Katsuma Akitsugi vs Jesus Ramirez Rubio (10-07-2024) Full Fight

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00:00Everything in the locker room is important, okay?
00:02I already told you, everything in the locker room is important.
00:03Touch gloves if you want to, don't got one just to get it.
00:08We are ready to go in our main event.
00:11Kazuma Akitsugi.
00:14Looking right now in the green and red,
00:16taking on Eduardo Ramirez.
00:19We are underway, round number one.
00:24When I looked at Akitsugi's record,
00:25the thing that stood out to me is
00:27he has fought a lot of places like
00:29Pico Rivera, Corona.
00:30Now, that may not mean anything to you
00:32if you're not a California native.
00:33You've fought some tough Mexicans.
00:34Not just fought them, sparred them.
00:36That's what he talks about,
00:37going around from gym to gym
00:39and sparring with everyone.
00:40And I'm an out-of-towner.
00:42Everybody tries to kill me. This guy's tough.
00:43Yeah, you can see his rhythm is of a fast pace.
00:46You see, even when he's not punching,
00:47he's trying to, you know, be a little bit deceptive.
00:49Constantly in motion.
00:51What do you say about that, Henry Armstrong,
00:53that, you know,
00:55perpetual motion?
00:57Thanks for the word, Ben.
00:58I couldn't say it when I can't think of the word.
00:59It's on the tip of my tongue.
01:00Perpetual motion.
01:01Like a whirling dervish.
01:02Yeah, well, obviously Armstrong,
01:04one of the greatest ever.
01:05But, you know, Akitsugi has to have,
01:07try to imitate a little bit of that.
01:08And you can kind of see in his body language
01:10that he tries to have a rhythm
01:12where he's constantly in motion
01:14and constantly trying to be deceptive.
01:16Lomachenko, if you're a younger fan
01:18and don't know Henry Armstrong,
01:19it's the same deal.
01:20Always moving and punching at the same time.
01:21Yeah, and Lomachenko, another southpaw,
01:23but he also knew how to create the balance
01:25behind the change of angles
01:26and put the combinations behind it.
01:28And empower.
01:30Ramirez in the lighter weights.
01:31Ramirez in the black and white.
01:32A counterpuncher looking for the opportunities.
01:34We talked before about the difficulty
01:36in finding opportunities against someone
01:38who moves like Akitsugi.
01:40You can see, I mean, Akitsugi,
01:42he's got a fantastic build for this weight class.
01:44Tall, he's tall.
01:45He's got good feet.
01:46He's in and out.
01:47Wide shoulders.
01:48And Akitsugi also,
01:49you can see the confidence in his body language.
01:51Because, like you said,
01:52he's been getting fights on a few days' notice.
01:53Now he gets a month to train for this one.
01:55Felt like he had a full training camp.
01:57Wait till they give him real full training camps.
02:00He doesn't even know what a full training camp is.
02:02Four weeks, he was like, all right.
02:03Oh, my God, four weeks?
02:04People at home, it's usually two to three months.
02:06Depending on the level of fight.
02:10For this club, probably clearly a guy who stays in the gym
02:12to be able to get those fights on short notice
02:14and beat those prospects.
02:16When we asked him about sparring,
02:17they said, do you have any names?
02:18He goes, I sparred everybody.
02:19I don't even know half the time who I'm sparring.
02:21You got very good timing, too.
02:22Thank you, Chris.
02:23Yeah, that's part of it.
02:25Similar, when he said road warrior,
02:26that's how I got all my sparring.
02:27I was just going to gyms.
02:30Everybody wanted to kill me.
02:32You make your bones in the gyms.
02:34Oh, nice body shot.
02:37This is the activity of Akatsuki
02:39that has spelled the doom of ten opponents.
02:42Jimmy, we were speaking before the show about Katsuba.
02:45In terms of the way he punches,
02:47he actually punches hard to the body.
02:48And you just saw that.
02:50So he doesn't have a lot of knockouts,
02:53but he does seem like he has a little bit of power.
02:55The Monrose Jr. said it to us, right?
02:57He talked about his knockout.
02:58You don't hit that hard.
02:59He goes, I hurt guys.
03:00I don't say knock him out,
03:01but I can hurt you with a shot.
03:02I was always the same way.
03:03I hurt everybody I fought, too.
03:04I just wasn't a finisher.
03:05And you also get your respect as well.
03:07You have to.
03:08You're beating guys.
03:09You're getting their respect.
03:10You can see it in their body language as well
03:12when you're fighting them.
03:14Akatsuki definitely getting the respect so far
03:16in this round number one.
03:19Great movement.
03:20The volume we expected
03:21from a fighter from Japan.
03:23Actually, no.
03:24I expected him to be a lot busier.
03:25He looked...
03:26Busier than that?
03:27Yeah, yeah.
03:28I mean, he was busy,
03:29but he was putting his punches together
03:30a little differently than I see.
03:31I'll tell you where he was busy, too.
03:33With his rhythm.
03:34He wasn't punching.
03:35His rhythm was massive.
03:36So I thought he was busy in a different way
03:38than I expected.
03:40Sitting right there in the corner.
03:42I'm looking at his legs.
03:44Chris, you're like, dude,
03:45his legs were just leaning gigantic.
03:47You got to be in that kind of shape.
03:48You want to move like he just moved
03:49for an entire fight.
03:51Yeah, but I saw him walking around campus.
03:52The first thing I saw was those legs.
03:53And I was like, oh, boy.
03:55He's got some strong-looking legs.
04:12Keep trying the body shots.
04:14Then come across
04:15is the advice from his corner,
04:17Eduardo Ramirez.
