• last year
New prison episode 2


00:00Hana! What's wrong? What the hell did you do to her?
00:15Nothing! I just fell!
00:16No! Don't say anything!
00:18Someone doesn't seem to learn!
00:19No, it's not like that! You got it wrong!
00:21Enough! That's all the work for today! Get your asses back inside!
00:25Hassan! Well met, good sir! You brought that frigid monster Hana to tears!
00:29But this crow who's dead...
00:30Yeah, boy! When you strike, you really rock no-holds barred, huh?
00:33I'm still amazed I got through it without being skinned alive!
00:35Alright, let's hoist him!
00:36Stop! I told Chiyo we'd watch sumo together, but Hana may murder me before then!
00:42What do I do?
02:06I've been informed that all five of the boys are in that prison come admit it isn't that treatment the slightest bits
02:24harsh they were guilty under normal circumstances they would face expulsion
02:29open and shut and besides i was against going co-ed from the start
02:33as with the majority of the student body the alumni and the entire faculty look i realized
02:39the desire you all have to hold on to tradition but the natural order needs a good shake up from
02:44time to time understand mr chairman you ignored all our objections and on the first day those
02:50boys exhibited problematic behavior this chaos is the result of the changes you made young bucks
02:56that's the kind of harebrained scheme that boys their age come up with every single day
03:00hormones they're criminals i know that mari and i'm not trying to justify their actions in the
03:05slightest but i want you to at least let them have their saturdays and sundays off prison
03:10rules were set with those contingencies in mind weren't they that is accurate goodbye father
03:19new after-school work detail you cretins are to clear this wooded area
03:24huh i didn't say anything why did you strike me thusly you failed to ask me why you're clearing
03:31this plot of land i just can't win now that you know the question the answer is you're clearing
03:36this land for the campus vegetable garden um may i ask a question please go ahead about the weekend
03:42do we get saturdays and sundays off we need that garden and since there are no classes during the
03:47weekend you have more time for work however prisoners exhibiting good behavior will earn
03:54three hours of weekend free time which would include furlough madam president we get in the
03:59darkness no shit this could work my sumo date with geo is on saturday three hours is perfect
04:04yeah come on guys let's do it we shall be convicts of the highest standing we are getting this
04:10weekend passed no matter what taking care of business the underground student council is so
04:18guess what guys this year's official underground student council guidebook just arrived from the
04:24official underground student publishing company for your inspection looks like the underground
04:28student council is pretty popular but a guidebook seems counterintuitive okay what's the big idea
04:35sorry you almost stepped on some ants my bad
04:43don't mind him he's really into ants hey pig dicks no slacking off
04:52chairman your copy of this year's guidebook
05:04and yet people wonder why i think men are scum break time i guess break time means she's gonna
05:11make us keep working this work is brutal but i have to push through and be a model prisoner
05:16and i get my date with chio why are these slouch packs on break they don't seem to have made any
05:21progress as it stands they'll need to put in some work over the weekend as well
05:27i won't be able to go on my date what can i do sick family member no they'd see through that
05:36say my stomach hurts they won't give a shit what do i do i promised her
05:53digging i can break out
06:00on the gate
06:04roll call one two three four five
06:17pardon me this trash is really built up may i go dispose of it madam mission granted
06:40at this rate it should be big enough for me to get through when the time comes
06:46and i've got three minutes for each trip here
06:54it's chio
07:04what is she trying to do dear kiyoshi the doors open at 1 p.m at the civic gymnasium for the
07:10student sumo tournament you can get sprung on saturday can't you sue more of you soon
07:16sue more of you soon the sad truth is we won't get any furlough time
07:20so the only choice i have is to break out but seeing chio gave me hope
07:26why didn't you load all the refuse onto the cart you piece of crap i'm sincerely sorry oh
07:30shit i must have missed some now kakuto's taking the heat for my mistake i'm sorry
07:37i'll take care of it right now kiyoshi thank you no hell do it
07:47hey kakuto i'm sorry man she flipped out on you and it's all my fault
07:53kakuto are you okay yes just fine i've become inured to it thus all as well
08:00it was my bad so have one of my nuggets my how very generous
08:08sir kiyoshi would you fancy some more tea
08:11sure thanks i thought you should know i recovered something of interest lying near the refuse site
08:26he knows there's no doubt about it but what's he planning how's he going to use this to his
08:31advantage would you like for me to wash your back for you you know kiyoshi it's my understanding
08:39that the top sumo wrestlers have devoted assistance men who wash their backs for them
08:44as well as their bulbous posteriors well uh i'm not a sumo wrestler so i'll pass
08:53for today's work shift hana has returned as overseer hi fellas this sucks balls i'll give
08:59you crap burger something to wipe her about now get to work maggot yes ma'am one thing's for sure
