Baddie Creations

  • last month
Altspace VR Critic
00:00Okay, guys. I took you over here before. I had the creator, Bandit Creations from scratch,
00:12and Melvin was in here. The one who bought this place. I interviewed with these guys.
00:21Now I'm here alone. It says two people, but I doubt if I see anybody. Look at this place,
00:27look at this place. Look at it. Look at it. It should be jumping. It should be jumping, man.
00:34It should be jumping. Look, this is probably where you park the cars at, man.
00:38And even a handicap spot. Look at it, man. You might hang out over here.
00:45All right, let me see. Wow.
00:49Dude, I can't understand why nobody's in here. First of all, I'm having trouble with my
01:00controllers. Right off the bat, it's moving too slow. It's glitching, it's jumping.
01:08Why? This place is too big for me to handle? Look at this place, man.
01:13It should be hundreds of people coming over here. It's only Wednesday. It's hump day.
01:23Back in the days, Thursday night, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning,
01:28especially if you serve breakfast, people come over here, man. Look at this place.
01:34Look, now they say I entered the room. I've been here, how long already? A long time ago.
01:46It got kind of slow in here. Now I can hear people talking.
01:54Dude, was I over here before? Yeah. Yeah, it's an underground jam. Look at that.
02:05Look, R. Kelly, buddy. Some people still support R. Kelly.
02:12Look at this arch. Dude, that's actually Eddie Murphy and Martin.
02:18Let's see how Melvin is doing.
02:48People are talking. I wanted to rock her. I told you I was Eddie Murphy
02:57and Martin. You see life. I couldn't see it. I just saw R. Kelly.
03:05Oh, look at this, man. Two different things. I don't know.
03:09Dude, what does that say? R. Kelly. It says life over there. It says R. Kelly over here.
03:20Oh, there goes life.
03:30Dude, what does that say over there? Oh, elevator.
03:35I'm going downstairs. I don't want to disturb these guys.
03:40Look at the view, though. Oh, look at this, man. I didn't do this before.
03:53Look at that. I get to the edge now. Look at that. Look at that view now.
04:04Remember going to the clubs now? Getting the right outfit.
04:13I used to go to clubs a lot.
04:24Let me see something real quick. Hey, whoa. Look at that, man. Uh-oh.
04:29Uh-oh. I meant to rock the people. Uh-oh. I didn't want to do that. Look at that view
04:36over there. I didn't want to interrupt anybody. I can't. Let me just walk around here.
04:42I'm going to go back out again. Look, the VIP room. I remember they took me in here before.
04:47Look at this VIP room, buddy. What does that mean?
04:51Wow. You can watch the movie from here.
04:59Eating seafood. Look at that, man. I have this seat right here. I can look out the window.
05:06Look at that, man. And look at the glass table with the football, the Duke.
05:12Wow. Beautiful. Beautiful. Do they see me? Uh-oh. That might be Baddie right there.
05:24I don't want to interrupt her. I'm going to go down here.
05:32All right. Just want you to take. Oh, let me take it. Let me take myself off. How you doing?
05:41How's everything, Baddie? Hey. How you doing? I'm good. How are you? Oh, pretty good. I just was
05:46looking around to see how the turnout was. How's the turnout? Okay. Oh, this is the turnout.
05:56I haven't done another grand opening yet. I'm just really in here. Just sitting in here.
06:00Oh, gotcha. You're in here with Melvin? Oh, no. I'm in here with a friend, actually.
06:05He's just a friend. Oh, you don't have to explain to me.
06:12Well, that's cool. So, how's Melvin doing? Did he get a chance to see the video on YouTube?
06:18I don't think he got a chance yet. Melvin just got on here today. I think he's somewhere else
06:23right now. He's at Club Premiere. Oh, yeah. Did you get a chance to see it?
06:30I haven't. I was waiting for the upload. I know the upload is not special this long. It takes a
06:35little minutes. Oh, no. It's been up there for a while, man. It got a couple of hits already. It's
06:40called Alt Space VR Critic and New Orleans. Okay. Gotcha, man. So, oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you
06:50this one, Baddie. I was recording from the beginning. So, you're actually being recorded
06:54right now. If it's okay with you. Okay. You're good. You're good. Okay. Gotcha. You know,
06:59I always want to check with you. The name of the video is... It's called Alt Space VR Critic.
07:06It's called Alt Space VR Critic. And then it has New Orleans.
07:16New Orleans. That's great, man. Tell me if you see it.
07:25Okay. I see it. You see it? Gotcha. I think there's a picture of you over there, too.
07:32I see it. You see it? All right. So, make sure you subscribe now.
07:39Hit a like and subscribe. Okay. I sure will. And tell Melvin about it, okay?
07:44Okay. I will. And I guess what? Thank you. This one will be on it, too. So, you can watch this
07:49one, too. So, I'm going to take another look around. I don't want to disturb your friend
07:52because he might leave you and stuff like that. Okay. I know you're pretty popular and attractive
07:56and all the guys are going for you. You know what I'm saying? So, you don't have time. Thank you.
08:01Time is money, right? Thank you. Okay. All right. Take care now. I appreciate it.
08:05Oh, you're welcome. Thank you. You're welcome, baby. Okay. Bye-bye. Okay, guys. That was my
08:12best friend, Batty Creations. She created this place right here, man, from scratch.
08:18Beautiful, right? See this place, man? We did an interview already.
08:25Let me just go up this elevator real quick. Oh, look at this, man. Uh-oh. I missed it.
08:31I'm going to catch the next one. I don't like to disturb people when they're talking to somebody.
08:36She's a nice young lady, man. I know she's pretty popular. I don't want to mess her groove up. You
08:41know what I'm saying? I'm just a regular dude. That might be her next husband or something over
08:45there. All right. Here we go. Look. Look at this. Beautiful. Beautiful. Look at this. Beautiful.
08:54It's a Batty Creation, buddy. If I had nothing else to do, I could hang out with Batty.
09:04That should show me more worlds.
09:10You know, she's so cool, man.
09:14You got to meet her. You got to talk to yourself, man. She'll make something for you, too.
09:18Look at this place, man.
09:26Look at that, buddy. Can you imagine? Look at this. The room just opened up.
09:32Melvin. See? It's Melvin. It's Melvin's spot.
09:39But the door almost closed on me. I got to wait for it to open again. Okay. Here it goes.
09:45Bang. I'm in now. Look at this. Look at that chair, man. Recording studio.
09:51Sit right over here and record this jam. You know it's going to be a hit.
09:55You're going to make money. They're going to make money. Everybody's going to eat lovely.
10:03Another elevator. Look. That's Batty. Look at her. That's my buddy right there, man. See how
10:10beautiful she looks? Look at her, man. Smart, talented. If you met her in the street, would
10:17you notice she does creations like this? Can you look in her face and tell?
10:25Don't you just be looking and saying, damn, she look good.
10:29Yeah. Creation might come another time. Here we go. Look at this place, man.
10:36Look at this. I don't even know if I was up here before last time.
10:41Look at this, man. Beautiful. Beautiful. You make your movie right here. Look. Look at this guy.
10:52He's sitting in my chair. Is he sitting in my chair? All right. As long as you make me a hit.
11:01All right, guys. I'm going to leave right here.
11:02I'm going to leave. Right. Look how many places there are to go. Oh, look at this, man. Look at
11:14this. TV right here. I'm going to leave right here, buddy. This is it. Thanks for watching.
11:22It's a Batty creation, but it's Melvin's spot.