04:18Sound advice, gentlemen?
04:19Work the body.
04:20Slow this guy down a little bit.
04:21See if you can slow those legs down.
04:23He's got to get going with something.
04:24I mean, he's getting overwhelmed at this point.
04:28He's going to have to create
04:29something to confuse Akatsuki
04:31in terms of being so comfortable
04:33pressuring him.
04:34Either catch him coming in
04:35or, you know, be active
04:37or at least understand how to change range
04:39with your legs
04:40so that Akatsuki can't find the range.
04:41So with the good body shots there,
04:42that's another way to
04:43slow down Akatsuki with your body shots.
04:47Yeah, I mean, at this point,
04:49Ramirez looks a little confused
04:51trying to deal with the in-and-out movement.
04:54Nice right hand!
04:56Eduardo Ramirez caught Akatsuki coming in.
05:01Last time against Ramon Cardenas.
05:03This is where he found success
05:04in the counter-punching.
05:11The fight has broken out
05:12in round number two.
05:14We spoke about power.
05:16Akatsuki's the one backing him up, though.
05:19Ramirez firing.
05:25Akatsuki is not afraid of being in the mix
05:28even after he got rocked with a shot.
05:30Look at the way he's measuring
05:31with that lead hand as well.
05:32He's so cognizant of the fact that
05:34he's got a proper punching range himself.
05:36You see how he uses that lead hand
05:37to kind of probe
05:38after he throws punches
05:39and before he punches.
05:41There is a technique to Akatsuki's activity.
05:45He uses it as offense and defense.
05:47Range finder.
05:48He's just out of range.
05:49Very good body puncher.
05:52Again, that lead hand goes back.
05:53That lead hand measuring stick.
05:55It sort of controls the opponent
05:56from wanting to punch back
05:58right away after he takes a shot from Akatsuki.
06:01What I noticed about Akatsuki,
06:02which probably speaks to why
06:03he does not have the many knockouts,
06:05it seems like he's already on the way out
06:06when he lands the punch.
06:07He's landing that straight left hand
06:08and he's going for the right hand.
06:10He's landing that straight left hand
06:11and he's already on his way out.
06:12Doesn't really get those feet underneath him
06:14the way that you said about Lomachenko.
06:16Yeah, yeah.
06:17Those are the subtle, subtle differences
06:19that can make a big difference
06:22as you move up the ladder.
06:24Good body work again, though.
06:25He committed to that shot.
06:29Talked to a guy once
06:30who sparred with Paul Williams,
06:32another volume puncher
06:33with a very awkward style,
06:34and he said,
06:35it's like you're a destroyer
06:36and all these planes are flying around
06:37hitting you from all these different...
06:38Where is all this stuff coming from?
06:40Death by a thousand cuts.
06:41Death by a thousand cuts, exactly.
06:42Punishing Williams.
06:43He was a great fighter.
06:44Yeah, he was.
06:47Ooh, nice angle.
06:49I've seen that a couple of times
06:50from Akatsuki,
06:51where he changes the angle to the right
06:52and then he...
06:54Ooh, nice left hook up the top.
06:58Make no mistake, gentlemen.
07:00Ramirez came to fight.
07:01Oh, yeah.
07:02He always does.
07:03One thing about Akatsuki,
07:04you want to react if it's good,
07:06but you want to make sure
07:07you don't take too many of these clean shots as well.
07:09It may not cost you this fight,
07:10or it may, who knows,
07:11but it's bound to cost you eventually.
07:13You got to be careful.
07:14Ramirez can punch.
07:15He's got 16 KOs and 22 wins.
07:17I mean, he's not a light-fisted guy whatsoever.
07:22Starting to get some entertainment
07:23in round number two.
07:24Both these guys had great movement
07:26in round number one.
07:27Round number two,
07:28a lot of planning and fighting.
07:31Good two-way action here in round two.
07:33There's that good straight right hand,
07:34beautifully timed shot.
07:35That wobbled Akatsuki a bit there,
07:38but he came right back,
07:39and he started using that lead hand distance control.
07:42Did some great work along the ropes.
07:45Straight left hand was finding home.
07:53Is that the difficulty, Chris?
07:55What do you call over-moving?
07:57You're never on balance
07:58because you're always moving all the time.
08:00Can a shot that nobody would do much
08:01not go off balance?
08:02Yeah, but that was a good clean shot.
08:04And Ramirez can punch.
08:05I'm more concerned about Akatsuki's own power
08:09because of the movement.
08:10He's not getting his feet underneath him
08:11the way that a real power puncher would.
08:18We start round number three.
08:20Katsuma Akatsuki versus Eduardo Ramirez.
08:24Akatsuki in the red, green, and white.
08:28Fighting out of Hollywood, California,
08:30but, of course, from Japan, his opponent,
08:32Eduardo Ramirez in the gray.
08:34Counter puncher out of Mexico.
08:37That was great positioning there from Akatsuki.
08:39Ramirez fell off balance.
08:40Akatsuki was right there to control the distance
08:42and get right back to it.
08:45Good snapping jabs, good work with the left,
08:47and now the right from Ramirez.
08:49The real difference here is the power.
08:51Ramirez just landing the harder, cleaner shot.
08:54Not the cleaner shots, but the harder shots.
09:02Constant pressure, constant rhythm.
09:05And I like the way Akatsuki also changes
09:08the amount of weight on each of the shots.
09:10Sometimes a touch shot, he mixes in with a little snappy shot.
09:12Back to the touch shot, mixes it in downstairs to the body.
09:15He does have a change of speed,
09:18change of the amount of intensity,
09:19amount of snap that's on each shot.
