Sueños de libertad Cap 120 (12-08-24)

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00:12He doesn't care.
00:14He would never have expected something like this from Begoña.
00:17The poor girl seems to have lost her mind.
00:19It's those pills, father.
00:21Sergeant, since his mother died, Begoña has been taking tranquilizers that cause hallucinations.
00:30In fact, his wife was in the car on the side of the road.
00:33She looked a bit disoriented and in the co-pilot's seat we saw a boat full of barbiturates.
00:37God bless.
00:39I didn't see her well today.
00:40I told her not to take the car if she was going out, but she didn't listen.
00:45Your wife inherited your mother-in-law's disease.
00:48No matter how much you refuse to admit it.
00:50What disease are you talking about?
00:52Begoña's mother has spent more than half her life in a mental institution for mentally ill.
00:57No, no, no. Why are you forcing me to come here if I told you that my life is in danger?
01:04Begoña, honey.
01:05Leave me alone.
01:06Let's see, let's see. Please, let's keep calm.
01:09Ma'am, you have made some very serious accusations and I have to judge them with the people involved.
01:13Everything you're going to say is a lie.
01:15But Begoña...
01:16What are you going to do?
01:18She's seeing him. She's out of her mind.
01:20You're a murderer.
01:21You killed Clotilde and Valentín.
01:25Clotilde's murderer was Lázaro Ramos, who died in prison.
01:28Sergeant, if I may say so,
01:30I should have consulted Clotilde's death case before dealing with my daughter-in-law's miscarriages.
01:37And above all, how dare you bring her here, to my factory, saying these nonsense?
01:43Sir, I know the man who investigated the case and I know he did a good job.
01:47But my duty is to pick up any accusation, no matter how absurd it may seem.
01:53They're not absurd. I'm telling you the truth.
01:55And you also know that my nephew Valentín died recently in Brazil.
01:58Mrs. Montes told me about a death certificate that I'll have to see.
02:02That certificate is in the hands of my sister-in-law, Valentín's mother,
02:05and I'd appreciate it if you didn't bother her.
02:07She's still very affected by the news.
02:09I'm begging you, sergeant. You have to believe me, please.
02:12Listen to me, ma'am. We've already heard you.
02:15So please remain silent now.
02:21Your wife, Mrs. Montes, also accuses you of shooting her.
02:27What happened is that my wife went into a hunting lodge and was shot.
02:32And it was an irresponsibility because she or our daughter could have died, or both.
02:37You were with your daughter? And why didn't you tell me anything?
02:40Because you know I was afraid.
02:42I didn't tell him anything because I didn't want the girl to have to testify.
02:45Because what her father did traumatized her so much that the poor thing erased her from her memory.
02:50Do you have any other witness who can corroborate your version?
02:53Yes, but I don't want to implicate them.
02:56I see.
02:59And why did it take you so long to report your husband?
03:01Out of fear. Because I'm afraid for my life.
03:05He tried to kill me and he's going to do it again, I swear.
03:07Enough, Begoña, for all you want.
03:09How far are you going to go to punish me?
03:11Sergeant, my wife doesn't forgive me for a long time ago I had an affair with my secretary.
03:18And she's been punishing me for a long time, but I don't know how far her resentment will go.
03:22That's a lie. That's a lie. I forgave you.
03:25And it hurt my soul, but I was able to cross the page because I didn't even suspect that you were a murderer.
03:29You're a scoundrel.
03:30You are intolerable.
03:31I find it hard to believe that you give credit to accusations that have no basis.
03:37But haven't you seen the state of this woman?
03:39She speaks without meaning. She has no proof of what she says.
03:42Let's see, according to Mrs. Montes, there were some evidence in the vandalism of the family home, but they disappeared.
03:46Those evidences are also the result of her delirium.
03:49Begoña, honey, you have to stop taking those pills and allow a professional to see you.
03:54I beg you, please.
03:55But let's see, since when are you taking those tranquilizers?
04:00I need them to be able to live with a murderer and his accomplice.
04:06Let's finish this once and for all.
04:08If you still believe my wife, stop me.
04:11I trust your expertise to find out which of the two is lying.
04:14Let's go.
04:16Let's go, Sergeant.
04:19At the moment there is no indication that you are suspicious.
04:23Very well, in that case, I beg you to let me settle this unpleasant matter with my wife.
04:28No, please. Please, I beg you, don't leave me here with him, please.
04:31Mrs. Montes, calm down, calm down.
04:33I'm very sorry for the moment you're going through, but that's just going to make things worse.
04:37And it would be useless for you to run away like you were going to do.
04:43I swear that everything I'm saying is true.
04:45You have to believe me.
04:47And if not, take me to the police station, please.
