Brad Pitt 'Extremely Concerned' Over Pax, Getting Information About E-Bike Crash | TMZ Live

  • 2 months ago
Brad Pitt has been "extremely concerned" for his estranged son Pax after the bike accident that nearly killed the 20-year-old, and he's been getting a steady flow of information about his recovery ... TMZ has learned.


00:00We have told you, in fact, we broke the story about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's 20-year-old son, Pax, getting in a terrible e-bike accident
00:09where eyewitnesses thought he had actually died, and he ended up in ICU.
00:13He had brain bleed, he had all sorts of injuries. He's recovering now, thankfully, out of the hospital.
00:19We now have information about Brad Pitt.
00:21Look, Brad Pitt does not have any contact with Pax. Pax has kind of disavowed his relationship with Brad.
00:28This is in the middle of an almost eight-year-long bitter divorce with Angelina Jolie.
00:33There are people close to Brad who are saying that she turned all of their kids against him, too.
00:39Right. Not taking his last name, Harvey. They're essentially all feuding with that.
00:43Right. Well, we have some information now that Brad does not have contact with Pax,
00:48but he has really tried to get information about what happened to him,
00:55and there are people connected to the family who are feeding Brad a steady stream of information about his injuries and his recovery,
01:04and it's the best Brad can get, and it's at a point where he's just grateful to get this information, but he's also alarmed.
01:13Needless to say, Brad's extremely concerned, and like you mentioned, Harvey,
01:17he's been getting information from people who are close to the family,
01:20and it's such a scary situation when it comes to Pax because he was riding his bike without a helmet,
01:25and like you said, he nearly died, and from what we're being told, too,
01:29Brad believes that it wasn't the only accident that Pax was involved in this month.
01:33Apparently, Pax was also involved in a car crash, too, so clearly he's been dealing with a lot of issues.
01:39I'm sure it's really upsetting to Brad to have this type of disconnect to his son,
01:44but he has people who are in his corner that are feeding him info.
01:47Yeah, you can imagine, and we don't know what happened, and it's a he said, she said, if there ever was one, but it's kind of cool.
01:52One thing we do know, and that involves a helmet.
01:56Pax was not wearing a helmet and almost never wears a helmet,
02:00and Brad, you know, we've shown pictures over the years, Brad always has a helmet on when he's riding his motorcycle.
02:06That's Brad, and we are told this is deeply concerning to him that his son, whether estranged or not,
02:15because, listen, I'm living to tell the story.
02:19I got in a really bad e-bike crash, and if I didn't have a helmet on, you would be standing next to somebody else.
02:27I'm serious. It was that bad.
02:30So the helmet saved my life, but you can understand why he would be.
02:34He's lucky to be alive, Pax.
02:35He really is.
02:36Hey, I'm Nick from Knoxville, and I think what y'all are saying is correct.
02:39You know, Brad's very concerned.
02:41I think this should just be a wake-up call for both of them.
02:43If I'm Pax, this really could have been the end for me,
02:45and I wouldn't want to go without even having some kind of relationship with my dad.
02:49And if I'm Brad Pitt, I'm doing everything possible to get connected there.
02:52You know, hopefully it's a wake-up call in these family dramas that you don't want someone to go,
02:56and you never got to rebuild that bridge that was burned.
02:59I hope this can bring them together and maybe make both of them have a stronger effort to reconnect.
03:03Yeah, I think Brad would say, I want to have a relationship with my kids,
03:07but Angelina is poisoning them.
03:09That would be his side of things.
