Saham Group Prajogo Pangestu Jadi Penopang Usai Koreksi Berjamaah

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IHSG naik 1,11% ke level 7.137,87 sesi I perdagangan 6 Agustus 2024. Tekanan ke IHSG mereda setelah Senin anjlok 3,4%. Sektor infrastruktur menguat terbesar dengan BREN +2,26% dan sektor energi menguat dengan ADRO +2,27% dan HRUM +4,46%. Sementara saham Prajogo Pangestu TPIA menjadi penopang terbesar IHSG 13,8 indeks poin, diikuti AMMN 8,0 indeks poin dan BREN 7,0 indeks poin.


00:00Thank you for staying with us in this segment, we will review how the trading is going throughout the day.
00:12Yesterday, Sam Kabungan experienced a rebound after experiencing quite a deep correction in the previous trading day.
00:18And we remind you again, you can still participate on WhatsApp Interactive at 0812.8788.723 as shown on the television screen later.
00:29And right now, we are connected via Zoom with Mr. Alfredo Jassim Kusuma, Financial Educator at Sukor Sekuritas.
00:35We will go straight to Mr. Alfredo, good afternoon, how are you?
00:40Good afternoon, Mr. David, how are you?
00:42Thank you, Mr. Alfredo, for taking the time to be on IDA Channel.
00:46Today, Sam Kabungan's stock price rose, Mr. Alfredo, after experiencing quite a deep correction in the previous trading day.
00:53Today, Sam Kabungan's stock price rose, Mr. Alfredo, after experiencing quite a deep correction in the previous trading day.
01:01What is your analysis, especially from a technical point of view, of the reversal that happened throughout the trading day?
01:08Yes, if we look at it ourselves, it can be said that technically it is reasonable that there will be a decline like this.
01:20If we look at it, indeed, 1-2 weeks ago, the ESG seemed to be able to break out of the resistance level at IDR 7,370.
01:31It has been around 3 or 4 times trying to break out of the resistance level.
01:36And indeed, after this, the position is to correct the resistance level, to set the strength first.
01:43As we can see now, it went down to IDR 7,000 first.
01:48Where IDR 7,000 is the strong support level and also the support level of the inversal shoulder pattern.
01:55Currently, the ESG has the potential to form the right shoulder from the inversal shoulder pattern,
02:01which means that if the pattern is formed perfectly, then the ESG can reach the target of IDR 7,300-7,800.
02:13But in the short term, how do you see the direction of the next movement of the ESG?
02:18Will the strength continue, Mr. Jason?
02:21Yes, if we look at the candle today, there is also bullish harami, there is a bullish harami candle after there is quite a sharp use.
02:30We see today there is also quite a green candle, and it is also in the support area.
02:37So it is getting better position of the ESG currently in the support area, around IDR 7,150.
02:45And it is expected that after this, it will continue to rise to close the gap and also the decline that has occurred today.
02:55Okay, the next resistance or the nearest resistance with the scenario earlier, will the ESG continue to strengthen, Mr. Jason?
03:04Yes, the nearest resistance is certainly the highest candle from the previous day, which is at the level of IDR 7,250.
03:12Then after that, we also see that there is the next resistance that has not yet been penetrated by the ESG, which is at the level of IDR 7,350.
03:22Okay, Mr. Jason, in the middle of significant strength today, in terms of year-to-date, it seems that the ESG is still correcting at 1.66%.
03:30How much resistance must be penetrated by the ESG when trying to reverse the direction from weakness to strength, both in the short term and in the medium term?
03:43Okay, if we talk in terms of the long term, we can actually observe the all-time high level, which is around IDR 7,400 up to IDR 7,450,
03:57which is the resistance area that must be broken by the ESG so that the ESG can continue to rise again until the next target or next level.
04:10If we look at the medium term, if we look at the current observation, after the rally and the correction, the ESG now has the potential to form a new lower high.
04:22So it forms a new level where at the current level, IDR 7,000 up to IDR 7,150 is a strong support area to withstand the decline of the ESG
04:35and it is expected that after this, it will try again to test the resistance at the level of IDR 7,300 up to the level of IDR 7,400.
04:44Okay, Mr. Jason, today, the strengthening of the mutual fund is supported by Samsung Big Cap, Samsung LQ45, which the day before was weakening back to the green zone.
04:54How do you see this position?
04:56Indeed, yesterday, the position of the mutual fund was weak, some of its prices have experienced a fairly large discount, especially when compared to the previous all-time high level.
05:09If we pay attention, if we talk about yesterday, where the ESG fell by around 3%, around 3.4%, it was mostly due to a sell-off in Samsung Big Cap, especially in the mutual fund.
05:28Most of them also experienced that sell-off.
05:32Then if we look at it from the indicator itself, the ESG itself has been there since the end of July.
05:40At the end of July, there have been signs of weakening or signs of oversold as well.