09:21And he mixes it in all with that lead hand probe as well
09:24to kind of control the technique and the distance of the shots
09:27and also protect himself on defense.
09:29Probe, that's a great description of that lead hand.
09:33That pawing jab right there, just as you mentioned it, Pauly.
09:36Yeah, but you see, he paws it, he jabs it,
09:38and sometimes he's just touching the lead glove,
09:39just to control Ramirez's lead glove.
09:44In the body shots, he almost always throws hard.
09:46Good body puncher is Akatsuki.
09:51A little bit of head movement as well,
09:52good shot countering there from Ramirez.
09:55Ramirez just places the punch as well.
09:57That was right on the chin.
09:59He's punching with Akatsuki, trying to get him on the way in.
10:01Good body punch there.
10:02Left hook to the body.
10:04Ramirez, of course, a counter puncher, as you know, Chris.
10:06You know, leopards don't change their spots.
10:08You are what you are, you fight how you fight.
10:09How would you change up what you've seen so far in round number three
10:12if you're Ramirez or his corner?
10:13I would like to see a little bit of a jab.
10:14You know, at least hit that lead shoulder.
10:16I know he's a southpaw, but put that out there.
10:18Get him busy.
10:19That probe is not coming at you hard.
10:20You can jab hard over it.
10:22And also, you gotta throw off that probing control that Akatsuki has.
10:26That's why he's able to control the pace of the fight.
10:29If you take that away from him, maybe you'll be less comfortable.
10:33Right now, it seems like Akatsuki's controlling the pace of the fight,
10:36the rhythm of the fight.
10:37Ramirez landing the occasional shot here and there.
10:39And at times, there are some good shots.
10:41But they're not fighting the fight that Ramirez wants to fight.
10:44They're fighting the fight Akatsuki wants to fight.
10:47Yeah, they have been countering power shots from Ramirez.
10:51Good when they've landed, but certainly a busier fighter as we expected.
10:56Akatsuki just doesn't give you a break.
10:58He's constantly in your face.
11:02He's the guy that shows up in sparring, you go,
11:04ugh, this stupid guy, right?
11:06Oh, yeah.
11:07With headgear and big gloves on, he's got a neighbor.
11:10They'll never get him out of there.
11:14Akatsuki in control as we end round number three.
11:18But Paul, you put it perfectly.
11:20It's his kind of fight.
11:21His kind of pacing.
11:22His kind of fight.
11:23He could start to wear mentally on opponents.
11:26Let's see.
11:38Akatsuki out of Japan, but wanted the American flag
11:42because he fights trains out of the United States.
11:45Hollywood, California.
11:47Married to a woman from California.
11:54You know what to do.
11:56Don't rush things.
12:12Don't need a lot of Spanish for that.
12:14Those combinations to the body come over the top.
12:18Akatsuki ready to go.
12:21It's been his kind of fight
12:22as we go into round number four.
12:23Scheduled for ten.
12:27Good snappy shots there from Akatsuki.
12:29Defense and a move in the head.
12:31I like that he's also fluid from defense to offense as well.
12:39Those little looks he changes as well.
12:41He keeps you busy, man.
12:42He keeps you thinking.
12:43Oh, yeah, absolutely.
12:44Not the hardest puncher, but he keeps you constantly thinking,
12:46constantly guessing.
12:48A guy like him, there's no rest.
12:49There's no rest in the ring.
12:50You're fighting three minutes of every round.
12:51And I'm sure that's how he beats a lot of these undefeated guys.
12:54What's so funny too,
12:55when you look at that stretch,
12:56when I was looking at these opponents in there,
12:57the corners were always going,
12:58come on, man, turn it on.
12:59Go after this guy.
13:00It's almost like he never hurts you enough
13:01to kick you into that second gear.
13:03But you start wearing down a little bit, right?
13:05The guys would go, oh, he's not hurting me.
13:07And you go, he doesn't have to hurt you to beat you.
13:09Also, here's another thing too.
13:10When you're hitting guys with shots,
13:11they can't figure out where they're coming from,
13:13it can be intimidating, you know?
13:14Because while not all punches are concussive,
13:17big punches are not as concussive,
13:18they're also not tickling you either.
13:19So when the constant shots are getting you
13:21from places where you can't figure out
13:23where they're coming from,
13:24where they keep surprising you,
13:25it automatically makes you a little bit hesitant.
13:27And sometimes technicians,
13:29that's all they need you to be,
13:30is just a little bit hesitant
13:31and they control the fight.
13:32Akatsugi is an aggressive technician.
13:34But also a guy like Akatsugi,
13:36the power is insidious.
13:37It just builds.
13:38You don't even notice it.
13:39It's like all of a sudden you've got a flu.
13:41It's just sucking the life out of you.
13:43Why can't I see?
13:44I've got my nose swollen.
13:46Like a thousand mosquitoes
13:47just sucking the blood out of you.
13:50Akatsugi so far having a great fight.
13:53His opponent Eduardo Ramirez from Mexico
13:57looking for redemption after his last fight
13:59against Cardenas.
14:00He was competitive,
14:01he was ahead on one scorecard,
14:02knocked out in round number nine.
14:04Took one week off before going back to the gym.
14:07Heard him tell Beatrice Callas that
14:09I'm a better fighter this time,
14:10I'm going to see a different guy,
14:11but I'm going to count on you.
14:13Akatsugi, excuse me,
14:14he's really finding his rhythm right now.
14:16He's in a flow.
14:17He's getting more comfortable
14:18standing in front of Ramirez.
14:19It seems like he's got his timing down.
14:21He feels like he can be in front of Ramirez
14:23and not really get hit clean.
14:24Both offense and defense.
