360 Star Wars Spatial VR

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Spatial VR
00:00will test your skills and help you complete your learning path.
00:03Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fly any of the chosen transport
00:07into the planet's landscape and find the lost ancient holocron.
00:10This holocron is a powerful artifact that contains ancient knowledge and wisdom that
00:14can only be unlocked by a true Jedi Master.
00:17Your training has prepared you well for this task, and I am confident that you will succeed.
00:22Remember to trust in the Force and listen to your instincts, and above all,
00:26stay true to the Jedi Code and the principles of the Light Side of the Force.
00:29May the Force be with you, Padawan.
00:31Good luck on your quest, and may it lead you to become a true Master Jedi.
01:00Anyone and travel over the moon
01:06When I first came here, I didn't know how to do it.
01:11I'm not perfect on it now, but I can do a little bit better.
01:15I met a few friends in here, too.
01:20All right, since it's your first time here, all right, look at the flag, too.
01:26Since it's your first time here, I'm gonna let you see everything.
01:29Dude, let me tell you this, guys.
01:30Listen to me, listen to me.
01:32You can do this on your computer.
01:34What I'm doing right now here in this world, that you see me in this world,
01:37you can do this on a computer.
01:38Get on that ship and take off over there, man.
01:44I mean, that's pretty deep.
01:45Look, see the ship over there?
01:46You can go over there.
01:48You can jump down here and have to walk all the way up.
01:53You can jump down here, buddy.
01:56You have to come all the way down that way.
01:58All right, since I've been here so many times, I gotta let you see what I already know.
02:07All right, so you got the fighter that you can get in.
02:11You got this one.
02:13It's very comfortable.
02:14I think that one is this one right here.
02:23Oh, they put a microphone in it?
02:25No, they don't.
02:27What is this?
02:28Oh, it's kind of deep.
02:35I don't think I like this one too much, man.
02:37Because A, I don't care how fast you go.
02:41When you knock these two things off, you're useless in the air.
02:46I don't like that one.
02:47This one, you're not gonna knock anything off.
02:48I mean, you can hit it.
02:51Definitely don't want this, buddy.
02:52No support at all in this one.
02:56Don't want this one either.
02:57It's like a bicycle.
02:59Look at that ship, man.
03:00Dude, you can go right above where the ship is.
03:03You can go past the ship.
03:05You can go past the ship, man.
03:09You know what I realized, man?
03:11I only talk louder when I'm excited about something.
03:15I was hesitant to come in here, man, because I spent maybe an hour and a half with bad experience.
03:22Dude, this is like a whole home up there, man.
03:28I was thinking about taking this one, man.
03:30But I think it's too big for me to handle.
03:34So I'm gonna show you the one that I really like anyway.
03:41This one.
03:49Okay, guys.
03:50Here we go.
03:58Look, you gotta start slow.
04:07I don't know how I'm gonna go up, though.
04:10Dude, I just landed right where I came from.
04:13That was like a test run.
04:16Oh, I crashed.
04:26I didn't even go up.
04:30Dude, it's just going down.
04:35All right, at least it was a ride.
04:42There's instructions over here somewhere.
04:48I'm trying again.
04:54This keeps going down.
05:01I'm out now.
05:06All right, let's try something else.
05:07Look, man.
05:08They won't let you get out of this thing.
05:10It's remote control.
05:12Look, it's remote control, the big thing.
05:16I should hit that.
05:22Where's that thing at, man?
05:25Of course, I should be back up here by now.
05:28I kept quiet.
05:28Look, reset the landscape.
05:32Can you do that?
05:38Good, it should be over here.
05:43How do you unhook yourself from here?
05:54Whoa, brother.
05:54Look at this.
05:56I hope I land on that thing.
05:58Damn it.
06:01Right to you, buddy.
06:04I don't know what happened.
06:10Dude, now it's just taking off like crazy.
06:12Look, got me stuck in here.
06:19What's that on me?
06:20A shield?
06:25Dude, what is that on me?
06:27There's something on me like an aura.
06:34Good, I'm out the ship at least.
06:36All right, you know what, man?
06:38This is what we're gonna do.
06:40Since that wasn't working too well,
06:42it doesn't make a difference if I try the other one.
06:44It doesn't work too well.
06:47Let's get in the big boy.
06:52How do you get up here?
07:04Yep, right here.
07:08It says fly, but you don't even see.
07:11Oh, that's the cockpit.
07:12Look at the cockpit, man.
07:15I guess you gotta get down here like this and do it.
07:18Check it out.
07:23Roger that.
07:30Press jump to lift off.
07:35Dude, I wasn't trying to do that.
07:40All right, let's check it out.
07:43All right.
07:52I keep doing the same thing, man.
07:54All right, here we go.
07:56I told you, wasn't it?
07:58Easy to do this thing, man.
08:10All right, guys.