04:49Whatever, but don't leave me here with him, please.
04:51Let me go.
04:54Solve the problems with your husband.
04:56Good night.
04:57Thank you, Sergeant.
04:58When will you be able to accept the glass I have offered you?
05:01For me it would be an honor to reward you for keeping the good name of the family.
05:05I'll stop by your house.
05:07And don't worry, we have been extremely discreet when it comes to bringing her here.
05:11You can rest assured.
05:13I'll go with you.
05:22Don't come near me.
05:28What a shame, Begoña.
05:30You have lost the north.
05:32Tell me, what do I do with you?
05:35Tell me.
05:37What do I do?
05:51What do I do?
06:21What do I do?
06:35It can't be.
06:46Good morning.
06:52Let's see.
06:55Come on, honey.
06:59You should recover.
07:02You took a lot of pills last night.
07:05Get up.
07:08You're completely crazy.
07:10And you tell me?
07:12After the little number you set up yesterday?
07:15Let me out, please.
07:17This doesn't make any sense.
07:20You're my wife.
07:22Don't you think it's enough reason?
07:25I married you deceitfully.
07:28Our marriage has no validity.
07:32Do you want to take your case to the court of the route?
07:35I'm looking forward to showing how much I love you to the Pope of Rome himself, if necessary.
07:40You are unable to love anyone.
07:43Because you feel the thorns of the whole world.
07:46You can't stand that no one shines more than you.
07:49You had my shine when you fell in love with me.
07:52You lied to me.
07:55You're a mediocre.
07:57And you know it.
08:03I know you're not the one talking.
08:05They're talking about those sedatives your little friend gives you.
08:10You should eat something.
08:12Lately you've been neglecting yourself and in the end you can fall sick.
08:17Honey, I...
08:19Yesterday I lost my nerves when I knew you wanted to run away.
08:23I felt like I was dying.
08:25It's a shame you didn't do it.
08:27Enough, Begoña.
08:31We have to fix this.
08:33I've already forgiven you.
08:35Now I just need you to forgive me once and for all and stop doing and saying nonsense.
08:40And why do you have to forgive me?
08:44For trying to kill me?
08:47For your violence?
08:50For forcing me to have relationships?
08:53We can still fix this, honey.
08:57This has no solution.
09:00I don't love you.
09:02I can't stand being with you.
09:05I'd rather live in jail than be with you one more minute.
09:13Let me go, please.
09:17I promise I won't confess your crimes again.
09:20I swear.
09:23I love you too much to let you go.
09:26If you loved me, you wouldn't have me locked up here.
09:32It depends on you if you can get out.
09:36Be the one you were with me again and...
09:39I promise I'll make you the happiest woman in the world.
09:42How do you want me to be happy if I live with the devil himself?
09:46There's no human being who can stand this.
09:49We could start from scratch, honey.
09:52All I want is to end all this.
09:56To end it with you.
10:02You wanted it.
10:16I love you.
10:37Have you seen Tasi around here?
10:41I'm looking for him but I can't find him anywhere.
10:43He didn't come home last night.
10:45What happened, Carmen? Did you argue or something?
10:49Or yes, I don't know.
10:51I asked him if he was a friend of his.
10:53He almost killed me with his eyes.
10:56I knew it.
10:58I knew it.
11:00The boy you did business with.
11:02He dumped you.
11:04Let's see if what they were saying this morning is true.
11:06That this thing with the appliances is a hoax.
11:08Is it true?
11:11All our savings, Fina.
11:15My husband wanted to prosper.
11:17In life.
11:18Well, in the ruins.
11:19He left us in the ruins.
11:21Calm down, Carmen.
11:22You'll see how this is solved.
11:23But how is it going to be solved, Claudia?
11:25If he's the one who has to take care of all the scams now?
11:29Oh, my God.
11:31How much money did you leave him, Fina?
11:35Because when I went to give him the envelope, he didn't take it.
11:37I think at that moment he should have imagined it was a hoax.
11:39Or he could have realized it before.
11:41Damn it.
11:42I told him.
11:43I told him.
11:44But nothing.
11:45Because there's no one more stupid than the one who thinks he's smart.
11:47Oh, Carmen.
11:49Well, I don't know.
11:50He must have hidden it so he doesn't have to show his face until he understands what happened.
11:53But we're going to have hope.
11:54Because maybe this Inigo is...
11:56That's what worries me, Fina.
11:57That he's looking for him.
11:59Because that scoundrel is capable of stabbing him in the back.
12:02For God's sake, Carmen.
12:03For God's sake, don't say that.
12:05That man is a criminal.
12:07And it's obvious that he didn't come here to the factory to have a good time.
12:11Come on.
12:12What we have to do is go to the Civil Guard.
