Balloons released in Walsall paying tribute to victims of Southport and violent crime.

  • 2 months ago
The Heroes Centre in Walsall (Summer school). Balloons were released and words were said to pay tribute to those involved in the Southport attack and also to those effected by Knife crime.
00:00Firstly, thank you for everyone coming down to this event. We gather here today not only to mourn the recent tragedies that have deeply affected the communities across the country, but also to unite in our resolve to combat the rise of knife crime.
00:14The recent events have left us heartbroken and in shock, and we extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends who have suffered unimaginable losses.
00:23So we're here at the Heroes Centre in Warsaw, and first off, what is the Heroes Centre?
00:28So Heroes is a private education establishment. We do a range of things from private tutoring to home education, childcare, and this holiday activity scheme that we're running in the six weeks holidays.
00:39Got you. And Sabina, it's been a special event here today. Lots of pink balloons. There were a lot more. A lot of them have gone flying off. What's happened here today?
00:46So we just wanted to build the community to come together with all the recent tragedies that happened across the country. I think Heroes wants to show the community that we are one.
00:56Yeah. So there's been a bit of a speech, a song, a minute's silence, and then a balloon release, which they went off well, didn't they?
01:03They did. They went really well.
01:04So this is to mark, kind of in recognition of the Southport incident and the amount of knife crime going on. Is that right?
01:10It is. We need to go over 100 metres to reduce knife crime around town.
01:15Totally. You have quite a lot of youngsters come here, don't you?
01:18We do. We have a range, don't we, from the ages of five, I believe, up to 16.
01:24Quite a number. Yeah. So it's just about putting a bit of positivity out back into the community.
01:29Well, thank you, folks. Much appreciated. Thank you.
01:32So it's the Nutting family. Is that right, guys? Yeah.
01:55And you've got a special balloon there. Dad on it. And what was your dad's name? Simon Nutting.
02:01And how long ago was it that you lost your dad? Eight years. Eight years, was it?
02:05Was it cancer? Mum was telling me. Is that right?
02:07So you do this every year, don't you, as a little tribute to remember him? Yeah.
02:11Fantastic. Are you going to let him go, are you, the balloon? Yes.
02:14Right. Shall we let you? Go on, then. Give us a countdown, one of you, and we'll catch you.
02:17Three, two, one, go.
02:26Idrish, we can see on the timetable there knife crime activity. So what does that encompass exactly?
02:31Yeah, so we just wanted to spread awareness.
02:45With a suitable education, so they're aware of what's going on, how they can stay safe,
02:49and how they can refer to any elders or teachers, et cetera, if they need any support and help.
