Rencana Ekspansi Seeds Finance Pasca Pendanaan

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Akhir Februari lalu, startup social investing Seeds Finance mengumumkan pendanaan dengan putaran dan nilai yang tidak diungkapkan. Pendanaan tersebut akan dipakai untuk pengembangan aplikasi, bisnis, dan pertumbuhan perusahaan secara menyeluruh.


00:00Thank you for joining us.
00:07Ladies and gentlemen, now we are in the CreateUp segment,
00:09a segment that will discuss about the startup industry and also the creative industry.
00:13And this time we will discuss about the expansion plan of Seeds.
00:16Since the funding and has been connected since the video conference,
00:20there is Mr. Willy Tan, who is the founder and CEO of Seeds.
00:23How are you, Mr. Willy?
00:26I'm fine.
00:28Thank you for joining us, Mr. Willy.
00:30I hope we are always healthy.
00:33Thank you for your time.
00:36Previously, congratulations on the funding that was received at the end of February last year, if I'm not mistaken.
00:40What is the story behind the funding received by Seeds, Mr. Willy?
00:47Yes, so we have a plan to expand and expand to educate the community even more,
01:00both in Indonesia, in various provinces, and abroad as well.
01:08Because we are more focused on education and literacy.
01:13And there we want to help people who are not yet financially literate.
01:21So, people who are not yet financially educated,
01:25people who still don't know about investment,
01:28we are a platform for people to learn first and play first
01:35before they dive into the real world to invest.
01:42Okay, it means that from the operation that Seeds has carried out,
01:46from the value offered,
01:49this attracts the attention of venture capital to be able to chip in, right?
01:52So that the investment was realized at the end of February.
01:57Objectively, what is the reason for venture capital to fund Seeds?
02:04Yes, so the vision of venture capital is always to have a strong conviction
02:14with one business model,
02:16and we can also chip in to the global market,
02:20not just in Indonesia, so it's just a game.
02:23And that gives exposure to venture capital,
02:27so that it can reach a wider market, a more global market.
02:40And that's why venture capital puts all the trust in us
02:45because they believe that this has a huge potential,
02:48and also they believe in the business model on how we're going to scale.
02:54How we can do expansion and acceleration in the growth of the business.
02:59Okay, so far, what will the funding be used for?
03:04Yes, that's right.
03:05So the funding will be used for a certain market area,
03:11where we not only play in Indonesia,
03:14but we can also chip in to the regional market in Southeast Asia.
03:19And also to strengthen our product,
03:24the user experience,
03:26how people can learn more seamlessly,
03:30without friction,
03:32and people can enjoy learning the world of investment,
03:38which is easier and easier.
03:42Are there any plans for other features in the application?
03:45Yes, that's right.
03:47So the development of features like Seeds Academy,
03:50which we are also developing,
03:52so that it can reach people who are really interested in learning.
03:58Later we will have a consultation feature,
04:01and so on in the form of Seeds Academy.
04:06Later this will be given to users to provide a new experience.
04:12So far, how has the growth of users been?
04:15And how many users have you had, Willie?
04:20Yes, so now we already have around 70,000 users,
04:26and the growth is quite fast,
04:28maybe around 50-70% in the last 6 months,
04:35from the last 6 months until now.
04:40And this is expected with this funding,
04:42the addition of features will continue to increase the number of users.
04:46Willie, let's continue with the next segment,
04:49and we'll be right back.
04:51Thank you for staying with us,
04:53and I'm still talking to Willie Tan, the founder and CEO of Seeds.
04:58Earlier you said that the users are around 70,000.
05:02Can you tell us the profile of the investors,
05:06or maybe the profile of the users who use Seeds so far?
05:11What is it like, Willie?
05:14That's right.
05:15So, our current majority of users are in the Gen Z and Millennials,
05:21and the average are students of the University Students and First Jobbers.
05:26So, people who are just starting to work,
05:28people who are just starting their career,
05:31and there people are also just starting to learn,
05:36what is investment?
05:38Investment is definitely financial literacy.
05:43So, we provide a place for people to learn.
