Dinamika Sektor Jasa Keuangan

  • last month
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) kembali memberikan sinyal akan mencabut izin usaha bank perekonomian rakyat (BPR). OJK mengungkapkan salah satu alasan pencabutan izin usaha BPR yakni karena adanya BPR yang tidak mampu memenuhi persyaratan modal.


00:00The Ministry of Finance will again give a signal that it will revoke the Bank of the People's Economy or BPR business license.
00:12The Ministry of Finance announced one of the reasons for revoking the BPR business license, namely because there are BPRs that are unable to meet capital requirements.
00:21The Ministry of Finance will again give a signal that it will revoke the Bank of the People's Economy or BPR business license.
00:31The Director-General of the Ojeka Banking Supervisory Board, Dian Edyanari, said there are many BPRs that have not met capital requirements.
00:38He made sure that the Ojeka has outlined the direction of development and how to solve the problematic BPRs.
00:45As for whether this BPR will be closed, I have to admit that it will still be closed because there are still problems.
00:53But the problem is, as mentioned earlier, Mr. Chairman, we will direct this BPR from all aspects, it will increase.
01:02Of course, we will increase it in terms of SD, increase it in terms of governance, increase it in terms of capital, and other aspects that are needed, including IT.
01:11Therefore, for banks, for BPRs that we cannot save, of course it must be solved.
01:20The BPR regulation is called Ojeka, which is one of the priorities of the Ojeka, which is quite large.
01:25Therefore, the Ojeka as a regulator and supervisor must strengthen the BPR, including in capital.
01:31For BPRs that lack capital, the Ojeka states that there are various ways that can be done.
01:37Among them, the regulator can add capital, then the BPR can also do a merger and open opportunities for investors to acquire shares.
01:47Regarding the closure of the latest BPR, the Ojeka has closed two BPRs, namely BPR Lumpur Raya Mandiri on July 23 and BPR Sumber Arta Waru Agung on July 24.
01:58The steps are taken to strengthen the BPR and strengthen the integrity of the BPR.
02:04The coverage team of IDX General.
02:11And today we review the dynamics of the Indonesian financial sector.
02:14And we start from the banking industry, especially BPRs, where the Ojeka predicts that there will be around 20 BPRs that will be closed this year.
02:24In the latest assessment, the Ojeka states that the overall condition of BPRs in Indonesia is actually quite good.
02:31However, there are some BPRs that have to be closed because they do not comply with the regulations until the fraud case is investigated.
02:39Meanwhile, the Financial Services Authority gradually revoked the business license of 14 banks in Indonesia as of 2024 due to a collapse, where all 14 banks are BPRs.
02:52However, based on the latest data, the number of bankrupt banks this year has experienced an increase of more than three times compared to last year.
03:02In 2023, only four banks in Indonesia experienced bankruptcy.
03:07Further, the Ojeka insisted that the BPR allocation is one of the priorities of the Ojeka because the massive number in Indonesia reached 1,500 BPRs.
03:18Related to capital that becomes a bottleneck for BPRs, the Ojeka states that for BPRs that lack capital, there are a number of ways that can be done,
03:27including holding stocks to add capital, then BPRs can continue mergers or open opportunities for investors to acquire shares.
03:37From banking, we move to the financing industry, especially vintage peer-to-lending or online loans.
03:44What is the development of financing through online loan activities so far? Let's take a look at the complete information below.
03:54The Financial Services Authority notes that total loans through vintage peer-to-peer lending or PINJO continue to experience significant growth.
04:04The Executive Board of the Ventura Model Company Financing Agency, the Microfinance Agency and other financial services agencies
04:12stated that financing in the peer-to-peer lending industry reached Rp 66.79 trillion in June 2024.
04:21The total loan was recorded to be higher than the same period in 2023 at Rp 52.70 trillion.
04:29In terms of year-to-year growth, it reached 26.73%.
