[Horror, Funny] Ju On The Grudge (PC) - WHERE BACK WITH CHP 3 BROS! - Part 8

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........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
BROFIST ...........
00:00how's it going bros my name is PewDiePie welcome to the grudge the game haunted I don't even
00:23know we're at the third level derelict apartment thank god ayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay
01:53Anyway, walking here in light speed, it's going too fast, I feel like I'm gonna fall off the chair in a minute.
01:59Damn, it's too fast, Ken!
02:01Ken, Ken, Ken, this is too fast for me. It's not working.
02:05Okay, Ken, you can start moving again.
02:08Alright, so, it looks like we can go left or right here.
02:12I would say, oole doole dof, kinkolone kof, kofolone, binkobane, oole doole dof,
02:17attampattampiff, puffpuff, doo, four, and knuff!
02:21Okay, we go here. I mean, let's go here.
02:24Cause I say so.
02:26Alright, this way, buddies. It's you and me, Ken.
02:29And holy shit, you're slow.
02:31I wish I could speed up the gameplay or something.
02:34How are we? Ah.
02:40Fuck, it's slow.
02:43Bro, bro, bro!
02:45Just keep on walking. It happens every day.
02:47There's shit falling down the...
02:51It's a fucking bouncy ball. Get out. I'm gonna kick ya.
02:54Alright, here we go. Here goes nothing.
02:58Ah, it didn't work. Holy shit.
02:59Alright, anyway, I see a battery over here, I think.
03:02Not sure.
03:03God damn, this is sand. I don't like sand.
03:06I don't trust this sand.
03:08Sand's gonna pop...
03:11Where? Where, where, where?
03:17Alright, I gotta pick up this battery.
03:19Cause I know how shit is done.
03:21Okay, Ken.
03:23Ken, don't touch the railing. It's not cool.
03:32I just feel... Shut up, wrinkly thingy.
03:34I love that I haven't had a problem turning so far.
03:37Oh, this is stupid.
03:39Who's swinging on it? Who's doing that?
03:41I'm gonna watch ya.
03:43Let's go over here.
03:45Ah, nice glowy things makes me happy.
03:48Makes me really happy.
03:49Makes me wanna...
03:51Do dirty things.
03:58It's a doll.
03:59It's okay, though.
04:00It's a doll.
04:04Oh, man.
04:05Fucking dolls.
04:07Seriously, where the fuck did that doll come from?
04:09Make some sense.
04:11I mean, it could be something else.
04:13Who's swinging that doll, bro?
04:14Jesus Christ, so annoying.
04:16Alright, I'm just gonna pick this up.
04:21Come on, Ken. You can do it.
04:22It's about time you pick it up.
04:24It's about time you do something about...
04:29Doing pretty well so far, I think.
04:31I mean, I think I could be doing bad, but...
04:36Alright, Ken.
04:37We have our first obstacle.
04:39We can accomplish this.
04:41That's your real name, Ken.
04:45What's that talking shit?
04:46He's talking.
04:47Where's he supposed to go?
04:53Where the fuck is Ken supposed to go?
04:55But Ken does not cooperate with non-working things.
04:58Seriously, though.
05:00Is there a door here somewhere?
05:04Here's something shit.
05:06Alright, Ken.
05:07It's you and me, buddy.
05:08Hello, Pat.
05:09Hello, Patty.
05:10How you doing?
05:11Hello, Pat.
05:16Suck that fucking doorbell.
05:17Jesus penis.
05:23Do do-
05:24Oh, God.
05:25No. Stairs.
05:26Bro, stairs.
05:28Stairs is like...
05:29Meeting stairs is worse than meeting the Grudge Lady.
05:33It's like...
05:34Aw, God.
05:35I hear you.
05:36It's that fucking naked babies there, and I swear I fucking cut off his penis
05:43Saying so many inappropriate things all right wait, I guess that's nothing new for me anyway, all right. Let's just go
05:53Okay, and then we'll do that 180 I
05:57Would only assume we have to go to the top floor because the game developer like ha fuck it
06:02How many stairs are we gonna bring him one no two no four?
06:08Troll face those fuckers whoever designed these controls is a fucking moron
06:15That's all I gotta say about okay, so now I'm talking about control. I get it
06:21All right, can we go further up or is this it oh
06:25God of course it goes further
06:28All right, but oh, it's up there. Oh, this is to be doorbell. This is it
06:37I'm getting so then what do I do? Oh, is it yeah?
06:44All right, no static or anything so far. That's pretty good. Oh, it's right
06:49Package or whatever
06:52However, I don't trust the worst
06:55All right, buddy, it's time to go
06:57Don't click that I did that
07:05Are we good?
07:12So what's going on here?
07:15It's a knife I would just like take the package. I'm out of here. Wow really
07:23All right, that's blood and knives and shit, can I open this this mattresses, you know
07:31Hey, give me that give me that shit
07:36Hey, are you there bro, bro?
07:39Something's fucking all right
07:43Yeah, all right come on, bro
07:46All right, come on, bro
07:50How lucky oh
07:53No, actually, I don't know something. Oh, no, she's behind me, isn't it? Oh
08:00Please don't be behind
08:12Now you're on now shout around can look at it
08:19Bro, no, it's just just put on your running. Just buddy. Oh, no. Oh, no, it's time to shake
08:25It's time to shake it's time to shake
08:32Okay, oh god
08:46Oh, we're good, we're good
08:56Padlock what the fuck am I gonna do with the padlock? I don't need I didn't see a lie. Is he here?
09:08You have to go back
09:11For the fucking in vagina hair, oh, it's not nice. I don't appreciate vagina hair on doors. I really don't I'm sorry
09:19All right, he's gonna fucking go back today, all right, buddy, it's time to go
09:37Can you hear
09:41No, no, no, it starts again, of course, I
09:46Don't know what the fuck it is. I got a few messages trying to help me. I honestly didn't understand shit
09:50I mean, I understand P and diarrhea, but not shit. I guess diarrhea
10:02But I totally missed something just cuz I doing 360s and shit. Oh, well, it's worth it. I love 360s
10:11What do you want to do?
10:13All right
10:15Let's watch out for that stair can
10:17Let's watch out for that staircase thing only Dingley. I love being a living release. They're so beautiful and wonderful
10:23I lost a little English. I can one eighteen one two, three. All right, one two, what?
10:31Didn't see that coming did you
10:34Actually, I good should just save stay say you stay
10:37Gotta live my safe
10:41I hear
10:50I don't trust this place. I don't trust you
10:57All right anyone in here
11:00Do good to good to good to good to good to good to good to good to good to go
11:04This is it
11:06Girl don't mess with me girl. This is it. I don't trust the space. All right, how much planned?
11:15All right, and I'm actually working on another project tonight, hopefully it's up before this
11:21Video, so that's why I'm not gonna record more than 12 minutes today. Anyway
11:26This is a good map I did a lot of progress without like fucking up or anything
11:31Hope you enjoyed it
11:32Anyway, like if you did subscribe and all that kind of stuff and I'll be really happy and I'm talking I make too fast
11:36I'm gonna intervene right now
