ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 4

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ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ᴜꜱᴀ S 6 EP 4


00:00Read it on Love Island USA.
00:16Secrets were revealed.
00:17Hey, what the fuck, bitch?
00:18It's about to get crazy.
00:19You pathetic ass bitch.
00:20I'm the house of love.
00:29One thing I really don't like is when people aren't straight up and honest.
00:32Came crashing down.
00:33She's not here for anybody being not up front.
00:37I told you he was my number one.
00:39She never said that.
00:40I'm over this shit.
00:42And one boy left the island.
00:45I'm pandemonium.
00:57Why did you do it?
01:03It's just fucking weird.
01:04Don't make me look like a fucking idiot.
01:05There's some animosity there.
01:06I think that it's just fucked.
01:07Like I think it's over.
01:08It's just fucked, like, I think it's over.
01:20Welcome to Love Island USA.
01:22After the recoupling, Hannah is not happy with Hakeem.
01:25She's not happy.
01:27Think of poor Koi squeezed into an economy seat
01:29on Spirit Airlines.
01:31Hannah, at least you've got leg room.
01:39I'm just... I'm pissed, to be honest.
01:41I'm really fucking mad right now.
01:42The situation that... when I was in...
01:44Like, I'm just going based off, like...
01:46How you feel, that's what you're trying to apologize for.
01:48Yeah, I'm just going based off how I feel.
01:50Wait, can you come here for a sec?
01:52Me? Yeah.
01:53Yeah. I don't want to live alone here.
01:55I think in the heat of the moment,
01:57I think, like, the communication was, like,
01:59maybe come across a little bit harshly,
02:02and, like, I love you both.
02:04I think maybe some words could have been said better.
02:09Yes, I will admit that.
02:13What did you... I mean...
02:14I don't feel like talking, to be honest.
02:16I'm over it. Like...
02:17If you don't want to talk about it,
02:18I just want to make clear
02:19that I wasn't trying to be disrespectful.
02:21I was just trying to state the facts of the events.
02:25I just had to do what I felt in the moment.
02:27I'm not saying everything you said was valid,
02:29but I'm like, I feel like you're coming at me.
02:31I told you straight up I was feeling you.
02:33I told you I was 50-50.
02:34That's what I said.
02:35And I'm like, people are acting like,
02:37oh, I'm the bad person.
02:38Do you want me to say?
02:39Oh, you're good.
02:40No, you tell me.
02:41No, no, no, no, no, no.
02:43Pissed off. Like, I'm fucking pissed.
02:45If you don't want to chat right now, it's OK.
02:47I don't feel like there's anything else to chat about.
02:50I just want you to understand that it wasn't...
02:51I wasn't trying to come at you in any manner.
02:53If it felt that way, I apologize towards that.
02:56I don't want you to take it to an extent
02:59that I wasn't trying to put it at
03:01where I'm trying to, like, belittle you
03:02or demean you in any way.
03:03Maybe I did it in a harsher manner than I could have.
03:07I think I just wanted to express the emotions
03:09of what was truly happening.
03:10I don't want to fucking cry.
03:11I don't even know if I want to be fucking here.
03:14Give me a hug. Don't be silly.
03:16Oh, my God, Hannah. Come here.
03:17Give me a pep talk. Excuse me.
03:18Give me a hug, Hannah.
03:19Pissed off.
03:20Right. Tell me.
03:21That was just very petty of Hakim to do.
03:23There is a time and a place.
03:25You can't be mad at someone for choosing what their gut is.
03:29At the end of the day, I don't owe you an explanation.
03:31You know, I chose him because I have
03:33the strongest connection with him.
03:35Hakim gave me everything I needed to know
03:38to know that I made the right decision by choosing Kendall.
03:40So, I really don't like how he's coming at me.
03:42I'm just over it.
03:43Your feelings are valid.
03:44At the end of the day, you've got to go with your heart.
03:46And can't hate, you can just keep moving
03:49how you've got to move.
03:54You can sit over here.
03:55In the recoupling, Junaid chose Conor over Koi.
03:59Them some big shoes to fill.
04:01Size 17, to be exact.
04:03He left them in the bedroom and Kordell had a little nap in one.
04:10Yeah, those reasons, I thought you were talking about Koi.
04:16I was like, oh, after all that.
04:19After our conversation, I had made my decision.
04:21I'll break out my reason.
04:23OK, so, obviously, you're handsome.
04:27I mean, yeah.
04:28You got me there.
04:29OK, so far, so good.
04:31But what I liked is, like, the energy you give me.
04:34Like, the way you're staring at me.
04:35I was like, great eye contact is what I need to say.
04:38You see what I'm saying?
04:39Like, it's just like, we can talk back and forth.
04:41With Koi, I just didn't feel like that.
04:44I feel better than I thought I would right now.
04:49It's like out with the old.
04:50And I'm just going to try something new and see how it goes.
04:53I'm really glad we're coming together.
04:55Yeah, me too.
04:56Oh, my gosh, thank you for being such a good person.
05:02I don't like the way he was speaking to me, number one.
05:05Like, you should not speak to me like that.
05:07Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
05:10Hey, hey.
05:12No, no tears for that.
05:14No tears, OK?
05:15Like, I have to go with, you know, what my heart says.
05:18My heart says to go with you.
05:19You're the one I have the best connection with.
05:21I did not give him any false narratives.
05:23Like, I told him straight up.
05:24And you're acting like I'm, like, making shit up.
05:26You know what I mean?
05:27And, like, being rude to me.
05:29Like, obviously, I chose you for a reason.
05:33Like, I've been telling you.
05:35And I just feel like we could grow more.
05:37I did tell him I said I'm 50-50.
05:38I'm like, I don't know.
05:40The 50-50 comment, like, that comment
05:42did put me through a loop.
05:43When you said your speech, like, you saw me.
05:45Like, I was trying to hold in my grin.
05:46I was like, I was teasing.
05:49I was like, oh, this is so sweet.
05:50Because I was on, like, cloud nine.
05:51I was like, this is going.
05:52And then, like, I'm getting told, like,
05:55how it was a flip of a coin.
05:58Like, I'm looking at this as, like, wow.
06:01Like, I've been giving, like, since day one, like, Hannah,
06:04like, pretty much, like, 80% of my time with women in here.
06:09And, like, giving you, like, what you need,
06:11especially, like, physical affection,
06:12like, words of affirmation.
06:14And then Hakim just came in a little bit after.
06:17But we're exactly the same.
06:20When I think about where I'm staying with Hannah now,
06:22it just really dampened, like, my trust with her.
06:25She must have been saying something else
06:27that she wasn't telling me.
06:29And now, like, I'm not even, like, looking forward
06:31to going to bed tonight, like, with her, so.
06:35You know, I'm not always so comfortable
06:37talking about my feelings and being vulnerable.
06:39But I feel really bad.
06:42Don't feel bad.
