INDEF: 99% Masyarakat Sepakat Produk Impor Ilegal Dibasmi

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Surveri Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) menyebut, 99% netizen sepakat produk impor ilegal harus dibasmi. Meski demikian, masyarakat meminta kualitas produk dalam negeri ditingkatkan, agar bisa bersaing dengan produk impor.


00:00Survey Institute for Development of Economic and Finance or INDEF says that 99% of netizens agree that illegal import products must be banned.
00:14However, people ask for the quality of domestic products to be improved so that they can compete with imported products.
00:21Director of Development of Big Data INDEF, Eko Listianto, says that 99% of netizens agree that illegal import products must be banned because illegal import products will only kill local businesses.
00:36On the other hand, people ask for the quality of domestic products to be improved because if not, consumers will still find it difficult to compete with domestic products.
00:44The results are based on an analysis conducted by INDEF on people's response on social media about illegal import products and import taxes.
00:53The analysis was conducted from July 25 to August 6, 2024.
00:58From the results of the analysis, netizens also ask why illegal import products can be banned.
01:03In addition, they also question the results of the survey.
01:07Survey Institute for Development of Economic and Finance or INDEF says that 99% of netizens agree that illegal import products must be banned.
01:20Interestingly, they also hope that the quality of domestic products must be maintained and improved.
01:29On the one hand, they agree that illegal import products must be banned.
01:35On the other hand, domestic products must also be maintained so that consumers are still interested in our domestic products.
01:46On the other hand, as many as 64.09% of netizens do not believe in import taxes to cope with illegal imports.
01:53The reason is based on the policy of previous tax reform.
01:56Tax reform is considered not to have a significant effect.
01:59The smuggling of illegal goods in addition to gaining appreciation also gained criticism from netizens.
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