Sueños de libertad Cap 123 (16-08-24)

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07:22¿Qué te ha visto en la parada de autobús a la capital?
07:25Vestida de tiros largos.
07:27¿Qué se coge antes, a un mentiroso o a un cojo?
07:29¿A mí y a quién más ha visto?
07:32¿A nadie más?
07:34Porque seguro que el Ernesto de turno estaba en el cóctel
07:36o en una de esas fiestas a las que vas.
07:38María, que Tere no me ha podido ver
07:40cogiendo el autobús de línea a Madrid
07:42porque he ido en coche con Joaquín.
07:45¿Con tu marido?
07:46Es con él con quien he ido a Madrid estos días.
07:48Así que siento decepcionarte,
07:50pero no hay ningún amiguito en mi vida.
07:55En Lolita han tenido un problema.
07:56Y no nos llegará otro envío de lavanda refinada
07:58hasta la próxima semana.
08:00Ya sé que es una faena, pero no se puede hacer otra cosa.
08:02No, ninguna faena.
08:03No te preocupes que con la lavanda que tenemos por aquí
08:05nos va a llegar hasta la semana próxima.
08:11¿Algo más?
08:13No, no, nada más.
08:19Luis, cuando he enterado
08:21he notado que Joaquín y tú os tensabais
08:23y cambiabais de tema.
08:26No sé, no es la primera vez que pasa esta semana.
08:29Tensarnos, nosotros no.
08:30Yo creo que son imaginaciones tuyas.
08:32A ver, si no me lo quieres contar, no me lo cuentes.
08:34Pero por favor, Luis, no me mientas.
08:37No hace falta que te diga que si te preocupa algo
08:39puedes contar conmigo.
08:43Es un asunto estrictamente familiar, Andrés.
08:46Ya, pero tú y yo también somos familia, ¿no?
08:49Siempre nos hemos tratado más como hermanos
08:51que como primos.
08:55Por favor, te pido que no me insistas más.
08:57Bueno, solo te decía que puedes confiar en mí.
09:02O ya no.
09:04No sé, ¿ha cambiado algo?
09:07No, no ha cambiado nada.
09:08Es solo que yo soy...
09:10Yo soy un merino, y tú...
09:12Luis, por favor, que soy Andrés.
09:15Andrés La Reina, sí, y tú Luis Merino.
09:18Pero somos primos y amigos inseparables.
09:21No sé, pensé que nuestros apellidos a nosotros
09:23no nos afectarían, pero...
09:25Lo han hecho, ¿verdad?
09:31En fin, que si necesitas algo, ya sabes dónde estoy.
09:46¿Entonces hiciste con tu marido lo mismo que hacías
09:49con el sinvergüenza de Ernesto?
09:51Pues mira, lo mismo, lo mismo no.
09:53Que con Joaquín he hecho algo que con Ernesto no hice nunca.
09:58Después de pasear por el Madrid de los Austrias,
10:02reservamos una habitación de hotel,
10:04como si fuéramos dos amantes que se ven a escondidas.
10:08¿Entonces os habéis reconciliado de verdad?
10:10Tú no te alegres tanto, que por chafardear
10:13hubiera encontrado a otro Ernesto.
10:15Eso no es verdad, malpensada.
10:16¿Anda que tú?
10:18Bueno, cuéntame, ¿qué tal con el aburrido de tu marido?
10:22Ni te lo imaginas.
10:25Pero bueno, yo tengo mil tareas pendientes
10:27después de tantas escapadas, así que sigo a lo mío.
10:29Ah, no, no, tú te quedas aquí y me cuentas todos los detalles.
10:33Va, por favor.
10:44¿Estás bien?
10:52He hablado con Marta.
10:54Se lo he contado todo.
10:56¿Y estás bien? ¿Cómo se la ha tomado?
10:59Bueno, está muy afectada y... y dolida.
11:03Se ha mostrado muy comprensiva conmigo.
11:07Y una vez más, tienes razón.
11:09Me va a apoyar en todo.
11:12Entonces estás contento de habérselo contado.
