Impack Pratama Industri (IMPC) Optimistis Kinerja Lebih Baik

  • last month
PT Impack Pratama Industri Tbk (IMPC) menargetkan kinerja positif hingga akhir tahun ini. Sejumlah rencana bisnis telah disiapkan dengan menganggarkan belanja modal atau
Capital Expenditure (Capex) sebesar Rp325 miliar sampai dengan 30 Juni 2024.


00:00Thank you for joining us on this episode of METEN, where PT Impec, the leading tobacco industry,
00:12has been doing positive work until the end of this year.
00:15A number of business plans have been prepared,
00:17with capital expenditure of Rp 325 billion until June 30, 2024.
00:25The company managed to absorb 66% of the total tobacco budget in 2024.
00:35PT Impec, the leading tobacco industry, has been doing positive work until the end of this year.
00:40Until June 30, 2024, the company managed to absorb 66% of the total tobacco budget in 2024.
00:50Most of the tobacco allocation is allocated for construction, engine and vehicle management, office and factory equipment.
00:59The largest portion of tobacco is used for construction, which is about 62%,
01:04then the remaining 26% for engine management and the remaining 12% is used for vehicle maintenance, office and factory equipment.
01:13In general, the conditions in the second semester will be better than in the first semester because it is starting to rain.
01:20This is related to the main driver revenue, which is mostly from the sale of tobacco.
01:27The construction material manufacturer's budget for 2024 is about Rp 3.15 trillion in the amount of Rp 550 billion.
01:37This target is still considered conservative because the company sees the instability of global politics and relations that must be anticipated.
01:47In addition, Impec will also continue to build a new distribution center, 36,000 square meters in land and 60,000 square meters in West Java.
01:58The distribution center is located in the Delta-Silicon-Delapan-Cikarang area, which is targeted to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2024.
02:09Meanwhile, in the first semester of 2024, Impec accounted for a revenue of Rp 1.43 trillion, up by 3.23% year-on-year.
02:28Thank you for watching!