12:14Tell them to help us find him.
12:16Not to mention Timo, of course.
12:18The Civil Guard?
12:20The Civil Guard is not going to move from the block because a man hasn't spent the night at his house.
12:23Well, we'll tell him everything, Fina.
12:25But then he's going to think he escaped with Inigo.
12:29That's what I was missing.
12:31That they put him in jail thinking he's an accomplice to that shameless man.
12:35For God's sake, Fina.
12:37No, Carmen.
12:38Don't think that.
12:39It's just that Tassio was a scoundrel.
12:41But for people to think he's capable of something like that...
12:43Tassio has already been arrested.
12:45And the Civil Guard has him signed for sure.
12:47That's not to mention the number of colleagues who are now going to report him for fraud.
12:54Tassio has it very difficult.
13:10Do you have a moment?
13:12Or do I get you wrong?
13:14No, not at all.
13:16Tell me, what do you need?
13:18I bring you the adjustment of the budget you proposed.
13:20It has already been approved.
13:22All that is missing is your signature.
13:24Well, thank you very much.
13:26Jesus has made it difficult, don't believe it.
13:28But the important thing is that it is already closed.
13:30Now they only have the head for the project of opening a passageway in the United States.
13:34Come on, you've only gone through it in a hurry and running
13:36so that the extra expense for the laboratory is approved.
13:38As if I saw it.
13:40I also have my strategies, don't you think?
13:42Always looking for me.
13:44You know I know, Luis.
13:46The same as you with me.
13:48You don't know how reassuring it is for me that you are now in this position.
13:51We have had our quarrels, but despite everything we can trust each other.
13:57Are you okay?
13:59I see you with your head elsewhere.
14:01Yes, yes, yes, I'm fine.
14:03You know, I always have my head in a thousand places at the same time.
14:05Do you know that I have returned to my mother's house?
14:07Seriously? I didn't know.
14:09Yes, yes, yes.
14:11Last night I slept there and today I will finish taking my things.
14:13But everything is fine, right? You did it for her.
14:15For everything, in general.
14:17Family is family.
14:19For better or for worse, we have to take care of each other, right?
14:24I wish I could say the same about mine.
14:26The only one who is saved is Marta.
14:28Well, Andrés, your father is also there, right?
14:31Every time I understand myself less with him.
14:33Thank goodness you are here.
14:35You are like a brother.
14:40Well, do you sign?
14:42Yes, sorry.
14:51Can you share something with your partner?
14:53I only leave it to your consideration.
14:55If it transcended what my daughter-in-law did last night,
14:58it would be disastrous for the whole family.
14:59Don't worry.
15:01I am aware of the important work your company does in the countryside.
15:03My son, without going any further, would love to work in your company.
15:05Well, I guess he will be the first on the list
15:07in the next selection of templates.
15:12I just found out that you were here.
15:14Hasn't anything served you yet, Father?
15:16Sergeant Pontón is in a hurry.
15:18And it's already served.
15:20How is your wife?
15:22Is she calmer?
15:24Much calmer.
15:27I need her medication to make her sleep better,
15:29but today she barely remembers her mishaps.
15:31Thank you for bringing her back home.
15:33I am still devastated.
15:35I only did my duty.
15:37And don't worry about yesterday's complaint.
15:39I have made sure that there is no trace left in the barracks.
15:41I will be eternally grateful to you for this.
15:43No problem.
15:45Well, I should go now,
15:47so I won't keep you any longer.
15:55Come back whenever you want.
15:57You will always be welcome here.
15:59I'll go with you.
16:14So, here he is.
16:16This is where he organizes all his business.
16:19You can tell he is an influential man.
16:22Are you okay?
16:23Yes, yes.
16:25I am thinking about how to approach Peralta.
16:27If you don't mind, let me speak first.
16:29Would it be necessary?
16:31You are the businessman.
16:33Joaquín, this is going to be the first of many more meetings.
16:36You'll see.
16:38And the first thing we are going to do
16:40is renew your whole wardrobe as soon as you start the business.
16:42For the car, Gemma.
16:44To be a great businessman,
16:46you have to get your hands dirty working first.
16:48Of course, but even if we don't like the image in business,
16:50it is also important.
16:51As a woman, if I feel ridiculous
16:53wearing this cheap suit
16:55and carrying this mess from Toledo,
16:57I look like a catheter.
17:01Joaquín, look at me.
17:03You are an elegant, handsome man.
17:05A good worker.
17:07If you have it all, it will be good for you.
17:09You, who see me with good eyes.
17:11Do me the favor of trusting you more.
17:14Look at this building.
17:16How noble, please.
17:18I can't even imagine the number of people
17:19who go through this door every day.
