Pamahalaan, nakatutok sa paglaban sa deepfake ayon kay DICT Sec. Ivan Uy

  • last month
Pamahalaan, nakatutok sa paglaban sa deepfake ayon kay DICT Sec. Ivan Uy

00:00The government is focused on fighting deepfake or information that is not true but is made to look true to deceive people.
00:09This is what the DICT Secretary Ivan Jon Uy gave to the newly launched program of the Presidential Communications Office and your People's Television Network.
00:21He claimed to be an insider.
00:23Recently, officials of the government and celebrities who were victimized by deepfake were reported.
00:31According to Secretary Uy, the investigation about this is ongoing.
00:36Some of their actions are to help social media companies.
00:41Uy also said that they are working hard to have responsive and timely measures to deal with deepfake, especially if it has something to do with national security.
00:54The secretaries also believe that there should be a more comprehensive law to deal with those who spread false information.
01:03Uy also instructed the public not to be victimized by deepfake.
01:09With that e-gov super app, we want to put... because we have an e-report system where you can report things.
01:20We're trying to integrate some AI into that platform so that when you receive something on your text or whatever, send it now to that e-report system, to the e-gov app.
01:37And then we will bank that to our database to find out if this is legit or this is a phishing or a scam.
