Keberlanjutan Proyek IKN di Pemerintahan Prabowo

  • last month
Kepala Staf Kepresidenan, Moeldoko, meminta masyarakat tidak khawatir mengenai Pemerintahan Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto dan Wakil Presiden terpilih Gibran Rakabuming Raka tidak melanjutkan pembangunan IKN. Moeldoko, menekankan transisi Pemerintahan saat ini adalah transisi yang selaras dengan keberlanjutan.


00:00President Muldoko's staff asked the public not to worry about the government of President-elect
00:10Prabowoeswianto and Vice-President-elect Gibran Raka Bung Raka did not continue the development
00:16of the IKN.
00:17Muldoko emphasized that the current government transition is a transition that is consistent
00:20with the continuation.
00:22Muldoko said that the development of the IKN, which is a long-term project, has been included
00:26in the long-term development plan.
00:28However, the size will be adjusted further.
00:31Regarding the size of the budget, there is a flexibility basis to determine.
00:36It will depend on the needs and priorities of the government.
00:41Vice President Muldoko admitted that he did not know exactly the size that will be allocated
01:17Muldoko said that the current budget is consistent with the current budget so there is no need
01:22to adjust.