14:25He's getting good though.
14:27If you're alert.
14:28He's very alert because he keeps that...
14:30Look at him.
14:31He changes levels subtly.
14:32You can see those little foot feints changing.
14:34He's got a lot of power.
14:35He's got a lot of power.
14:36He's got a lot of power.
14:37He's got a lot of power.
14:38He's got a lot of power.
14:39He's got a lot of power.
14:40He's got a lot of power.
14:41He's got a lot of power.
14:42Little foot feints change level.
14:43drops in, drops out...
14:47A balanced shot
14:48but it's a knockdown.
14:49It hit the ground.
14:50That is a knockdown.
14:51I'm telling you.
14:53He's in a flow right now.
14:57I'll tell you what that is, too.
14:58You're punching on the opposite stance.
15:00You're throwing a wide right hand.
15:01The shorter left hand hits you
15:03and then you follow through
15:04with your own right hand.
15:05The momentum of the shot hitting
15:06moves you that way
15:07plus your missed shot moves you that way.
15:08You fall over.
15:09You tip over.
15:10Everything go in the way of Katsuma Akatsuki.
15:14Knocked down in round number four.
15:16Talk about his lack of power,
15:18but his timing so far exemplary, gentlemen.
15:20Punch selection.
15:21Very impressive mix.
15:29You're gonna see the short shot.
15:31You see, it's Ramirez also throwing his own right hand.
15:34The momentum brings him.
15:34The shot moves him that way.
15:37Yeah, if you think about it,
15:39if you think about the weight shift of Ramirez's punch,
15:41he's going to his left, but also getting hit by the left.
15:44Knocked him over his lead foot.
15:45And also the ability to hit a power shot and then slip.
15:47That's how he's gonna do it.
15:49That's almost like you have the anticipation.
15:52Things like that are anticipation.
15:53It's not just reflexes.
15:54It's instinct, anticipation,
15:55and that comes from a lot of training, a lot of sparring.
16:04Starting to see the frustration in the face of Ramirez.
16:07One, one, you know, obviously, like I said,
16:10the rhythm that Akatsuki found in the last round,
16:12but also that knockdown is really tough on the scores.
16:15Now, this is a close fight,
16:16and now he's got an extra point in that last round,
16:18and he's finding his rhythm.
16:19Akatsuki's fun to watch, man.
16:20He may not have the biggest punch and power,
16:22but, you know, he's consistent with his rhythm.
16:25He's fun to watch.
16:27Asked about fighters like Inoue.
16:29He says, we've always in Japan had great fighters,
16:31but they tend to be, as we said, big in Japan, right?
16:33They don't tend to get the exposure
16:35right in the United States
16:38that they should.
16:39That is changing with social media,
16:40because now we have a chance to be exposed
16:41to a much larger audience,
16:43and that's what this fight is about for him.
16:45Kusuma just landed some really big left hands
16:47to start this round.
16:48And, again, he's not getting hit as clean.
16:50And Ramirez kind of knows that.
16:51He's aiming more for the chest of Akatsuki.
16:57Coming over with some tight punches.
16:59Again, backing up Ramirez.
17:04Good shots there from Ramirez.
17:06About to make Akatsuki think twice about pressure.
17:09After Akatsuki, a reason to back up.
17:11So far, that has not been the story.
17:13You can see Ramirez's jarring punches.
17:15You can see the rattle.
17:17Oh, good shot there.
17:18Speaking of...
17:19He didn't like that. Ramirez did not like that shot.
17:21Saw that in his feet, in his legs.
17:23That head dispenser shot, right?
17:24Head goes back. You see the lights?
17:26That's another thing for me.
17:28I don't care how not hard the guy punches.
17:30If he's knocking your head all around for 10 rounds...
17:33Yeah, and also, again, you can't figure out
17:35how he's setting it up.
17:37Look at the little subtle deceptive things
17:39that Akatsuki does right in front of you.
17:41He'll kind of shift with his feet.
17:43He'll feint.
17:45He'll change his hand positioning suddenly.
17:46He'll kind of drop back on his back foot
17:48and then shoot back with a shot like he did just there.
17:52He's changing levels.
17:54He's moving his head a little bit.
17:55See, changing levels.
17:56He's constantly doing something
17:57that makes it very difficult
17:59to anticipate what he's going to do.
18:01And for a counterpuncher like Ramirez,
18:03finding the shot in the middle, as we've been saying,
18:05very difficult to do.
18:07Jimmy, a couple weeks ago, we called the fight
18:08Lamont-Roach and McCrory.
18:10Remember, Lamont's landing all these big punches.
18:12Then all of a sudden, he takes the power off
18:14and starts touching McCrory,
18:15adding up, putting up the numbers.
18:16Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
18:17And that's when the stoppage came.
18:21So it's not always the big shots.
18:22It can be a lot of little shots.
18:25And accuracy, too.
18:26He's very accurate because he's not taking...
18:28He's not putting all the mustard on the shots.
18:30He's snapping them in there
18:31so they're easier to land cleanly.
18:34And also keeps his positioning.
18:35He doesn't put himself out of position.
18:36He's a very good position fighter.
18:38Just about to point it out,
18:39he's never been off balance with all of these punches.
18:41And slight cut on the eye of Watkatsugi on the left eye.
18:45I don't know if it's from a clash of heads.
18:47That was that last round.
18:50They were working on the corner.
18:51Well, he's been hit by some clean punches from Ramirez.
18:54He's found his slight opportunities to counter.
18:57Not enough to win rounds and then win the fight.
18:59That guy staggered Ramirez.
19:01Listen, I know he's only got one KO.
19:03He's hurting Ramirez at this point.
