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Welcome everyone to a brand new series named 'THE KOREAN CULT'. This is the first part and in this part we will discuss about slave contracts related to K-pop idols and what it takes to become a K-pop idol.


00:00अमा बिग माइकल जैकसन फान और मुझे लगता था कि माइकल जैकसन के
00:27फान्स से जाधा क्रेजी फान्स और कही नहीं है
00:30क्योंकि मैंने माइकल जैकसन के बहुत सारे कॉंसर्ट्स देखे
00:33और वहाँ मैंने लोगों को बिहोश होते हो देखा है
00:36गिरते पड़ते देखा है
00:37जस्ट बाई सींग इम
00:39वस उन्हें एक जलग मिल गई माइकल जैकसन की और वह बिहोश हो रहे है
00:43उनसे बिलीव नहीं हो रहा कि सामने माइकल जैकसन है
00:45इस लेवल के फान्स थे माइकल जैकसन के
00:47मेबी बिकोस जिस थरीके के माइकल जैकसन के सौंग्स थे
00:50जस तरीकें मेगील जैकसन परफॉर्म करते थे
00:52मेजिए उसके एचने तो
00:55और मैं लोग हो रहा था, कि शायद ही कभी
00:57शायद ही कभी, ऐसा होगा
00:59कि इस लेवल के फान्स होंगे किसी किसी का
01:01कि इस level का fandom होगा कभी किसी का
01:04कि शायद ही कभी कोई ऐसा performer होगा या ऐसे performers होंगे
01:07जो साथ में गाते भी होंगे, जो डांस भी करते होंगे
01:10और जिनके इस level के fans होंगे
01:12मैंने सोचा था कि ऐसा कभी होई नहीं सकता
01:15और अब मैं केप आपता चाहिए
01:41ओके! तो तुम्हें पता ही है कि केप आप क्या है?
01:43एक सेकिन्ड! तुम्हें केप आप नहीं पता?
01:45तुम्हें केप आप कैसे नहीं पता भाई?
01:47अगर तुम्हें नहीं पता है, तो मैं तुम्हें short में समझा देता हूँ
01:49A South Korean music genre that generates billions of dollars for the South Korean economy
01:56Billions of dollars!
01:58इतना पैसा जो तुम गिन नहीं सकते, imagine नहीं कर सकते
02:01एक ऐसा music genre जिसका सबसे craziest fanbase है
02:07इस genre की जो artist हैं, वो बहुती next level performers हैं, बहुती next level singers हैं
02:12सबसे craziest बात पता है क्या है?
02:13जो भी इस music genre के bands हैं, जो artist हैं, भार की दुनिया की जितने भी artist हैं, वो कुछ भी करने के लिए तयार है
02:20just to get that one chance to make a song with them, to collaborate with them
02:25क्योंकि जो value KPOP stars की है, उतनी value शायद ही किसी music star की होगी
02:28Now the question is, how do you get there?
02:31तुम एक KPOP star कैसे बनोगे?
02:33And the answer is, slave contracts
02:37Let's use me as an example, I used to wake up at 6am in the morning,
02:41have to go to Hangang river for about 2 hours, after that, I've got to go to dance practice
02:46and then if I had a show, performance, whatever, I had to get up early in the morning
02:51and then if I had a show, performance, whatever, I had to go to that
02:56and after I'm done with that, if it's early, 11pm, I have to go back to dance practice
03:03and we practice till 1am in the morning
03:07and then we go home, have a shower and sleep
03:10Each day, I'm like so freaking tired
03:14Imagine doing that for 10 years, for maybe like $0 a day, $2 a day if you're lucky
03:20For 10 years
03:24One such contract which will make and destroy your life
03:28This contract is not only degrading in economic terms
03:31$0 a day, $2 a day if you're lucky
03:34But it's also degrading on the level of humanity
03:38For 10 years
03:39If you get hired through this contract, you'll get proper training, you'll be made a star
03:45But along with that, your labels will be controlling you completely
03:49And not just in music, your whole life, your label will control you
03:54The label will try their best to modify you so that you reach the industry standard
04:01and become the artist they want you to be
04:05And the main aim of these labels is to make you an artist who is very attractive
04:11And they'll make you a very good looking, heterosexual star
04:15Because that's their aim
04:17Like you see on YouTube, there are a lot of YouTubers who are good looking
04:21And because of that, they have a lot of crowd
04:23Keep talent aside, but because of that, they have a lot of crowd
04:27In the same way, K-pop labels work
04:30But K-pop labels do the same thing on a very massive scale
04:34Wait, wait, wait, wait
04:36Before moving forward in the video, I want to talk to you about a product
04:40Which I use myself, and it's a brand that I like a lot
04:44And I'm talking about Ayurvedic hair oil from Mustra
04:47This hair oil is very natural and of very high quality
04:51It has 8 natural herbs
04:53Ashwagandha, Neem, Red Onion, Bhringraj, Baheda, Rosemary, Harad, and Amla
04:57I've been using this for a long time and I've seen a difference
05:00Because of its ingredients, it fights hair fall, controls dandruff, and even prevents greying
05:07If you don't want to listen to me, then listen to the government
05:10Because Ayurvedic hair oil from Mustra is verified by the Ministry of Ayush
05:15This is a premium product and a very high quality product
