:24:01There you go
00:24:03I'm like
00:24:04I want them to talk
00:24:06I feel like they have
00:24:07A lot to talk about
00:24:08But it's not
00:24:09Like nice to see
00:24:10Oh my god
00:24:11I don't even want
00:24:12To sleep in bed with you
00:24:13Because I feel like
00:24:14His head is like
00:24:15Fully there
00:24:16Yeah yeah yeah
00:24:18Oh oh oh
00:24:19Oh oh oh
00:24:20Yeah yeah yeah
00:24:21We're in soul touch
00:24:22Again baby girl
00:24:23I want to explode with you
00:24:24It has to be you too
00:24:35Every time the lights
00:24:36Go out
00:24:37I see you there
00:24:39When you're not
00:24:41Stuck in my head
00:24:43And I
00:24:44Know you're gone
00:24:46But I'll still hold on
00:24:47To the ghost of you
00:24:49Oh oh oh
00:24:50Yeah yeah
00:24:51Oh I
00:24:52Know you're gone
00:24:53But I'll still hold on
00:24:54To the ghost of you
00:24:56Ghost of you
00:24:57Yeah yeah yeah
00:25:12Welcome back
00:25:13To Love Island USA
00:25:18Hey Aaron
00:25:19Do you think we should
00:25:20Be closed off now?
00:25:21No there might be
00:25:22More bombshells coming in
00:25:23You're such a bitch
00:25:24Shoulda figured it out
00:25:25By now
00:25:26Hip hop along
00:25:27Then walk back down
00:25:28I'm doing me
00:25:29And you're gonna see
00:25:30Does Nicole
00:25:31Got clothes on?
00:25:34You can join
00:25:35And I'll walk
00:25:36You can join
00:25:37You can join
00:25:38And I'll walk
00:25:39You can join
00:25:40You can join
00:25:41You can join
00:25:42You can join
00:25:43You can join
00:25:44You can join
00:25:45You can join
00:25:46You can join
00:25:47All right, you can join.
00:25:49I don't know if this is how I'm supposed to do this.
00:25:52All this magic in the air got me on another wave.
00:25:56Good morning, everyone.
00:25:58What starts the day off right?
00:26:00Coffee and good attitudes.
00:26:03Come on, big smiles.
00:26:04Big smile.
00:26:07Look at that smile!
00:26:11You get a day out of here.
00:26:14You get a day out of here.
00:26:17I came for it all.
00:26:18No time to play.
00:26:19So many blessings.
00:26:20Breakfast in the morning.
00:26:24Thanks, King.
00:26:25You're welcome.
00:26:28Where's your head at?
00:26:30I feel like I know.
00:26:31I know who I kind of want to see myself progress with the most.
00:26:35So I think it's time for me to have a conversation with one of them
00:26:39and let them know.
00:26:41Appreciate it.
00:26:42It doesn't look as pretty, but it's OK.
00:26:46Aaron's ready to ask Kayla to be his girlfriend
00:26:49and he can't wait to tell the person he loves most in the entire world.
00:26:54And once he tells Rob, he's going to ask Kayla.
00:26:58How are you?
00:27:01How about you?
00:27:02How's Kayla?
00:27:03I think the biggest test is this place, not us.
00:27:07I agree.
00:27:08Do you think you want to be her boyfriend?
00:27:12I kind of like the idea of me telling her exactly how I feel
00:27:15and then afterwards being like, but we're still single, yeah?
00:27:19And then I'll just ask in a few days.
00:27:21To what? Close off?
00:27:23There's no point in saying close off.
00:27:24Might as well just ask her to be my girlfriend.
00:27:26Being closed off is exactly the same as being boyfriend and girlfriend.
00:27:29Dude, that's insane.
00:27:30That makes me so happy.
00:27:31How does that make you feel?
00:27:33I don't know.
00:27:34I don't know if it's too early, but...
00:27:35Girlfriend is like big.
00:27:36That's like real life.
00:27:39I don't want to ask it just yet.
00:27:41I want to wait for a few days once everything's blown over
00:27:44and we're in a happy place and she doesn't have things on her mind
00:27:46and I don't have things on my mind and that's when we can do it.
00:27:49So I'm just going to speak to her maybe today or tomorrow
00:27:54about how I feel and then ask her to marry me in like five days.
00:27:59Well, that's good, man.
00:28:00That makes me really happy.
00:28:03Love Island works.
00:28:04Would you look at that?
00:28:11How you doing, baby girl?
00:28:13Nice to meet you, man.
00:28:14Please, let's do it.
00:28:15You want to go over there?
00:28:16We can go over here.
00:28:18How you doing?
00:28:19This fine morning?
00:28:20I'm good.
00:28:21It's a really nice day.
00:28:22It is.
00:28:23Kind of breezy.
00:28:24Yes, sir.
00:28:26How are you?
00:28:27I'm good.
00:28:28I'm good.
00:28:29I've just been thinking.
00:28:30I've been in my head a lot.
00:28:33I have too.
00:28:34A lot.
00:28:36You know, it's...
00:28:38In this world, things move so fast.
00:28:40Yes, sir.
00:28:42And being here with two amazing, beautiful women.
00:28:47And then, you know, you've got to make a fucking decision.
00:28:52But, yeah, I feel like I've got to be 100% honest with myself.
00:28:57And I would love that.
00:29:00And to be 100% honest with me as well.
00:29:02Without a doubt.
00:29:04I'd rather just say things as quick as possible while I'm feeling them.
00:29:12I think you're an amazing woman.
00:29:14And I really do wish I had some more time to get to know you.
00:29:17But, like, knowing how quick things are here and, like, anything can happen.
00:29:22For me right now, I've got to go with what's right in my heart.
00:29:25And I think I'm going to continue to pursue things with Leo.
00:29:29I think you guys have, like, a really good friendship going.
00:29:32And, um, I don't know, I think we were, like, physical first
00:29:37and didn't build that, like, friendship thing.
00:29:40And so now it feels, like, a little weird.