19:04This round, he's been putting on some heavy shots.
19:06Ramirez, his legs are not taking him off.
19:07You're going to get the respect of your opponent
19:09when you set them up this way
19:11and he can't figure out where they're coming from.
19:12That's how you win at a world-class level,
19:15even without the big punch and power.
19:16You keep guys guessing.
19:18Let's see how far this style takes Watkatsugi.
19:21Gentlemen, depth of 1,000 cuts.
19:22Cut 700 sucks, right?
19:24And that's about where we are, right, in this fight.
19:26He's taking a lot of clean punches.
19:27But it's only depth of 1,000 cuts
19:30if, like I said, you're rhythmic and deceptive enough
19:33to where the guy has to keep guessing
19:35where they're coming from.
19:36The guy can figure out where they're coming from.
19:37It doesn't matter what you're throwing.
19:38Eventually, he's going to start timing you.
19:40But the rhythm of Watkatsugi is what makes him dangerous.
19:43Looking forward to it Wednesday, July 31st.
19:46Alberto Palmetto versus Jesus Saracho.
19:50Two fighters that we know are going to go for it.
19:52Very, very fundamentally sound, incredibly aggressive.
19:55Heart, guts, determination will be on display
19:58in this 10-round welterweight main event.
20:02Back to this main event, round number six.
20:05He's reached the half way point.
20:06He's got his head down.
20:08He's got his head down.
20:10Hey, get a little more energy.
20:12Focus, get a little more energy.
20:15Watkatsugi looking very, very fresh
20:18by his activity level so far.
20:21Eduardo Ramirez, you start doubting yourself, right?
20:23You start wondering if you're going to pull it off
20:24at a certain point.
20:26He's landed some good counter punches,
20:27but Watkatsugi just...
20:29Get off the foot, Lopez.
20:31...having his way so far.
20:32And, Paul, you point out early in the fight,
20:34it's at his pace and his distance.
20:36Yeah, exactly, and his pace and his distance.
20:38Oh, good uppercut there from Ramirez.
20:40Every once in a while, he lets him know he's there.
20:46Watkatsugi is showing a good beard.
20:50What is it, Paul?
20:52Would you like to see maybe Ramirez follow up
20:54a little better after those punches or something?
20:57What would you be yelling at the court?
20:59I think even he's not expecting to land,
21:00so when he lands, it's almost like he's surprised
21:02that he doesn't know how to follow up.
21:03Oh, good shot there by Ramirez.
21:05And also, keep in mind,
21:06Watkatsugi sometimes rides those shots.
21:07So they're landing clean, but they're not always landing
21:09as hard as Ramirez wants to land them.
21:12So that's why Watkatsugi is right back in his face
21:13after he gets hit.
21:14That's the thing, when you're in perpetual motion,
21:16you're never really set to get hit
21:17and take the full brunt of it at the end.
21:21And again, the change of rhythm, change of angle.
21:23You saw Watkatsugi throwing the left hand around the side
21:27instead of throwing it straight.
21:27And then he tries to spin off on the weak side.
21:30There he is again, spinning off on the weak side of Ramirez.
21:32Changing the angle, looking to punch.
21:34Always on balance.
21:36It's like a poor man's Lomachenko.
21:37Yeah, and Watkatsugi has fought at different weight classes.
21:40He said he feels the best at this weight class.
21:42And Chris, talking about the fitness,
21:43he's looking shredded, he looks big.
21:44Legs look good.
21:45Big for the weight class.
21:46I will say that.
21:47I mean, he's pretty tall.
21:48He's got wide shoulders, got big legs.
21:51He's definitely a good-sized 119 pounder.
21:53Talked about his respect for Freddie Roach.
21:55Everyone at the Wild Card Gym where he trains.
21:58Says he gets great work every single day,
22:00and it's showing tonight.
22:01Yeah, I spent two years at Wild Card.
22:03And if it's anything like it was when I was there,
22:04it's a great place to get work
22:06and apply your craft to be a fighter.
22:08I think this is the sparring session,
22:10as we mentioned, Chris, that everybody hates.
22:11It's gotta be sparring this guy.
22:12Oh, yeah.
22:13Seeing your face, trying to hit a jumping beam.
22:16I bet you he's there.
22:16I'm sure he's there every day.
22:18Every sparring day.
22:20Oh, nice left hand.
22:21Blood flying off the face of Eduardo Ramirez.
22:26I agree.
22:26I mean, he's very fun to watch.
22:28It's a very entertaining style.
22:34Nice feet.
22:35Good feet.
22:36And set up, slide out.
22:38You talked about it, Chris, like getting the flu.
22:40No one punch hurts you,
22:41but all of a sudden, your whole body hurts.
22:42Face is swelling up, having trouble breathing.
22:45Looks like we're getting to that point
22:46with Ramirez swelling all over the face.
22:48It's just like his whole face seems to be swelling.
22:50You see Ramirez comes up short, he's gassing.
22:52And he doesn't know what to do when he misses,
22:53because he feels like something's
22:54gonna come back every single time.
22:56And often it does.
22:59It's another thing, though.
23:00We haven't spoke to how tired he is from missing plays.
23:03And how tired you get from being frustrated mentally.
23:0610 seconds.
23:0710 segundos.
23:07Yeah, you can see Ramirez's hand
23:09starting to get bent and broken down.
23:1010 seconds left to go in round number six.
23:13Another round of 10 seconds.
23:1510 seconds left to go in round number six.
23:17Another good left hand shot, looking up at the lights.
23:21Eduardo Ramirez has to come up with something.
23:25Impressive performance by Akatsuki, guys.
