OJK Wajibkan Bank Masuk Anti Scam Center

  • last month
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) memastikan akan meningkatkan perlindungan masyarakat terhadap berbagai macam modus penipuan, dengan membentuk Anti Scam Center. OJK akan mewajibkan semua bank untuk bergabung dalam tim Anti Scam Center demi memastikan perlindungan masyarakat terhadap banyaknya modus kejahatan yang menggunakan rekening bank.

Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Perilaku Pelaku Usaha Jasa Keuangan, Edukasi dan Perlindungan Konsumen OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi menjelaskan, inisiatif pembentukan tim khusus tersebut muncul setelah melihat maraknya kasus kasus penipuan secara daring yang terjadi kepada masyarakat. Untuk itu, diperlukan solusi aktif dari semua pemangku kepentingan, khususnya perbankan sebagai institusi penyimpanan dana transaksi keuangan. Sehingga, dapat secara cepat menindak aksi kejahatan dengan melakukan penelusuran dan blokir rekening yang diduga digunakan untuk kegiatan kejahatan tersebut.


00:00Indonesia's financial services authority will require all banks in Indonesia to join the anti-fraud or anti-scam center team in this step as an effort to increase public protection against fraud online.
00:30Indonesia's financial services authority will require all banks in Indonesia to join the anti-fraud or anti-scam center team in this step as an effort to increase public protection against fraud online.
00:40OJK will require all banks in Indonesia to join the anti-fraud or anti-scam center team in this step as an effort to increase public protection against fraud online.
00:51OJK will require all banks in Indonesia to join the anti-fraud or anti-scam center team in this step as an effort to increase public protection against fraud online.
01:09OJK will require all banks in Indonesia to join the anti-fraud or anti-scam center team in this step as an effort to increase public protection against fraud online.
01:28In the future, we will form an anti-scam center where we will cooperate with various parties and the banking sector.
01:38So that we can track the accounts that are used for these frauds.
01:44And we hope that the loss of the people can be prevented or at least not reduced.
01:48Because now, if people are caught in fraud and scam, the money has been withdrawn.
01:55For example, Ms. Salman asked the bank, the money has been withdrawn from this bank.
01:59Sometimes, not only in the banking sector, but also in the payment system, and then in the marketplace, it can't be traced anymore.
02:05OJK added that in the past few years, the loss of funds in the community has been recorded.
02:11As a result, the fraud or scam is very large.
02:13The anti-fraud or anti-scam center team is expected to be able to detect various bank accounts that are misused in illegal activities.
02:21Both as a savings account and the last beneficiary.
02:26From Jakarta, Rahary Jopatmo, IDX Channel.
02:43Executive Senior, Department of Consumer Protection, Financial Services Authority.
02:48Hello, good morning, Mr. Hudianto.
02:50Good morning, Mr. Setio, ladies and gentlemen. Good morning.
02:54How are you, sir?
02:56Alhamdulillah, I hope everyone is healthy too.
02:58Okay, thank you for your time.
03:00Let's just update on the conditions of the protection efforts that have been carried out by OJK.
03:05For consumers, especially in the financial services sector until now. Please, sir.
03:10Okay, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Setio.
03:13So, OJK, of course, after doing other efforts such as education, other receipts,
03:19we added a new effort, Mr. Setio.
03:22It's called the Anti-Scam Center.
03:24So, the Anti-Scam Center is actually an initiative of OJK,
03:29which in this case as the Secretariat of Securities,
03:33Securities for the Elimination of Illegal Financial Activities,
03:36we invite all 15 other members.
03:39We also invite industry players, whether it's banks and payment system providers.
03:46Let's collaborate. Let's fight the liars who have been doing their efforts,
03:52raising their actions through financial transactions.
03:55This cannot be silenced, Mr. Prasetya and all of you, that we have to do something.
04:01We have to collaborate and we have to work together.
04:04Without that, we can't do it.
04:05So, there's a saying, fight team scam is community effort.