17:21And the neighborhood where the office is,
17:23what do you tell me?
17:25How do you notice the difference in class
17:27on the other side of the retreat?
17:29You've always liked this, haven't you?
17:33This, luxury.
17:35Expensive things.
17:37Let's see, they are things I have never had and that ...
17:39And that I couldn't give you.
17:41That's why you went out looking for it.
17:43I wasn't going to say that.
17:45Joaquín, honey, I'm very sorry.
17:47It doesn't matter.
17:49Let's see if they answer us.
18:02How did it go?
18:04Have you asked any questions?
18:08And if you have solved your wife's issue,
18:10everything is upside down.
18:12You know too well that this is impossible.
18:14I've already seen how far it has come.
18:16It is totally unleashed.
18:17And you are responsible, son.
18:20You insist on imposing your will on the force
18:22and look what you have achieved.
18:24I am being very patient with Begoña,
18:26even if she doesn't believe it.
18:28Don't make me laugh.
18:30You are not patient with anything.
18:32You are raising a dustbin wherever you go.
18:34In the factory, at home with your brothers,
18:36in bed with your wife.
18:38The problem is that I have been too soft with her
18:40and when I have wanted to impose myself,
18:42you can see what I have achieved.
18:44That she is going to report me like a madwoman.
18:46Begoña is willing to tell anyone.
18:48She will tell Andrés and Dina herself.
18:50And they will believe her.
18:52I have locked her up in the half-drug room.
18:54She won't be able to talk to anyone today.
18:56And what do you intend?
18:58Lock her up for life?
19:00And what are you going to say when they ask you?
19:02When Julia asks you, what are you going to tell her?
19:04I can tell her that she is sick, like her mother.
19:07Stop talking nonsense.
19:09We don't care about the merit,
19:11but here we have a doctor at home
19:12and he would discover the truth as soon as he saw her.
19:17We need to solve this in another way.
19:21What is he thinking?
19:24You have to take her out.
19:26To Olite, to France, to Tonbouctou, wherever.
19:30But you have to shut her mouth forever.
19:33No, I'm not going to leave here
19:35at the best time of the company.
19:37Get out of the damn company.
19:39Now what matters is the family.
19:40You started with all this.
19:42You have to solve it as soon as possible.
19:44But my place is here, father.
19:46And I'm not going to leave the family
19:48or the company that I have raised with so much effort.
19:50That ambition will end up killing you, son.
19:52You have learned that ambition.
19:54And you know perfectly well that Perfumerías de la Reina
19:56needs me to grow out of our borders.
19:58Listen to me carefully.
20:00Right now the company is the last thing I care about.
20:02I want Begoña under control.
20:04And that must be your priority.
20:07And if you don't get it,
20:08I'll have to intervene.
20:10Like it or not.
20:38Jesús de la Reina, tell me.
20:40Hi, I'm Dr. Luz Borrell.
20:42Can I talk to Begoña? I haven't heard from her in days.
20:45Hi, doctor. No, you can't right now.
20:47She's resting.
20:49Resting? I understand.
20:51And when can I talk to her?
20:55I'll tell her you called and she'll call you back.
20:57Thank you very much.
20:59Good morning.
21:01Good morning.
21:04Okay, I'll bring you the bill.
21:17Where the hell have you been?
21:19Do you know what I've done here?
21:21Everyone's asking about you.
21:23Shut up, Gaspar.
21:25I've been looking for Inigo all night.
21:27I've been to all the stables,
21:29all the junkyards,
21:31and no one knows anything.
21:33Have you met anyone who knows him?
21:35No one, Gaspar.
21:36No one?
21:38Like a fool who took 20,000 pesetas from Carmen and me.
21:40What do you mean 20,000 pesetas?
21:42Where did you get so much money from, Tassio?
21:44From the savings we had, Gaspar.
21:46From a loan I asked for,
21:48from the signal people were giving me,
21:50the products I was giving them.
21:52I'm going to be in debt all my life.
21:54I don't know how I'm going to get out of this, Gaspar.
21:56I'm going to have to work all my life like a slave
21:58to pay what I owe everyone.
22:00What if I don't?
22:02And Carmen knows...
22:04Carmen doesn't know anything.
22:06But let's see,
22:08there's something I don't get, Tassio,
22:10because the equipment business does work.
22:12Look, my radio works perfectly.
22:14Besides, it's twice as hard on the street, right?
22:16That's the hook Inigo used for me to fall into the trap.
22:19And I fell like a mule.
22:21Well, the hook must have cost him a lot,
22:23because the radio was about to go on sale.
22:25Yes, and the investment was big,
22:27the one he made to get a bigger cut,
22:29if he's smart.
22:31Let's see if the radios are stolen too,
22:33I don't know, Gaspar.