00:29:42Um, but, yeah, I'm glad that you told me so that, you know,
00:29:46I can, like, also figure out what I want to do.
00:29:50I feel, like, a little, I don't want to say, like, embarrassed,
00:29:53but, like, just kind of cringed out.
00:29:55I don't know if we were, like, you know, soulmates or anything like that.
00:30:00And that's what I'm here for.
00:30:03I really appreciate how understanding you are.
00:30:04You are an amazing woman.
00:30:06And I do hope that even outside of here we can continue the friendship.
00:30:10Because I do think you're great.
00:30:13But thank you so much.
00:30:14I appreciate that.
00:30:15The Ciara and Miguel saga has now come to a close.
00:30:18I think she is an incredible woman.
00:30:20However, I knew that the way I was feeling
00:30:24was definitely a lot stronger towards Leah than it was to Ciara.
00:30:29All righty.
00:30:30In the bizzle.
00:30:36What did he say?
00:30:37He just said he's going for Leah.
00:30:38Now you can go for someone who is interested in you.
00:30:41Girl, yeah.
00:30:42I'm so mad because, like, he doesn't want to be with me.
00:30:44Like, you don't want to be with me?
00:30:46I don't know.
00:30:47It's just crazy.
00:30:48Fucking sucks.
00:30:50It's OK.
00:30:51Come here.
00:31:08Welcome back to Love Island USA.
00:31:10After Cass and more, it was always going to take a lot of time
00:31:13for Aaron to win back Kayla's trust.
00:31:15It took him all of 12 hours.
00:31:17And he was asleep for eight.
00:31:24How are you feeling about us?
00:31:26I feel like...
00:31:27I feel good.
00:31:29Cassa made me feel stronger for you in the sense that
00:31:31the time away, I was like, oh, fucking,
00:31:33I actually hate this and I miss you so much.
00:31:35But going through that whole stupid process
00:31:37did not make me feel better about it.
00:31:39I just felt like shit.
00:31:40But the actual time away, as much as I hated it,
00:31:44I also felt like I did feel stronger.
00:31:46I don't know.
00:31:47I didn't think that Cassa could make me feel like
00:31:49I like you even more, especially after what I saw.
00:31:53It definitely made me realise how much I actually like you.
00:31:56I feel like I did it more because I hadn't...
00:31:58Like, I don't know why, I just felt like
00:32:00I hadn't had any other, like, connection in this place
00:32:02and it felt like the Cassa and More thing to do
00:32:04and the Love Island thing to do was to, like,
00:32:06explore other connections to make you feel like
00:32:09you're in a stronger position with someone else,
00:32:11even though I was like, I don't feel like I need to be tested.
00:32:14No, and I understand that and I want you to know
00:32:16that I trust you so much, even though, like...
00:32:19Do you?
00:32:20I do.
00:32:21But then again, like, that's going to be in the back
00:32:24of my mind for a little bit.
00:32:25Yeah, I don't think you do.
00:32:26I think it's fair and I'm sorry.
00:32:28I know that you'll never lie to me and, like,
00:32:30you're honest with me always.
00:32:32So I appreciate that.
00:32:34I'm so excited to get you back.
00:32:37And I'm excited that you came in single.
00:32:40Do you still want to be single?
00:32:42No, of course not.
00:32:44Whatever happened, happened.
00:32:46Like, let's move past it, let's not keep rewinding
00:32:50because that's not going to do anything for us
00:32:52and I just want to keep talking about the outside world and...
00:32:55How do you know we're going to be together on the outside world?
00:33:00I don't know, but I have a good feeling.
00:33:03Good. It's a good feeling.
00:33:05It's good to finally let go of what happened in Casa
00:33:09and move the F on, baby.
00:33:11I'm so excited to finally move forward with him,
00:33:14see where it goes, pick up where we left off
00:33:17and keep falling in love.
00:33:19Not just you and I, baby.
00:33:27Why are you sitting so far away from me?
00:33:31No, if I make you uncomfortable, then sit over there.
00:33:35I don't bite and you know that.
00:33:40Not her, plain her.
00:33:43I'm trying to be respectful
00:33:45and I told you I'm going to sit here and chill
00:33:48and support anything you want,
00:33:51but I have... What?
00:33:54Okay, I'm liking that, I'm liking that.
00:33:57You wouldn't want me to smother you and be all over you,
00:34:01you know what I mean?
00:34:03Unless you want that.
00:34:07Yeah, shut up!
00:34:09With Kat and Janae, I'm trying to be considerate of both of them
00:34:13and in here it can be a bit hard.
00:34:15Eventually I'm going to have to make a decision
00:34:18on where my head is at and who I see myself with going forward.
00:34:22But you know I'm sitting here waiting for you.
00:34:24I just can't wait till we can, like, get back on track.
00:34:29Cordell hasn't spoken to Dea nearly enough
00:34:32since arriving back at that villa.
00:34:34In fact, no-one's used that gorgeous living area nearly enough.
00:34:37It's like Wes Anderson's take on a dentist's waiting room.
00:34:43So, I just wanted to see, like, how are you feeling
00:34:45and make sure everything is OK.
00:34:47I don't know, I feel like you've been avoiding me
00:34:49since we've been here, which is understandable
00:34:51because you haven't had the chance and now that you have,
00:34:53like, maybe now we can, like, spend a bit more time together
00:34:56and, like, I think that's what we talked about coming here,
00:34:58but, like, I just hope that you're going to give me a chance
00:35:01and, like, if you feel that your mind is already made up,
00:35:03then, like, just tell me.
00:35:05I do like you and I am trying to, like, show, put effort
00:35:08and show that I like you, but at the same time
00:35:10I don't want to do it if, like, you just don't like me back.
00:35:13So it's not that I don't like you, but I do like you.
00:35:16I've seen that connection that happened between us.
00:35:18I don't know what it's going to be like.
00:35:21I mean, I do have these super strong feelings
00:35:23towards Serena, obviously.
00:35:25What you're saying right now is, like,
00:35:27I have strong feelings for Serena,
00:35:29but you haven't said that you have feelings for me.
