• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Sei semplici azioni quotidiane per ridurre le emissioni, vademecum di Findus e LifeGate

Mundys e i Barkee Bay presentano ‘Connessioni’, colonna sonora per i viaggiatori green


00:006 simple daily actions to reduce emissions Vademecum by Findus and Lifegate
00:18Mundis and Bucky Bay have connections and soundtrack for green travelers
00:26Less than 85% of CO2 in the environment
00:31is the strong and clear message that has soared the skies of Creme and Lombardy
00:35to inform and sensitize the population to more sustainable choices in everyday life and food.
00:41The data refers to the reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent
00:45that can lead to the consumption of the Burger Green Cuisine,
00:48a line of vegetable dishes by Findus, compared to a traditional meat burger.
00:53A Burger Green Cuisine has an average carbon footprint of 7 times less than a meat burger.
00:59What we mean is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions
01:03that can be attributed directly or indirectly to a specific product.
01:08The production of a Burger Green Cuisine has a land use of 4 times less than that of a beef burger
01:16and a water consumption of 6 times less.
01:19At the Mongol Fair, the winners of the Consumer Promo Greenies in the Air
01:24took part with the aim of launching a message of sensitization.
01:27We all aspire to a cleaner world, to less polluted cities and to safeguard the planet.
01:33Even with small and simple daily gestures, you can make a difference.
01:37Here is a Vademecum with six virtuous behaviors,
01:40attentive to the environment, styled by Lifegate in collaboration with Findus.
01:45It is possible to reduce our footprint on the environment with small and simple daily gestures.
01:50For example, we look carefully at the expiration date of our food,
01:54so we avoid throwing it away and wasting food.
01:56And when we have finished charging our cell phones and computers,
02:00I recommend that we always unplug the plug.
02:02It is also important to prioritize the purchase of natural fiber clothes
02:06over synthetic fabric clothes.
02:08And when we do the laundry, we keep the temperature of our washing machine lower,
02:13like 30 degrees.
02:14And even when we wash the dishes,
02:16we prefer to use a full-load dishwasher instead of hand washing.
02:21And it is very important to introduce plant proteins in our diet
02:25to reduce as much as possible the impact on the environment of animal proteins.
02:29And Findus' commitment to sustainability
02:32manifests itself through the creation of flowering boughs to protect ecosystems
02:36and promote the presence of insect pollinators,
02:39the eco-design of recyclable packaging 98.5%,
02:44with the aim of reaching 100% by 2030,
02:47renewable energy projects such as the solar system at the Cisterna di Latina plant,
02:52with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions of over 1,000 tons per year,
02:57and fishing, with the aim of becoming 100% sustainable by 2025,
03:03today and at 97%, with the MSC and ASC certification.
03:22At the Terminal 3 of Leonardo da Vinci's airport,
03:25the new song by the Barchi B'Eda, entitled Connessione,
03:28was presented.
03:29A summer soundtrack made of a mix of musical genres
03:31connected to each other, which distinguishes the group
03:33composed of three songwriters, all under 30,
03:36which will accompany in the coming months all the people in traffic
03:39in Mundis' infrastructures.
03:40A song born thanks to the collaboration between the Bresciana band
03:44and the group, which aims to sensitize passengers
03:46on how to move in a sustainable way,
03:48and which comes to be, thanks to two realities,
03:50always sensitive to the themes inherent to environmental protection.
03:53Yes, certainly the collaboration of Mundis,
03:56I don't know, we found each other, both ideologically and musically,
04:03it has always been a good relationship, also humanly,
04:06and it is something that we liked,
04:08and we hope to continue, that someone will come.
04:11It was born in a very spontaneous way,
04:13especially for a sharing of values,
04:15which goes from travel to sustainability,
04:17and so when this thing was proposed to us,
04:19we accepted it right away, we said,
04:21and we couldn't wait, in this case, to unite,
04:24and to say, let's unite art and bring it also
04:27in a more institutional context.
04:29The connection was launched to the general public
04:31during a flashmob that saw the participation
04:33of ten students, dancers of the Academy of Artists of Rome,
04:36who performed wearing t-shirts with Mundis' logos.
04:39An initiative that was strongly wanted by the group
04:42to continue to keep the spotlight on an important theme
04:45such as green travel.
04:46But not only, also to continue to connect people and infrastructures
04:50allowing Mundis to keep the focus on travelers,
04:53as he is doing through the project The Line.
04:55We started just to say,
04:57we communicate the beauty of nature, of everything,
05:00we travel a lot in vans,
05:02our communication, our holidays,
05:04our communication goes around that,
05:06so it was born from that,
05:08and what we hope people will receive
05:10is to say, in the small,
05:12let's preserve this thing,
05:14it's the most beautiful thing we have.
05:16We hope so, clearly,
05:18we make music,
05:20our influences are children of our age,
05:23of the time we live,
05:25so maybe our audience tends to be a little younger,
05:29but we hope that as soon as possible.
05:32Our goal is that, obviously.
05:34The initiative held at the airport Leonardo da Vinci
05:36was therefore an artistic moment of great thickness
05:39that allowed the components of the band
05:41to launch their song that illustrates the pillars
05:43leading the business of Mundis,
05:45how to simplify everyday life
05:47and satisfy the needs of people
05:49to move in an increasingly sustainable,
05:51integrated and smart way,
05:53making the travel experience unique
05:55and favoring the connection.
05:57Our actions are the future,
05:59we carry the rhythm of the movement,
06:01raising the volume,
06:03lowering the emissions.