22:34What do you think?
22:36Let's see if I've been a victim of that bastard too
22:38and I'm going to have to give the radio back now.
22:40No, no, calm down, let's hope not.
22:42Well, calm down, come on, calm down.
22:44Don't worry,
22:46everything will be solved.
22:48God squeezes, but he doesn't drown.
22:50And Carmen will surely support you.
22:52And the colleagues will have to understand
22:54that he has been swindled, right?
23:00Hey, macho,
23:02what about my vacuum cleaner?
23:04A little patience and relax a bit,
23:06that's not the way to talk to anyone.
23:08Where's my money?
23:10You, get out of here!
23:12Get out!
23:16Come on, come on.
23:18Are you okay?
23:26Has anyone hit the sheets?
23:29I need to make direct home visits,
23:31everything I need is in the suitcase
23:32and I'd rather not go through here.
23:34Well, I would have appreciated it if you had let me know.
23:37The logical thing is that we know where each other is, right?
23:40Just in case anything happens.
23:48Don't you have anything to tell me?
23:53Have you spoken to Marta?
23:55Don't insist, Luz, please.
23:58You're playing with fire.
24:00Do you want to stop pressuring me once and for all?
24:03Thanks to you, I've spent the morning avoiding my wife
24:06so that I don't get a third degree.
24:08Well, deal with it with her.
24:10I can't sit idly by while you condemn yourself to loneliness
24:14in such a delicate moment.
24:16Do you want to do me the favour of respecting my decision?
24:18I'm the patient and you're no one to meddle in my life.
24:26Okay, I won't be anyone to meddle in your life,
24:29but I'm an accomplice to your silence
24:30and I want to stop being one.
24:33You don't have the right to talk about the bill
24:36like you almost did yesterday.
24:40I'm not going to cover for you anymore.
24:42Are you going to break our pact?
24:44You don't care how I feel?
24:46Be reasonable, please.
24:49You have to take on your illness.
24:52The time has come for you to tell your family.
24:55What are you afraid of?
24:57Showing yourself vulnerable to them?
24:59It's enough for Marta to know.
25:01The rest doesn't need to know.
25:03You don't get it.
25:05I don't have much time left.
25:07I want to be free to decide what to do with him and how.
25:14You're free to do whatever you want,
25:17but don't count on me to keep the lie.
25:21Come in.
25:23I'm sorry.
25:25I fell and my mouth won't stop bleeding.
25:26Tassio, what did you get hurt with?
25:28I don't know.
25:32The lip is broken.
25:34We have to disinfect it and put some stitches.
25:36Go clean it. I'll sew that wound.
25:39Sit down, Tassio, please.
25:41Call your secretary again.
25:43I'm sure she has five minutes to see us.
25:45She can't see you without an appointment.
25:47Do you know who this man is?
25:49Gema, please.
25:51He's Joaquín Merino, son of the founder of Perfumerías de la Reina.
25:53The least he deserves is an audience with Mr. Peralta.
25:55Can I know what's going on here?
25:57No, I don't know.
25:59I don't know.
26:01I don't know.
26:03I don't know.
26:05I don't know.
26:07I don't know.
26:08I don't know.
26:10I don't know.
26:12I don't know.
26:14I don't know.
26:16I don't know.
26:18I don't know.
26:20I don't know.
26:22I don't know.
26:24I don't know.
26:26I don't know.
26:28I don't know.
26:30I don't know.
26:32I don't know.
26:34I don't know.
26:36I don't know.
26:38I don't know.
26:40I don't know.
26:42I don't know.
26:47How dare youSPEAKING SPANISH
26:52without any educational background?
26:55To be honest, we were by chance here
26:58and I bought you some straws.
27:00To be honest, I don't make deals with whores.