06:43Let's move forward from it.
06:45Rob's back with Leah.
06:46And after his fallout with Liv, he just
06:48wants to bury his head in the sand.
06:50I mean, not that sand.
06:51That sand's where the Villa Cat Coconut does his business.
06:55But you get what I'm saying.
06:57So, wait, you think you're going to pull Liv?
07:01You let it just seem real?
07:03In real life, I wouldn't.
07:04So I'm not going to.
07:06She seemed, like, mad.
07:08I kind of just wanted, like, just briefly,
07:10I just wanted to be like, if you feel like I wasn't
07:13communicating, I'm sorry.
07:14But you didn't really ask me any questions, and.
07:16What the fuck did you guys talk about when you guys were
07:18talking, then?
07:20Most random shit.
07:24I feel really, really, really happy to have
07:27my man back.
07:28It was so messy.
07:29I still have some unanswered questions
07:33about what really went down between Rob and Liv.
07:38But we've had some time apart.
07:40I think we'll make use of our time back together.
07:51Do you think I can talk to you for, like, two minutes?
07:53Me? Yes, of course.
07:53Yeah, real quick.
07:58So I just wanted to quickly talk to you.
08:00Like, obviously, like, I didn't really respect that.
08:03Like, when you spoke to me, you were like, still want to
08:06get to know both of you.
08:08Which is fair.
08:08OK, and I'm going to take it how you is.
08:10I was also hearing conversations, and people were
08:12very much clear that you were way more interested in Talia,
08:16which is completely fine.
08:17Your feelings are valid, 100%.
08:19But, like, everyone was clear that there was no, like,
08:23chance here with us.
08:24But when you...
08:25I mean, that's just not true, though.
08:26But when I'm also hearing what other people said,
08:28plus I'm also seeing you, like, trying to get her attention,
08:31and then you take her to the dock for a conversation
08:34while we're all getting ready,
08:35it kind of comes across a little sneaky.
08:36I think it's kind of disrespectful.
08:38Well, can I talk?
08:40100% valid, and I respect what you feel about that.
08:43But I feel like, from our first chat,
08:45I told you that Leah's my number one.
08:47The conversations we had, you were like,
08:48I'm still your number one.
08:49I'm still your number one.
08:51The conversations we had, you were like,
08:52I still want to get to know both of you well.
08:54You never said to me directly, like,
08:56I'm more interested in her.
08:58Yeah, I did.
08:59I said in the first chat, I said she's my number one.
09:02Like, you...
09:03Hey, let's be real.
09:04I'm opening up a little bit.
09:05I have no feelings against you going to Leah.
09:07There's nothing there.
09:08I'm not saying that.
09:09Just don't make me look like a fucking idiot...
09:10I'm not.
09:11..in front of a group of people.
09:12I'm not trying to.
09:13Don't do that. I don't like it.
09:21Wait for it.
09:34Welcome back to Love Island USA.
09:36Aaron beat Conor to Kayla's heart.
09:39Now, that's something you don't see every day.
09:41A vegan having beefcake for breakfast.
09:44It'll help trust you.
09:46It's working.
09:47It's working.
09:48It's working.
09:50I can't believe...
09:51I literally still can't believe that.
09:52I can't believe that she...
09:53Denae picked, like...
09:54She literally changed her mind at the last second.
09:57I feel like they had...
09:58They genuinely did have, like, a good connection.
10:00I thought they were, like, the strongest connection in here.
10:06To be honest, like,
10:07I'm more happy when you're around
10:10than when you're not around.
10:12Because all of yesterday,
10:13the reason I was stressing out so much
10:14is because I literally didn't see you all day
10:16and I think I was getting irritated
10:17because I was like,
10:19this is so annoying
10:20because I want to be here
10:21because I want to see her.
10:22And then today I was just like,
10:23it's actually a sick day
10:24because we spent a lot of time together.
10:26I just think you're funny.
10:28I don't even think you half the time
10:31are trying to be funny,
10:32you just do funny things
10:33and I just think,
10:34you're a fucking idiot.
10:39I feel like I'm a flirt.
10:40You think I'm a flirt?
10:41But I think you're a bigger flirt.
10:43I'm just a very, like, touchy-feely person.
10:45So I feel like I'm always on people.
10:47Like, whether it's girls or boys.
10:49I like touching people.
10:50Yeah, me too.
10:57I'm winning.
10:58I still feel like a winner.
10:59Future wife locked in.
11:01Need to fart again.
11:03But I don't want you to get the ick.
11:04Let it out.
11:06You have to now, you said it.
11:08I just did.
11:15Never thought I'd get the best of me
11:20Aaron's fart was so potent,
11:21Fiji issued a pollution warning
11:23and our idiot intern Brad
11:24had to fumigate the lounge chair.
11:26Now Hannah has a few things
11:28she wants to air out.
11:30I don't know, I guess he was
11:31pressed that I didn't choose him
11:32and just wanted to air shit out.
11:34When I hear the phrase 50-50,
11:37I didn't feel chosen at that point.
11:39Even though Hannah picked me,
11:40I didn't feel good about it.
11:42I'm like, bro,
11:43I'm like, is this the girl for me?
11:47Yeah, I'm better with the lights out.
11:49Lights out.
11:50Things change, I get that.
11:51But you can still come up
11:52and say like, hey,
11:53I think I want to go more her.
11:54I have way more respect for that.
11:56Are you sad
11:57that you're not going to be
11:58with Hakim?
12:00You guys had a hell of a run, man.
12:01Yeah, we did.
12:02But no, I'm so excited
12:03to share a bed with a girl, dude.
12:06I'm okay.
12:07Hearing from you guys
12:08that I did a good job,
12:09I'm like, okay.
12:10I hope Koi's mom
12:11is like, not upset.
12:13I'm losing feeling
12:14with the lights out.
12:17You can't help me
12:18cause I lost control.
12:19Yeah, I'm better
12:20with the lights out.
12:21Lights out.
12:22This is something I know.
12:23You can be big spoon
12:24and little spoon me.
12:26that's literally my favorite.
12:27No, I'm not doing that.
12:34I'm losing feeling
12:35with the lights out.
12:37You can't help me
12:38cause I lost control.
12:39Yeah, I'm better
12:40with the lights out.
12:41Lights out.
12:42Cause it's something I know.
12:45I love the feeling
12:47with the lights out.
12:48I don't mind it
12:49when I lose control.
13:08Morning, everybody.
13:11You can always get one
13:12Hakeem to be like
13:13how energy every morning.
13:15But I'm frozen in motion
13:17and my head just made a sound.
13:19I would like to
13:21And look,
13:22if I didn't
13:23have it come across
13:24in the best way possible,
13:25you know,
13:26I'm sorry about that as well.
13:27We gotta have a good day.
13:28For sure, always.
13:29Every day is a good day.
13:33Okay, today
13:34we gotta do it.