04:11We invite all of them. Regulators, industry players, telco, e-commerce, payment system.
04:18Even the people themselves, we will invite them.
04:20Because this has been silenced.
04:22The fraud through financial transactions has increased and the number is very large.
04:28And the trend is increasing, Mr. Prasetya.
04:29This cannot be done for long.
04:31That's why OJK is very determined to build this anti-scam center.
04:36I think that's it, Mr. Prasetya.
04:38Mr. Udianto, I agree that it has silenced the people.
04:41Because the victims are increasing.
04:44Is this related to the level of iteration?
04:47Community education.
04:49Related to current financial services products.
04:52What is the real condition now, Mr. Udianto?
04:57Coincidentally, yesterday, our leaders at OJK
05:01announced the results of National Literacy Survey and Financial Inclusion or SNLIK in 2024.
05:10It's interesting. Let's see it together.
05:12So, if we look at the latest results,
05:15Indonesia's financial literacy index is 65.43%.
05:21This is 65%.
05:22Then, our financial inclusion index is 75%.
05:2775.02% exactly.
05:30So, there is a gap, Mr. Prasetya.
05:33There is a 10% gap.
05:35What does it mean?
05:37There are still financial consumers in Indonesia who buy their products without fully understanding.
05:42Is it a risk?
05:44Is it appropriate to buy the product according to their needs?
05:47Maybe also the cost and so on.
05:49That's one.
05:50Then, there is a 10% gap.
05:53Then, it is a fact that our digital literacy is still low, Mr. Prasetya.
05:59Digital literacy is very critical.
06:01Why? Because almost all of our products are now offered and sold digitally, right?
06:09So, the understanding is not optimal.
06:12In addition, the digital behavior is not okay.
06:14Minimally, it makes people exposed to the risk of buying the wrong product.
06:21Buying something that is not needed.
06:23Or even becoming a victim of fraud.
06:25This is what is irrelevant with ASC.
06:27Anti Scam Center.
06:29So, Indonesian people, in our opinion, are still exposed to a high risk of being a victim of financial transaction fraud.
06:38That's about it, Sir.
06:39The inclusion is 60.43%.
06:41Then the inclusion is 75.02%.
06:43Because we know that the inclusion and distribution of financial services products through online,
06:48as mentioned earlier, is quite massive, Mr. Hodyanto.
06:51So, what about the understanding of the community?
06:54Well, if it was literacy, inclusion, then digital literacy,
06:58there are still a lot of homework that must be completed.
07:01So, what about the types of financial services sector now?
07:04Is there a way for us to disseminate this information?
07:10Or the level of understanding is not even yet, Mr. Hodyanto?
07:14Well, because of the condition that you mentioned earlier, it is not even yet.
07:19Literacy is not even yet. There is a high gap.
07:22Digital literacy is still a challenge for us.
07:25That's why we, based on the V2SK Law,
07:28OJK as Secretary of Satgas Pasti,
07:32this strengthens the existence and efforts of Satgas Pemberantasan Aktivitas Keuangan Ilegal.
07:42So, Satgas Pasti's effort is to fight, catch, blockade, do something,
07:49to educate the community about products that are illegal.
07:53Well, this is related to what we do at Anti-Scam Center later.
07:56So, what is legal, what is allowed, of course, OJK,
08:02supervising, enforcing,
08:05but what is illegal, we strengthen Satgas Pemberantasan Aktivitas Keuangan Ilegal.
08:10Something like that. So, don't let what is legal, we pay attention to it,
08:14what is illegal, we deal with it.
08:16How to strengthen and form Satgas Pemberantasan Aktivitas Keuangan Ilegal.
08:20This is amazing, Mr. Prasetyo, because there are 16 institutions,
08:23there are two financial regulators, there is OJK, there is Bank Indonesia,
08:28there are 10 ministries,
08:30then there are people from our colleagues from law enforcement,
08:35whether it is from the police, the police in Malibu, the ice cream, and also PPATK.
08:40So, we are mobilized to fight like this.