27:05I understand, don't worry about it,
27:06That's just my lost a que todo lo que tiene de rico lo tiene de mal educado
27:10Saber que le digo que a reito somos y en el camino nos encontraremos
27:14Me va a venir usted a mí con amenazas pues tiempo el tiempo porque seguro que nos volvemos a ver las caras
27:18vamos Joaquin
27:57Prepares a bonito tenerme toda la noche en vilo sin saber si está vivo está muerto
28:01Más me valdría estar muerto la verdad ya conmigo no me vengas de víctima donde está
28:06buscando asesin por cuenta que al menos no he conseguido nada
28:09tú estás loco
28:10que te crees que vas a conseguir algo que te iba a devolver dinero
28:18Esto ha sido fermín un operario carmen que me adelantó un dinero y bueno pues lo siento mucho
28:25Lo siento yo que te creí como una tonta que me vas a echar cuenta
28:31La cartilla
28:39Me cede pensé que vamos a tener la vida resuelta con este negocio pero no me pare a pensar pero yo si pensé por ti
28:45Me arriesgado lo más importante para mí tu cariño y tu respeto también yo sé que no merezco tu perdón pero lo siento mucho
28:52por favor
28:55Anastasio García
28:57Y hemos recibido varias denuncias de estafa contra usted va a tener que venir con nosotros al cuartel y yo
29:42Aquí está tu amigo es hidro como me pediste espero que sea para algo importante porque estaba apodando los rosales y ha tenido que dejar
29:49El trabajo nada por mi encantado si es para ayudar a la persona más bonita de esta casa
29:54Qué necesitas de mí es que tengo que hacer un trabajo sobre las especies que se dan aquí en la región
30:00las autónomas
30:02Octonas eso tengo que coger tallos con su raíz ojas y flores para analizarlo
30:12Le iba a pedir ayuda pero me ha dicho mi padre que está muy cansada y que no debo molestarla
30:18Y porque no más pido ayuda a mí
30:20yo tengo en el despacho unos cuantos libros que te pueden ayudar pero
30:26abuelo y si lo sabemos que nadie de plantas en eso tiene razón
30:31además abuelo tú siempre estás muy ocupado igual que mi padre
30:35es posible pero la próxima vez me preguntas y yo te digo si puede ayudarte
30:41En la enciclopedia las especies autóctonas pero es que todos los nombres están en latín y no me enteré de cuáles
30:53Si a este esta es torrisco otro hijos como se quiera
31:02Eso es esta es la olivilla
31:10Exactamente sí y una solita muy pequeñitas y a las olivas se les llaman también aceitunas con lo cual son muy fáciles de recordar
31:19Me tienes aquí para que tú quieras
31:21Ahora tenemos que salir también al campo a coger plantas para acabar bien ese trabajo tuyo
31:26Sí pero les tengo que poner los nombres científicos no eso a la vuelta lo consultamos en la enciclopedia
31:31o le pides ayuda a tu abuelo que para eso se ha ofrecido
31:38Tú ya has comido verdad cariño si antes con digna en la cocina pues viendo ahora que es creo que debería seguir recogiendo tus
31:45cosas para ir al colegio
31:47a de caso tu abuelo
31:48pero luego esta tarde cuando vuelva me acompañas a coger esas flores que necesito vale vale
32:47Bueno es la receta que me receta este jaime que el farmacéutico no entiende lo que pone y yo la verdad es que tampoco
32:52sigo capaz de leerlo
32:54tampoco lo entiendo
32:56sin gafas
32:59Bueno las letras de los médicos no ya se sabe aunque esto parece más bien un mensaje de espías
33:07Qué pasa
33:10Vamos a una ambulancia
33:13Vamos a llevarla dentro vamos dentro al apartamento sí
33:26Y tu mujer lo baja a comer puede que más tarde no se encuentra bien
33:31el guiso hoy está especialmente bueno
33:33tere me lo ha dado a probar
33:35seguro que begoña lo disfrutará mucho cuando baje
33:38y tú como has pasado la mañana maría te veo con mucho mejor aspecto hasta has recuperado el apetito
33:43bien estoy mucho mejor
33:45con muchas ganas de hacer cosas y si puede ser con andrés mejor
33:50a ver si os lo puedo quitar de la fábrica de vez en cuando
33:53lo que tiene que hacer tu marido es implicarse más en el trabajo y dejarse de distracciones
33:57aquí viene ese comentario jesus
33:59estoy cumpliendo con mi trabajo
34:01así pues todavía no he visto tu respuesta a mi proyecto de abrirnos al mercado americano y eso que ya tienes todos los datos para
34:06tomar una decisión la decisión se tomará en la junta
34:10con todos los directivos presentes
34:13Pues aquí somos tres la mitad más uno somos mayoría pero ahora estamos sentados a la mesa y hemos creado que en la mesa no
34:19se habla de negocios además creo que he dejado bastante claro que quiero que os entendáis los dos en este asunto