13:37How was your night finally?
13:38Sharing a bed with you.
13:39Back to normal.
13:40No, I mean,
13:41I was really happy.
13:42How do you feel?
13:44I don't know.
13:46It's so respectful.
13:47I mean,
13:48we felt really good last night.
13:49I know I'm not big on
13:50baby steps,
13:51but I'm just like,
13:58If you could be a lizard,
13:59which one,
14:00what lizard would you be?
14:01I'm gonna go Jackson Chameleon
14:02if I don't answer.
14:03Jackson Chameleon?
14:04I did like them Komodo dragons.
14:05Super dope.
14:08Oh my God,
14:09what the fuck?
14:10Oh my God,
14:11what is this?
14:12What the fuck?
14:13Good morning, Fiji!
14:18Outside of the villa,
14:19Hannah works as a bottle girl
14:21in a nightclub.
14:23And judging by this,
14:24not a very good one.
14:26So you're really thinking
14:27like Kendall's your gun?
14:29You really have a good connection?
14:32Is this what you're wanting to do?
14:33I'm trying to make a redemption,
14:34you know,
14:35so we will see,
14:38I don't think he was feeling
14:39very good yesterday.
14:42I tried to make him know
14:43that I am,
14:44you know,
14:45this is it,
14:46I'm just interested in him
14:47right now.
14:48But I just wanted to
14:49kind of reassure him
14:50like we're gonna work
14:51things out.
14:52I made us breakfast.
14:53Oh, you got some breakfast?
14:55because I wanted to
14:57let you know
14:58that I'm very sorry.
15:02Oh wow,
15:03go off!
15:04Thank you,
15:05this is really sweet.
15:07You're welcome.
15:09I was like,
15:10I have to do something.
15:13I feel really bad
15:14and I want you to know
15:15that I like you,
15:17good morning.
15:18So cheers.
15:19Okay, cheers.
15:20Cheers to that.
15:22Let's go!
15:24Big D's out there,
15:25she made a protein shake,
15:27avocado toast,
15:29she set it out
15:30with the little plants.
15:31Look at them.
15:32Now I want to see that.
15:34Totally spies.
15:36Is it going good?
15:41Operation get your man back.
15:43Okay, continue.
15:45So I want you to know
15:46that I do feel really bad
15:48and you are my number one
15:50and I'm sorry about yesterday.
15:5450-50 was a stretch.
15:55It wasn't no damn 50-50
15:56but I don't know why
15:57I said 50-50 but
15:59I know I made the right decision.
16:01I get excited being around you.
16:04As cringy as it sounds,
16:06I'm a little sensitive.
16:07I felt like you guys
16:08were the couple during that.
16:10Well, I'm really sorry.
16:12I'd say we're good
16:13but it's going to take a bit
16:14for me to get back
16:15to where we were.
16:17I don't like being made a fool.
16:18At least we're still
16:19going to progress
16:20and learn from this
16:21which is huge
16:24it's made me have some
16:25like in the back of my head
16:26I'm like
16:27I still have some concerns.
16:29This point moving forward
16:30I'll be
16:31I'll tell you everything
16:33I'll let you know 100%
16:34how I'm feeling
16:36and I want you to do
16:37the same as well.
16:38Really cool.
16:39I want to hold you.
16:40Yeah, I got to go do my make-up.
16:42Yeah, I'm like
16:43fuck I got to go do my make-up.
16:44Thanks again.
16:45See you later.
16:47After his behaviour
16:48the other night
16:49Lib is very happy
16:50to see the back of Rob.
16:52I on the other hand
16:53am more than happy
16:54just looking at the back
16:55of Connor.
16:57Fucking breakfast
16:58made for you.
16:59So you're telling me
17:00what I have to do
17:01is get in an argument
17:02with Kayla,
17:03get her to not pick me
17:04and then I get breakfast?
17:05I got put for a loop
17:06last night.
17:08I don't like to be
17:09blindsided by that
17:11no it was
17:12just a situation
17:13where I'm going to
17:14speak with Hakim
17:15in a bit
17:16just to like
17:17get his side of the story.
17:1850-50 ain't what
17:19she was telling me.
17:20Tell you that.
17:21If Hakim tells me
17:22a bunch of shit
17:23about what she was saying
17:24and not telling me
17:25I mean that's
17:26I don't know man
17:27it's not going to rub me
17:28the right way.
17:29How do you feel
17:30about Rob
17:31like the Rob situation?
17:32Like no hard feelings
17:33that you're going for Leah.
17:34I think that like
17:35I was quite open and honest
17:36but I did
17:37feel like the things
17:38I was talking to you
17:39were very much
17:40indicating that
17:41it was 50-50.
17:42Wait how did you sleep
17:43with Hakim last night?
17:44Did you guys kiss?
17:45Yeah like a few times.
17:46Was it good?
17:47You guys kissed last night?
17:49I mean he has
17:50big nice lips.
17:51Big Rob
17:52how did it feel
17:53waking up back
17:54in the bed
17:55with your girl?
17:57Felt great.
17:58Felt safe.
17:59Felt right?
18:00Felt home.
18:01You get some cuddling
18:02some kissing
18:03in last night?
18:04No kissing.
18:05Just a little cuddling?
18:07It was nice.
18:08That's good man.
18:09Feel a warm touch
18:10of a woman.
18:11Is it cool
18:12if I pop in here?
18:13We were really busy.
18:14I know you said
18:15you didn't want anything
18:16but it feel weird
18:17not bringing something
18:18and I know you said
18:19you like avocado toast.
18:21This is my first time
18:22making it.
18:23This is my first time
18:24eating it.
18:25I got mines downstairs.
18:26That's your first time
18:27making it?
18:29It looks good.
18:30You got salt and pepper?
18:31I love avocado toast.
18:33You're welcome.
18:36Thanks for the
18:37respectful cuddling
18:38last night.
18:40I was trying
18:41to be a gentleman.
18:42Thank you for that
18:43for being respectful.
18:44He's like...
18:45No if you would have
18:46cuddled all up on me
18:47I'm like...
18:48One finger.
18:51You're lying.
18:52That's you.
18:53Oh my gosh you guys.
18:54I got a text.
18:56Wait what?
18:57You got a text.
19:00I'm going to pee on myself.
19:05It's time to show off
19:06your beachy side
19:07and turn up the heat
19:08in today's challenge.
19:10Hashtag factor 50.
19:12Hashtag vacation vixen.
19:23You ready to get it going?
19:24You sure?
19:25You sure about that?
19:27Let's go baby.
19:29Someone do the worm.
19:30Someone do the worm.
19:35That's way better.
19:51Welcome back to
19:52Love Island USA.
19:53It's time to play a game.
19:54It's airline themed
19:55and to keep things
19:56uber realistic
19:57we've lost
19:58all the boys' luggage.
20:00That's what you get
20:01for booking spirit.