11:15Sí, mucho.
11:17Luz, yo no quería ser una carga para ella, ¿no?
11:20Lo quería estorbar en su vida y...
11:23al ver cómo ha reaccionado,
11:24me he dado cuenta de lo mucho que le importó.
11:28No ha sido una conversación fácil.
11:30Lo sé.
11:32Lo sé.
11:33Aunque no lo ha sido fácil.
11:35Lo sé.
11:37Lo sé.
11:38Aunque no sea eso una pareja en la práctica,
11:40Marta te quiere con locura.
11:42Se preocupa por ti, eso ha quedado claro.
11:45Hemos compartido muchas cosas.
11:49Y parece que ahora también vamos a compartir mi enfermedad.
11:53Ya no vas a tener que ocultarlo con ella.
11:58Y es un alivio.
12:00Se ha ofrecido ayudarme con la medicación
12:03y con los cuidados que necesite.
12:06Aunque Marta te ayude, yo voy a estar aquí.
12:09Luz, cuento con ello.
12:13Es una suerte teneros a los dos.
12:25¿Ibas a contárselo a alguien más de la familia?
12:28No, no, no.
12:29No quiero dejarlo ahí.
12:31Marta ha accedido a cubrirme
12:35y hemos acordado que seguiré viniendo al dispensario
12:38hasta que pueda hacerlo.
12:42sabes que no vas a poder ocultarlo durante mucho tiempo.
12:47Tus síntomas son cada vez más frecuentes.
12:49Puedes sufrir una crisis delante de tu cuñado, de tus sueños...
12:52Bueno, Luz, si eso ocurre,
12:54no me quedará otro remedio que decirles a todos que...
12:59que me estoy muriendo.
13:01No pienses en eso.
13:02No, no quiero enfrentarme a esto.
13:04Necesito hacerlo.
13:06Llevo semanas evitando afrontar la realidad.
13:09Por eso me negaba a contárselo a nadie,
13:11porque pensaba que si no hablaba de ella,
13:16la enfermedad no sería real.
13:19Marta se merecía saberlo, y lo sabes.
13:24Siempre tiene razón.
13:27Sí, y se le contó que me ha quitado un peso de encima.
13:35Es lo que tiene guardar secretos,
13:38que son difíciles de cargar.
13:41Igual, tú deberías hacer lo mismo.
13:43Liberarte de tu carrera, hablar con Luis
13:45y decirle quién eres en realidad.
13:47No, no, no. Eso no puede ser.
13:51Marta lo ha entendido cuando se lo he dicho.
13:54Luis seguro que también lo hace.
13:56Es que no es lo mismo.
13:58Es que yo soy una farsante.
14:01He cometido delitos.
14:03No lo compares.
14:04No, tú solo te has arriesgado para ayudar a la gente.
14:07Y estoy segura de que no es lo mismo.
14:09No lo compares.
14:10No, tú solo te has arriesgado para ayudar a la gente.
14:13Y estoy seguro que Luis lo va a ver así.
14:16Eso no lo sabes.
14:17Sí, sí lo sé.
14:19¿Y sabes por qué estoy tan seguro?
14:23Porque te quiere.
14:25Y aunque así sea, no sabemos si eso es suficiente.
14:29Me has convencido para que hablara con Marta y me has sentado muy bien.
14:33Haz tú lo mismo.
14:34Habla con él. Ábrete al hombre que amas.
14:42Tienes toda la vida por delante.
14:48Cada minuto hasta el final.
14:53Y te lo dice alguien que se ha dado cuenta justo ahora de lo importante que es el tiempo.
15:09¡Hijo de puta!
15:56Con permiso.
15:57Carmen Recas está aquí, pregúnta si pueda atenderle.
16:00¿Maria del Carmen?
16:02Siéntate, por favor.
16:05Mr. Damián, I just came to thank you for paying Tassio's bail.
16:14You have nothing to thank for, it's just money.
16:17Tassio is very lucky to have you.
16:19You were very convincing when you asked me to pay his bail.
16:22Well, I've done much more than pay the bail.