23:32They're not gonna have the knockout power,
23:33have the constant motion.
23:34Chris, that's what's on display here.
23:35Yeah, look at him.
23:36Like you said, champ, sliding to that weak side.
23:37There's that big uppercut shot
23:39from Ramirez early in the round.
23:40But Akatsuki didn't respond to that at all.
23:44He just took the shot and went right back to work.
23:46It was like it didn't even happen.
23:47He's shown a good beard, but also,
23:49he just sticks to the game plan.
23:51Sticks to the script.
23:52Saw that calm face going back to his corner.
23:57I know he's Japanese, a Bushido culture.
24:00Everything's going his way right now.
24:15One of them saying, keep going, keep pushing.
24:17But the corner man's not the one getting a hit
24:19in the middle of the ring right now
24:20as we begin round number seven.
24:22Ooh, big left hand from Ramirez starting the round.
24:26Can he string them together?
24:27That is the question.
24:29Jimmy Smith, Paulie Malignaggi, Chris Algieri ringside.
24:32Here at the Pro Box TV Event Center, our main event.
24:35It is Gatsuma Akatsuki versus Eduardo Ramirez.
24:39Akatsuki undefeated.
24:41You see why he's undefeated
24:43with the performance he has had so far tonight.
24:48He's looking very sharp.
24:49Again, I'm bringing it back to that.
24:51That he was excited to have four weeks notice.
24:53Let's get this guy six or seven plus.
24:55Get this guy two month camp.
24:57Yeah, let's see what happens there.
24:58Oh, put over the eye.
25:00Was he over the eye?
25:01Was that a clash of heads?
25:02Maybe their heads came together.
25:04The referee has not called it a clash of heads.
25:07It's a little bit of a clash of heads.
25:09The referee has not called it a clash of heads.
25:11So we do not know.
25:14If the referee doesn't see it, it didn't happen.
25:19Wasn't gonna replay that, but right now, so far,
25:21Akatsuki acting as though he's not cut.
25:26Bleeding pretty bad, gentlemen.
25:27You mentioned that warrior spirit, Japanese culture.
25:30That's one thing that you see with Chin.
25:32Every time he gets hit, he goes right back to it.
25:34He's bleeding.
25:34It doesn't matter.
25:35He has a job to do.
25:37Will this energize Eduardo Ramirez?
25:40I don't think it's energized Dr. Zulia.
25:42I feel like he's throwing a lot more punches.
25:46Brock is telling us it was a headbutt.
25:49Southpaws versus the righty-rightys.
25:51You have that problem, and it just happens.
25:55It's almost like a natural occurrence.
25:56That's a gusher.
25:57Now you start to see him.
25:58He's starting to try to rub the eyes while deep blinked.
26:03Not letting up on the attack.
26:06Nice push-off there from Akatsuki.
26:08Constant straight left from that Southpaw stance.
26:14He said, tonight, I'm gonna make the most of this opportunity.
26:18Man, look at the deceptive way.
26:19You don't want to eat in front of you.
26:20Look what he does.
26:20You see that?
26:21Knee in hand, changing levels,
26:22watching for the subtle things.
26:24Changing the target to the stomach.
26:26Nice judge of distance there, too, with that little pull.
26:28Slight step in, slight step out,
26:30trying to draw you in, trying to fix you in,
26:31so you lean in and he punches you.
26:34Constant rhythm from Akatsuki.
26:36Nicknamed the Japanese firecracker, Japanese rocket,
26:39depending on your translation, but might be the magician.
26:41He does this, he waves that hand
26:42and then hits you with the left.
26:44Good counter there from Ramirez.
26:45Distraction all the time so far from Akatsuki.
26:48Yeah, you need a lot of deception, a lot of illusion
26:50to get in a fight like this and be effective,
26:53and Akatsuki does have that.
26:54You can see that in his style.
26:57Blood from the nose of Ramirez.
26:59And the mouth.
27:01Yeah, those are from punches.
27:03The definition of a war of attrition.
27:06Akatsuki just keeping the pressure on in round number seven.
27:0910 seconds left.
27:12So far, a fighter from Japan in complete control,
27:14but a cut caused by a headbutt
27:16has given Ramirez a target.
27:18Will it be enough?
27:33Well, here's how the cut happened, gentlemen.
27:34A referee has not indicated it was a headbutt,
27:36but here it is.
27:40That's about as headbutt as a headbutt's gonna be.
27:45Yeah, it's not a great spot either.
27:47It's above the eye, it's a little bit outside,
27:48so the blood isn't necessarily gonna drip into the eye,
27:51but we'll see how that thing progresses
27:52if it gets any bigger.
27:55One thing is, is it might energize Ramirez,
27:57but give him something to punch at, a little bit of a target,
28:00maybe get him mentally back into this fight,
28:02because tactically, hasn't really found a way in.
28:05Yeah, that's not a great spot.
28:08Eyelid, of course, dangerous.
28:11Hopefully they know,
28:13commission understands that that was caused by a headbutt.
28:16If they have to go,
28:18if they have to stop the fight,
28:19they would go to the scorecards at this point.
28:25Tomorrow, these guys are gonna know they were in a fight.
28:28No question about that.
28:30I bet you Ramirez's neck is gonna kill him.
28:32His head has been popped back multiple times,
28:34with shots just like that.
28:36Great left from the southpaw stance
28:38with a fighter from Japan,
28:40running out of Hollywood, California,
28:42at the world-famous Wild Card Gym.
28:44A little bit of a slugfest in round eight.
28:48Bone Booth fight.
28:56Gentlemen, he's so good at turning off
28:58and throwing that left at exactly the right time.
29:00But we keep talking about his position,
29:02his power, his balance, his physical strength.