34:26está bien como quiera padre esperaremos a la junta pero no veo nada de malo en resolver
34:31asuntos durante la comida muchísimas veces hemos tomado decisiones a la hora de comer entre usted y yo padre
34:36si ya sé cómo os la gastáis padre y tú
34:39Pero ahora también cuenta las opiniones de marta y luis y no pienso decidir sin ellos
34:48Como cada la junta para esta tarde y asunto concluido y de paso abordaremos el tema de la celebración del 30 aniversario de la empresa
34:56pero ya hace meses que se cumplieron los 30 años razón de más para no dejar pasar el tiempo sin hacer nada no crees
35:02le recuerdo padre que fue usted mismo el que se negó a celebrar nada porque no estaban todos sus familiares aquí
35:07el hijo pero digo ya hace meses que regresó que han pasado muchas cosas desde entonces
35:12recuerda que estuve a punto de morir por aquel derrumbe también celebramos la boda de andrés con esta encantadora mujer
35:20Aprovechemos ahora que parece que las cosas están más tranquilas para celebrar el aniversario de la empresa
35:26los trabajadores lo agradecerán será una forma de acercarnos a ellos a mí me parece estupendo
35:31hay que organizar algo que esté a la altura de este aniversario
35:34Y la primavera es la mejor época del año para hacer eventos al aire libre
35:38Por lo menos hay alguien con ilusión en esta casa
35:43Seguro que no quería esperar a que baja de uña para comer está sorda hermano
35:47he dicho que sigue indispuesta y me ha dicho que prefiero comer algo después
35:51aquí más va a preguntar la pobre no levanta cabezas de la muerte de su madre y si encima no come
35:57debería verla jaime he dicho que quiere estar tranquila es que nadie me escucha en esta casa
36:04Lo siento pero es que es que ya no sé cómo decir las cosas
36:07Begoña no tiene ganas de ver a nadie y yo mismo le subiré algo de comer punto
36:24Aquí tienes todo lo que vas a necesitar cuando salgas con isidro
36:28Has terminado los deberes ya todavía me queda ir a por las plantas para el trabajo de naturales hace un día precioso
36:36Vente con nosotros
36:38así termino antes si las recogemos entre los tres además luego tengo que escribir la descripción y voy a terminar agotada me encantaría ir
36:45pero venga vente que siempre estás trabajando
36:49y además todo es más divertido cuando estás tú así mira que eres lianda
36:57Que sí como voy a decir que no pidiéndome no así hoy es mi día de suerte sí que lo es
37:05Ignacio viene con nosotros así
37:09Bien vete saliendo jardín cogiendo flores que voy a preparar una brinda para nuestro expediencial
37:19Qué pasa digna porque estás tan triste
37:26Quieres agua
37:33Nada no me pasa nada cosas mías
37:37Me lo ha contado
37:39Demián bueno pues eso que me ha contado
37:41que te pidió matrimonio que tú lo rechazaste
37:45lo que no me ha contado es el por qué
37:48sospecho que oculta algo
37:51Pues eso que oculta es lo que me ha hecho decirle que no
37:55a pesar de llegar a estar enamorada de él y puedo preguntar de qué se trata no Isidro no puedes
38:02mira digna
38:03le he tenido que sacarlo de la petición a Demián con sacacorchos y tú tampoco me lo dijiste qué pasa que sólo soy un
38:10desahuciado al que no se le puede contar nada
38:12a pesar de los años y de la amistad que hemos vivido no me hagas eso Isidro
38:17Si te lo cuento me tienes que prometer que ese secreto va a ir contigo a la tumba
38:24No me quieras matar tan pronto que acabo de resucitar como quien dice
38:37Se puede adelante
38:47Puedo pasar
39:00Esta situación es lamentable
39:03Lo siento de corazón
39:05Me encuentro francamente mal
39:07Necesito ver a luz
39:09podrás ver a quien quieras después de que hayamos terminado de hablar
39:12tal vez no
39:14depende de ti
39:20Begoña aunque no lo creas
39:22ni Jesús ni yo somos tus enemigos
39:25por desgracia no lo son
39:28son parte de la única familia que me queda y mi vida las pertenece por el simple hecho de ser mujer
39:33porque ni las autoridades me creen
39:35que manera tan dramática de ver las cosas
39:38a usted le parece gracioso que mi marido haya intentado matarme que me vea obligada a vivir con él
39:43estáis casados
39:47Los dos contrajisteis un compromiso
39:52para el resto de vuestra vida y tú has estado a punto de romperlo dos veces
39:57su cinismo me espanta
40:00Soledad de derecho a encerrarme bajo llave o intentar matarme gracias a dios todo quedó un susto
