Adi Sarana Armada (ASSA) Tingkatkan Kinerja Logistik

  • last month
PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA) masih gencar melakukan peremajaan dan pembelian unit kendaraan rental. Tahun ini manajemen perseroan telah menyiapkan dana belanja modal tahun 2024 di Kisaran Rp1,3 triliun hingga Rp1,5 triliun. Adapun dana belanja modal yang telah terserap hingga Semester I-2024 senilai Rp324 miliar.


00:00Thank you for staying with us. We have information from the capital market emitter.
00:10PT Adi Sarana Armada TBK is still in the process of youth development and the purchase of rental vehicle units.
00:15And this year, the investment management has prepared capital spending funds for 2024 in the range of 1.3 trillion to 1.5 trillion rupiah.
00:24There are also capital spending funds that have been absorbed until the first semester of 2024 worth 324 billion rupiah.
00:34Until the first semester of 2024, PT Adi Sarana Armada TBK managed to absorb capital spending funds worth 324 billion rupiah.
00:42The majority of the capital spending is used for youth development and the purchase of rental vehicle units.
00:48This year, ASA will also focus more on the development of the end-to-end logistics service portfolio,
00:53which is expected to increase income from the business-to-business segment,
00:57so that it can make a positive contribution to income and service life this year.
01:02Since the development began, Logistic Cargo Share, which focuses on B2B services, has gained many new customers.
01:10In the past, Logistic Cargo Share added business to Cold Chain Logistics.
01:18Previously, Logistic Cargo Share only focused on Dry Logistics through the Tracking Armada,
01:24Halal Certification Logistics, and Warehouse Management, and this service was originally only focused on the Business-to-Consumer segment.
01:31As the number of services and segments widened, ASA continues to strengthen its vehicle armada.
01:37In 2024, the company aims for a conservative growth.
01:42ASA aims for a two-digit growth rate and an income of around 5-10% compared to 2023.
01:49ASA aims for the rental business to continue to grow stably or in line with the increase in Indonesia's GDP.
01:56Meanwhile, the logistics business is expected to grow positively with a focus on the B2B market.
02:06For more stories, visit