20:05With flight attendants
20:06like these
20:07it's the only airline
20:08where having an aisle seat
20:09gives you a better view.
20:11Let's play
20:12vacation vixens.
20:14First up
20:15the girls strut out
20:16their aircraft
20:17and tear off
20:18their air hostess
20:20to reveal
20:21their sexy swimsuits.
20:24Then it gets
20:25wet and wild
20:26as they slide
20:27into the water below.
20:30Cue the sexy slow mo.
20:35Once they've made
20:36their splash
20:37it's time to get down
20:38and dirty.
20:40Crawling through the sand
20:41they'll be hunting
20:42for a message
20:43in a bottle.
20:44Inside the bottle
20:45is a statement
20:46about a fellow islander.
20:47Which girl
20:48do you think
20:49would never be
20:50with her corner boy
20:51on the outside?
20:52They'll then have to decide
20:53who best fits the description
20:55then lock in the answer
20:56by pouring a bucket
20:57of water
20:58over their face.
20:59Or in this case
21:05Which boy
21:06do you think
21:07is the shadiest?
21:15Next they throw
21:16a spear at a wall
21:17of all the islander's names.
21:19I'm aiming for Cordell
21:22because clearly
21:23he wants to kiss me anyway.
21:26And whoever the spear hits
21:28gets a kiss
21:29under the waterfall.
21:35Alright, come on!
21:50Me and Aaron
21:51is like little sister
21:52big brother.
21:53So we were like
21:54this is incest.
21:55Next up is Kayla.
21:57Go girl!
21:58Go Kayla!
22:00Go Kayla!
22:02Let's go Kayla!
22:04Let's go Kayla!
22:07Go girl!
22:10That was really good.
22:14Let's go!
22:16Which girl
22:17do you think
22:18hasn't shown
22:19any signs of girl code?
22:29Which boy
22:30is the most boring?
22:42I'm targeting
22:51I'm tired.
22:55I am really pissed.
22:56I don't really see
22:57what's the reason
22:58for her going
22:59after Hakeem.
23:01I'm not looking.
23:02She's kind of throwing a bit
23:03like I'm not really too sure
23:04where her head's at.
23:13I am coupled up
23:14with Aaron
23:15and I have an amazing
23:16connection with him.
23:17But the last thing
23:18I want to do
23:19is go home
23:20and regret everything.
23:23It's over.
23:24It's fine.
23:27The throw next
23:28is Leo.
23:33How much do you love him?
23:40Which girl
23:41is going to have
23:42her head turned next?
23:51She acts like
23:52a lover girl
23:53but I feel like
23:54Hannah is low-key
23:55a heartbreaker.
23:56Which boy
23:57do you think
23:58is the most two-faced?
24:02He did it!
24:11It's a bit confusing.
24:13What's going on right now?
24:14I don't know.
24:15What's going on?
24:17I feel like
24:18I still have
24:19some unanswered questions
24:22about what really went down
24:24between Rob and Liv.
24:26I'm targeting Kendall
24:28because I feel like
24:30he wants to kiss me again.
24:35I'm looking around
24:36and I say wait,
24:37are you sure?
24:42I think she's really cute
24:44so I wasn't opposed to it.
24:52Yeah, I mean,
24:53I'm definitely feeling like
24:54I wish that was me.
24:56And I am confused as well.
25:06I was like, fuck,
25:07that's my man.
25:08Like, what the hell?
25:10Hey, Hannah's part now.
25:20I was like,
25:21she is going off.
25:32Which girl do you think
25:34is leading her boy on?
25:41Which boy is not being
25:43transparent enough?
25:46Don't take offense
25:47because I don't know.
25:51The boy I'm targeting
25:53is Hakeem
25:55because I know he misses me.
26:00I was like,
26:01what is going on?
26:07I was just like,
26:09I feel like I'm getting pranked.
26:13I was fuming.
26:17I picked Hakeem
26:18because I thought
26:19it would be funny as shit,
26:20to be honest.
26:21I don't really know
26:22if Kendall thought
26:23that was funny.
26:24I gotta talk to him about it.
26:25I don't do,
26:26this is fucking nuts.
26:27Oh my God!
26:30Oh my God!
26:41I feel bad
26:42because I kind of
26:43dropped her down in the water.
26:44I'm like,
26:45I'm done with this.
26:46I just want to go back
26:47in the line.
26:48I can't see!
26:49I'm drowning
26:50is the best thing
26:51I've heard ever.
26:55Jenny's up next.
27:01Twerking, twerking, twerking, twerking.
27:03Just liking
27:04O'Connor's attention, of course.
27:08Okay, which girl
27:09is the fakest?
27:13No way!
27:16I know how she'd be feeling
27:17about the couple she's in,
27:19so it was just like
27:21the first person
27:22that came to my mind.
27:23Which boy do you think
27:25will be dumped next?
27:31I picked Hakeem
27:33because of that
27:34unnecessary, immature
27:35little stunt
27:36he wanted to pull last night.
27:37The little blabbermouth thing,
27:39I just thought was
27:40like really unclassy.
27:41I'm targeting O'Connor.
27:52It was so sexy,
27:53it was so steamy,
27:55and yes,
27:56he is a good kisser, so...
27:59And last but not least...
28:10Which girl do you think
28:11is the most two-faced?
28:16You're a little shady, bitch.
28:19Come on, give it to me, bitch.
28:25That had a little,
28:26a little heat to it.
28:28I was like,
28:29oh, that woke me up.
28:30I was like, damn, okay.
28:35That's not nice.
28:36I feel like
28:37that was uncalled for.
28:38Which boy is
28:39a walking red flag?
28:41I know this one.
28:43Oh, I already know.
28:49That's a force,
28:50that's a force.
28:51Embrace it.
28:52I'm not surprised
28:53that Liv is splashing water
28:54in my face.
28:56She's clearly
28:57not very happy with me.
28:59Oh, my God.
29:01I should have filled
29:02the water up a bit more
29:03and gone for a second round, too.
29:05I'm gonna go for Kendall,
29:08because I feel like
29:10you're the most genuine
29:11out of the bunch.
29:13Oh, we love that.
29:20I'm like, for real,
29:21I'm just like,
29:23what the fuck going on
29:24around this bitch?
29:29These girls
29:30are going crazy,
29:31starting drama
29:32in the relationship,
29:33you know, stirring up the pot.
29:34I don't think anyone
29:35saw any of that coming.
29:39In with the boys.
29:40Now the boys
29:41have to decide
29:42which vacation vixen
29:44they'd like to join
29:45in the Mile High Club with.
29:47Quit hogging the bathroom, guys.
29:49I need a wee.
29:50All right, we think
29:51the sexiest vixen
29:52that we want to go
29:53on vacation with is...
29:59The winner is Serena.
30:01Right, you lot,
30:02back to the villa.
30:12Tomorrow night,
30:13the premiere
30:14of our brand new
30:15chat show Aftersun.