00:35:31It's like we just built a connection.
00:35:33It's not that, like, what we had wasn't there.
00:35:36Like, I can't not forget about what we had as well.
00:35:43And I do like you too.
00:35:45So it's, like, that's why I'm, like, in this bit of a bind.
00:35:49Like, we have a good connection.
00:35:51I hope you don't forget how we were in Costa,
00:35:53like, how close we were and stuff in Costa,
00:35:55because, like, I did really like you
00:35:57and you did say that you really liked me in Costa.
00:35:59I do like you.
00:36:00I don't know.
00:36:01I was, like, I don't know if I should just, like,
00:36:03back the fuck up or...
00:36:04No, I don't want you to back off at all.
00:36:06Something can still happen.
00:36:08I feel like a dickhead just because I know Deya wants me,
00:36:12but at the same time, I know where my head is at.
00:36:16I know who I want.
00:36:18I want Serena, dog.
00:36:19I can't change the feelings you have for her,
00:36:21but all I can do is, like, work on the feelings you have for me
00:36:25and hopefully try to grow them stronger
00:36:27and see what happens.
00:36:28Yes, I will try.
00:36:29I will try to work on us.
00:36:31I will.
00:36:39I wanted it to be exactly how you said.
00:36:41I wanted this man to be all about me
00:36:43and to know that from the jump, you know?
00:36:47I got a text!
00:36:48I got a text!
00:36:49I got a text!
00:36:50I got a text!
00:36:52Is that us?
00:36:54Get it up and read it out.
00:36:55Islanders, it's time to see who is driving America crazy
00:36:58in today's challenge.
00:37:00Hashtag motor mouth, hashtag backseat driver.
00:37:03Backseat driver!
00:37:05Backseat driver!
00:37:06Backseat driver!
00:37:07What the fuck does that mean?
00:37:09I don't know.
00:37:11I don't like this text at all.
00:37:14Listen, this bunch is a dramatic fucking big-mouthed bunch,
00:37:19so I think everyone is in trouble.
00:37:22I think we're finding out who thinks what.
00:37:24Yeah, that's what I think, too.
00:37:26America? Like, us or America?
00:37:31Something's telling me it's about to get nasty.
00:37:37What the fuck?
00:37:39What the fuck?
00:37:45Look at this.
00:37:46Boiler suits and tutus.
00:37:48Fair play to the caution department.
00:37:50These outfits were affordable, if nothing else.
00:37:56Yes, it's time to play a game called You Drive Me Crazy.
00:38:01A game based on the things about the islanders
00:38:04that drive America crazy.
00:38:09Red light, green light, red light, green light, go!
00:38:14It goes like this.
00:38:15Each couple or single islander
00:38:17will bash through a foam brick wall...
00:38:19Meet me, bitches!
00:38:20..while wearing a car, as one does.
00:38:23Oh, give your horny!
00:38:25And then stop at the first stop sign.
00:38:28Here there'll be two tickets.
00:38:30Let's go, Nene. Let's go!
00:38:32First, a ticket will reveal a social media post about an islander.
00:38:35Honestly, Link rubs me the wrong way
00:38:38and I want her out.
00:38:41Bro, these are tweets!
00:38:42And everyone has to guess who the post might be about.
00:38:45Sorry, Catherine.
00:38:50Then send them to the car.
00:38:56The second ticket will reveal who the post was actually about.
00:39:01Oh, no!
00:39:03Honestly, Nicole rubs me the wrong way.
00:39:06I want her out.
00:39:08Oh, the haters are coming out today!
00:39:10It's probably a girl I was mean to in third grade.
00:39:12I'm so sorry.
00:39:15Like, savage.
00:39:17Then they'll drive to the second stop sign
00:39:19and repeat with a brand-new social media post.
00:39:22Not Blank trying to last-minute get in the villa
00:39:24by talking to Link.
00:39:26I didn't even remember her until they showed the clip of it.
00:39:31I'm sorry, Daniela.
00:39:34There's two names. Rob.
00:39:40Not Catherine trying to last-minute get into the villa
00:39:43by talking to Kenny.
00:39:44I didn't even remember her until they showed the last clip of it.
00:39:52I mean, now that I'm thinking about it,
00:39:54maybe it's somewhat true.
00:39:56The chosen islanders who are seated at the car wash
00:39:59will then be blasted with slime.
00:40:03And holy powder.
00:40:06Oh, my God!
00:40:07I did not think it was going to go down like that!
00:40:10The challenge is so crazy.
00:40:12It was definitely interesting to see what America had to say.
00:40:18Next up, it's Kendall and Nicole.
00:40:21Beep, beep!
00:40:27Blank asked Blank to show you his handshake with Blank.
00:40:32What the fuck?
00:40:34Oh, fuck.
00:40:35Aaron asked Cordell to show you his handshake with Serena.
00:40:39Let's go get goo'd up, baby!
00:40:41I want a cup of you.
00:40:42It's fine.
00:40:47Taylor asked Aaron to show you his handshake with Daniela.
00:40:53You guys have a handshake?
00:40:55Oh, shit!
00:40:57Damn, that's starting some tea.
00:40:59What's your handshake with Daniela?
00:41:01I don't even remember, because we didn't make...
00:41:03We didn't make that one.
00:41:04If he really made a handshake up with Daniela,
00:41:07that's just weird as fuck.
00:41:13It's amazing to me how Blank uses his passive voice
00:41:17and a bit of eye contact,
00:41:19and these girls think he's an onion waiting to be peeled.
00:41:25Oh, fuck!
00:41:27It's Rob.
00:41:28We think this is Rob.
00:41:29Sorry, Rob.
00:41:31Good for you, baby!
00:41:33Back again!
00:41:40It's amazing to me how Rob uses his passive voice
00:41:44and a bit of eye contact,
00:41:46and these girls think he's an onion waiting to be peeled.
00:41:52And they fall for it every time.
00:41:54I have a lot of layers.