16:24I know you've repaid all the money Tassio had collected in advance.
16:28It was the only way to get rid of all the complaints against him.
16:32Anyway, even if he were my son, I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't convinced of his innocence.
16:42Thank you very much.
16:44And you, personally, have lost a lot.
16:50Well, yes. Why would I deceive him?
16:53You have every right to be furious with him, but I would ask you to loosen up a bit.
16:59And to be understanding with your husband.
17:03Understanding? After he took the money from me?
17:07He needs something to hold on to.
17:10Because if he doesn't, he might get out of control and take the easy way out.
17:15But he's your husband.
17:17And you must love him with his flaws.
17:19That's your duty as a wife.
17:22To always be by his side, accompanying him.
17:24I'm sorry, but I think it's very unfair to put the responsibility of what Tassio does on me.
17:31He's an adult now.
17:32I'm just asking you to loosen up a bit.
17:36Well, don't worry.
17:38I know how to treat my husband. I know him even better than you do.
17:42And I know he doesn't understand half of it.
17:45Excuse me.
17:46One last thing, Marial Carmen.
17:52I don't want the family relationship between me and Tassio to be affected in any way.
17:57Do you understand?
17:59You don't have to worry.
18:01Have a good afternoon, Mr. Damián.
18:12We have to get back to work as soon as possible.
18:15I've missed it too much, all these days with so much fuss.
18:19Of course. And what excuse did you make this time?
18:21What did we go out to buy? We'll have to buy something on the way back.
18:24Very good, very good. It is important that those of the queen do not suspect anything.
18:36What did they tell you at the bank?
18:38They won't give us the loan.
18:40What? But why?
18:43Despite my salary as a manager, our two payrolls are not enough guarantee for the money we are asking for.
18:49Damn banks, all the client's life is for this.
18:55Yes, apart from the fact that everyone has already recovered the money they gave me.
18:58But don't think that no one came to apologize for the complaint or thank me or something like that.
19:02But keep the good things, man.
19:04At least you have managed to get all the complaints removed.
19:07Don't make a face like Moíno or make yourself the victim.
19:09Deep down you are a very lucky person.
19:12Carmen has been there supporting you. You have a woman of flag.
19:16Carmen, I was just telling Tassio.
19:19We are lucky to be married to you.
19:21Yes, I already know that.
19:23Do I put something on you?
19:25No, thank you, Agapa.
19:27Well, I'm going outside, I have the terrace full.
19:37So what do we do?
19:39We abandon the project of the spa.
19:43It seems that there is no other remedy.
19:45There is another solution.
19:48We are going to mortgage this house.
19:54This family has been in a situation that does not correspond to it for too long.
19:58It is not the time to wrinkle or to be overcome by fear.
20:05Mother, but if something goes wrong with the spa,
20:08we could lose this house.
20:10We could lose this house.
20:12Yes, mother, Joaquín is right.
20:14In a project of such magnitude, there are too many things that can be twisted.
20:18My mother taught me that it is in moments of doubt
20:21when one discovers what person is in reality,
20:24whether a fighter or a conformist.
20:27We have been second for too long.
20:31If life offers you an opportunity to change things,
20:35we should not turn our backs on it.
20:37Especially if that opportunity comes from your father.
20:43I'm going to ask you a question.
20:45Do you both trust this project?
20:48Do you think it can give us back the prestige and the place that belongs to us?
20:55Yes, we believe.
20:57Me too.
20:59Very well.
21:01Then we will fight tooth and nail to get it.
21:06I agree, mother.
21:08Conformism is over.
21:11Long live the Merinos!
21:16Look, Carmen, my love, don't worry.
21:18Everyone thinks it was you.
21:20No one imagines that it was Don Damián who gave the money and who put it all ahead.
21:26If I am free, it is thanks to you.
21:28You talked to my father. I will remember that all my life.
21:36What's wrong?
21:39The thing is...
21:42I can't forgive you so easily.
21:46I don't want this.
21:48But you have to forgive.
21:50I thought everything was forgiven.