05:18So it's a little expensive
05:20Because of this, Mustra and I have created a code for you
05:24You can see this code
05:26If you use this code, you will get a very good discount
05:29And you can easily buy this product
05:32So you can purchase and use Mustra's Ayurvedic hair oil yourself
05:35It's an amazing product, I'm using it myself and I've seen a difference
05:39Now let's go back to the video
05:42K-pop idols, K-pop stars are not only pressured by the label
05:47But they also feel a lot of pressure from the fans
05:50Because they are famous at a very massive level
05:53But because of those fans, there was a slight stop on these slave contracts
05:57Because the fans revolted a lot that these idols are not being kept properly
06:02These idols are not being cared for properly
06:04A lot of fans revolted
06:06After this, the whole culture of slave contracts has been reduced
06:11There have been a lot of such incidents
06:13In which idols have signed without reading the contract
06:16And after that they remain as a worker of the label
06:20They are doing total labor
06:22At the present time, the working of slave contracts has become a little normal
06:27But when the K-pop industry was being built at the initial level
06:30So when the new stars were there, a lot of bad things happened to them
06:35Because their slave contracts were very strict
06:38The idols who have signed the slave contract
06:40They have a monthly checkup
06:42Their weight is checked
06:44And it's very possible that if you don't look good
06:47Then they will ask you to reduce your weight
06:50Even if you are underweight
06:53And the labels have been caught many times
06:55That they collect all the stars together and take their test together
06:58And when someone's weight comes out more or someone is out of form
07:03Then he is humiliated
07:05And those K-pop idols can't even say anything because they are under the contract
07:09The labels and companies that put so much pressure on K-pop stars
07:13They justify themselves by saying that it is our job to show them the best looking
07:18That's part of the business
07:20And they are under the contract so they can't say anything
07:22Because the main job of those companies is
07:24To show their idols the best looking according to Korean standards
07:28Even if they are weak
07:30BTS which is probably the most successful group in K-pop
07:34One of their member Suga himself said that
07:36I think I myself will have to go on a diet
07:39Because my weight has increased a lot
07:41Even though I am underweight
07:43Still I have to go on a diet because I have to reduce my weight
07:46Because the industry wants me to come on television
07:48And I have to pay attention to my appearance
07:51Here you can see that a member himself is saying
07:54That he will have to control himself a lot
07:58He will have to control his diet even though he is underweight
08:00This shows that K-pop idols don't have any choice
08:04They will have to do what they have been asked to do
08:07Through companies and labels
08:09A lot of K-pop stars have exposed their slave contracts on YouTube
08:14Now the question is
08:16If you get a chance to be a part of the most successful boy band in the world
08:21You can be famous, you can have everything you want
08:24But you will have to sign a slave contract
08:27So what will you do?
08:29We have been talking about weight for so long
08:32But to match beauty standards
08:35Labels and companies go to such a level
08:38That they sometimes demand their idols to do plastic surgery
08:42There are a lot of K-pop stars who have told that
08:45Their nose was not in a specific shape
08:47So their nose was broken, refixed and set again
08:52Just so that they look good on camera
08:55And they can match a Korean beauty standard
08:58Body modifications and plastic surgery is also a big part of the K-pop industry
09:02But when you focus so much on the entertainment side
09:07Then you get the results too
09:10And you can see the results in tourism
09:12Because in South Korea
09:141 out of 13 tourists come because of K-pop
09:171 out of 13 people have to travel to South Korea because they like K-pop
09:21Imagine yourself that every year
09:233.6 billion dollars goes into the economy through K-pop
09:27And after that 1 out of 13 tourists come to that country because of K-pop
09:33So what level of power will these K-pop stars and K-pop bands have?
09:39So guys that's it for this video
09:40Thank you so much for watching
09:42I will try to put part 2 very soon
09:44Like this video
09:46Share it with your friends who like K-pop
09:49And part 2 coming soon
09:51So guys thank you so much for watching
09:53And I will meet you in the next video
