• 2 months ago
00:00I'm going to have a baby.
00:11Reign that in.
00:12Babies are a lot of work.
00:13I know.
00:14You're saying that you're not pregnant, why is Harper banging on about being a single
00:20Can we just acknowledge that I didn't technically tell you that?
00:25Well, I am having a top up.
00:28I have been down this road with Irene before, I know how it ends.
00:33I do not have a problem, I appreciate that you're worried about me, but I am absolutely
00:40Eden's engaged to Bree and Remy are back together.
00:51That's great, things are looking up.
00:54You're in a good mood.
00:56Yeah, I am.
00:57Maybe we can even get Lyric back together for the wedding.
01:00It's your first day off in ages and you want to talk about the band?
01:04Why not?
01:05I feel like brainstorming a few ideas for a comeback to take to the guys.
01:09Oh, maybe later.
01:10I said I'd check in with Leah.
01:12Hey, is she alright?
01:15Yeah, why?
01:17It's just every time I walk into a room with you two you stop talking.
01:21It's going to make me paranoid.
01:23There's nothing for you to worry about.
01:27I'll catch you later.
01:28See ya.
01:42Marley said you were leaving.
01:47Look, I know I'm not always getting this right, but I do care.
01:52I just need you to give this another chance.
01:54I'll probably still get plenty of stuff wrong, but you can talk to me.
02:01If you really want to help, then read this to me.
02:09Dear Perry, I know we haven't known each other very long, but already we see the funny,
02:28smart and brave man you're becoming.
02:31She's right about that.
02:46I didn't realise you were home.
02:48Yeah, I just woke up.
02:49I had a night shift.
02:50Shouldn't you be at work by now?
02:52Yeah, I know.
02:53I'm late, but what are they going to do?
02:55Arrest me?
02:56Anyway, I'll see you later, girlies.
03:00Yay, you're here!
03:01How was the doctors yesterday?
03:04She was very nice.
03:05She helped me book my 12-week scan.
03:07Oh, good.
03:08You're going to see your baby for the first time.
03:12Is something wrong?
03:13I mean, like, everything's okay, right?
03:16She took me through some decisions that I have to make.
03:19Gave me some light reading.
03:22Alright, what are these?
03:24Info on early conduct chromosomal tests, shared care versus private OB, home birth or hospital.
03:32No one said that there would be homework.
03:34Well, you know who could help you make these decisions?
03:37It's the baby daddy.
03:39I actually think Tana would love to go through these with you.
03:42That's fine.
03:43I can manage on my own.
03:44You don't have to.
03:46You've made the decision that you're going to keep the baby, right?
03:49So you're going to be telling Tana soon.
03:52Sure, but he's pretty busy with Perry.
03:55Now for some light reading.
03:57Is Irene coming in today?
03:59She will, eventually, I guess.
04:01I'm sure she's already on her way.
04:03Do you know that?
04:04Have you spoken to her?
04:06Well, she invited me over for a drink, but I couldn't go.
04:09Well, you can't still think that she's okay.
04:12I think I just wanted to really believe that she's okay.
04:15Yeah, I know.
04:16Well, it's hard seeing Irene do this to herself.
04:19Well, I'm not going to be accepting any more invitations to drinks, that's for sure.
04:24Sorry I'm late, everyone.
04:26Still, you don't look real busy.
04:28Um, no, I've got it all under control.
04:32Do you think she heard?
04:34I don't think she did.
04:36I don't think she did.
04:58People here are so weird.
05:00You keep saying that.
05:02Because they don't even know me.
05:05And then they write something like this.
05:07Maybe they like you.
05:09And they want what's best for you.
05:16So what's the plan, Piri?
05:20I guess I should dump this back in my room and get to the gym.
05:25I guess so.
05:29Do you want to find out the sex?
05:31Should I?
05:32Well, it's not a should or shouldn't, it's just do you want to?
05:35Well, I guess if the baby's healthy, that's all that matters, right?
05:46Answer it.
05:47No, I'll just call him back.
05:50Why aren't you telling him?
05:52I will, when the time is right.
05:54And it's not right, right now.
05:57I understand that Piri is a priority, but I think Tana would drop everything if he knew.
06:02You're not meant to tell people before 12 weeks.
06:05I think the father's an exception to that rule.
06:07I just want to get my head around all of this first.
06:11But people are going to find out, and I do think it's best he hears it from you.
06:15You haven't told anyone, have you?
06:17Are you sure?
06:18Yeah, of course I'm sure.
06:20I'm not going to tell anyone until you give me the green light.
06:23Okay, good.
06:27Come on.
06:28One game.
06:29I'm working.
06:30But you're more than welcome to pack these orders for me.
06:33I'm not that bored.
06:34Do you want to run through that thing with the membership portal again?
06:37I need to pack this away and set up for the next class.
06:41Hey, Piri.
06:42Have you met Theo?
06:43He surfs, plays guitar, and he's really bad at pool.
06:48You want a game?
06:49Sorry, man.
06:50I've got to shift.
06:51Take a break if you want.