08:43Yes, that's it. We need collaboration and mobilization.
08:47We need to break the barriers from the criminals in the financial services sector.
08:51So, how about the speech or the plan to force banks into this anti-scam center?
08:57What is the mechanism of this anti-scam center, Mr. Hudenanto?
09:03Why should all banks, not only banks,
09:07we also invite friends from payment system providers,
09:10of course, we will invite our colleagues from Bank Indonesia as regulators.
09:15Because without everyone joining, Mr. Prasetyo,
09:18this movement will be ineffective.
09:21Because these perpetrators are very quick to transfer their fraudulent funds to other banks.
09:27So, from Bank 1 to Bank 2, Bank 2 to Bank 3, and so on.
09:31Whether it's Jumbara Bank, Private Bank, BPD Bank,
09:36whether it's a foreign bank,
09:38whether it is immediately transferred to a payment system such as PayPay,
09:42if we don't do community effort, it will never succeed.
09:46Why? Once it's transferred to a bank,
09:49if the bank doesn't join or is not active in the anti-scam center,
09:53it will be in vain.
09:55So, we really have to work together.
09:58We have to collaborate. One spirit, one vision, and one speed.
10:03Without that, we can always catch the public funds, we can block them, but the funds are gone.
10:09We have to bring the funds as soon as possible.
10:11So, our feeling in AISIN is,
10:14handling it quickly, timely, and effective.
10:18That's it. That's the most important.
10:21Effective. What does it mean? The perpetrator must be known.
10:24He has an account anywhere.
10:27And we will make him a financial trouble. Something like that.
10:30Wow. So, tracing is similar to the movement of funds,
10:33the fraud that was done by the accountants,
10:36can be detected like that, Mr. Arianto?
10:38That's right, Mr. Prasetyo. If we join in one system,
10:42and we have the same spirit, then it can happen.
10:47We will be faster and more responsive.
10:51Because all this time, for example, there is a case.
10:54Maybe when Prasetyo was cheated,
10:58then transferred to one bank,
11:00Mr. Prasetyo then reported to the bank,
11:03it turns out that the money has been transferred to the second bank.
11:05And the first bank, of course, will contact the second bank.
11:08So, it turns out that the money will be transferred to the second bank again.
11:11It can be transferred to the bank or to the payment system.
11:14If this transfer is not done immediately,
11:19and we close it so that the money doesn't go anywhere else,
11:22then what can happen is that it's done,
11:25but five days later, the money is no longer there.
11:29So, without us collaborating,
11:32all industry actors, whether it's banks and payment system providers,
11:35then I can say it's ineffective.
11:36So, I'm sure that banks and payment system providers will be happy.
11:43Why? Because they also become victims.
11:47Because of that, people don't believe that,
11:51why isn't this bank fast in handling such a complaint?
11:55Why isn't this bank responsive?
11:59My money is gone, I just talked about it and I was blocked.
12:02So, in the future, it can't be like that anymore.
12:03And we have to be motivated to build this anti-scam center.
12:06Okay, and is there a special deficit related to the anti-scam center in each bank?
12:11So that when there is a report coming in,
12:13then it immediately moves to detect where the money is.
12:17Is it still in one bank and then immediately blocked?
12:20Or has it moved, as you said, to another bank or to another payment system, for example?
12:24Actually, along the way,
12:27some of the regulations such as the TPP law
12:30may also be supported by a very good regulation from the PPATK.
12:35It's called the PPATK Head Regulation.
12:37So, blocking or blocking of transactions can be done by each actor.
12:41But when it comes to moving transactions,
12:45it needs a forum.
12:47A place together.
12:50In short, together through a system.
12:52Which requires a spirit.
12:54As soon as there is a knowledge,
12:56there is an incorrect fund,
12:57your fraud in bank A, then to bank B and C.
13:01That bank A, B, C must be one unit, the speed.
13:04So it can't be A to B, then B and so on.
13:08It's just in the afternoon, it's postponed.