04:35Meanwhile, in the peer-to-peer lending fintech industry, the PINJO outstanding in June 2024 continued to increase to 26.73% year-on-year.
04:47Last year, it was 25.44% year-on-year with a value of Rp 66.79 trillion.
04:58Aggregate risk credit level or known as TWP90 is maintained at 2.79%.
05:08Last May, it was 2.91%.
05:12The Financial Services Authority ensures that it continues to monitor the quality of financing of vintage peer-to-peer lending companies.
05:19This is in line with an increase in the number of legal online loan companies with a credit margin of more than 5% in June 2024.
05:29The coverage team, IDX Channel.
05:37Online loan financing continues to experience significant growth.
05:43Based on OJK data, so far, financing in the peer-to-peer lending industry has reached Rp 66.79 trillion.
05:52In terms of financial quality, the aggregate risk credit level or known as TWP90 in June 2024 was recorded to be maintained at 2.79%.
06:05A narrow difference compared to this month, as large as 2.91%.
06:10However, at the same time, OJK reported that the number of online loan companies with high credit margin increased in June 2024.
06:20OJK revealed that until June 2024, there were 19 peer-to-peer lending companies that had TWP90 above 5% share,
06:29compared to the previous month's data or in May 2024,
06:33where the number increased from only 15 online loan companies.
06:39There were also online loan companies with TWP above 5%, where OJK issued a warning letter
06:47and asked the companies to make an action plan to improve the quality of their financing.
06:53Next, from the peer-to-peer lending industry, we move to the capital market industry,
06:58where regulators state that they have made various efforts to improve the law in the capital market.
07:04And what kind of efforts have been made by OJK? Let's take a look at the complete information.
07:13Financial services authorities continue to enforce certainties in the field of capital market and management funds.
07:19This includes giving sanctions to investment and emitting managers who violate the rules.
07:25The head of capital market regulators, derivative finance and the OJK's carbon exchange, Inar Nojaya,
07:32has stated various steps that have been taken throughout this year to ensure coordination and integrity in the sector.
07:39Even in the framework of enforcing certainties in the field of capital market,
07:44in July 2024, OJK, among others, imposed administrative sanctions in the form of fines for the case of two investment managers
07:56and one emitting manager worth Rp 475 million.
08:05At least throughout 2024, OJK has conducted inspections and imposed various administrative sanctions
08:12on 83 parties involved in violations in the capital market.
08:17Among the sanctions are fines of Rp 57.17 million, 14 written orders,
08:25revocation of business permits of one investment manager and one person, as well as five written warnings.
08:32In addition, OJK also imposed a fine of 49.8 billion rupiahs in total
08:39to 561 financial servants in the capital market.
08:44OJK also issued 66 written warnings for delay in delivering reports
08:49as well as two administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings for other violations.
09:01In the midst of various efforts to enforce the law in the capital market,
09:03the Financial Services Authority reported the accumulation of funds in the Indonesian capital market
09:09worth Rp 129.9 trillion up to July 31, 2024,
09:15where the Rp 4.39 trillion of funds came from Fundraising 25, a new emittance.
09:24The head of the derivative finance capital market and the carbon company OJK, Inarno Chayadi, said
09:29that the accumulation of funds in the capital market is still in a positive trend.
09:34The Financial Services Authority stated that there are 84 public funding plans per share fund or IPO in the pipeline,
09:42with an accumulation of funds worth Rp 11.58 trillion,
09:46where overall OJK has deposited 111 public funding plans
09:51with an indicative value of Rp 33.04 trillion.
09:55Then, from the investment management industry,
09:59the value of management funds is recorded at Rp 830.25 trillion,
10:03with an active net cash value of Rp 491.61 trillion.
10:09Meanwhile, regarding the value of capitalization up to July 31, 2024,
10:14the capitalization of the Indonesian capital market is recorded at Rp 12,338 trillion
10:20or an increase of 1.83% per month and 5.76% per year.
10:30That's all the information for this time.
10:34We will be back in a moment.