21:52I just ask you to trust me, please.
21:54You looked me in the eye, Octavio.
21:56And you told me you were not going to get into that business.
21:59How can I trust you?
22:01Well, woman, because I have already learned the lesson.
22:04I swear to God that this will never happen again.
22:10Until you do something else and do whatever you want without taking me into account.
22:15Carmen, no.
22:19Really, no.
22:24I want you to go home.
22:28You can settle in La Colonia.
22:31Your friend Iñigo has left a free bed.
23:04Do you know that I am a world champion at coloring without leaving the line?
23:13Do you remember what happened when you turned seven?
23:16Well, the truth is that no.
23:19I had asked for a fairy costume as a gift.
23:22But my father decided to buy me a very boring book.
23:25And I got angry and locked myself in my room.
23:28But soon you appeared with the fairy costume.
23:33Well, no.
23:34I did not remember.
23:36So from that day on I realized that I have the best grandfather in the world.
23:43And I the smartest granddaughter.
23:47This one is finished.
23:49Come on, now you continue with those.
23:51You go very slow.
23:55Grandpa, are you okay?
23:58Yes, I'm fine.
24:00Very good.
24:01Don't worry, little one.
24:11I just remembered that I have to talk to uncle Andrés about something.
24:16Are you still coloring?
24:18You have done very well.
24:27What's up, my love?
24:31Do you think something is wrong with Grandpa?
24:34He is very sad.
24:36He was almost crying now.
24:38What could happen to him?
24:40Surely nothing happens to him.
24:42He must be tired.
24:44Come on, then you continue.
24:46We have to have a snack.
24:48Let's go.
25:07For him it is very important to know that he has your support.
25:13And I'm glad he trusted me to tell me, but ...
25:18Oh, no matter how hard it is, I wish he had told me before.
25:23I'm sorry.
25:25I'm sorry.
25:27I'm sorry.
25:28I should have told you before.
25:30I also have to apologize for not telling you when you asked me.
25:36You don't have to apologize for anything.
25:39I understand perfectly that you say it like that,
25:41although now I would ask you to be as honest as possible.
25:46Sit down.
25:56What do you want to know?
25:58Jaime says the tumor is inoperable.
26:01But something can be done.
26:03He is a young and strong man. He can't leave without fighting.
26:06The tumor is in a very complicated place.
26:09Okay, maybe he can't operate in Spain, but he can in a foreign country.
26:12We can go to North America because money is not a problem.
26:17Martha, I know it is very difficult to accept it.
26:20But no doctor can do anything for him, neither here nor in America.
26:29So no.
26:32There is no hope.
26:37Why does this have to happen to him?
26:40It's not fair, Luz. No.
26:42He has a lot to live.
26:43Martha, there is no possible explanation. That's why it hurts so much.
26:48Jaime has been hit by the worst cards.
26:51Nothing else.
27:09Oh, I woke you up.
27:12Don't worry.
27:16Yes, I've been sleeping for a long time.
27:25Why did you lie down? You are sick.
27:30No, I'm just very tired.
27:33How was your day?
27:34Fine. I finished the science notebook.
27:38Did Isidro help you?
27:40No, there was little left and I finished it alone.
27:44Hey, do you know if something happens to Grandpa?
27:49That I know, right?
27:52No, because a while ago he was helping me with the notebook
27:56and suddenly he has become very sad.
27:59It almost seemed like he was going to cry.
28:02I don't know, it makes me think.
28:05Think about what?
28:07What if Grandpa is sick?
28:09What if it happens to him like Mercedes?
28:12Honey, I don't think Grandpa is sick.
28:16He is a strong and healthy man.
28:19But sometimes the older ones, well, we are sad.
28:24Maybe he remembered Grandma Catalina.
28:26I'm sure he misses her a lot.
28:31Poor Grandpa.
28:32I'm sorry he's so sad, for how good he is.
28:37How are the exams? How are you doing?
28:39Well, tomorrow I have the Spanish language exam,
28:42but I know everything.
28:44Well, to be sure, I'll give you the lesson.