29:05His balance is great.
29:07He's in a good position.
29:09He's got strong legs.
29:10He's able to move his man around.
29:11Oh, good body shot, too.
29:13And a variation went around the side to that uppercut.
29:15Got a body up the middle with the uppercuts.
29:18Ramirez is really on fire.
29:19A lot of blood out of the nose of Ramirez.
29:21There's a clash of heads again that just happened there.
29:24You see a lot of some of the touches
29:27come back with a snappy, hard shot after it.
29:29So there's deception in there.
29:31Very good rhythm.
29:37Solid, solid shots here.
29:40If you're wondering about the chin
29:42of either one of these gentlemen,
29:43those questions have been answered, for sure.
29:46I mean, Ramirez has been stopped.
29:48He's been hurt in a kickball.
29:49He was a big puncher.
29:50Got him very early on.
29:51One of the best in the world right now, believe me.
29:52Cardenas was another one who was able to stop him,
29:54but he was in that fight.
29:56He was taking punches really well until the finish.
29:58He was up in that fight, right?
29:59Yeah, he was having one sport,
30:01one had him up, one had him withdraw.
30:03But he was certainly in it.
30:03He was right there.
30:04Oh, yeah, absolutely.
30:05Having a great night.
30:06This one's completely a shutout, I think.
30:08But Akatsuki, he's taking some big punches as well.
30:11None have slowed him down.
30:13Nice, ripping body shot.
30:16Listen, if you're fighting this young man, Akatsuki,
30:19you're in trouble one night,
30:20and you're not gonna have a good night.
30:21Get your meals from Chris Algieri, right?
30:24You're gonna need some energy to keep up with this guy.
30:26I'll tell you, without a big knockout record,
30:28he's not gonna have a hard time.
30:29You're talking about he's the B-side a lot of times.
30:32He's not gonna have a hard time getting title shots
30:34if he reaches world-class level,
30:35because champions will take chances on guys
30:37that don't have a big knockout shot, big knockout power.
30:42But I mean, I don't see a lot of fighters
30:44looking good against this guy.
30:44Yeah, that's what I'm saying, be careful.
30:46Be careful what you wish for,
30:47because this guy's not gonna be easy to deal with.
30:49He's dangerous, very, very dangerous.
30:52We're talking about one of the greatest fighters
30:53of all time, pound for pound.
30:54Cornel Whitaker, you know,
30:56couldn't break a potato chip with his punch,
30:57but don't make it look like a fool in there.
30:59And he's another one who would get aggressive in spots.
31:00He'd walk you down.
31:02You watch a lot of Cornel Whitaker fights,
31:03he was walking you down.
31:04Well, Diabelo Cepeda, he had to.
31:06He was losing that fight every round.
31:07I think he had to score a knockout late.
31:10Ten seconds, yes, thank you.
31:11Rest in peace, Sweet Pea, one of my favorites of all time.
31:14Great performance so far from the fighter from Japan.
31:16Listen for the bell.
31:18Got Zumo at Akitsugi.
31:23Round eight, cut, stabilized a bit, gentlemen.
31:26It doesn't look good, but doesn't look a whole lot worse
31:27than it did in the last round.
31:29No, I mean, he's not getting hit all that much,
31:31and there hasn't been any more headbutts,
31:33so that cut is pretty stable.
31:36Some of the action from the last round.
31:39Ooh, talk about chins, gentlemen.
31:43And Akitsugi, man, again, doesn't change the approach.
31:46Gets hit with a big shot.
31:48Eyes right back on the prize.
31:50Loma, ara, loma, atana.
31:52Okay? All right?
31:54And don't forget that middle, too.
31:56Don't forget that middle working.
31:57Yeah, all right, buddy.
31:58All right, Akitsugi, looking good so far.
32:01Cuando te gira, brinca pa' atrás porque te agarra de ope.
32:03Brinca pa' atrás y regresa, wey.
32:05No te puedes quedar, no te puedes quedar parado, wey.
32:07Hey, lo puedes acabar.
32:09Yo soy confio en ti que lo puedes acabar.
32:10Hace lo que te digo. Al cuerpo y remátalo.
32:12Al cuerpo y remátalo. Agarre distancia.
32:15Corner's saying, you can't stand still.
32:17You can finish this fight.
32:20Trying to will their fighter back into it,
32:22that fighter Eduardo Ramirez.
32:24Paul, as you said, probably a shutout so far
32:27because we were in the penultimate round,
32:28round number nine, scheduled for ten.
32:31Yeah, Ramirez may have to give everything he's got here
32:35in the last two rounds of what he's got left
32:37to try to go for the KO.
32:40It doesn't look like Akitsugi's willing to back off.
32:43No, he's only got one way.
32:48If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
32:49And he also looks like he enjoys himself.
32:50Yeah, yeah. Fighting like this.
32:52Akitsugi goes rounds, but he doesn't mind doing it.
32:54I was thinking earlier, you know,
32:56obviously very, very different styles,
32:57very different fighters, but Nicolas Flau, another guy,
32:59they both are guys that are rhythmic fighters
33:01who like to have fun and are enjoying themselves in there.
33:04And have a high output.
33:05Yep, and just great rhythm.
33:08And again, that output comes right off that smooth rhythm,
33:10so it doesn't really tie him up.
33:12Not dancing tonight. He is playing some percussion.
33:17The red, green, and white doing great work
33:20against Ramirez up against the ropes.
33:22The effectiveness of a guy like Akitsugi is not super speed,
33:25but it's amazing punch variation.
33:27Yeah, he's landed a lot of shots.
33:30John Bonham going to town on your body over and over again.
