• 2 months ago


00:00We are in the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by advances in robotics,
00:07self-driving car technology, and the development of computer systems that could match or even
00:12surpass humans in intelligence.
00:15But do we really know what we're getting ourselves into?
00:19Here are 5 scary facts about artificial intelligence.
00:29Robots might demand rights just like humans.
00:32With the current trends in AI, it's possible that robots will reach a stage of self-realization.
00:38When that happens, they may demand for their rights as if they were humans.
00:43That is, they will require housing and health care benefits and demand to be allowed to
00:48vote, serve in the military, and be granted citizenship.
00:54In return, governments would make them pay taxes.
00:57Automatic killer robots are in use.
01:00When we say automatic killer robots, we mean robots that can kill without the interference
01:06of humans.
01:07Drones do not count because they are controlled by people.
01:11One of the automatic killer robots we're talking about is the SGR-A1, a sentry gun jointly
01:18developed by Samsung Techwin and Korea University.
01:23The SGR-A1 resembles a huge surveillance camera, except that it has a high-powered
01:29machine gun that can automatically lock on to and kill any target of interest.
01:36War robots can switch sides.
01:38In 2011, Iran captured a highly secretive RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone from the United
01:45States military intact, and that means that the drone was not shot down.
01:51Iran claims it forced the drone to land after spoofing its GPS signal and making it think
01:56it was in the friendly territory.
01:59Some U.S. experts claim that it's not true, but the drone wasn't shot down.
02:04So what happened?
02:05Well, Iran could be telling the truth.
02:08Drones, GPS, and robots are all based on computers, and as we all know, computers do get hacked.
02:17War robots would be no different if they ever make it to the battlefield.
02:21In fact, there is every possibility that the enemy army would make attempts to hack
02:26them and use them against the same army fielding them.
02:30War robots are not yet in widespread use, so we have never seen any hacked.
02:35However, imagine an army of robots suddenly switching side on the battlefield and turning
02:41against their own masters, or imagine North Korea hacking those SGR-A1 sentry guns and
02:47using them against South Korean soldiers.
02:51Machines will take our jobs.
02:53Machines will take over our jobs one day.
02:56However, what we don't realize is, when they will take over, and to what extent.
03:01Well, as we're about to find out, it's to a large extent.
03:06According to scientists, robots will take over 21% of the jobs in Japan, 30% of jobs
03:13in the United Kingdom, 35% of jobs in Germany, and 38% of jobs in the United States by the
03:21year 2030.
03:23By the next century, they will have taken over more than half of the jobs available
03:28to humans.
03:30The most affected sector will be transportation and storage, where 56% of the workforce will
03:36be machines.
03:38This is followed by the manufacturing and retail sectors, where machines will take over
03:4346 and 44% of all available jobs.
03:47AI could destroy us.
03:49There are fears that the world might end up in an AI apocalypse.
03:53The warnings that AI might destroy us aren't coming from some random scientist or conspiracy
03:58theorists, but from professionals like Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates.
04:03Bill Gates thinks AI will become too intelligent to remain under our control.
04:09Stephen Hawking shares the same opinion.
04:11He doesn't think AI will suddenly go crazy overnight.
04:15Rather, he believes machines will destroy us by becoming too good at what they do.
04:20Our conflict with AI will begin the moment their goals are no longer aligned with ours.
04:26Elon Musk has described the rise of AI as summoning the demon.
04:31He believes it is the biggest threat to humanity.
04:34To prevent the AI apocalypse, he has proposed that governments start regulating the development
04:40of AI before companies do something very foolish.