13:10Then move to C, move to C, then bank C too.
13:13Maybe due to busyness, there is a meeting, then at night it is postponed.
13:17It can't be like that anymore.
13:19So there must be, we have the same spirit.
13:21As soon as A to B, B must be as soon as possible.
13:24B to C must also be fast.
13:25So, if based on the determination,
13:28we just need to make something like a communication forum.
13:32The same forum. Collaborative forum.
13:35This is the icing.
13:37So, the determination is there.
13:39The bank has been good for a long time.
13:41But let's be more coordinated, more collaborative.
13:45We speed up the transfer so that it can benefit the community.
13:48So, who is the task?
13:50It means those who work in the anti-scam center.
13:52Is there a representative from each bank?
13:53Or the mechanism of this anti-scam center
13:58that is included in the banking system?
14:01So, this anti-scam center won't include each bank system, Mr. Parsetio.
14:06So, maybe bank A with its system, bank C with its system,
14:09we won't be involved.
14:11You're right, Mr. Parsetio.
14:13So, each bank must have a representative.
14:16It must be able to be contacted at any time.
14:18There must be a representative.
14:19So, when there is a case, they are ready to make a series of actions.
14:25To B, B to C, and so on.
14:28So that we can protect the community funds that have been taken by scammers.
14:32We must cooperate as soon as possible.
14:34How do we cooperate?
14:37There are two things, Mr. Parsetio.
14:39One is to join online.
14:42Because our bank is quite large.
14:45More than 120. And it can't be in one place.
14:47But for large banks, certain banks, certain payment systems,
14:53there is a co-location strategy.
14:55So, we will gather around 30 bank agents,
14:59who are often used by scammers.
15:04We will gather them in one room.
15:06So, the coordination is very fast in one room.
15:09Like me, next to Mr. Parsetio.
15:11I'm from bank A.
15:13I ran to bank B. I just need to tell Mr. Parsetio,
15:15please, bank B, there is a scammer transfer to bank B.
15:18Please, do an analysis, verification, and then start the transaction.
15:22And this has been done by the neighboring countries, Mr. Parsetio.
15:27Especially Singapore.
15:29Anti-scam in Singapore is one of our guidelines in developing this strategy.
15:33Anti-scam in Indonesia.
15:35Because it is proven.
15:37Apparently, in the middle of an extraordinary network system in Singapore,
15:42they still need co-location.
15:45So, we will gather them in one room.
15:47The speed is what we will test.
15:49Hopefully, in August, we will test it.
15:54If it is good, we will improve in the future.
15:57Because we are like a house concept.
16:01In August, we will see how far the preparation is.
16:03We will discuss it in the next segment, Mr. Hudianto.
16:06We will be like this first.
16:08Will it be a special gift for the Independence Movement
16:11with the consumer protection system,
16:12Indonesia Bank and Pemirsa.
16:14We will be right back.
16:23Yes, Pemirsa.
16:25The Statistical Center together with the Financial Service Authority
16:28announced the latest survey results
16:30related to the literacy and inclusion of national finance in 2024.
16:34The survey results show that
16:36the Index of Community Financial Literacy reached 65.43%,
16:39while the Index of Financial Inclusion reached 75.02%.
16:48The Statistical Center together with the Financial Service Authority
16:52announced the results of the National Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey 2024.
16:57The Head of the Ombudsman's Office, Amalia Dininggar Widyasanti,
17:01explained that the survey was conducted in 34 provinces,
17:04including 120 municipalities,
17:07including 8 regional offices or employment offices in the region.
17:12With a total of 10,800 respondents,
17:17the survey showed that the Index of Community Financial Literacy reached 65.43%,
17:23while the Index of Financial Inclusion reached 75.02%.
17:28Amalia added that the Index of Financial Inclusion for Non-Conventional Services
17:33is higher than the Literacy, Financial Services, and Sharia.
17:38The Index of Literacy and Financial Inclusion reached 65.08% and 73.55%,
17:47while the Index of Literacy and Financial Inclusion
17:51each reached 39.11% and 12.88%.