00:41:58I'm stinky.
00:42:01Up next, it's Leah.
00:42:08Oh, reverse!
00:42:10Let's go!
00:42:11Blank gives me the biggest ick.
00:42:14Get this man off my screen!
00:42:19Really nice.
00:42:20So salad.
00:42:21Um, Kane?
00:42:26Beneath the knee, boy. Beneath the knee.
00:42:28Oh, God, I'm nervous.
00:42:29Oh, it's going to be me.
00:42:30If this is me, I'm, like, leaving.
00:42:33Kendall gives me the biggest ick!
00:42:37Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
00:42:39You don't give me the ick, bro.
00:42:40I honestly was laughing about it,
00:42:42because that's all you can do.
00:42:44Fuck him!
00:42:45Meep, meep!
00:42:46Let me be so quick.
00:42:48I can't stand Blank,
00:42:50especially after seeing those tweets
00:42:52about how she was in Odell Beckham Jr.'s comments.
00:42:56She came to the villa with a plan
00:42:58and Blank dumbass fell for it,
00:43:01throwing all the morals he claimed he was going to have
00:43:04before entering Costco.
00:43:06Are you fucking serious?
00:43:08Are you fucking serious?
00:43:09I've never done that in my fucking life.
00:43:10I know damn sure I wasn't in his comments.
00:43:12I was never.
00:43:13I swear to God, I was literally crying.
00:43:15It's so fucked up.
00:43:16No, no, no.
00:43:17Oh, listen.
00:43:19Oh, don't, don't.
00:43:20I can see you.
00:43:21Okay, I think it is Dea and Cordell.
00:43:24Oh, my God!
00:43:27Cordell, who the fuck else would it be?
00:43:30Can we get the answer?
00:43:35I can't stand Dea!
00:43:37That's a fucking lie.
00:43:39That's actually fucking trash.
00:43:41That's deep investigating.
00:43:43I really like Cordell.
00:43:44Like, I came here with genuine, like, intentions for him.
00:43:48And it was never based on anything about his brother.
00:43:52Like, I just think that that's crazy.
00:43:54This has gotten really messy.
00:44:05Welcome back to Love Island USA.
00:44:07The boys are livid about the ridiculous outfits
00:44:09they've had to wear in today's challenge.
00:44:11Apart from Rob, who's asked if he can keep his boiler suit
00:44:14to wear to his brother's wedding.
00:44:16Driving next, it's Liv and Ken.
00:44:22Blank is the baddest bitch to ever step foot on Love Island.
00:44:26She doesn't deserve this.
00:44:27Oh, my God.
00:44:28I can treat her right.
00:44:29The baddest bitch is Neymar!
00:44:35We were correct!
00:44:39Sharp turn.
00:44:43The way blank passed blank over to blank,
00:44:47like she's an object.
00:44:49How embarrassing.
00:44:50And what's sad is that she'll go for it.
00:44:53Fuck that person.
00:44:55It's horrible.
00:44:56I don't think this is the case.
00:44:58The only thing I can think of with couple-wise
00:45:00is the way Aaron passed Daniela over to Rob,
00:45:04like she's an object.
00:45:06How embarrassing and what's sad is that she'll go for it.
00:45:09The only thing I could think of.
00:45:10I'm so sorry.
00:45:12We love you, Daniela.
00:45:14She's not an object.
00:45:15She's a person that I think she's a really great person.
00:45:18You're not an object.
00:45:20You're a toaster.
00:45:22You're so hot.
00:45:23The way Aaron passed Daniela over to Rob,
00:45:27like she's an object.
00:45:28How embarrassing.
00:45:30What do you want me to do?
00:45:31Just sit around and mope and not talk to Rob after talking to Aaron?
00:45:35I was just kind of trying to do the best I could in the situation.
00:45:41Sierra Miguel's turn now.
00:45:47Oh, shit.
00:45:48Sorry, I did a bit too much of a drift.
00:45:52Blank on Love Island USA is so toxic.
00:45:55Not a girl's girl.
00:45:56Criticises male vulnerability.
00:45:58Dramatises people's words to get others on her side.
00:46:02It has a sense of entitlement.
00:46:04The list goes on.
00:46:05That is fucked.
00:46:09We think it's Leah.
00:46:12I'm sorry.
00:46:13Love you, Leah.
00:46:15Fuck those people.
00:46:16It's not true, babe.
00:46:18I don't think I'm toxic.
00:46:20I think that I try and hold myself accountable as much as I possibly can.
00:46:24I'm just dramatic.
00:46:25I'll take ownership on that part.
00:46:27But suck my dick.
00:46:29Whatever you've heard about me, times it by a million.
00:46:32If you think it's bad, make it worse.
00:46:34Leah on Love Island USA is so toxic.
00:46:37Not a girl's girl.
00:46:38Criticises male vulnerability.
00:46:40Dramatises people's words to get others on her side.
00:46:43It has a sense of entitlement.
00:46:45The list goes on.
00:46:47I could feel the toxicity from Leah.
00:46:50She's not a girl's girl.
00:46:52And it was really shocking when I saw that one.
00:46:54Because I'm like, okay, I'm not fucking delusional.
00:46:57Like you guys see it too.
00:47:03Turn, turn, turn.
00:47:05I can't drive.
00:47:06I don't understand what Blank has done wrong.
00:47:08Blank barely gave him any reassurance or security and constantly embarrassed him.
00:47:13She was free to drop him many times, but he can't explore connection.
00:47:17Please be for real.
00:47:20Oh, fuck.
00:47:23We're going to pick Cordell and Serena.
00:47:28We love you guys.
00:47:29To be fair, I never said he couldn't explore connections.
00:47:31There's just a respectful way to go about it.
00:47:33I never disrespected him.
00:47:34We love you.
00:47:35I think the misconception is that I didn't think that he should get to explore other people.
00:47:41I did have a problem with how he about it.
00:47:46Please let that be the worst of it.
00:47:48I'm fine with that.
00:47:56Hey Cordell, it's your favourite colour though.