30:16Join me,
30:17Moira Higgins,
30:18tomorrow night
30:19for the first ever
30:20Love Island USA Aftersun,
30:22along with special guests,
30:24Ariana Maddox,
30:25Selly and Jess
30:26from Love Island Games,
30:27and our first stumped islander
30:29of the series, Koi.
30:31I'll be bringing you
30:32all the juicy gossip
30:33and exclusives
30:34from the villa.
30:36I'll be revealing
30:37two brand new bombshells
30:39who'll be meeting exclusively
30:41for the first time
30:42only on Aftersun.
30:43I'll see you there.
30:55Welcome back
30:56to Love Island USA.
30:57Believe it or not,
30:58we've given the boys
30:59their luggage back,
31:00but they're still wearing
31:01those speedos.
31:02They did take some socks,
31:03but I've no idea
31:04where they put them.
31:05Hi, handsome.
31:06Look who it is!
31:07Come join us.
31:08All right, let me get in.
31:09Oh, turn around
31:10so we can...
31:11See the cheese?
31:12It's just...
31:13Have you never done it
31:14like an ass day?
31:15I was looking at all leg days.
31:16It's not...
31:17It's not there.
31:18Girls always tell me
31:19one thing,
31:20they always say,
31:22You have a nice ass,
31:23they say,
31:24oh, lie.
31:25I swear.
31:26What the fuck
31:27was I talking about?
31:28It could have been
31:29any other guy,
31:30I swear,
31:31but it was...
31:32She's a lot of shit.
31:33It was...
31:34Why would she even do that
31:35when she knows
31:36that my antennas
31:37are so up already
31:38and sensitive
31:39with that situation?
31:40Shit wasn't funny, bro.
31:41I was just...
31:42I was fucking pissed, bro.
31:44Do you think he's gonna be mad
31:45that I didn't pick him?
31:46Or feel some type of way?
31:48You do?
31:50Because, like,
31:51you just made breakfast for him
31:52this morning trying to show,
31:53and then, like,
31:54you turn around in a challenge
31:55and, like,
31:56make out with those guys.
31:57Oh, shit,
31:58I didn't think about that.
31:59And I told him
32:00I'm literally
32:01never gonna talk to him again.
32:02Oh, fuck.
32:03And then you went and, like...
32:04I'm fucked.
32:06I am fucked.
32:07We're literally
32:08just playing a game,
32:09so that's why,
32:10to me,
32:11I'm like,
32:12none of it was personal,
32:13so I hope he didn't
32:14take it personal.
32:15Like, what the fuck?
32:16You're not gonna kiss
32:17someone that you
32:18don't wanna kiss.
32:19What do you think
32:20Aaron's reaction was?
32:21I don't know.
32:22He's probably...
32:23He might be pissed.
32:24But I'm not here
32:25to fucking keep, like...
32:26No, it's a challenge.
32:27We're all here
32:28to have fun.
32:31Who cares?
32:33For what?
32:34I'm sure he would've
32:35done the same thing,
32:36and he will do the same thing
32:37next challenge.
32:39But I also kinda
32:40just wanna, like,
32:41start cracking all the buzz.
32:42I'm just gonna start
32:43putting the pressure on her.
32:44Yeah, I feel like
32:45the first bombshell
32:46that come in,
32:47and you feeling her,
32:48bro, just go straight for it.
32:49Bro, I'm beelining.
32:50I'm beelining, boys.
32:51Bro, the Serena situation...
32:52Out of all the boys...
32:53At least she went
32:54and tried to go for it.
32:55No, no, no.
32:56That's true.
32:57It's just the fact
32:58that she said
32:59she wanted to kiss you.
33:01That's why I'm in the...
33:02So, you know,
33:03but her aim is little shit.
33:04Yeah, yeah.
33:08I may give him a little peck.
33:11Maybe I'll be like,
33:12since we didn't get,
33:13like, to kiss in the church,
33:14I wanted to give you,
33:15like, a little peck,
33:16but I don't want you
33:17to, like, be trying
33:18to kiss me in bed
33:19or, like, anytime you see me,
33:20like, I'm still not there,
33:21but, like, I guess,
33:22like, I kinda just wanna
33:23give you some reassurance
33:24and, like, I wasn't able
33:25to do that in the challenge.
33:32Could've said
33:33this day was coming
33:35I've seen Lea
33:36on my phone
33:38Maybe a bad idea
33:40But I could do
33:41a few more years
33:43I got a little left in here
33:45Funny how you leave
33:46If you did say Lea
33:47was my number one,
33:48I bet that's...
33:49Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
33:50Like, I read this
33:51completely wrong.
33:52I have nothing against you.
33:54No, I love you.
33:55I literally think you are
33:57I'm nothing against, like...
33:58Then still pour the water
33:59on his face
34:00because I had to get
34:01petty one.
34:02What she was saying
34:05I think I kinda
34:06caught everybody off guard.
34:07What was your point of view,
34:09Have you been
34:10chatting to her as well?
34:11We haven't had any
34:12connection or anything,
34:13so I'm just like,
34:14oh, let me have
34:15my opportunity to kiss him
34:16because we're doing
34:17the challenge,
34:18I can just do the kiss.
34:19She's doing that
34:20and she's just, like,
34:21playing games
34:22and she's playing games
34:23and I'm just like,
34:24oh, I'm just over it.
34:25My boy here
34:26was about to get his kiss
34:27that he's been
34:28begging for
34:29and I'm glad.
34:30Oh, yeah, I mean,
34:31it's coming soon,
34:32so I'm not pushing anything.
34:33I already was like,
34:34maybe I should
34:35give him a peck tonight.
34:36Go take a rest.
34:37You'll pick
34:38somewhere that's private
34:40You and I can
34:41really speak
34:42This is a good idea
34:44What I can do
34:45if you want me to
34:46No, we're so cute!
34:47We're so cute!
34:48I can't wait
34:49to see how you
34:51I can't wait
34:52to see how you
34:54I can't wait
34:55to see how you
34:57I like your shoes.
34:59Yeah, they're like,
35:00uh, 70s.
35:01They're Bottega.
35:02You know what that is?
35:05No, I don't know what that is.
35:15Are you ready to go?
35:16Yeah, I'm ready.
35:17Come on.
35:19Oh, my God.
35:20The challenge today
35:21was pretty fun.
35:22It was insane.
35:25It's funny as fuck
35:26because I was, like, nervous.
35:27I was like, oh, my God,
35:28I don't want to.
35:29Like, when you went up there,
35:30you was like,
35:31I'm going to go for this boy
35:32or I pick Cordell
35:33because he's been wanting
35:34to kiss me or whatever.
35:36I was waiting for
35:37to have my little moment.
35:38Yo, Avis, ass.
35:39I'm like,
35:40how am I the only bitch
35:41that missed the fucking target?
35:43It was funny.
35:44I don't know.