28:48But first we're going for a walk.
28:50No, but...
28:54Okay, go change your shoes, I don't want you to get the school ones dirty.
28:57Right away.
29:06Excuse me, can I clean the bedroom?
29:09You don't need to.
29:10Gemma has already cleaned it properly this morning.
29:13How strange, if it's her who tells me to come clean.
29:21No, no, this morning she was cleaning before I went to work.
29:25In fact, we were talking for a while.
29:28Well, she told me she spent all morning cooking
29:30and preparing the orders for the colmado.
29:33I'm sure what she's telling me didn't happen yesterday.
29:40It could be, yes.
29:43So what do I do? Do I clean or not?
29:47Whatever you think is right, Gemma.
30:01You've been very alone with him.
30:07Jaime is very important to me.
30:12There's something you should know, and that is...
30:17He and I are not together anymore.
30:21I'm sorry.
30:23I didn't know.
30:24No, the...
30:25The truth is that he hasn't given me a choice.
30:28I knew our relationship had a expiration date,
30:30but I didn't know, I thought that...
30:34Maybe he wanted us to be...
30:37That we were together until...
30:39But I think that if...
30:40If Jaime is acting like this, it's because...
30:44He wants to stay calm and think that...
30:46That he's not going to affect our lives when he's not around.
30:50No wonder I think that...
30:52We should do what he needs.
30:55And respect his wishes.
30:59Yes, I think that because we're not together, I'm not going to worry about him.
31:02I was wrong.
31:04Because I'm going to be by his side, yes.
31:07I'm going to be by his side.
31:09And yours.
31:17What's wrong?
31:20Jaime's illness.
31:23What awaits him.
31:26It's going to be very hard.
31:34It's going to be hard for him.
31:37And for us.
31:44That's why we have to support each other.
31:47We will.
32:03We have to start with the preparations for the celebration of the company's 30th anniversary.
32:08I had thought of Begoña to organize the celebrations, but in his condition...
32:12I don't know.
32:13I have serious doubts.
32:15Maybe it would be good for him to do something to distract himself.
32:18And forget about his mother.
32:20Although I don't know if so much organization...
32:28Man, we were just talking about something that might interest you.
32:32Yes, we wanted to propose something to you.
32:36You know that this year the factory's 30th anniversary has been fulfilled.
32:39And my father was thinking of doing something special for the workers.
32:44Yes, I know, I know. Do you want me to advise you?
32:47No, no, Maria. We want you to take care of everything.
32:50If you want, of course.
32:54I would love to.
32:55Yes, yes.
32:56Your brothers agree.
32:57You don't have to worry about that.
32:59I give the good look and that's enough.
33:01I'm glad you're counting on me for something so important.
33:04I'm not going to let you down, really.
33:06I know.
33:07And I also know that whatever you organize, it will be better if you do it.
33:11I know that.
33:25Come in.
33:27Come in.
33:30Good afternoon, Don Jesús.
33:32What is it?
33:35Here is last month's account.
33:40Very well. You can go home now. Thanks, Isabel.
33:44I still haven't met my schedule.
33:47I know.
33:48And I also know that the other day you made extra hours so that we could finish the dossier on the North American market.
33:55Although then it wouldn't help us much, really.
33:58So, the project is ruled out?
34:03My dear sister convinced Andrés and Luis that it was a bad idea.
34:07I already noticed this morning that there was a lot of tension between you and Mrs. Marta, if I may say so.
34:14Of course I allow you.
34:16Look, where do you intend to dispute my leadership in the company by opposing my proposals?
34:20And it may have won this time, but it won't be like that the next time.
34:25Your aspirations are too big for her.
34:27I shouldn't underestimate her.
34:31It's obvious that Mrs. Marta has a lot of influence over Don Luis and Don Andrés.
34:37Much more than you.
34:39It's true. The three of them usually go hand in hand.
34:43But don't worry, I'm used to dealing with it.
34:46Maybe everything would be much easier for you if there was a way to neutralize Mrs. Marta.
34:54A weak point.
