Cuore - Ep 24 - La fuga dalla scuola

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00:30Quanti giorni su quei miei banchi, quanti sogni non ricordo piu', ma un pensiero assopito
00:50E' quel libro che leggi ora e tu
00:58L'estivale florentino, l'in profondo della notte
01:05Scrive sotto l'omicino, centenile di fascette
01:11La vendita è manto sale, grande per il suo valore
01:16Fioricetta l'ufficiale, copre tutto un tricolore
01:23O caro vecchio libro cuore, con la tua semplicità
01:30Continua a far sognare ai ragazzi d'ogni età
01:36Io vecchio libro cuore, mai ne a tempo scorderò
01:42Le pagine d'amore forse fuori moda un po'
01:48Ma ieri ho visto il mio ragazzo che
01:54Toglieva un po' di polvere da te
02:12Da un po' di tempo a questa parte il comportamento di Franti è decisamente peggiorato
02:20Buongiorno Enrico
02:24Buongiorno Crossy
02:26Senti, ci sono buone novità per il lavoro di tuo padre
02:29Si, ha trovato lavoro come carpentieri, quindi per la scrivania che aveva promesso di farmi dovrò aspettare ancora un po'
02:35Sono molto contento
02:38Ehi Crossy
02:40Nino, Nino
02:44Ma cosa fa ? Sei impazzito Franti ?
02:46Ma che diamine vuoi ? Siete voi che state sempre tra i piedi
02:49Comunque sai qualcosa da dire ? Sono qui che aspetto per risponderti signorino
02:53Sei un prepotente
02:54Lascia perdere De Rossi, è stata colpa mia
02:57Adesso si che andiamo d'accordo, vi consiglio di fare più attenzione d'ora in poi
03:02Crossy, scusa ma perché hai detto che è stata colpa tua ?
03:10Lascia perdere Garrone, è meglio così
03:12So perfettamente che mi ha dato quella spinta soltanto per provocarmi
03:16Mi dispiace Nino, ci sei andato di mezzo anche tu che non c'entri affatto
03:20Fa niente, non importa
03:33Ragazzi, ehi ragazzi, lo sapete che oggi il maestro perboni non viene a scuola perché è ammalato ?
03:38Davvero ?
03:40Già, speriamo che non sia nulla di grave ragazzi, speriamo
03:44Ehi, che bellezza, allora oggi me la voglio proprio spassare come si deve
03:48Evviva, evviva
03:50Ma come potete essere tanto contenti del fatto che il nostro maestro sia ammalato ?
03:57Certo, anzi sono contentissimo, quello stupido ce l'ha sempre con me
04:02Non ti permetto di dire una cosa simile
04:04Una sfida forse, interessante
04:10Avanti, fatti sotto, cosa aspetti ?
04:12Tu sei uno stupido
04:14No Enrico, fermati Enrico
04:16Non cercare di fermarlo De Rossi, ho sempre desiderato fare appogni con lui
04:21E questa mi sembra una buona occasione
04:23Avanti Enrico, che ti succede ?
04:25Dai muoviti, sei un povero figliacco
04:28Lasciami andare De Rossi
04:30No Enrico
04:31Forza Franti, avanti
04:44Smettetela Enrico, Franti
04:49La signorina Delcati
04:51Su ragazzi, andate ai vostri posti per favore
05:02Il vostro maestro oggi non può venire perchè sta poco bene
05:06Perciò ci sarò io al suo posto a fare lezione in questa classe
05:09Evviva, evviva, evviva
05:23Allora cominciamo, aprite subito i vostri libri
05:27De Rossi e io eravamo felicissimi
05:30Era una sorpresa davvero inaspettata
05:32Che la nostra cara maestra, la signorina Delcati
05:35Venisse a farci lezione
05:38Ma Franti non si era rassegnato lasciarmi in pace
05:46Ehi Enrico, non darti troppe arie
05:48Perchè è venuta la tua maestra preferita
05:50Che cosa vuoi dire ?
05:52Enrico, fai silenzio
06:26Four, one, two...
06:30When was the lesson with Miss Delcati going to end?
06:57Franti, do you want to stop it, yes or no?
07:00But look, it wasn't me, dear.
07:02And then you would tell me who it was, if it wasn't you?
07:05Come on, Franti, come here right now.
07:15So tell me, why did you do something like that?
07:18I already said it, it wasn't me.
07:20Those who disturb the lesson cannot stay in class,
07:23so get out, get out right now!
07:26If you insist, it will be a pleasure for me.
07:29What did you say?
07:33It will be a pleasure, because I hate school more than anything else, damn it!
07:50Wait, Franti, wait!
07:53Miss Delcati!
07:56Can't you hear me, Miss?
07:58Hey, it seems that Franti really left the school, you know, guys.
08:03I have to... I have to tell everything to the principal right now.
08:24I don't know what to tell you, Mr. Principal,
08:27but I... I absolutely can't watch those kids
08:30while the teacher is absent for good.
08:34This is really very embarrassing, Miss Delcati.
08:38Mr. Principal!