35:45I probably would have
35:46made the most of it,
35:49You know,
35:50I almost had my little time,
35:51but, you know,
35:52I ain't tripping on it,
35:55It's going to come.
35:56You're going to initiate it.
35:57I'll be ready and open
35:58for when you feel
35:59the time is right.
36:00You know what I'm saying?
36:01Because I told you
36:02I'm all about reassurance.
36:03I'm all about
36:04telling you how I feel.
36:06I don't give a fuck.
36:07Like, you know,
36:08if you take it,
36:09you know,
36:10however you take it,
36:11I understand, you know,
36:12respect at the end of the day.
36:14But, you know,
36:15I'm going to tell you
36:16how I feel at the end of the day
36:17and I know you want
36:18nothing but the truth from me.
36:19I feel like
36:20he was telling me things
36:21that I want to hear,
36:22which, yeah,
36:23I wasn't getting that urge
36:24to kiss him.
36:26I like you.
36:27When I say like,
36:28I don't mean
36:29that I have feelings.
36:30You don't have to.
36:31No, I'm going to explain
36:32what that is.
36:33No, you don't have to
36:34because a lot of, like,
36:35your responses seem
36:36very scripted.
36:37I thought I was doing good.
36:38I told her from the jump,
36:39like, I just be talking
36:40my shit,
36:41like, this is what I do,
36:42this is how I talk.
36:43The way that I talk,
36:44sometimes it get misinterpreted
36:45or it just sounds bad.
36:46I don't know.
36:47I just don't want to
36:48fuck up what we have,
36:49so that's it.
36:50Like, I would much rather
36:51you say some stupid shit
36:52and then I know it's real.
36:53Maybe, like,
36:54I was really, like,
36:55chalking it up
36:56to like,
36:57try more of my
36:58past relationships,
36:59but in actuality,
37:01I should have just
37:02trusted my, like,
37:04The issue is,
37:05it's not, like,
37:06a romantic spark
37:07and it's more of, like,
37:08a friendship spark for me.
37:09I'm not pushing you
37:10to, like,
37:11say this stuff.
37:12Kendall and Hannah
37:13are a couple
37:14with so much in common.
37:15They both love cocktails,
37:16long-distance relationships,
37:17and they both
37:18love to party.
37:19Kendall and Hannah
37:20are a couple
37:21with so much in common.
37:22They both love cocktails,
37:23long-distance relationships,
37:24and they both
37:25love to party.
37:26Kendall and Hannah
37:27are a couple
37:28with so much in common.
37:29They both love cocktails,
37:30long walks on the beach
37:31and pulling Hakeem
37:32for chats.
37:33Let me know
37:34what's going on, man.
37:35How we feeling?
37:36I just want to
37:37talk to you about
37:38back to that fire pit
37:39and, like,
37:40walk me through
37:41how those
37:42conversations go
37:43and just try to
37:44put in as many details
37:45like that 50-50 detail,
37:46like, bro,
37:48that's the kind of
37:49game-changing detail
37:50that I need to know.
37:51What do I do?
37:52I don't know what to
37:53do with Hakeem.
37:55That's probably
37:56not the best...
37:57I don't like when they talk.
37:58Wait, let's go see...
37:59Should we go over there?
38:00Yellow and pink.
38:01First chat.
38:03We had left it as, like,
38:04we're cool with each other,
38:05like, things are really good.
38:06We wanted to follow up
38:07with it more.
38:08Was she giving you
38:09any other assurances
38:10that, like,
38:11it could be you?
38:12She's like,
38:13or what?
38:14No, she just kept on
38:15saying, like,
38:16I'm literally, like,
38:18She never told you
38:19that, oh,
38:20Kendall's my number one?
38:21She expressed that
38:22you were the other,
38:23you're the only other guy
38:24that she's interested in.
38:26As well as myself.
38:27No rankings.
38:29She was just like,
38:30I'm still, I'm 50-50.
38:31Go put him, try again.
38:32Go now.
38:33He's like,
38:34where should I bring him to?
38:35Just say,
38:36can we have a chat
38:37and then Hakeem
38:38can come over here.
38:40But I don't want to bother.
38:43Should I just stay?
38:44Just do it, go.
38:45You come with me.
38:46Just say you want to
38:47talk to Hakeem
38:48and I want to talk to him.
38:49No, you,
38:50I'm gonna phone again.
38:51Come on, come on.
38:52I just need this.
38:53And then,
38:54now we can talk about
38:55her picking you
38:56in the game.
38:57Okay, let's go.
38:58I'm struggling
38:59because I feel like.
39:00Are we made combo?
39:01Yeah, we'll give us a second.
39:02Give us a second.
39:03Two minutes
39:04and then can we talk?
39:05Yeah, for sure.
39:07Wait, no, no,
39:09Wait, yeah,
39:10when you're done?
39:11Yeah, for sure.
39:12We'll talk after.
39:13Okay, well.
39:14That conversation
39:15with Hakeem
39:16opened my eyes
39:17a little bit.
39:18I really need to think
39:19and say,
39:21do I want to continue
39:22to give this another shot
39:23after less than 24 hours
39:26from the fire pit situation
39:28and the breakfast
39:29that she made?
39:30She had a chance
39:31in front of everybody
39:32to really squash things
39:34Ken, I'm here for you.
39:36but it wasn't
39:37the set case, so.
39:40And what she's telling me
39:43oh, it's a game,
39:44but that was bullshit to me.
39:46And, like,
39:47she can explain it
39:48however she wants, bro,
39:49but I don't know
39:50where to go from here.
40:06Welcome back
40:07to Love Island USA.
40:09After Cordell's
40:10fumble with Serena tonight,
40:12it's clear why his brother
40:13is the football star.
40:16if you're watching,
40:17big fan.
40:18Go Dolphins!
40:19Let's chat more
40:20about you and Serena.
40:22I think we're good,
40:24I told her, like,
40:25I'm in my head a little bit,
40:26and I just want to make sure,
40:28is everything good?
40:30She felt like
40:31some of the shit
40:32that I be telling her,
40:33I'm reading off of a script.
40:34I swear to God.
40:35I asked her, like,
40:36what did she need
40:37for me to,
40:38for us to progress?
40:39What did she say to that?
40:40She said, uh,
40:42what did she say to that?
40:43Oh, bro,
40:44I'm horrible.
40:45That's the most
40:46important question.
40:47I'm horrible, bro.
40:48That's, like,
40:49your next steps.
40:51what do you need to do?
40:52I'm so fucking horrible.
40:54You've got to remember that shit.
40:55What did she say?
40:56Was she like,
40:57I need you to communicate
40:58in this way?
41:00something like that.
41:02now it's coming back
41:03a little bit.
41:04She was saying
41:05she needs,
41:06she needs me to,
41:10I might need to
41:11ask that one more time.
