Gali Perkembangan Indeks Literasi dan Inklusi Keuangan

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Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) merilis hasil survei nasional literasi dan inklusi keuangan tahun 2024. Hasil survei menunjukkan indeks literasi keuangan masyarakat Indonesia mencapai 65,43% sedangkan indeks inklusi keuangan diangka 75,02%.


00:00IDX First Session Closing
00:05Back with us in IDX First Session Closing
00:08The Financial Services Authority and the Central Statistical Body
00:11released the results of the National Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey in 2024
00:16The survey shows that the Indonesian Financial Literacy Index reached 65.43%
00:22while the Financial Inclusion Index reached 75.02%
00:27IDX First Session Closing
00:29The Financial Services Authority and the Central Statistical Body
00:32released the results of the National Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey in 2024
00:37In the PERS-PELT Conference, Head of the BPS Amalia Adiningar was announced
00:41Based on the results of the 2024 survey, the Indonesian Financial Literacy Index reached 65.43%
00:48while the Financial Inclusion Index was recorded at 75.02%
00:53To put it simply, the results of the survey show that 65.43% of the Indonesian population
00:58have met the criteria for financial literacy
01:01and 75.02% of the population have access to financial products and services
01:06The Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index for 2023
01:13based on the results of the 2024 survey
01:17shows that the Financial Literacy Index reached 65.43%
01:26while the Financial Inclusion Index reached 75.02%
01:33So, 65.43% of the Indonesian population have met the criteria for financial literacy
01:42and 75.02% of the Indonesian population have access to financial products and services
01:56The Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index for 2023
02:00is higher than the Financial Services Authority
02:02For example, the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index is 65.08% and 73.55%
02:11while the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index is 39.11% and 12.88%
02:26The National Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey for 2024
02:30shows that the Indonesian Financial Literacy Index reached 65.43%
02:36while the Financial Inclusion Index reached 75.02%
02:40as stated by the OJK and BPS
02:45The National Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey for 2024
02:49uses financial literacy parameters
02:53based on knowledge, skills, confidence, attitude, and behavior
02:58while the Financial Inclusion Index
03:00uses usage parameters for financial products and services
03:05This usage parameter is called according to the indicator used in OECD
03:10or INFE, International Survey of Financial Literacy
03:15The results of the National Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey for 2024
03:18based on the classification mentioned by the OJK and BPS
03:21where the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index in urban areas
03:26is higher than in rural areas
03:29where the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index in urban areas is 69.71%
03:35and the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index in rural areas is 59.25%
03:40Based on gender, the survey shows that
03:44the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index in women is higher
03:47than the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index in men
03:50which is 66.75% and 64.14%
03:57On the other hand, the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index in women is higher
04:02than the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index in men
04:04which is 76.08% and 73.97%
04:10The Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Index by the OJK
04:13shows that various factors affect access to financial services
04:19such as education, public welfare, and infrastructure
04:24Meanwhile, the government continues to pursue the financial inclusion target of 90%
04:30which can be achieved in 2024 with various efforts
04:35So, what are the government's efforts in this matter?
04:38Let's take a look at the information
04:43In the opening of the Indonesian Digital Finance and Creative Arts Economic Festival
04:48the Minister of Finance and Finance Coordinator of the Ministry of Finance and Finance
04:51has ensured that the government will continue to cooperate with various components
04:55in launching various programs to achieve the target of 90% financial inclusion in 2024
05:01One of the programs that continues to be strengthened is the Malucuris digital financing program
05:07The government continues to increase financial inclusion such as QR code
05:13which is supported by the National Institute of Financial Inclusion
05:17and collaboration with third parties such as Strive with Mastercard
05:22Promise to Impact with ILO
05:25and various programs that will be delivered later by Governor PI
05:29who cooperates with the OJK and the industry
05:33Indonesia itself is of course no stranger to Curis
05:36where Curis is a QR code standard
05:39which is used by all payment system providers in Indonesia
05:43Curis itself aims to facilitate transactions
05:46both for sellers or merchants and consumers
05:49Curis is a store or merchant that receives transaction payments using QR code
05:54only need to install one QR code to accept transaction payments
05:58while the consumer does not need to bother to make payments
06:02because it is enough by only moving Curis which is already available in the store or related merchant
06:07covered by IDX
06:13It turns out that Curis itself is also a support tool
06:16to pursue financial inclusion targets in Indonesia
06:19where Indonesia itself continues to accelerate the transformation of the payment system
06:24in line with the growth of digital payment
06:27which reached 123% in the last five years