00:48:07Now it's Aaron.
00:48:11Honk in your horny.
00:48:13Beep beep.
00:48:15Blank is a king.
00:48:19You're a king to me.
00:48:20I think this is me.
00:48:21So I think it is Kendall.
00:48:25You bastard.
00:48:27You bastard.
00:48:29You are a king.
00:48:34Kendall is a king.
00:48:40I love that.
00:48:41Whoever that is, I love you.
00:48:42Shout out.
00:48:43I'm sorry.
00:48:44Blank did what in bed with whom?
00:48:48Casa going crazy.
00:48:49Oh, fuck.
00:48:50I think it is Miguelito.
00:48:54You guys think it's because of the challenge?
00:48:56Or he did something in bed?
00:48:57We didn't do much.
00:48:58I didn't kiss.
00:48:59I'm sorry.
00:49:00Cordell did what in bed with whom?
00:49:04Casa going crazy.
00:49:19Fuck slime.
00:49:21And fuck slime again.
00:49:24I forgot.
00:49:25You know how you was hugging me.
00:49:28Up next, Daya and Cordell.
00:49:37Blank really one of the most underrated girls in the house.
00:49:40We think it's Liv.
00:49:45It's Nicole.
00:49:54Blank is a mean girl.
00:49:56Not sure many have caught that with all of her loud mouth.
00:49:59Support of some of the girls.
00:50:01She can go home too.
00:50:05You can do it.
00:50:06You know the more.
00:50:07You can pick.
00:50:08Man, I ain't trying to be picky.
00:50:09It's all love, man.
00:50:10It's not even you thinking this.
00:50:11Just do whatever.
00:50:18Someone has to read it.
00:50:21Liv is a mean girl.
00:50:23Just because you keep it real, Liv,
00:50:25it does not mean you're mean.
00:50:26Yeah, we love you, Liv.
00:50:27We love you, Liv.
00:50:29Supporting my friends is something that I love about myself.
00:50:33Sometimes I do come across a little bit intense and forward.
00:50:40I hope America doesn't think I'm a bitch,
00:50:42because I'm not a bitch.
00:50:44Our next couple is Rob and Daniela.
00:50:51I'm sorry, but blank is cute.
00:50:56Sierra is cute.
00:51:02I'm sorry, but Aaron is cute.
00:51:07Blank queen.
00:51:08I'm going to hold your hand when I say this.
00:51:11Blank is not your man.
00:51:15Okay, blank queen.
00:51:17Serena, Cordell is not your man.
00:51:19Cordell is not your man.
00:51:20I don't know.
00:51:21That was such a pop out.
00:51:22What do you want it to be?
00:51:24What's a little more glue for the man?
00:51:27This challenge was a lot, to say the least.
00:51:32Kenneth is not your man.
00:51:33It's one person's opinion, but that's a hard pill to swallow.
00:51:46This was all a part of my scheme to get in the shower first.
00:51:50It's Kanye and Kothryn's turn.
00:52:04Listen up.
00:52:05Blank is the only man in the villa I support.
00:52:08At least he's blatant about getting to know multiple women.
00:52:11He isn't putting up a fake front like blank and blank.
00:52:18We think it's Miguel, Aaron, and Rob.
00:52:22I don't think that's you, Rob.
00:52:24But I'm not opposed to you getting to know multiple women.
00:52:26I don't think that's you.
00:52:30Miguel is the only man in the villa I support.
00:52:33At least he's blatant about getting to know multiple women.
00:52:36He isn't putting up a fake front like Aaron or Kordell.
00:52:45Man, I feel bad for blank,
00:52:47because they don't even show the worst of it.
00:52:51How could it be worse?
00:52:53It could be worse.
00:52:55It wasn't that bad.
00:52:57We think it is...
00:53:01Handle it like a champ, queen.
00:53:03Why are you picking me? Explain.
00:53:05Did you guys see something in Casa that I'm missing?
00:53:09Like, why would you pick me for that?
00:53:11Man, I feel bad for Kayla,
00:53:13because they didn't even show the worst of it.
00:53:19I see such a wonderful guy in Aaron,
00:53:21and I think that he has such a kind and great heart and soul.
00:53:25So hearing this from the public definitely hurts,
00:53:28and it's making me think, like, do I know a different Aaron?
00:53:31I just need answers as soon as possible.
00:53:35I think it's the shower stuff.
00:53:37You're good, Kayla.
00:53:41And I think you need to be honest about that.
00:53:53Love you, Kayla.
00:53:56Oh, my God!
00:54:01Those colors are fire, though.
00:54:06Take it off! Take it off!
00:54:09Take it off! Take it off!
00:54:17That was perfect timing.
00:54:21Oh, damn.
00:54:23Oh, Kayla.
00:54:26She didn't close her mouth.
00:54:29Oh, Kayla.
00:54:37And with the challenge over,
00:54:39it's time for our islanders to hit the showers.
00:54:43Jesus Christ.
00:54:51That's touching as heck.
00:54:53Oh, that's so good.
00:54:56Let's do this!
00:55:00Don't forget, Peacock is your only home
00:55:03at Love Island Games of Maya Jama.
00:55:05The UK's here!
00:55:07I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!
00:55:09Aye, aye, aye!
00:55:12And, of course, Love Island USA with Ariana Maddix.
00:55:16Soul Taz is crazy!
00:55:18Streaming now only on Peacock.
00:55:21Oh, no.
00:55:33Welcome back to Love Island USA.
00:55:35That challenge has left Kayla feeling dirty.
00:55:38Enough about Aaron's behaviour.
00:55:39What about all that slime, eh?
00:55:41This feels fucking nasty.
00:55:44So, what am I missing?
00:55:46The public's seeing something and I'm not seeing it.
00:55:48What did you get again?
00:55:49First, the handshake.
00:55:50Why would you make up a handshake with another girl
00:55:53whenever we have one?
00:55:54Like, that's just weird.
00:55:55Don't like that shit.
00:55:57I think the public's seeing a different Aaron
00:55:59than what I'm seeing, so I'm very confused.