41:13If a guy were to
41:14walk in here right now,
41:15you would obviously
41:16try to explore it
41:17and go all for it, right?
41:18I'm open to exploring
41:19literally anybody
41:20that wants to explore me.
41:21That's the thing.
41:23that's what the fuck
41:24I'm here for.
41:25I'm not here
41:26to be locked down.
41:27Cordell and I,
41:28we are on
41:29two different pages,
41:30but he communicates
41:32to me
41:33as if we are
41:34on the same page.
41:35We just don't connect
41:36in the relationship way.
41:38I'm not getting that urge
41:39to, like,
41:40you know,
41:41I'm not getting that urge
41:42to, like,
41:43jump on him
41:44and kiss him.
41:45He's just not my vibe
41:46in a romantic way.
41:47This morning
41:48at breakfast,
41:49Hannah was jumping
41:50through hoops
41:51to reassure Kendall.
41:52Then she popped
41:53those hoops on,
41:54kissed Hakim,
41:55and now she's back
41:56to square one.
41:57Good work.
41:58I'll just tell you
41:59how the challenge
42:00and how everything
42:01played out
42:02because I'm sure,
42:03you know,
42:04based off this morning,
42:05you know,
42:06I'm sure in your eyes
42:07you're kind of like,
42:08what the hell was that?
42:10I was like,
42:11what the fuck?
42:13are you kidding me?
42:15I didn't even kiss him.
42:16I literally fell in the water
42:17and fucking drowned it.
42:18You're just going to
42:19see it through my lens
42:20and there's
42:21four other guys
42:22you could have chose.
42:24It was the fact that
42:25you chose
42:27A hundred percent.
42:29that's on me.
42:31that's fucked up
42:32on my part.
42:34I don't have any interest
42:35in the guy.
42:37after yesterday,
42:38I'm like,
42:39I don't know
42:40where I'm at.
42:42you're the guy that I see
42:43I want to move forward with.
42:45I really like you.
42:46I'm telling you straight up,
42:48I really do like you.
42:51Like, I...
42:52Yeah, I know.
42:53You're telling me that.
42:54But actions speak
42:55louder than words.
42:56And why would you risk
42:57hurting my feelings
42:58in that situation?
42:59I'm really sorry
43:00that I put you
43:01in that situation.
43:03I was just,
43:04I was not thinking.
43:06I don't even know.
43:08you know,
43:10I want to try
43:11to work with me.
43:13I don't have
43:14a straight answer
43:15for you right now
43:16on, like,
43:17where we stand.
43:18I just,
43:20it's in a tough spot
43:21for sure.
43:22It's just like,
43:23there's only so much
43:24I can, like,
43:26For Kendall,
43:27I just want to make
43:28him feel secure.
43:30I see it
43:31from his perspective,
43:32and I do get it.
43:33So, you know,
43:34hopefully I can
43:35redeem myself.
43:36I don't want to
43:37throw it away.
43:40I think that's,
43:42that's it.
43:44I hate this shit.
43:46Real tricky one
43:47for Rob getting
43:48dressed tonight.
43:49What do you wear
43:50when you've got
43:51a hot chat at 7,
43:52but you're mucking
43:53out the stables at 8?
43:54I'm just really,
43:56I'm kind of upset tonight.
43:58I'm really upset tonight.
43:59Why did
44:00Kayla kiss
44:02I have no fucking idea.
44:03I'm actually
44:04being dead serious.
44:05That was, like,
44:06the most random thing ever.
44:09really random.
44:11you just shook up.
44:12I know.
44:13I actually feel
44:14really, really,
44:15really bad.
44:16He just,
44:17he's such a sweetheart.
44:18But it was just,
44:19it's like,
44:20it's not the same
44:21as if they went
44:22and did that up there
44:23and it was literally
44:24a stupid game.
44:26why did you kiss
44:27Kendall also?
44:28I don't know.
44:29I just,
44:30I don't know.
44:31I was mad,
44:34you fucking weren't.
44:35You think I said
44:36I was mad,
44:38You did just say that.
44:39You said I was mad.
44:41I meant wasn't.
44:43I wasn't mad.
44:44I know you weren't.
44:45At all.
44:46That is precisely
44:47why I like you.
44:48Okay, cool.
44:50We're fine.
44:51I know we are.
44:52Okay, cool.
44:53Can we kiss?
44:54I can't bend over.
44:55I literally think
44:56my boobs are going to,
44:58pop out of this dress
44:59at any given moment.
45:00When are you going
45:01to kiss me?
45:02I wasn't going to wear it
45:03because I felt like
45:04you were covering yourself.
45:05You're making me feel
45:06like a creep.
45:08Like you're like,
45:09don't look at me.
45:10No, I'm not saying
45:11don't look at me.
45:12I feel like I was
45:13looking right in your eyes
45:15I looked at your tits
45:16as I said that.
45:17I was about to say
45:18I would be so insulted
45:19if you were only
45:20looking out my eyes.
45:21That would be so rude.
45:22That's so funny.
45:23I literally,
45:24as I'm saying,
45:25I was looking.
45:26I literally only look
45:27at your tits.
45:28No, that's not true.
45:29I try to be a gentleman.
45:30I fail a lot.
45:31I don't think so.
45:32Okay, cool.
45:33It's like half and half.
45:38Shall we have a conversation?
45:41Kayla kissing Hakeem
45:42has really taken the wind
45:43out of Deckhand Aaron's sails.
45:45Don't worry,
45:46his relationship
45:47is as unsinkable
45:48as the Titanic.
45:50Too soon?
45:51What's wrong?
45:52Like what's wrong?
45:54I just feel a bit deflated
45:55that's all.
45:56Because of the challenge today?
45:57Yeah, it's just kind of like
45:59spun me out a little bit.
46:02I just didn't understand
46:03why you did it.
46:05It just came out of nowhere
46:06and I was just like,
46:08are you doing something else
46:10that you haven't said to me yet?
46:11I never thought
46:12I would have a connection
46:13with someone like this
46:14and if you are questioning
46:15in the way I feel
46:16then I feel like
46:18I've done nothing
46:20but explain myself to you.
46:22So it's frustrating
46:23to hear that you're upset
46:25because in a stupid ass game
46:27I kissed someone else.
46:29If you wanted to get to know Hakeem
46:31and take him to one side
46:32and do it,
46:33I'm not upset.
46:34If you were to do that
46:35and take him to one side
46:36and say to me,
46:37by the way,
46:38I'm just going to do that
46:39then I'd be like,
46:40yeah, fair enough.
46:41My best girlfriend
46:42is in a couple with him.
46:43So why did you do it exactly?
46:44It's just fucking weird.
46:45The whole thing is weird.
46:46I was the first one to go.
46:47I looked at her name
46:48and I picked.
46:49It wasn't that deep.
46:50Because I'm not going to lie,
46:51right now I just feel like
46:52after today
46:53I don't really like,
46:54I just want to take a step back.