40:07y ya va siendo hora de que encontremos una solución no crees el único que tiene que entrar en razón aquí es su hijo
40:12Jesús está dispuesto a cambiar de actitud
40:15Si tú prometes no volverá a denunciarle sabes que lo que me cuentes jamás saldrá de aquí
40:26Damián me ha contado
40:30Que Julia es mi nieta
40:34Mi hijo y Clotilde tuvieron una relación
40:38ella se quedó embarazada y lo han sabido hace poco porque al parecer Jesús no puede tener hijos
40:45Madre mía
40:50Hay otra cosa
40:53Algo horrible que no me he atrevido a decirte nunca
40:58Cuéntamelo saca saca todos esos demonios
41:07Cuando Clotilde decidió dejar la relación
41:12Mi hijo no lo pudo soportar
41:16Y lo mató
41:18Lázaro ese pobre hombre no tuvo culpa de nada
41:23Que quien te ha contado eso desde cuando lo sabes es de la misma noche en que Clotilde murió
41:28por eso mi hijo huyó
41:30Nunca lo volví a ver
41:33Pero me lo confesó todo en una carta
41:35Ya pero entonces ese hombre Lázaro
41:40Ese pobre hombre
41:41pagó por algo que no había hecho
41:45Esa fatídica noche se decidió que se le iba a acusar de la muerte de Clotilde
41:50para evitar un escándalo y yo me dejé convencer
41:55Todavía me estoy preguntando por qué porque pude hacer algo así
41:59condenar a un inocente para proteger a mi hijo
42:03En eso soy igual a Damián
42:06Callando cosas por el bien de la familia
42:10Yo habría hecho lo mismo por mi hija
42:14Me he enterado de la muerte de mi hijo
42:18Casi al mismo tiempo
42:20De saber que Julia es mi nieta
42:24Y no sé qué hacer
42:27No sé, a lo mejor se lo puedes contar más adelante pero ahora no, ahora es demasiado pronto
42:33Es muy pequeña
42:36Y no sé si algún día llegaré a hacerlo
42:41Isidro me preocupa que será de ella si a Begoña le pasara algo
42:49Ella sentiría que sólo tiene a Jesús porque cree que es su padre
42:53Y yo no quiero que mi nieta se quede sola con mi sobrino
42:56Ah mujer, no pienses eso ahora
42:58Ya verás como el tiempo pone las cosas en su sitio
43:01Pero siempre hay que hacer algo
43:03para recolocarlo todo
43:06Eso es lo que he hecho con Damián
43:09Demasiados silencios, demasiados secretos, ya me ha engañado demasiado
43:34Habla de fidelidad es que yo solo entiendo la amistad de esa manera por eso
43:42Voy a darle algo que he encontrado limpiando el coche
43:57Perdóname, se me olvida que estoy hablando de un amigo tuyo
44:01Ah no, no, no
44:04Es solo que
44:10Comprendo que estés decepcionada y me gustaría ayudarte
44:15Ya me estás ayudando
44:18Eres un gran amigo
44:20Y una persona de fiar
44:28Tienes que olvidar todo lo ocurrido por tu bien
44:34Se me está amenazando
44:36Le recuerdo que ya no tiene a mi madre para jugar con su bienestar
44:39Dios me libre, no te estoy amenazando
44:41Si quisiera hacerlo me bastaría con
44:45Acusarte de haber cometido adulterio con el hermano de tu marido
44:48Los dos iríais a la cárcel
44:51Quedaríais marcados de por vida
44:53Me da igual
44:55Ya le he dicho a Jesús que prefiero la cárcel antes que vivir con él
44:59Y Andrés asumiría lo que sea
45:01Porque sabe de la calaña que está hecho su padre y su hermano
45:06Y también te da igual el sufrimiento que puedas causar
45:09María ya ha perdido al hijo que estaba esperando por tu culpa
45:13Aunque está visto que a esa chica te importa más bien poco
45:16Eso no es verdad
45:18Yo no le deseo ningún mal
45:21Y eso es lo que creería todo el mundo, incluida Julia
45:26¿Tú sabes lo doloroso que ha sido para ella perder el primito que iba a tener?
45:32Si Julia supiera lo que ha pasado entre Andrés y tú
45:36Con lo que os quiere
45:39Se llevaría la mayor decepción de su vida
45:42Jamás volvería a confiar en nadie
45:44Por no hablar
45:46De que la dejaríais completamente sola
45:48¿Eso es lo que quieres?
45:51Digna cuidaría de ella como nadie
45:53No, pero Digna no es su madre
45:55En realidad, Julia solo te tiene a ti
45:57Bueno, y a Jesús con todos sus problemas
45:59Pero los dos acabaríais en la cárcel
46:02Vaya panorama, ¿verdad?
46:05La pobre cría
46:07Por segunda vez perdería a su madre
46:09Su padre en la cárcel
46:11Su tío del alma en la cárcel
46:14Su abuelo en la cárcel
46:17Todo por tu culpa
46:20Deberías llegar a un acuerdo con Jesús
46:22Estoy seguro de que puedes recuperar tu vida
46:24Sin tener que huir de aquí
46:27Incluso podrías llegar a ser feliz
46:29Si te comportas como una esposa debe comportarse
46:35Puedo confiar en que no volverás a denunciarnos
46:37A Jesús y a mí
46:50Come algo
46:52No quiero que enfermes
47:20Come algo
47:22No quiero que enfermes