00:56:02Like, if you're, like, moving that way,
00:56:05then you have no sympathy for how I feel.
00:56:09It's like icing on the cake.
00:56:11Kayla didn't even see the worst of it,
00:56:12because what is the worst of it?
00:56:14Do you think there is something?
00:56:15I mean, why would the public go and say that?
00:56:17I asked her, was there anything else?
00:56:19Something about, like, a shower.
00:56:21You have to ask her.
00:56:22Yeah, yeah, I know that.
00:56:23For a challenge, they, like, went in the shower together.
00:56:26Yeah, maybe that's what it was.
00:56:28I don't think that it was inviting a challenge.
00:56:32I feel like that rocked Mia Cordell's world.
00:56:36Like, it was back-to-back.
00:56:38Everything was about Mia Cordell.
00:56:40What do you, how do you feel about the Odell Beckham tweets?
00:56:43She had to comment on Odell's shit, right,
00:56:45for someone to find it.
00:56:47She commented and then tweeted about commenting on him.
00:56:50And when people probably found old shit,
00:56:52they probably went through old shit.
00:56:54And there's tweets going on.
00:56:55So when she came into the villa, target.
00:56:58How is that going to get in with Odell?
00:57:00According to Cordell,
00:57:011,001 girls have gone for him, specifically for...
00:57:05But she did say she's the only one she ever went for.
00:57:08She didn't chat to the others.
00:57:09I was, like, really upset about the comment I got.
00:57:12The only way that I even heard about who your brother is,
00:57:15cos my ex went to dinner with him and he was like,
00:57:17oh, I went to dinner with OBJ or whatever,
00:57:19and I was like, who's that?
00:57:20And he told me who it was.
00:57:21Anyway, there's a photo of them all at dinner
00:57:23with, like, maybe ten people.
00:57:25That's literally the only photo
00:57:26I probably would have ever commented on your brother.
00:57:28And it wasn't even on your brother's page.
00:57:30I'm assuming it was on my ex's page who posted it.
00:57:33I don't want you to think that, like,
00:57:34oh, she's only coming in here for that.
00:57:37I believe you.
00:57:38I mean, if you're saying it, I believe you.
00:57:40So I wasn't really tripping about it anyway.
00:57:42I mean, I've dealt with that shit my whole life, so...
00:57:45Since the beginning, I genuinely have only liked you.
00:57:48For you.
00:57:49And not for anyone.
00:57:50Like, I don't give a fuck if you were homeless on the street.
00:57:53I would literally still think, like, I like you for you.
00:57:57I wanted him to know
00:57:58that we actually have a good connection.
00:58:00I actually like him for him
00:58:01and not because of who he's associated with.
00:58:03For someone to even think that about me,
00:58:05like, really hurt my feelings.
00:58:07And I felt like, oh, fuck,
00:58:08this is just gonna drive him into Serena's arms.
00:58:11Straight away, so, yeah.
00:58:16Obviously, I feel shit.
00:58:19Like, horrible, but...
00:58:22I'm so sorry.
00:58:24It's OK, baby.
00:58:25Oh, girl.
00:58:26Don't let that get to you.
00:58:28America's a harsh, a harsh country.
00:58:30We're tough.
00:58:31And you know what?
00:58:32Liv, you speak your mind,
00:58:33and some people don't know how to fucking, like...
00:58:36No, but I don't think, like, yeah,
00:58:38it was about speaking my mind,
00:58:39but, like, also about the support thing.
00:58:42It's like, I don't...
00:58:44Like, I think I only support you, like, half the time,
00:58:47I probably, and not selfishly saying this,
00:58:50but I feel like half the time,
00:58:52I put someone else before myself.
00:58:54All the time. All the time.
00:58:55You do that all the time.
00:58:56And if anyone in this villa supports anyone, Liv,
00:58:59it's fucking you.
00:59:00You saw the way we were behind you like Avengers, bitch,
00:59:02and I'm not about to let nobody attack your character,
00:59:05you or Leah, the fuck.
00:59:07Well, I never want anyone to think I was a mean girl,
00:59:10like, I'm not gonna sit here and say I've been perfect,
00:59:13but it hurts, I'm not gonna lie,
00:59:14like, no-one wants to be called that.
00:59:16Maybe now it's just, I gotta keep my mouth shut.
00:59:19Fuck everyone what they think.
00:59:21But it hurts.
00:59:23And that's valid.
00:59:27I got so much goo in my britches.
00:59:30So, first time.
00:59:32I mean, I was really excited when we got there.
00:59:34How long did that last?
00:59:37Um, till I cried.
00:59:39Yeah, sorry about that.
00:59:41You're not an object.
00:59:44You know that, right?
00:59:46It just makes me regret, like,
00:59:47ever even talking to Aaron, like, at all.
00:59:50Maybe you liked him.
00:59:52I don't know, it still makes me regret it,
00:59:54because I feel bad also for Kayla,
00:59:56and then also getting told, like,
00:59:58that, like, I'm getting just tossed around.
01:00:00Boy, boy, it just doesn't look great on me.
01:00:03I mean, you know, I wouldn't have brought you back
01:00:05if I didn't think you were cool.
01:00:07I do feel bad for Aaron.
01:00:09I feel like he feels terrible right now.
01:00:12I really, like, all I can think about is the shower comment.
01:00:16I think he just maybe said it as a joke.
01:00:19It doesn't matter, though.
01:00:20Like, Kayla's gonna fucking hate that.
01:00:25Do you think I'm like an onion?
01:00:32Rob has a way to just be able to make me laugh
01:00:36and feel better about things.
01:00:38I'm trying not to let what people say get to me,
01:00:41and I think I have pretty tough skin.
01:00:44At the end of the day, I know it's not true,
01:00:48and I know Rob doesn't think it's true.
01:00:50That's all that matters.
01:00:52I'm sad.
01:00:53You're sad?
01:00:54I'm sad.
01:00:55Oh, good girl.
01:00:59That was kind of hot.