09:09kakuto knows better than to rap me out to the underground student council if they so much as
09:13catch a whiff of a breakout then everybody's sentence gets extended by another friggin month
09:18let's put all our weight behind it today
09:21what the hell is that about making a show of sumo customs is he trying to play some kind of mind game
09:26with me he crosses me he gets fork stabbed where'd you run off to sorry about that i was sorting the
09:32trash into piles what is it you told the other convicts didn't you about what happened about
09:41what you saw you told everyone and made me a laughing stock no i haven't told a soul liar
09:47i don't believe it too bad it's true fine but you have to do it as well huh do what now i want you
09:55to pay for me right now i'll watch so whip it out do that and i'll believe you no i won't
10:01believe you i won't believe you i won't believe you i won't believe you i won't believe you
10:06pay for me right now i'll watch so whip it out do that and i'll believe you no i couldn't do that
10:12it's why we you saw me do that so i've got to watch you do that otherwise we can't make things
10:16even now bust it out and take a whiz or refuse and then i'll kill you and off myself all right fine
10:23are you sure you want to see this of course i do
10:28what are you doing you saw me up front so turn around
10:36whoa isn't that kind of close you were even closer when i was going now hurry up and get started
10:53sir kiyoshi where art thou cockatoo what's up you forgot to dispose of some piles of debris
10:59yet again oh sorry once that's been dealt with you're to return to work immediately
11:05right you saved my ass cockatoo much appreciated the question is did he mean to save me just now
11:14i don't know what angle he's working maybe he'll try to get special treatment for squealing on me
11:20oh shit he's heading straight for the hole i'm digging this is bad damn if he finds it he'll
11:26have definitive proof i've come too far only one thing left to do stay your head very smart
11:34coming here where you're unaccompanied to dig your way out
11:39i want you to break out and yours truly shall provide assistance in your daring escape
11:44hold on now you want to help me break out that's right so what's the deal with all the creepy sumo
11:51threats you've been dishing out clever signals that i would help you abscond from this hellhole
11:55how was i supposed to know that and why do you want to help me anyway the upcoming student sumo
12:01tournament that day is also a momentous one for yours truly specifics forthcoming
12:14madam president may i wash your back for you thank you you may proceed madam vice president
12:20incidentally i've heard that the top-ranked sumo wrestlers have assistants who help them
12:24wash their backs as well as their derrieres what are you saying you look at me and think
12:29about sumo wrestlers am i fat no it was just an interesting factoid i meant nothing by it
12:36i apologize for you having to spend your weekend overseeing the boys no i don't mind that at all
12:41it's just are you sure it's a good idea to disobey the chairman's orders we're not supposed
12:45to make the prisoners work on their days off the chairman's rule granting free time on the
12:49weekends applies to model prisoners only and since their work is behind schedule then they are not
12:54model prisoners you couldn't be more right this is our duty when i think of how those peeping
12:59toms are going to be released in half a month i can't sit by and do nothing
13:07it looks like maddie was here and she saw what was on my screen maybe that's why she took the
13:11boys free time away to pay me back oh yes cruelty their name is woman but just in case i better take
13:19this home before she finds it too yours truly has a motive less fleeting than a sumo date with a
13:28fairer sex my friend aren't thou at all familiar with the romance of the three kingdoms well i've
13:34heard the name before at the very least we look back to the later han dynasty the end of the
13:39second century common era the emperor dies and the eunuchs known as the just get to the point
13:45very well to make a long story short quadrennially the three kingdoms figurine expo is held in
13:50akihabara the same day as your sumo match it's quite simple really yours truly needs the limited
13:55edition guanyu and red hair figurines to complete my collection and you had the nerve to call my
14:00motive fleeting not even the same ballpark we're talking once every four years limited edition all
14:04right i get it that's why you want to break out with me sir kiyoshi you really are a buffoon you
14:09know that we both be caught what are you guys up to playing a little gumoku you went next man that's
14:15boring count me out bro kiyoshi it's a one hour trip one way from the prison to the gymnasium
14:21where your sumo date will take place if we assume that watching the matches takes one hour then
14:26we're talking a grand total of three hours with you missing but if you go missing for three hours
14:30during work detail the overseers will definitely find out you got a point simply put it is
14:35categorically impossible for you to successfully break out on your own and that's why i said i'd
14:39aid your attempt saturday afternoon during the three hours when you'll escape to go on your
14:43sumo date as well as buy both three kingdoms figurines i want yours truly will distract the
14:48gaze of the overseers but how the hell are you going to distract them for that long
14:52i have a strategy now pay attention no way a map of the school disguises a gumoku game badass