34:56My sister doesn't have weak points.
35:00Or does she?
35:01Look, it's a delicate issue.
35:06Isabel, are we alone? Speak up.
35:10Let's say that I happened to find out about a secret from your sister.
35:14Something that she wouldn't want anyone to know and that affects her personal life.
35:23Does she have a lover?
35:33A lover.
35:36She's one of the store employees.
35:39A woman.
35:45Isidro's daughter.
35:48No, it's not possible.
35:51I saw them kissing, there's no doubt.
35:53Marta can be many things, but she's not a pervert.
35:57But this is the point.
36:00It doesn't matter.
36:01Marta can be many things, but she's not a pervert.
36:04But this is the point.
36:07No buts.
36:08Marta is a queen, and in my family we don't have people like that.
36:12Whatever you say, but I know what I saw.
36:14Well, you'd look bad.
36:15Or you'd misinterpret something.
36:23I'm sorry.
36:26Can I go now?
36:27You must leave now.
36:29See you tomorrow.
36:59See you tomorrow.
37:09I'm also going to put away the soap bags with Andres' help.
37:13Do you need anything else?
37:15Don't make too many efforts, and then you'll rest.
37:20I've listened to you.
37:22I told Dina my...
37:25My secrets.
37:27For being closer to her.
37:29It helped me to lose her.
37:33I'm sorry.
37:34I didn't want it to be that way.
37:37But even so, I think you did the right thing.
37:40I'm glad to hear that.
37:43I'm sorry, Damián, but I think...
37:46No, no.
37:47You're my boss, and I shouldn't question you.
37:49But we're also friends, so talk.
37:51Well, precisely as friends.
37:54But it's increasingly difficult to understand.
37:56Especially because I know there's a secret about Valentín that Dina hasn't told her.
38:02You mean the ring you found in the car?
38:05I never asked her what that ring did in the trunk.
38:09But after finding out that Clotilde and Valentín had been lovers,
38:13I keep asking myself questions.
38:16What kind of questions?
38:18Look, I don't want to think about things that aren't true.
38:23That's why I ask you to be honest.
38:27Sit down.
38:39You see, Isidro,
38:43a few months ago,
38:45Jesus went up to the attic,
38:48and among Clotilde's things, he found several memories of Valentín.
38:53Love letters,
38:56and that ring.
38:58That's when Jesus realized that Valentín and Clotilde had been lovers.
39:04So you're the one who gave Valentín that ring to Clotilde?
39:08It seems more than obvious, doesn't it?
39:10It must have been a hard blow for Jesus to make that discovery.
39:14You can't even imagine, Isidro.
39:17The poor man was devastated.
39:19He didn't want to keep those memories, obviously.
39:22But he didn't have the strength to get rid of them,
39:25so he asked me to do it.
39:29I put everything in the car and took him to the field to burn it.
39:33That must have been when the ring fell.
39:36I see.
39:39I understand, Damian.
39:41Was it then when he found out that Julia wasn't his blood?
39:45No, that was a little later.
39:48On the one hand, I thought Dina should know,
39:50but on the other hand, I wanted to keep Jesus' secret.
39:54He was going through a lot of shame and pain,
39:58and I didn't want to betray him.
40:00I understand, Caro.
40:03For a son, you do that and much more.
40:05But then, when the sad news of Valentín's death arrived,
40:11I felt that Dina should know that Julia was his granddaughter.
40:16My intention was to compensate for the pain I felt,
40:21but I only managed to lose her.
40:27I'm sorry.
40:29I've always tried to do good,
40:33to help everyone.
40:37But when I did it,
40:39when I did it,
40:41it seems that I have only managed to
40:45cause harm
40:47among the people I care about the most.
41:02I guess his mother's death has left him very touched.
41:06Poor thing.
41:09Dina, please.
41:11I'd like you to free Gema from her homework
41:14so she can help me organize the anniversary.
41:16I knew it. No problem.
41:18Teresa and I will take care of the house.
41:21Thank you very much.
41:22I guess the anniversary party
41:24is going to make your days very complicated.