06:32One of the digital payments initiated by BI
06:35namely Curis or Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard
06:39which is now a popular payment technology in Indonesia
06:42I'm sure you're not a stranger or have been using Curis every day
06:47Proven with the presence of Curis as a digital payment
06:50Indonesia Bank notes that per June 2024
06:53Curis users have reached 50.5 million users
06:57and is targeted to reach 55 million users this year
07:02Currently, the number of merchants using Curis has reached 32.7 million
07:07where 95% of Curis merchants are MSMEs
07:10Indonesia Bank further explains
07:12Curis was originally a payment facility
07:14but unknowingly, Curis has been used as a financial inclusion tool in Indonesia
07:21Meanwhile, the most recent business, Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard or Curis
07:26now has a new variation
07:28that is by using technology based on Tap Near Field Communication or TAP NFC
07:34This NFC technology has been found in electronic cards or e-money
07:39However, Curis TAP NFC is still in the early stages
07:43so we still can't use it
07:45to just tap without moving from your mobile phone or gadget
07:50to be able to directly make payments
07:52Nevertheless, this indicates that there will be other major innovations
07:56in the payment system in Indonesia
08:00In an effort to achieve an inclusive and high target of financial literacy index in Indonesia
08:06OJK reveals the irony that happens in the middle of society
08:09especially with the people trapped in illegal financial activities
08:13And to be more clear about this, let's see the complete information
08:21The Financial Services Authority says
08:23although the Indonesian Financial Literacy Index is high
08:26unfortunately, the practice of illegal financial entities is still active
08:30Because of its high literacy, it turns out to be defeated by greedy or surrogate actors
08:35and instant actors in society
08:38There is also the results of the National Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey 2024 shown
08:43The financial literacy index reached 65.43%
08:47and the financial inclusion index was 75.02%
08:52Even so, the level of understanding about finance is still defeated by instant or greedy actors
08:59Therefore, OJK states that the effort to eradicate illegal financial entities must be done in a collaborative way
09:05Not only the strengthening of literacy or financial understanding
09:08but also the strengthening of legal regulation and enforcement
09:12But the level of understanding of the people is actually quite high
09:16it is often defeated by the behavior caused by greed
09:24and instant or surrogate actors
09:27For example, if you are taught to invest slowly and slowly
09:32but for the future
09:34it is often defeated by the behavior of people who want it fast, instant
09:39and also want it bigger and bigger and so on
09:43Therefore, what we do, of course, cannot only strengthen literacy and financial security
09:52which is very important and we must do it
09:54but it must also be combined with the strengthening of legal regulation and enforcement
09:59and must be done in a collaborative way by all parties
10:04According to the OJK report in January to July 31, 2024
10:0910,104 complaints of illegal entities were reported
10:139,596 complaints of illegal online loans
10:17and 508 complaints of illegal investment
10:21while the number of illegal entities that have been stopped or blocked
10:25as many as 149 illegal investments and 1,591 illegal loans
10:31covered by IDXU
10:41Yes, of course, this is a pity
10:43in the middle of the high literacy in Indonesia
10:46there are many of us who are still trapped in illegal financial activities
10:52because the OJK itself says that we can be literate digitally
10:58but not financially literate
11:01so the information or facilities offered out there
11:06cannot be filtered or filtered
11:08so in the end we have to be trapped in illegal financial activities
11:12Meanwhile, related to the OJK's efforts to improve the quality of financial literacy in Indonesia
11:17the OJK reported that it has implemented more than 1,700 financial education activities
11:22which reach more than 3 million people in Indonesia
11:25This is supported by the massive publication of financial education on minisites
11:29and application of Sikap Uangmu and access module learning management
11:35The OJK continues to increase in financial literacy
11:38This is supported by the strengthening of the financial inclusion program
11:41through synergy with various parties
11:43with the Regional Access Acceleration Team or TPAKD
11:48The number of TPAKD in July 2024 is 530
11:52or about 96% of the total area in Indonesia
11:57This year's OJK held financial literacy and inclusion activities
12:01among others, socialization and education to elementary and high school students
12:06the Desaku Cakap Keuangan program
12:08financial education to fishermen in East Belitung regency
12:12This effort is part of the OJK's efforts to improve people's understanding
12:15related to financial products and services
12:17through subsidies to village organizations and the surrounding communities
12:23Of course, we have to appreciate and be grateful
12:26if the level of literacy and financial inclusion in Indonesia is already quite high
12:31However, we have to pay attention to the quality of literate people
12:36and people who are already inclusive in the financial sector
12:40whether this can be improved further
12:42so that everyone can understand well including the consequences of the law
12:47if in the end there are things that are violated
12:50especially for financial services providers
12:52or from the people themselves
12:54who may already know but still need to be done
12:57to access financial services
13:01And that's all the information in this segment
13:03Make sure you are still with us in IDX First Session Closing