08:40It was Franti, sir, it's his fault.
08:43It's true, Miss Delcati punished Franti
08:46and told him to get out of the class,
08:48instead he even ran away from school.
08:51I understand.
08:53Miss Delcati, you are not responsible for what happened.
08:56I know that Franti is a very difficult boy.
09:14But it's Franti!
09:30Stop it! Stop it, Franti!
09:42Stop it, Franti! Stop it now!
09:44Damn you! I hate you! I hate you all!
09:51I hate you!
10:07Miss Delcati?
10:10I'm very sorry, but I have to punish Franti very severely.
10:22I hate you!
10:28While we were going home,
10:30De Rossi, the others and I were very worried
10:32about what had happened that morning.
10:34We wondered how the teacher would have taken it for good
10:37if he had known what Franti had done.
10:39What is it, Enrico?
10:41Why don't we go to the teacher for good
10:43to find out how he is?
10:45Well, I was thinking the same thing, you know?
10:47Yes, I agree.
10:49Then let's meet at the usual place after lunch.
11:11Well, this is the house, boys.
11:15He lives on the fifth floor, I think.
11:20Come on!
11:33Who is it?
11:34I'm Ernesto De Rossi.
11:36There are also Enrico and Garrone.
11:38We came to find out how he is.
11:40Come in, the door is open.
11:50Good evening.
11:51Good evening.
11:52How are you, teacher for good?
11:54Thank you, I feel much better.
11:56I'm really sorry I didn't come to school today.
12:03You seem a little worried, boys.
12:06Has something happened in class?
12:08Maybe you talk too.
12:09In fact, something very serious has happened.
12:12Yes, in fact, I heard from Miss Delcati a little while ago.
12:16Miss Delcati?
12:18Miss Delcati told you everything?
12:20Yes, she was very worried about Franti.
12:22And she came to see me to tell the fact.
12:25Why don't you sit down, boys?
12:27Miss Delcati?
12:36She was very sorry for what happened.
12:38She thought it was her fault.
12:40Instead, she has no responsibility.
12:42I know very well that the fault is only mine.
12:44In fact, I knew it.
12:46I knew that sooner or later Franti would have done something serious.
12:49I should have followed him much more.
12:52I realized too late my mistake.
12:55And now what will happen?
12:57I learned that the principal intends to punish him very severely for this morning's incident.
13:03It's true, we are very worried.
13:05Franti could be expelled from school if things go wrong.
13:08And this would be very serious.
13:10I know it well.
13:11I'm also thinking about the same reason.
13:13I'll try to come to school tomorrow, boys.
13:27The next day, we were all impatient to know what the punishment would be for Franti.
13:33What do you think will happen to Franti?
13:35He will surely be expelled from school.
13:37He has done too much.
13:38And with this last undertaking, he has exceeded all limits.
13:41In my opinion, it is not right to send him away from school.
13:43But how, Crossy?
13:44It is you who, because of him, has a past of all colors.
13:47And now what are you doing?
13:48Are you also defending him?
13:49It's incredible.
13:50But I think there must be a reason why he has become so mean to everyone.
13:54Don't you think?
13:55Please, Crossy.
13:56You know that Franti has already been expelled twice from other schools.
13:59And this must be said thanks only to himself and his wickedness.
14:03Some people are born and remain evil.
14:05Do you think?
14:07Hey, Enrico!
14:10It seems that Franti will definitely be expelled from school.
14:14Are you serious?
14:15Yes, boys.
14:17The teachers are still discussing in the Presidency.
14:20But from what I understand, the majority is in favor of his expulsion.
14:23And I don't think they will change their mind.
14:26Finally, in this school, he will breathe!
14:29It's magnificent!
14:34But De Rossi and I and someone else were not satisfied with that solution.
14:38I was struck by what Crossy said.
14:40There must be a reason why Franti has become like this.
14:48Mr. Principal, I oppose the expulsion of Franti.
14:51I am against it, absolutely.
14:53I am also against it.
14:55It's only my fault if the boy reacted in that way.
15:00As you can see, the other teachers want a severe punishment for him.
15:04And unfortunately, I also believe that it is necessary.
15:07And you must also think about the influence it could have on the other students.
15:12Mr. Principal, we take all the responsibility.
15:15Otherwise, my duty as his teacher and my career will be irreparably compromised.
15:20I only ask you a little trust.
15:23Please, Mr. Principal, give us at least a little time.
15:26Let us try.
15:32Well, gentlemen, then I communicate my decision to you.
15:36The boy will be entrusted to you two, Mr. Perboni and Miss Delcati.
15:40Provided, however, that Franti intends to continue his studies.
15:45I take note of this.
15:47I thank you very much, Mr. Principal.
15:59I would like to ask you something, boys.
16:02Does any of you know where Franti lives?
16:06No, I don't know.
16:11No, I don't know.
16:12I was with Franti only because I was afraid.
16:15And I don't even know where you live, Mr. Principal.
16:20Well, I know where he lives.
16:22Once I went to sell vegetables with my mother.