41:26Go get some rest.
41:28Good night.
41:29See you tomorrow.
41:31I'm glad you didn't go.
41:32What's wrong?
41:33I couldn't find my medallion.
41:34I had it on the table last night, but it's gone.
41:36I don't know. Have you put it somewhere else?
41:38No, no, no. I left it there. I'm sure of it.
41:40I remember it perfectly.
41:42Well, I also remembered that Dina had cleaned the room
41:44and it hadn't been like that.
41:46I don't know why she's not going to look
41:47if she's put it somewhere else.
41:48I've searched every corner of the bedroom
41:50and that's why I'm asking you.
41:51Because you've cleaned our room, haven't you?
41:53Well, if she can't find it,
41:54maybe it's because she had it on when she went out for a walk
41:56and she lost it.
41:57Yes, because the lock was broken.
41:59No, I didn't have it on when I went out with Julia
42:01and the lock was perfect.
42:02Please don't take me for stupid.
42:03Begoña, darling.
42:04They're not insinuating that you're stupid.
42:06They're trying to help you.
42:08Let's do one thing.
42:11Go upstairs and take a look
42:13to see if I can find it by chance.
42:34Luis, come in, please.
42:35Is everything okay?
42:39Sit down.
42:42Is something wrong?
42:49I wanted to explain to you
42:52why I refused to be with you.
42:54It was pretty clear, wasn't it?
42:57You couldn't have a relationship with me
43:00given your commitment to medicine.
43:03Or was it not true?
43:09there are more things.
43:12Like what?
43:15I'm not a doctor.
43:18I didn't study medicine, nor do I have a degree.
43:22I know what you're going to tell me.
43:25I know everything you need to know to practice medicine.
43:29But I don't have a role to play to make you believe it.
43:33That's the truth.
43:35I've lied to everyone I've met since I was an adult.
43:42I don't understand.
43:43Then how...
43:45How did you learn medicine without studying?
43:49Dr. Borrell explained everything to me.
43:51He explained everything I knew.
43:54I learned from him.
43:56I started serving at his house as a child and...
43:59I was fascinated by his work.
44:03He was able to heal people.
44:07I don't know how, but he saw something in me and...
44:12He made me his disciple.
44:14His disciple.
44:17So Dr. Borrell wasn't your father.
44:21Another lie.
44:23Another lie.
44:29Does anyone else know this?
44:33Only Jaime.
44:36I see.
44:38You did tell him.
44:39No, no, no. He discovered me.
44:42I knew he was sick. He knew that...
44:46I wasn't a doctor and...
44:47Sharing secrets didn't work out.
44:51But we're not together anymore.
44:55I don't understand how well you get along.
45:04The truth is that I've never stopped loving you, Luis.
45:18Why are you doing this to me?
45:20What do you want?
45:25I love you.
45:28I just want you to know who I am.
45:31The problem is that I don't know who you are anymore.
45:35The only thing I can see in front of me is...
45:38A stranger.
45:40And a liar.
45:41Luis, please, I...
45:42A stranger.
45:43And a liar.
45:45Luis, please, I...
46:10I'm Pocahontas
46:11Yes, he put a simple medallion Maria Maria
46:16She for a time important to let me ask we dad on poco mejor
46:22No, no, it's the receivers kick our game. I see ninguno. Do you know a cargo contra?
46:26Gemma por favor solamente le echo una pregunta y yo la he contestado
46:29Que no sé nada de esa medallita
46:31Emma por favor que no te estoy acusando de nada que solamente quiero encontrar una explicación la explicación está clarísima que no sabes lo que
46:36Dices ni lo que hablas maria está pasando aquí
46:39Que doña begoña perdido su medallita y está empeñada en echarme la culpa no la he perdido os juro que ha
46:46Desaparecido la dejé donde siempre en el cajón de mi mesilla de noche de verdad me ha dicho que no la ha cogido
46:57Gracias donde estaba en el cajón de tu mesita
47:08No no no puede ser lo he vaciado entero tampoco me explico que ha podido pasar
47:22Lo siento
