Noah Lyles Takes Bronze Amid Health Challenges in 200m

  • last month
00:05Lyle's lost in the 200 meter, the three-time world champion in the 200.
00:14That's his featured event. It's his best race, the 200 meters. He said the other
00:21day that when he comes around the turn, he's going to win and he's going to be
00:26winning and then he got his ass beat and then he got a bronze that Narek passed
00:31him and got the silver and now there's a story out. I guess this is the excuse
00:38time that he has COVID. What's next? He chipped a fingernail? I mean, like
00:44honestly, like I don't want to hear it. If you had COVID, don't race. Well, I'll tell
00:48you what, you could tell he wasn't himself. He didn't use it as an excuse.
00:53His mother basically said he got COVID a couple of days ago. There's a, there's a
00:57lot of viruses going around there. All right. And I don't, you know, I wish I was
01:02there. Yeah. It seems like Scott, it's not the most sanitary. It's like, it's like
01:08being in Vegas, bro. It's like hanging out in Vegas. Like we did for a week and a half.
01:11It's like the most sanitary spot. So it sounds like a lot of people are getting
01:15sick. I've heard other COVID stories. Team Canada's Olympic village. Like we're
01:20violently ill, uh, all week, like half of the athletes. So there is something going
01:25on and he didn't make an excuse, Scott, but it just goes to show the
01:28unpredictability of this track and field and how crazy it's been. Dude, I said a
01:34million times that I wasn't the only one. So I don't feel stupid saying it. And
01:37people are repeating it right now saying, can you believe Noah Lyles won the 100
01:41and didn't win the 200? You know what I mean? He didn't even think he was going to
01:45win the 100. Like you said, the 200 is Noah Lyles, his baby. That's his thing.
01:49Right. That that's the one, like he thought he had locked up. He was minus 700
01:53at one point to win this race today. He ended up closing at 450, but he was 700
01:58yesterday. Um, I, maybe somebody knew something, but you know, unbelievable
02:03stuff. The dude from Botswana just took off. So it was like, it was like bizarro
02:07world. Noah Lyles won the 100. The girl from St. Lucia won the woman's 100 and
02:13then the 200 dude from Botswana. Uh, nice story. His mother just passed. He took
02:17the shoe off. He had the date on the shoe. They're blazing speed, man. Like,
02:22uh, dude, I, I don't learn my lesson for all. I keep losing. I keep betting on
02:26track and field and I keep telling you, like, I'm not betting on track and field
02:28anymore. And I keep doing, I keep losing.