16:25Very well.
16:26So, Crossy, would you mind to accompany us there?
16:29Immediately, with pleasure.
16:31So we went to Franti's house with Mr. Perboni and Miss Delcati.
16:35We wanted at all costs to reconcile with him and do our best to help him.
17:00It's on the roof of this building.
17:08Well, then, boys, you wait for us here.
17:23Ah, I understand.
17:25I understand.
17:26You are two teachers.
17:27And then you are here for the doing of my nephew, that blessed boy.
17:32We are here to talk to him, ma'am.
17:34It's very important.
17:35Can you tell us where he is now?
17:38I'm sorry, but he left home last night.
17:41I don't know where he is, unfortunately.
17:43Did he say last night?
17:46Yes, sir.
17:47Just like that.
17:48As soon as he came back from school, he started arguing with me.
17:51And then he looked for all the money we had.
17:53He took it and left without saying anything.
17:57He must be hanging out with some bad company.
18:02If his parents were still here, none of this would have happened.
18:06I'm sure of it.
18:11So he found out that Franti lives alone with his grandmother in this school on the roof?
18:16The neighbors told my mother once.
18:20You know, Franti's father went to Brazil to work three years ago.
18:24And since then he hasn't come back home.
18:26In Brazil?
18:28That's why Franti's mother couldn't take care of everyone anymore.
18:31And she went to work in Milan.
18:34She sends some money every now and then.
18:36So Franti and her grandmother are forced to live with very little money.
18:39What a tragedy.
18:40Unfortunately, yes.
18:41That's why they often robbed us.
18:44She probably needed it to buy food for herself and her grandmother.
18:48Imagine what a miserable life she had.
18:50I understand that.
18:53My mother and I have also lived that way for a long time.
18:56You know that.
18:57Until my father finally came back home to live with us.
19:00And Franti started to take it with me.
19:02Right when my father came back home.
19:05And I immediately understood why.
19:07It was difficult for him to accept that my father had come back.
19:11It's clear.
19:12That's why I never get angry for his constant provocations.
19:16It's not right to take it with Franti.
19:18Because now she's much more unhappy than me.
19:23Do you understand now?
19:28Gentlemen, I don't know what bad deeds my grandson has committed.
19:32But please, try to forgive him.
19:38Before, he was very different.
19:40You have to believe me.
19:41He wasn't like that.
19:42But since his parents left, he's been getting worse.
19:47Unfortunately, I can't do anything for him.
19:50Because I'm old and sick.
19:53I understand.
19:54We'll do our best to find your grandson.
19:57Don't worry.
19:58And don't worry about the school.
20:04God bless you.
20:11Franti wasn't home.
20:14No, he wasn't.
20:15But we can't leave him without doing something for him.
20:18And I'd like you to help me.
20:20Of course, we'll look for him too, don't worry.
20:22Yes, I'll look for him too.
20:24Yes, please, Crossy.
20:25Okay, let's go.
20:37Damn, I won't be caught.
20:42We didn't know that Franti had seen us.
21:07The teacher looked for Franti until late.
21:10Even though he was still sick.
21:34My God, what happened was horrible.
21:38Yes, I heard everything from Crossy.
21:40Now I'd like to do something.
21:41I'd like to help poor Franti.
21:43We absolutely need to find him.
21:45I imagine he'll be very hungry.
21:47And he'll have already spent the little money he had with him, poor boy.
21:51And who knows where he went to sleep.
21:54Poor Franti, he must have suffered a lot.
21:57If I only think about how we all judged him badly until today.
22:09I was so worried about Franti that I couldn't sleep that night.
22:14Who knows where he was at that moment.
22:39Dog barks.
22:41Dog barks.
22:45Dog barks.
22:51Damn, it's on.
23:08Dog barks.
23:39Dog barks.
23:40Dog barks.
23:41Dog barks.
23:42Dog barks.
23:43Dog barks.
23:44Dog barks.
23:45Dog barks.
23:46Dog barks.
23:47Dog barks.
23:48Dog barks.
23:49Dog barks.
23:50Dog barks.
23:51Dog barks.
23:52Dog barks.
23:53Dog barks.
23:54Dog barks.
23:55Dog barks.
23:56Dog barks.
23:57Dog barks.
23:58Dog barks.
23:59Dog barks.
24:00Dog barks.
24:01Dog barks.
24:02Dog barks.
24:03Dog barks.
24:04Dog barks.
24:05Dog barks.
24:06Dog barks.
24:07Leggi un bel libro e vedrai
24:11Quante cose poi imparerai
24:15In ogni libro c'è un fiore
24:17Che sporcia nel cuore
24:19E mai sfiorirà
24:26Potrai divertirti imparando
24:29Quando leggi ogni giorno e impari un po' di gioco
24:34Apprendi e conosci giocando
24:36Quando leggi ogni giorno e impari un po' di gioco
24:41Insieme con noi libro cuore
24:45Saprai far sporciare il tuo fiore
24:49Che tu sai non sfiorirà
24:51Leggi un bel libro e vedrai