17:57In this survey, BPS ensured that the results of the 2024 National Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey
18:03cannot be compared to the previous years' surveys
18:06because the methods and circumstances of the samples used are very different.
18:10The Index of Financial Inclusion for 2023
18:15based on the results of the 2024 survey
18:19showed that the Index of Financial Literacy reached 65.43%
18:28while the Index of Financial Inclusion reached 75.02%.
18:35So, 65.43% of the Indonesian population met the criteria of well-literate.
18:44The 2024 National Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey
18:48was designed using the Stratified Multistage Cluster Sampling methodology
18:52or different from the previous years' OJK Financial Literacy Survey
18:56which uses the Purpose Shift Sampling method.
18:59With the Stratified Multistage Cluster Sampling method,
19:02BPS ensured that it can better reflect the population conditions
19:06that really represent the population profile of the Indonesian people.
19:10From Jakarta, Rachar Jopatmo, IDX Indonesia.
19:21We will continue our discussion with Mr. Hudianto,
19:25Senior Executive Analyst of the Specialist Group for Supervision of Actions,
19:28Financial Services, Education, and Consumer Protection, OJK.
19:32Mr. Hudianto, from the data provided by OJK,
19:36cooperating with BPS,
19:38how is it related to literacy and inclusion?
19:41What can you share with us?
19:43If you can answer with the information we just shared, Mr. Hudi.
19:48I would like to add a little bit, Mr. Prasety.
19:51The results of the 2024 National Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey
19:54conducted by OJK cooperated with a trusted institution
19:58in the field of statistics, namely BPS.
20:01However, I would like to say that
20:02we have used parameters in accordance with indicators.
20:08So that we can best practice,
20:11in accordance with the indicators used by OECD.
20:14In this case, it is also the International Survey of Financial Literacy.
20:18Hopefully, your company,
20:21by cooperating well with BPS,
20:24then also using international-based parameters and indicators,
20:28hopefully this will be a good measure for us to understand
20:32what are the actual conditions in society related to literacy and inclusion.
20:36Of course, this is our PR.
20:38We can do PR together. OJK will be very excited
20:41to continue to do literacy efforts, education, and socialization.
20:46Because this is a challenge and of course one of the goals of OJK.
20:50That is to improve the welfare of the people through our financial sector.
20:56So we will continue to do that.
20:58Okay, those are the efforts that have been made to improve.
21:00In the end, this is also a protection for Indonesian financial consumers.
21:05Just like the Anti-Scam Center, the target is August.
21:08Will it be expected when this trial becomes a special gift for our financial industry consumers?
21:15Yes, it is.
21:17Indeed, our leadership is very hopeful that in August,
21:21there are several movements that may be presented for the beloved RI.
21:27One of them is from here too.
21:28So we hope that in August,
21:31we will start trial and soft launching.
21:34We will first recruit several big banks,
21:38several payment systems,
21:40which will be a pilot project.
21:42And we will do it for about a week or two weeks.
21:45Once it runs well,
21:47we will invite all of them next month.
21:50We will invite all of them.
21:52Even now, we have been in close coordination with Perbanas,
21:59Himbara, Asbanda, Perbina.
22:02Also with ASPI,
22:04Indonesian Payment System Association.
22:06And also other members such as Bank Indonesia,
22:09PPATK, Bariskrim.
22:11So all parties have been invited.
22:13Even on July 15, we held a high-level meeting, Mr. Prasetyo.
22:18Alhamdulillah, all institutions and associations support this
22:22This is what we have been waiting for.
22:24Because all of us, we are also victims.
22:28We pity the community too.
22:30We can't do something effective and beneficial for the community in an optimal way, of course.
22:35Hopefully, with this AIC, we can present it in August.
22:39The future will be better because we use the concept of waiting house, Mr. Prasetyo.
22:43The better the system, the better the regulations, the better the support.
22:46Okay, and when implementing the trial, what are the parameters related to the implementation and trial?
