Trembling Dog Finally Lets Someone Hold Him

  • last month
Puppy found alone in the road hated to be touched — until he snuggled in his foster mom's bed ❤️ We spoke to Lauren from Streethearts BG about Archer's transformation and how it felt when he finally melted in her arms.


00:00As you can see he's terrified. I don't think I've ever seen such a fearful puppy in my
00:11whole time working at the charity. He couldn't even look at us. He's not eating anything.
00:18We knew we had a lot of work to do. Today we've taken a step backwards. He just didn't
00:22want to walk with the lead on. Come on. You have good days and you have not so good days.
00:30Probably try again tomorrow. We don't know what's happened to him whilst he's been by
00:34the side of the road. In Bulgaria people will throw stones and sticks at dogs. Good boy.
00:44First four times that I held him he was so scared. Each time that I would pick him up
00:50and cuddle him he then would realise that I actually quite enjoy this. He suddenly realised
01:00that actually nothing is going to happen to him. It's quite nice just chilling out with people.
01:04Puppy's been on the pet walk today. Hello. First pet walk. Brave boy. Come on.
01:10That just shows how his confidence is building. Archer has turned a little bit of a corner
01:15this last week. I had him on the bed with me on one of my days off. You quite enjoyed that didn't you?
01:21Taking a dog into town is the final step of their training. He was as nervous as I expected him to
01:27be. He was completely stiff again like it was in the early days. He sat on my knee and he watched
01:33the world go by. We did a lot of sitting around town. The next time that I took him into town
01:40he was like a different dog. I honestly could have cried. I was so proud of him.
01:46I can't believe how he's doing. He was so shut down last time. We got through it together. He's
01:52a good boy. It was just a real moment to reflect on how far he'd come from that little puppy that
02:01was shaking like a leaf. Archer's been with us for seven months now. He's 10 months old.
02:08Who's my gorgeous? Who's my gorgeous? I let him into my bungalow the other day and he just
02:16waltzes in like he owns the place. Excuse me?
02:22Who said you could go on the bed? We still have a cuddle. He's getting a little bit big to sit on
02:28my knee but we still try. Although I literally love him with my whole heart, he makes me so
02:36happy and I would be really sad to see him go. The idea of him having a future with his own
02:42family really excites me. There is no better feeling in the shelter. There's so many other
02:47dogs that we've got to spread our time between and he deserves to be the centre of someone's
02:53universe and have his own happy family.