46:55I don't want to go at the pace.
46:56I feel like all I've done
46:57is put all of my eggs
46:58in your basket
46:59and I've not even
47:00tried to tempt
47:01other relationships in here
47:02because I've just been
47:03beeline for you.
47:06I feel like every time
47:07we take a step forward
47:08we take a step back
47:09and I don't want to do that.
47:12Because I also feel
47:13the same way.
47:21I'm sorry I hurt you.
47:22It's the last thing
47:23I want to do.
47:30Yeah, I fucked up.
47:31Obviously I didn't figure
47:33that you would be this upset
47:34about me kissing another dude.
47:36I'm sorry that it made you
47:38feel the way it did
47:39and I understand your feelings
47:41and I'm trying to validate them.
47:43It's like what?
47:44You're just going to kiss
47:45the third person,
47:46the fourth person,
47:47the fifth person
47:48until you actually go
47:49you actually don't know what.
47:50Fuck it, Aaron's a safe bet.
47:51I'll stick with him
47:52and I'll just keep kissing
47:53other people because
47:54he lets me off.
47:55It's like bollocks, no?
47:56It's bullshit.
47:57I really like Aaron.
47:59The last thing I want to do
48:01is hurt the guy I like.
48:05So I'd be so upset at myself
48:07if I really fucked this up.
48:10I don't know,
48:11I feel like we just keep
48:12going in circles.
48:13I'm trying to explain
48:14the way I feel.
48:15Yeah, I feel like
48:16she's leaving.
48:28Acting like you're
48:29somebody else.
48:31That conversation
48:32didn't look like it ended well.
48:36Honesty and promise me
48:38I'm never going to
48:39find you faking.
48:41No, no, no.
49:01Oh, shit.
49:02Oh, she's crying.
49:05Oh, God.
49:06Oh, God.
49:07Oh, God.
49:08Is she alright?
49:10I'm going to go talk to her.
49:11Yeah, I'm coming.
49:12Be grabbed.
49:13I'm going to catch up.
49:14You don't have to be so brave.
49:19You don't have to tell me
49:22everything's okay.
49:24What's wrong?
49:27What's wrong?
49:28What's wrong?
49:29Come here.
49:30Give me a hug.
49:31Just give me a hug.
49:32Just give me one hug.
49:33One hug.
49:38She made one point.
49:39It was like,
49:40I kissed him because
49:42it's a challenge.
49:43And I was like,
49:44well, surely in a challenge
49:45like if you have the option
49:46you'd want to kiss the person
49:47that you want to kiss.
49:48So she just kept saying,
49:49like insisting that it was just...
49:50Bro, she basically had
49:51like no argument
49:52for like what she was
49:53like coming up with.
49:54I feel like I can't talk
49:55right now because
49:56I don't want to die.
49:57But he's so mad at me.
49:58Like so mad that I kissed him.
49:59Like I actually didn't even
50:00expect it to be like this.
50:01That you didn't kiss him.
50:02That you didn't kiss him
50:03in the challenge.
50:04That I didn't kiss,
50:05yeah, that I didn't kiss
50:06fucking Aaron.
50:07Like Aaron's so mad
50:08that I didn't kiss him
50:09in the challenge.
50:10He's like,
50:11he's like, yeah,
50:12I want to be like,
50:13basically I want to be
50:14done with this.
50:15I feel like that's
50:16what he's saying.
50:17Like just because like,
50:18but that just speaks measures.
50:19Like if you're that easy
50:20to fucking give up on this
50:21and like...
50:22It never really meant that much.
50:24Give me a hug.
50:25Give me a hug.
50:32She was just like,
50:33look, it didn't mean anything.
50:34I was just like,
50:35how many guys are you
50:36going to kiss not meaning
50:37anything and thinking
50:38like you can get away with it?
50:39Like you already kissed Connor
50:40and said you didn't mean
50:41anything and now you're
50:42going to kiss Hakim
50:43and say it's not going
50:44to mean anything.
50:45What, you're going to
50:46kiss a third person
50:47and a fourth person
50:48that comes in?
50:49And I'm just going to
50:50sit here like a dickhead
50:51until you find someone
50:52that you can trust.
50:53You're eggs are all
50:54in his basket.
50:55I'm crazy about him.
50:56I've just come into
50:57the experience with
50:58the wrong mindset.
50:59That's all I've done.
51:00Yeah, you have,
51:01but it's not too late.
51:02You do care about her.
51:03That's a fact.
51:04You're emotional.
51:05You're hurt.
51:06Which is so understandable.
51:07But stupid shit
51:08like that's going to happen.
51:09And I think if as long
51:10as it's not happening
51:11outside of that,
51:12you need to try to trust
51:13her as much as you can.
51:19And like,
51:20he's also like one
51:21of my best friends
51:22and I don't want
51:23to hurt him.
51:24You're like,
51:25if you knew it would
51:26go to this,
51:27you would have
51:28never ever done that.
51:29And did he say to you
51:31I just don't want
51:32anything to do with that?
51:34Are you serious?
51:45It's just petty shit,
51:46but I just can't be honest.
51:47I just don't even want
51:48to fucking entertain it.
51:51A hundred percent
51:52I understand.
51:54you have like a heavy heart.
51:57you kind of go all in.
51:58That's why I feel like
51:59I've been going wrong.
52:01I should not have done it
52:02from the get-go.
52:03I understand where
52:04he's coming from.
52:06I'm not trying to like,
52:07not acknowledge his feelings,
52:08but it's just like,
52:09I'm hurt because
52:10I don't want to hurt Aaron
52:11because he's like,
52:12one of my strongest
52:13connections here.
52:14But I honestly feel like
52:15if I sat down there
52:16and I told him that,
52:17he wouldn't care.
52:19You think that?
52:22I really think.
52:24I think that it's just fucked.
52:26I think it's over.
52:28I don't know.
52:30I think,
52:31I just think I need to like,
52:32just take a little bit
52:33of a step back.
52:34It's like,
52:35I just don't want to do this.
52:37it's just fucking bullshit.
52:50Tomorrow's our new day.
52:55If you're tired of the story,
52:58turn the page.
53:04Sunday nights!
53:07The arrival of two hot bombshells
53:10with explosive agendas.
53:14I'm Andrea.
53:15I'm not sure if Kayla
53:16knows what she wants,
53:17but I do.
53:19I'm coming for you.
53:22I'm Nicole.
53:23I'm ready to get into the villa
53:25and shake things up.
53:27I'm coming for you.
53:31And tomorrow night,
53:33the premiere of Aftersun,
53:35hosted by Love Island icon,
53:38Maura Higgins.
53:40Do you know what, Ian?
53:41I think I got it from here.
53:42For the first time each week,
53:44Love Island experts
53:45will join me to unpack
53:47the villa's juiciest dramas.
53:50We'll be breaking news
53:51and healing breaking hearts
53:53in real time.