06:56That's making it interesting.
06:58Want to get us 20 bucks?
06:59Yes, you are on.
07:04It's good to see you both back here.
07:08Dana, hey.
07:10Any idea why my Harper's not picking up her phone?
07:13Oh, uh, yeah, she's sick.
07:17What's wrong?
07:18Oh, she's vomiting.
07:19But a lot.
07:20And projectile.
07:23That's not good.
07:24I'm hoping it passes soon.
07:26Yeah, well, she did faint not so long ago.
07:28Yes, she did.
07:29She did.
07:30She did.
07:31But this time she's gone to the GP.
07:32And the GP is saying that it's that virus that's going around.
07:36Why Harper?
07:38Does she need anything?
07:39No, no, no, no, no.
07:40I've got it.
07:41Um, actually, I would stay away if I were you.
07:42It's pretty gross.
07:54You here?
07:55Uh, coming.
08:07Sorry about the surprise visit.
08:08Oh, it is a surprise.
08:10What's up?
08:11I ran into Dana.
08:12She told me what was going on with you.
08:14She told you?
08:16Is this why you fainted the other week?
08:18Yeah, it is.
08:19Tania, I am so sorry.
08:21You shouldn't have found out like that.
08:23It's cool.
08:24We have a right to know.
08:26I don't care that you didn't tell me.
08:28I just want to do what I can to help you feel better.
08:31Wow, okay.
08:35Funny, you don't look sick.
08:37Oh, the nausea comes and goes.
08:39Yeah, right.
08:40A virus is going to be tricky like that.
08:44That's what Dana said you had.
08:46Or does she get that wrong?
08:48No, that's right.
08:51You here now?
08:53Do you want a coffee?
08:55Yeah, thanks.
09:06Give me a chance to win it back.
09:08You'd never beat me.
09:10Come on, ten minutes.
09:12It'll only take me five.
09:14But I really do need to get back to work.
09:16It's not fair.
09:18Sucks to be you.
09:20See you next time.
09:22Yeah, you will.
09:24So I'm guessing you won?
09:26I mean, I let him sink a few balls.
09:28So you're a hustler.
09:30Good to know.
09:32But hey, I probably should get back to work before Tana gets back from Harper's.
09:36Did you just say that Tana was with my sister?
09:38If your sister is Harper, then yeah.
09:40Oh, take this.
09:50There we go.
09:54You sure there's nothing I can do?
09:56No, I'm fine.
09:58You really didn't have to come around.
10:00I think I missed a call from you earlier.
10:02Yeah, you did.
10:04I wanted to talk to you about Peri.
10:06I'm trying to think of what my next step is with him.
10:09Help him feel better about himself.
10:13What were you thinking?
10:15Like counselling or?
10:17No, I don't think he'll go for that.
10:18He's got bits and pieces, but I think he's pretty far behind.
10:21Maybe if we can work out a way to help him with that, he'll feel a bit more confident.
10:25Well, it's probably best I arrange an assessment.
10:28Find out why he's struggling.
10:30I can talk to him about it if you want.
10:32No, I can do it.
10:38How are you feeling?
10:42Tana came to check up on me after you told him I was sick.
10:44Well, I also told him to stay away.
10:46I was worried and I needed to talk to you about something anyway.
10:48Yeah, no one's denying that.
10:50So what?
10:52Anyway, so I will arrange that assessment and you get on to Peri.
10:55Nothing can happen without his consent.
10:57Will do. Thank you.
10:59Take care of yourself, yeah?
11:01See ya.
11:03See ya.
11:12Well, that's nice.
11:13Tana coming to check on you.
11:15Can you imagine how well he'd look after a kid if he knew he was having one?
11:18Enough, Dana. It stays between you and me until I'm ready.
11:24Here we are.
11:26Hey, lovely.
11:28Not the burger I ordered.
11:30Leave it.
11:32Oh, no, no, it's good. I love pancakes. It's good.
11:34No, it's not good. This is the third wrong order Irene sent out today.
11:46Hi. Sorry, slight problem. Justin ordered the burger.
11:50Did he?
11:52Yeah, he did.
11:54Look, it's fine. I'm tired and confused myself today.
11:57Leah, I'm not confused, alright?
11:59Someone has obviously written down the wrong order.
12:06Someone made the wrong order.
12:10It's fine. I'll fix it.
12:12And have you hold that over me as well? I don't think so.
12:15Irene, that's not what I'm doing.
12:17No, no, no. If his lordship wants a flippin' burger, he will get a burger.
12:31Hey, how's the day going?
12:33Yeah, good. Just packed away that order and won 20 bucks off Theo.
12:37Nice work. Cheers.
12:39So listen, I want to talk to you about your reading.
12:44Because I saw how much you wanted to know what was in that card from Mac and Levi.
12:47Nah, it wasn't that big of a deal.
12:49We both know that's not true.
12:51So maybe there's a way we can help with that.
12:53Now Harper thinks you should be assessed.
12:55You told Harper? Why would you do that?
12:58Because you don't have to struggle with this.
13:00Will you at least think about it?