33:34I could see in the corner of Ramirez, they were worried.
33:36They're concerned about how many punches
33:38their fighter's taking.
33:41Ramirez, he takes the uppercut, backs up, and Akitsugi again.
33:44Ramirez tried to hold there. Akitsugi refused it.
33:47Ramirez not looking good right now.
33:48Not a good shot.
33:50Referee, I think, looking closely at this.
33:54This could be a show-me-something
33:55kind of environment here.
33:57Yeah, the corner's looking real...
33:59Yeah, he hasn't thrown a punch back in a while.
34:00Referee, the corner's going to the apron.
34:03This is over.
34:04That was not the only punch in a while.
34:05You know what? That gets dangerous.
34:06Fight is stopped.
34:08You know what?
34:10You know what?
34:11In the fighter meetings, Akitsugi said
34:12he wanted a stoppage.
34:13He got it.
34:14He wanted to make a statement,
34:15and he sure did that, just that.
34:17And it starts to get dangerous for guys
34:18because sometimes the guys want out big punches,
34:21and you go too many rounds getting beat up.
34:22They don't put you out of your misery.
34:24Sometimes it's better to just get knocked out earlier,
34:26and you don't take as much damage.
34:27Sometimes these kind of fight can be more dangerous
34:30because you're taking a lot of punches from a guy
34:32who's not putting you out of your misery,
34:34but it's enough damage to rock you and hurt you
34:38because punches in the head are not healthy to begin with,
34:41and when they keep landing clean and clean and clean,
34:43and you keep hanging around, it can get dangerous.
34:45Just enough heart to stay in the fight, right?
34:47Yeah, you've seen that.
34:48That's where guys get hurt is during
34:49when extended amount of rounds go.
34:51Sometimes it ends in late knockout.
34:53Sometimes it goes the distance.
34:54I've seen guys get hurt with catastrophic brain injuries.
34:57They've fought on points. They've lost on points.
34:58I've seen guys win on points
34:59and have catastrophic brain injuries.
35:01Tragic endings don't happen in rounds one and two.
35:04They happen in rounds 10 to 11, 12.
35:06A lot of times, it's not against monstrous punches.
35:08Right. It's true.
35:09This is how it happened. It was right in front of us.
35:12That's how we were able to warn you right there.
35:15Let the commission know this fight is over.
35:17And now Ramirez is in the corner.
35:20He doesn't feel good, man. He's got a towel on his head.
35:22He didn't throw a punch the last 30, 40 seconds.
35:25He was overwhelmed. He had tried.
35:27It wasn't like he showed up and then, like,
35:29just tried to BS his way through the fight.
35:31Oh, this guy, no. He doesn't fight that way.
35:33He had tried early on.
35:34He just got the fighting spirit beaten out of him.
35:37And at the end, he just had nothing left.
35:40I'd like to see some ice on his head and neck at this point.
35:42You want to, just in case there's any kind of swelling
35:45or bleeding going on.
35:46Even some oxygen.
35:48That's something they do in England, right?
35:49They do that. I saw that.
35:50They do that here recently.
35:52I've seen it. They always do it in England,
35:53but I feel like I've seen it here recently.
35:56I don't know if it was right here at this show.
35:58Akitsugi wanted a statement.
36:01The main event in the United States,
36:02he made that statement tonight.
36:04Oh, absolutely. I mean, hello, Akitsugi.
36:07That was a great performance against a very, very tough opponent.
36:12He was very, very impressive.
36:13He showed what he's made of.
36:15He made a statement exactly the way that he wanted to.
36:19I mean, listen, he'll always be invited here on Pro Box TV.
36:22He's a very exciting style.
36:23And he fought a perpetual motion, as we said.
36:25And we noticed it in round one.
36:28Like, oh, this guy has kind of a perpetual motion kind of style.
36:31And he continued exactly that way.
36:34Perpetual motion, scored a knockdown on the way,
36:36dominated the fight, punch variation, punch selection,
36:40deceptive entrance, spinning around the side as well,
36:43weak side exits to create new punching angles,
36:47which he punched off of.
36:48Again, a bit of a poor man's Lomachenko.
36:50And you know what?
36:52He's got a little bit of that style in him.
36:55Gentlemen, this is a month camp.
36:57This guy came out and did this.
36:58The shape, the timing, the explosiveness,
37:02that is impressive.
37:03You give this guy two months?
37:04Yeah, I can't wait to see what he can do.
37:06I usually hope he doesn't over-train,
37:07because he works so hard that maybe
37:09give him a full camp might be dangerous.
37:10He's not used to it.
37:12This is a massive win.
37:13Robert Ramirez is a very, very tough out.
37:16We've had him on our air before, and he impressed it.
37:18And to stop him the way that, for Domini, and then stop him.
37:21Yeah, Domini and stop him, exactly.
37:23It's the way he got the stoppage.
37:24Checked off every single box to win in our main event by TKO.
37:32Great performance for the fighter from Japan,
37:34fighting out of Hollywood, California, Jim Sorensen.
37:37Make it official here in our main event.
37:41Ladies and gentlemen, at 1 minute, 48 seconds,
37:45in round number nine,
37:47referee Michael DeJesus calls this fight to a stop.
37:52For your winner, by technical knockout,
37:55and still undefeated,
37:58Katsuma, El Cuerte Japonesito, Akitsugi!
38:06Hard to forget.
38:07Remember the name, Akitsugi.
38:10He looked outstanding tonight.
38:12Not just outstanding, gentlemen, but entertaining, right?
38:14The kind of technician you want to see again.
38:17Well, it's a fun style, too.
38:19You're curious to see what he's going to do.