01:01:08Aaron's in everybody's bad books after that challenge.
01:01:11Kayla thinks he's taken far too many liberties
01:01:13and production thinks he's taken far too many towels.
01:01:16Laundry ain't cheap.
01:01:18How do you think I should deal with this situation?
01:01:20So, with Daniela, she thinks what that was about was
01:01:24apparently in some conversation you had with Daniela,
01:01:27you said something about we should take a shower together
01:01:30or something like that.
01:01:31It was just a throwaway comment.
01:01:32It's not something I can fucking talk about.
01:01:33Yeah, exactly, exactly, exactly.
01:01:34But I think that's really going to piss Kayla off,
01:01:37which I can see why.
01:01:38You're just taking the piss.
01:01:40I know.
01:01:41I never fucking did it either.
01:01:43Hey, babe, can I steal you, please?
01:01:47Look at all this shit.
01:01:49That challenge was really tough for me.
01:01:51I'm not being, like...
01:01:52I know, I feel so bad.
01:01:53I'm just being honest.
01:01:54I have so many questions for you.
01:01:56I understand.
01:01:57I felt like we had such a good chat the other night
01:01:59that if there was anything that I was missing,
01:02:01you would have told me,
01:02:02and I just feel like you're a very honest person.
01:02:04I trust you.
01:02:05So I feel, like, very confused, like, you know?
01:02:08So after the kiss,
01:02:10I honestly didn't think anything of it until now,
01:02:13but he said, like, a comment just about, um...
01:02:17I wish my brain worked better,
01:02:19but it was basically saying, like, showering together.
01:02:22And it was kind of a joke.
01:02:25It's not a fucking joke.
01:02:27We showered together.
01:02:28So that's what I was going to say.
01:02:29He begged for two weeks for me to shower with him.
01:02:32So is there a reason why you didn't mention it to me?
01:02:35Because I completely forgot about it,
01:02:37but, like, this to me is, like, way more than a connection.
01:02:40So, like, it really matters to me
01:02:41that if I ask you for something, like, you get that,
01:02:44and I know you forgot, but, like, to me, like, I...
01:02:47I can't have you forget things like that
01:02:49because that's, like, a huge difference.
01:02:52Like, a huge difference.
01:02:54And I'm sorry.
01:02:55I should have thought more of, like, everything.
01:02:57I understand that,
01:02:58but, like, it's, like, everything that's happened,
01:03:00he's like, I'm regretful, I'm regretful.
01:03:02Well, that doesn't make it better on my end.
01:03:04And, like, it's like saying you're sorry
01:03:06and just putting a Band-Aid on it.
01:03:08It doesn't repair what is done.
01:03:10A part of me just thinks, like, I want to just take a step back.
01:03:13Dude, you're saying how you wanted him to ask her
01:03:15to be your girlfriend.
01:03:16As your friend, I think it's a terrible idea
01:03:18for you to take a step back, to be completely honest with you.
01:03:21I don't know what the fuck I want.
01:03:23I'm just confused all the time.
01:03:25You just have to be there for her.
01:03:27That's all you can do.
01:03:29I feel like the biggest dumbass, like, ever.
01:03:32Like, I really do.
01:03:34You're not a dumbass.
01:03:40I'm sorry. It's just, like, we were just fine,
01:03:42and now it's, like, I feel really fucking bad about it.
01:03:45Please don't feel bad. No, it's fine.
01:03:47No, cos I really do, and it feels like it's my fault.
01:03:50It's not your fault whatsoever, and that's the thing.
01:03:53Like, he is his own person.
01:03:55He chooses to do what he wants to do.
01:03:58To me, it's like exploring a connection with someone else
01:04:01and being respectful are two different things,
01:04:03and that's so out of line.
01:04:05But, like, not on your end, on his end.
01:04:08Like, you're here for yourself, but, like, as him,
01:04:11like, it's just speaking measures on who he is as a person.
01:04:14I feel like I was fucking pulled.
01:04:17Looks like I'm not going to have a girlfriend for a while.
01:04:23I'm kind of just lost of what to do.
01:04:25I don't really know.
01:04:27Obviously, it's when you gut in, and you're like,
01:04:29I'm going to do it.
01:04:31I'm going to be like, I'm going to do it.
01:04:33I'm going to do it.
01:04:35I'm going to do it.
01:04:37I'm going to do it.
01:04:39I'm going to do it.
01:04:41I'm going to do it.
01:04:43I'm going to do it.
01:04:45Obviously, it's when you gut in to hear what was said,
01:04:48and, like, I understand why she would be upset.
01:04:51If there was a magic fairy and she said,
01:04:53I don't know what you want to do right now,
01:04:55I would just take it back to how it was before Casa.
01:04:58But there's no magic fairy.
01:05:01Give her space.
01:05:04You're not perfect, Aaron. Nobody's fucking perfect.
01:05:07But you have a good heart, and you mean well.
01:05:11I believe that.
01:05:14I'm so glad you're still here.
01:05:42Welcome back to Love Island USA.
01:05:44Top quiz time. Are Liv and Kayla talking about,
01:05:46A, the upcoming presidential election
01:05:48and the socio-economic impact it will have
01:05:50on the American middle class,
01:05:52or, B, Aaron asking Daniela to take a shower?
01:05:54He said briefly that he wanted to take a shower.
01:05:57Why didn't she tell you that?
01:05:59She forgot.
01:06:01That's not a thing you forget, though.
01:06:04He's such a liar.
01:06:06Hey, Aaron, I've been wanting to ask you,
01:06:08what do you think is going to happen tonight?
01:06:10It could either be a calm night, or it could be a shaky one.
01:06:13How could it be calm?
01:06:19How have you and Cordell's chats been?
01:06:21Because he told me some interesting things the other night.
01:06:24I said, so if you want her, like, go get her.
01:06:26And he was like, no, I want you to keep trying.
01:06:28Like, I still want to explore with you.
01:06:30Yo, what the fuck?
01:06:38Do you think you're going to have a chat with Kayla today?