22:57Okay, the most important thing is the speed.
23:00What is the speed?
23:02The speed of launching a transaction or in general, a blockade.
23:05It must be very fast.
23:07So when there is a public report, it is verified that he is indeed a victim,
23:12and he has indeed done a transaction,
23:14a fraud, and it is verified.
23:18It can't be long.
23:20We must immediately blockade.
23:22When we move to another, we must also be fast.
23:26From bank 1 to the next bank, we must also blockade quickly.
23:31If we can blockade quickly, God willing, the victim's funds will still be there or be left.
23:37But if we do it for too long, the funds will be gone.
23:41It will be very difficult for us to launch.
23:42That's the first thing.
23:44The second measure is that we quickly identify the fraud.
23:49If it has been proven, it has been verified that he is indeed a fraud,
23:53and we already know who he is, what is his NTK, where does he have a bank account,
23:58then we can do the next thing, which is law enforcement.
24:02The most important thing is that we can arrange a blacklist data later.
24:07If a person A has been proven to be a fraud,
24:12he is a fraud and he has enjoyed it, and we know that he did it,
24:16it is true that he is a fraud,
24:21we will make it difficult for him.
24:23It can't be that he easily made a fraud at bank A,
24:29then moved to bank B and made a blacklist for fraud.
24:32He moved back to bank C to make another fraud.
24:34Well, it's not over yet.
24:37We have to work together.
24:39If the person involved has done it and has been proven to be a fraud in finance,
24:44then other banks will know it.
24:46Other payment systems will know it.
24:49It has been done abroad.
24:51A fraud that has been proven,
24:55then it will be difficult for the next one.
24:59Whether in the finance sector or even public service.
25:02Okay. That's it.
25:04The main thing.
25:06That's right, Mr. Hudi.
25:08Lastly, how do you hope that Anti-Scam Center
25:11can be a solution for consumer protection
25:14of Indonesian financial services that is no longer partial.
25:16Because it has been integrated.
25:18Okay. We want the solution to be together.
25:21There was a sentence that fighting scam is community effort.
25:25Hopefully, this will be one step.
25:28Maybe it won't be 100% successful.
25:29But we will start first.
25:31We will move this wheel first.
25:33The longer we do this, the faster and better it will be.
25:36And it will be an extraordinary collaboration effect nationally.
25:41Banking industry supports it.
25:43Payment system industry supports it.
25:45E-commerce supports it.
25:47So, if you are loyal, it will be a joint effort.
25:50We involve the community.
25:52What is the example?
25:54If you report fraud, you have to do it immediately.
25:56Who knows, the house can still be saved.
25:59Then, the next day, or maybe a few days later,
26:03at least we can block the scammer's account.
26:07But maybe we can't do it.
26:09But at least the blacklist can be shared to the people
26:12who are loyal to this person.
26:14Proven to commit fraud.
26:16So, we will narrow it down.
26:18The longer we do this, the better we understand how to serve
26:21or strengthen consumer protection.
26:24Not only consumers, but also the community.
26:26So that our financial sector grows well
26:27and benefits the people.
26:29Okay, Mr. Hudiantul.
26:31Thank you very much for the sharing.
26:33Good luck for Anti Scam Center.
26:35And we look forward to its realization.
26:37Because this will be an answer for the people in Indonesia.
26:39Thank you for the information you have shared.
26:41Stay healthy and see you again.
26:43Mr. Hudiantul, thank you.
26:45Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone.
26:49Okay, Mr. Mirsa.
26:51One hour has passed.
26:53I accompanied you in the market review
26:54of your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
26:57Don't forget to watch the First Session Closing program
27:00which will air at 11.30 p.m. WEST INDONESIA.
27:03Because the business of the future must move forward.
27:06I am Investor Saham.
27:08I am Prasetyo Wibowo.
27:10Thank you and see you again.
27:25Investor Saham.
27:27Investor Saham.
27:29Investor Saham.
27:31Investor Saham.
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