05:45So, in theory, this is now the effect of the indicator.
05:51Okay, Mr. Jason, today, several sectors or several Samsung Big Cap are becoming supporters of the mutual fund.
05:57What is quite interesting is that Samsung from the RYOGO-Bangestu group, which yesterday experienced a fairly deep pressure, along with the supporters of the mutual fund.
06:07Today, especially in the first session this afternoon, it became a supporter.
06:11There are brands, then there is also the TPIA, which contributes point-wise to the mutual fund.
06:17How do you see the position of the mutual fund from this group, the achievement in the first semester, and also for the future prospects?
06:25I want to go to the brand first, Mr. Jason.
06:28Today, the brand is closed, strengthened at 0.63%, but in an intraday, the strengthening is more limited and again left at the level of Rp 8,000.
06:38What is your analysis?
06:40Yes, if we pay attention, this brand is also supported by a fairly good mutual fund.
06:47There is also an increase in the mutual fund.
06:50If we look at it technically, the price of this mutual fund, we can say, is consolidating in the formation of a triangle.
07:00Now it is consolidating at around Rp 7,000 to Rp 9,000.
07:06And indeed, for now, we are testing the support level again at Rp 7,750 to Rp 7,800.
07:16This is for the brand itself.
07:21Then after that, to the TPIA.
07:23Analysis and recommendations first, sir, for the brand, support and assistance, maybe, Mr. Jason.
07:29Yes, for the support from the brand itself at Rp 7,750 to Rp 7,850, it is the support level of the movement of the brand.
07:40And it has been tested 3 times, then the assistance level for the brand itself at Rp 9,000 to Rp 9,150 is not included.
07:52Recommendations by OnWeakness, Mr. Jason?
07:56Recommendations by OnWeakness can be at this level, because currently the risk-to-reward ratio is also quite interesting.
08:06From the brand, we move to the TPIA, sir.
08:08Analyzing technically and your recommendations, the return today is also quite significant.
08:142.93% at Rp 9,675 to Rp 9,800.
08:18Potential to position Rp 10,000 for the TPIA.
08:22Yes, for the TPIA itself, after yesterday there was a decrease of about minus 7%, today there is a rebound again a little, plus 3.46%.
08:34It seems that if we look at the volume, the decrease yesterday was not too big, the volume of the decrease.
08:42If we look at the volume today, it's even bigger than yesterday.
08:46So maybe yesterday there was a sell-off, or there was a take-in profit first, when the take-in profit happened in the TPIA.
08:52If we look at today, there is already a re-accumulation, or a rebound again in the TPIA.
08:59And it seems that it is still very possible for the TPIA to reach the level of Rp 10,100 again.
09:07In today's closing position, is it still recommended to enter, sir?
09:12At the current level, it is still recommended, especially if we look at the volume, it is also higher than we thought.
09:20So at the moment it is still possible for the TPIA to reach the level of Rp 10,100 again.
09:25Okay, analysis from the Samsam Group, Rayo Gopeng, which the two SAMs are the supporters of the Kampungan SAM family, especially in the first session this afternoon.
09:34Before we update the second session closing, the infrastructure sector is also leading in terms of strengthening, sir.
09:42Bren, we also talked about it earlier.
09:44Then some telecommunications stocks today also rose quite high.
09:48There is XL, 5.29%, then there is also ISAT, this is strengthening at 3.92%.
09:55The conditions are different for Telkom, it is actually moving stagnant in the second session closing.
09:59I want to go to XL, with today's significant strengthening analysis and recommendations, Mr. Jason.
10:08For XL itself at the moment, or yesterday, if we can say yesterday, it was at the strong support level, at the level of Rp 2,100 to Rp 2,150.
10:19That is the strong support level or demand area for XL itself has been touched three times and is still strong enough to withstand the decline in XL area.
10:29If we look at today's increase, it is getting stronger if XL tries to form a double pattern.
10:37At the moment, the potential is still quite interesting to reach the next line or the closest resistance from XL, which is at Rp 2,330.
10:46So for now, the recommendation is by weakness.
10:49With the first target, we can put it at the target level at Rp 2,330 and also the second target at Rp 2,500.
10:59Okay, ISAT, Mr. Jason, in short.
11:06For ISAT itself, if we pay attention, the decline is quite deep.
11:10If we use Fibonacci itself, we can get between now at level 618 and also 78.6, so it has entered the golden ratio area too.
11:23If we pay attention, this candle today forms a morning star pattern, so there is a potential for a rebound from ISAT.
11:32If I am asked to choose, maybe I prefer XL.
11:35But for ISAT itself, it is still the same, the area is still wide.
11:39For the closest target, it is at Rp 11,300.
11:43Okay, the analysis for ISAT is 3.92%. XL also strengthened above 5%.
11:49And from the recommendation side, especially from the technical side, XL is more interesting to pay attention to.
11:54And again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the ISAT channel.