13:02What's the point? I don't need a piece of paper to tell me that I'm stupid.
13:05Wait, Pure.
13:06Don't be a big stupid. Dad used to say that all the time.
13:11We all make mistakes.
13:13She's been mixing up more orders as the day goes on.
13:16Do you think she's been drinking at home?
13:19Yeah, I do.
13:21And she keeps disappearing into the pantry.
13:24I'm worried maybe she's drinking here as well.
13:27Well, well, well, that's a really serious accusation.
13:30Well, how can you be sure?
13:32I'll ask.
13:34Do you really think you should confront her here at work?
13:37Yes, I have to talk to her.
13:47If you hear about table six, I'm about to sort it.
13:50Worrying what's in the bag?
13:52None of your business.
13:54It is, if you're drinking at work.
13:57Let me see.
13:59Are you off your nut?
14:01Irene, I can smell alcohol on you.
14:02So what?
14:04If I can smell it, so can the customers.
14:08Diane, let me just take you home.
14:10I am perfectly capable of looking after myself, thank you very much.
14:14I don't need your help, Leah.
14:32Have you forgiven me yet?
14:37But I seriously thought you'd said something to Tana.
14:39I would never.
14:41Good. It's my news to share.
14:47That was a quick shift.
14:49Are you two planning on hanging around?
14:51Would you prefer?
15:01Would you prefer?
15:03If you cleared out, yes, I would.
15:05Are you alright?
15:07I need space.
15:09Start now, please.
15:37Barry's a bit of a bull shark.
15:39So I heard.
15:41It's good to see him smiling for once.
15:43I wish he'd feel that good about himself more often.
15:48I need to talk to you.
15:50Have you been waiting here this whole time?
15:52It's important.
15:53You're the boss.
15:54Your father was wrong.
15:55100% wrong.
15:58I mean it.
15:59Is there anything that you've said or done or tried that's made me think that you're stupid?
16:03Maybe you're not looking hard enough.
16:05You signed up for my program to try and turn things around for yourself, yeah?
16:09Then do the assessment.
16:11Figure out where you're at and then decide what you want to do with that information.
16:15What have you got to lose?
16:17If I say yes, will you get off my back?
16:19Even for just half a day?
16:26I'll do it.
16:28That'll be about 10 minutes, girls.
16:30Oh, for the two coffees?
16:32Yeah, sorry, we're a bit unstaffed today.
16:35Why did Irene come home then?
16:37Oh, you saw her at home?
16:38How did she seem?
16:40She was in a foul mood.
16:41She was in like the worst mood that I've ever seen her in.
16:44But she did seem pretty upset about something.
16:47Sorry for the customer that annoyed her today.
16:49Do you think she's alright there on her own?
16:52Yeah, you'd want to hope so.
16:53She basically told us to rack off.
16:55Right, why don't you sit down?
16:56I'll bring them over.
16:58Oh, great, you're here.
16:59I'll grab a coffee.
17:00Hey, where are you going?
17:02I just need to check on Irene.
17:04Well, look, if she wants some space, maybe you should give her space.
17:07What Irene wants and what Irene needs are two different things.
17:10Do you mind holding the fort?
17:25Are you home?
17:41Well, you were the one that sent me home, or did you forget?
17:46No, I just wanted to check in.
17:49Oh, so now you care.
17:51I have always cared.
17:54I think you enjoy the judgement.
17:57Rolling around in it.
17:59Feeling superior.
18:01I know this isn't you talking, I realise that.
18:04Oh, really?
18:06What is it then?
18:08I just wanted to apologise for earlier.
18:13You humiliated me in my workplace.
18:18You dismissed me.
18:20You sent me home.
18:22What else was I supposed to do?
18:24You could support me, for starters.
18:27I am trying.
18:28I'm not going to stand around and watch you destroy yourself, Irene.
18:33Please, please, just say the word and I will find you help, okay?
18:43It's your turn to go.
19:24Sorry, I just couldn't handle the smell of the food cooking.
19:27That's okay.
19:28I thought you were actually going to throw up this time.
19:30Please change the subject.
19:33Did you notice that Leo and Marilyn were worried about Irene?
19:36No, thanks to your big mouth.
19:38Spare me, they're her friends.
19:40Also, I'm pretty sure something must have happened here at work for her to come home like that.
19:43Oh, God.
19:45Great, coffee's off the list now too.
19:47Pregnancy's fun.
19:49You sure it's not a sign something could be wrong with the baby?
19:52No, relax, the baby's fine.
19:54It's morning sickness, it's normal.
19:56You know, Xander was telling me that there was a pregnant woman in Salt the other day
19:59and she threw up after eating a hot chip.
20:02Why is Xander talking about pregnant women in Salt?
20:07He told Xander, didn't you?
20:24Oh, my God.
20:57Irene's a recovering alcoholic.
20:59I'm terrified.
21:01I have got this under control.
21:03How about we make a deal?
21:05You can stay here and I'll monitor you for alcohol withdrawals.
21:07And I promise that I won't keep you here a second longer than you need to be.