01:06:40God, fuck.
01:06:43I've never been put in a situation where, like,
01:06:46I'm in the middle of something like that.
01:06:48I want us both to put that in the fucking past.
01:06:50I just can't put it in the past when it keeps recycling.
01:06:52I know.
01:06:54He said that he wanted to shower with her.
01:06:56Whenever he begged me for weeks to fucking shower with me,
01:06:59that's not something that Aaron needs to forget to mention to me.
01:07:13Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
01:07:16Give me your heart.
01:07:19You look so cute.
01:07:21Doesn't Kayla look hot?
01:07:23You look cute. I appreciate it.
01:07:28Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
01:07:31So the challenge today,
01:07:33do you have something to tell me that I've been, like, missing?
01:07:37I've got nothing to tell you.
01:07:39I've told you everything that's of importance.
01:07:41You've told me everything that's important?
01:07:43Of importance. Are you sure?
01:07:45Yeah, of importance, yeah.
01:07:47What about what's important to me? Have you considered that?
01:07:50Well, what...
01:07:52You obviously know something that I'm, like, missing, so...
01:07:54Well, you said it, Aaron, so you shouldn't be missing it,
01:07:57and it's a huge thing that you said that you clearly are missing.
01:08:01So how can you forget something like that?
01:08:03Enlighten me. You asked her to shower with you?
01:08:06I knew that... Like, why?
01:08:08Like, why? Can you beg me?
01:08:10Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:08:12Let's not shout, let's not shout, let's not shout.
01:08:14Because I'm so irritated, I feel manipulated, I feel lied to.
01:08:17I feel fucking stupid as fuck.
01:08:19Do you want me to explain it to you, then?
01:08:21Do you want me to explain it to you?
01:08:23Like, yeah, like, I guess, like...
01:08:25We were literally talking about us in the shower.
01:08:28I was asking her, like, what went on, like, what have you seen?
01:08:31And she went, like, we saw you guys in the shower,
01:08:33and I was just like... This was in a group setting as well.
01:08:36And we were like, oh, what happened in the shower?
01:08:38And she was like, oh, it looked like you guys got it on and whatever.
01:08:40I was just like, that's bullshit.
01:08:41And then I looked at her and I was like, do you want to get in the shower?
01:08:43It's a joke. It's a joke.
01:08:44It's not a fucking joke to me.
01:08:46OK, well, it's not a joke to me, and you...
01:08:48We can... We can...
01:08:49Am I laughing?
01:08:50We can nickpick tiny little bits of details,
01:08:52the same way as when you were flirting with the guy up there.
01:08:54That's not the same.
01:08:56What do you think's going on?
01:08:59I trusted you, and that's not what Daniela said.
01:09:01That's not a big deal. That's not a big deal.
01:09:03It's a big deal to me. Does that matter to you?
01:09:06How am I going to know what's a big deal or not?
01:09:08I'm literally saying it as a joke.
01:09:09You should know!
01:09:10I'm saying it as a joke.
01:09:11It's not a joke!
01:09:12And it's way more important to me than you, clearly.
01:09:16After the challenge, even after I heard this shit today.
01:09:19Fuck, Aaron.
01:09:22Can't help wondering
01:09:25What you're thinking
01:09:29Wherever you are
01:09:32You're lucky!
01:09:34Oh, my God!
01:09:36After the challenge today...
01:09:38Let's take a minute. Let's take a minute.
01:09:40One minute. One minute. One minute.
01:09:41Oh, my God.
01:09:42One minute.
01:09:45Good intentions
01:09:48All these questions
01:09:52I'm sitting alone
01:09:54Did I get in a shower with her? No.
01:09:56It was just a throwaway comment.
01:09:57Like, it's not...
01:09:59I'm telling you, it's not...
01:10:00Why would you say that to her?
01:10:01You're flirting with her.
01:10:02Fair enough if I got...
01:10:03Fair enough if I got in the shower with her.
01:10:04Yes, then it is a big deal.
01:10:05If I actually went in the shower with her.
01:10:06Yeah, fair enough.
01:10:07Then it's a big deal.
01:10:08No, you said it.
01:10:09I don't care whatever you say.
01:10:10Then it's a big deal.
01:10:11I'm not saying to this dude, like,
01:10:12Yeah, let's shower together after we just showered together.
01:10:15That's even more fucked.
01:10:16I don't even know what you have said or haven't said.
01:10:18So this is so unfair right now
01:10:19Because you know what's going on.
01:10:21And I've openly said...
01:10:22Why is it about me?
01:10:23Now you're being victim and now it's about me.
01:10:25Quit playing victim, Aaron.
01:10:26I'm fucking done with it.
01:10:30Because you're not hearing me out.
01:10:31I can't even talk.
01:10:32Yes, I am hearing you out.
01:10:33I am hearing you out.
01:10:34And I'm saying it's a fucking joke.
01:10:35I didn't even tell you what...
01:10:36I told you that so many times.
01:10:37I didn't even tell you what Daniella told me.
01:10:38And as much as I want to be with you, I know...
01:10:44For God's sake, you literally just did three.
01:10:46No, no, no.
01:10:47She said you guys were having a chat after the beanbags,
01:10:50after the clip I saw,
01:10:51and she wanted to get in the pool
01:10:52and you said let's just shower together.
01:10:54No, it wasn't like that.
01:10:55It was literally not like that.
01:10:56I remember.
01:10:57Why wouldn't you mention that to me, though?
01:10:59Because it's not a big deal.
01:11:00It's a big deal to me, obviously.
01:11:02Well, how am I going to know that?
01:11:03We're bumper cars, bumper cars.
01:11:08The more I try to get to you, the more we crash.
01:11:16Tomorrow night.
01:11:19I'm making it about you, Aaron.
01:11:21It's not about you right now.
01:11:22It's not deflecting.
01:11:23She either needs to drop it or drop me.
01:11:25It's one or the other.
01:11:28I'm so happy right now.
01:11:29I'm so happy.
01:11:33And it's movie night.