05:49And at the same time, they can play first,
05:51without having to take risks,
05:54where if for example,
05:56people give direct exposure with real money,
06:00and real trading,
06:01that's a big exposure.
06:02People can lose big, people can win big,
06:04but we provide people to learn and play first.
06:07So, it can be a sandbox,
06:09before you really dive into investment, right?
06:13That's right.
06:15So, this means that the concept is a game,
06:18but learning to invest is more or less like that, right?
06:22That's right.
06:23Okay. So, what is the concept of the game?
06:28So, we have a variety of games,
06:30for example, virtual trading competitions.
06:34So, we have a virtual trading competition,
06:37where friends can compete with each other,
06:41per campus, per province,
06:44even in Indonesia.
06:46So, we have a model like,
06:48similar to Champions League,
06:50maybe you've heard of,
06:55like PUBG or Mobile Legends,
06:59there's a competition, right?
07:03Like that, we make the competition model,
07:07there's a filling, there's a semi-final, there's a final, like that.
07:12As far as I know,
07:13I don't think anyone has the same concept as Seeds, right?
07:16That's right.
07:17Okay, so that means ...
07:20We are unique in Southeast Asia.
07:22If in other regions,
07:24there is already one player,
07:26the name is Stockdru, it is also quite large.
07:28In India, around 20 million users.
07:32With a variety of services offered,
07:35or maybe presented to users,
07:38what is the business model like?
07:42is there any development of the business model
07:44that will be done so far,
07:46especially after funding?
07:50So, for the business model,
07:53what we always focus on
07:55is the freemium model.
07:57So, if the freemium model
07:59can be interpreted like Spotify or Netflix,
08:03where users can subscribe
08:05to enjoy premium content,
08:08or premium learning.
08:13users who pay for this subscription method
08:18can get premium features without ads and so on.
08:22And users who are free,
08:26people who don't pay,
08:28they have to watch ads like YouTube.
08:31If users don't want to pay for the subscription,
08:34they can watch ads as a substitute
08:40for not paying for the subscription.
08:44This then becomes a business model
08:47that is used as a source of income from Seeds.
08:52Talking about the future expansion of Seeds,
08:55what is it like?
08:56Is the service area...
08:59You said it was in Southeast Asia, right?
09:02Is it in Southeast Asia?
09:04Yes, in Southeast Asia.
09:05So, like the Philippines,
09:07it will be one of the countries
09:09that we will also expand
09:11in the next year.
09:15And we have started to talk
09:17with our potential partners,
09:19like Gcash,
09:21one of our partners that we collaborate with.
09:24It's like OVO or Indonesia's Coupe.
09:28But it's in the Philippines.
09:30It's in the Philippines.
09:32Well, Mr. Wili, thank you
09:33for joining us.
09:34Our time is quite short,
09:35but there are still a lot of things to discuss.
09:38But we will discuss it in the next episode.
09:41Good luck with Seeds.
09:42I'm always happy to see you, Mr. Wili.
09:47Well, before we end our conversation
09:49with our partners this time,
09:51we will review the update
09:54or the movement of EISG.
09:56At 9.27 p.m.
09:59in West Indonesia,
10:00EISG is currently moving strong,
10:030.53% at level 7,167.145.
10:08Top Losers, there is Idea,
10:10Clean DLTA, CBPE,
10:13then there is Cyber, MMLP,
10:15CSAP, IGAR, BOGA, and LPCK.
10:18Then Top Gainers,
10:19so far there is DART, BSBK, KPIG,
10:25EMTK, WIKA, and also EURO.
10:42Yes, it's been 90 minutes,
10:43we accompanied you in Power Breakfast.
10:45Hopefully today's discussion
10:46can be a reference and source of information for you.
10:49Keep updating your information
10:50only on IDX Channel,
10:51your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
10:54And don't forget to watch
10:55the Market Review program
10:56which will air at 10 o'clock
10:57in West Indonesia.
10:59Because the business of the future
11:00must be ahead.
11:01I am Investor Saham.
11:02I am Wiki Adrian.
11:03See you.
11:17See you in the next video.
11:47See you in the next video.