15:09patrolling the campus by night are we were you heading home be careful
15:22starting tomorrow those boys will learn the true meaning of cruel and unusual despite their crimes
15:29i want to ensure that they don't end up becoming the deplorable kind of pervert that you are
15:34good luck with that
15:42the hole you're digging is in the back of the refuge shack here through which if you can
15:46extricate yourself you'll make your escape without anyone the wiser the question is how
15:50do i keep our guards distracted from your absence for three hours the underground student council
15:55is rather observant after all i appreciate the help dude but from everything you're saying
16:01it doesn't sound like breaking out is even a possibility never fear brave knight i myself
16:08have been called the most resourceful general in narima yours truly has a beauty of a plan
16:12that will make the impossible possible the cart's full i'll dump it permission granted
16:26damn it kiyoshi what is up once again your dereliction of duty has led me to being
16:32horrifically savage oh damn that sucks my bad dude after everything i've been through that's it get
16:38on your knees and plead for my forgiveness right now you need to calm down none of it matters it
16:43matters to me you won't now stand ready to accept the pummeling long overdue what's the big idea
16:48apologize what do you jerks think you're doing
16:59care to explain it wasn't us hana knocked the shack down the two of them were fighting and
17:04crashed into the shed hey heads or tails boys choose one now i said choose one i choose heads
17:14fine tails the president suggested we increase the intensity of your discipline regimen
17:22so i brought along this riding crop
17:36don't swerve don't make a sound
17:43they're getting it really bad must suck
17:46yeah remind me not to put tails but given the options heads looks all right you two are here
17:51by order to rebuild the shed you destroyed no way not unthinkable
18:02well played sir back at you stage one of the plan complete and it couldn't have gone better
18:08cut some notches in the support post with the saw pretend to start a fight and bring the shed
18:13crashing down the perfect reason to leave us by the escape hole for the rest of the day
18:17flawless victory what are you doing don't give me that now get your asses in gear dick bags
18:23so uh hana are you planning to stay here of course i'm staying i have to guard you two
18:28idiots all right brainiac now hana's gonna be guarding us you got a plan b or something
18:34remember brave knight you're with the most resourceful general in nerima so you have
18:38something up your sleeve for this i'm afraid to say even my strategic mind couldn't foresee this
18:43development no shit barely we are screwed standing around whispering isn't going to repair the shed
18:50hey kiyoshi come here a minute why the hell am i being singled out it was an honor serving with
18:55you what's with the whispering were you telling four eyes over there about our incident incident
19:01oh the piss shut it not so loud yeah my bad i mean if you tell anyone about what happened i'm
19:07gonna kill you then off myself capiche will you stop saying that i told you my lips are sealed good
19:11now we can pick up where we left off i don't really need to go right now that's fine you'll
19:16drink this until you're ready to burst so what the hell is it it's just a cup of tea now knock it
19:21back she hasn't killed you yet plan b you got anything yet if you think coming up with ideas
19:29is so easy then you'd be on target for yours truly has the sharpest wit in all of nerima
19:35comrade hell yeah so what's up we are no match for hana in the realm of strength thus we'll have
19:40to attack from the inside good call but how isn't it obvious i'll take the lady hana as my bride
19:47the surest way is to win over the lady's heart utilizing my noble demeanor and rakish charm
19:52wait i'm confused is this your plan b indubitably according to my proficient profiling a young maiden
19:59who likes clover puts jorts on under her skirt and wears her hair in straight bangs is without a
20:04history fangirl hence i shall use our shared passion as a foolproof way to curry favor with
20:09her okay so what's plan c we haven't the time i must away now wish me luck don't go you're gonna
20:16get killed hana in times of strife and trouble comes a tale from china at the dawning of the
20:22third century chon carrying the son of lord dubai outstripped the force of a hundred thousand
20:28don't go spitting that static at me nerdlinger i am stunned by this most unexpected turn i'm
20:35pretty sure you're the only one who didn't expect that to happen all doors are now closed to us
20:42my dream is dead rotting in the sun damn it i refuse to give up so easily kiyoshi have you
20:48a plan involving that little dance step dance step no nothing like that then that can only mean
20:54how timely allow me to handle this uh my friend kiyoshi says he needs to use the lavatory
21:01requesting permission the hell man shut up sir kiyoshi don't act like such a child
21:06there is not to be ashamed of friend nope i'm just fine old gakura must have gotten his wires
21:11crossed go ahead holding it in is not conducive to your well-being you're only making things
21:16worse dumbass stop stalling and get ready to pee damn
21:24of course she's following me like a shadow
21:40now good to go what are you talking about you shouldn't be in here i'll leave after we're
21:45fair and square and watching each other pee i mean it this is really awkward you don't know
21:48what to do let's go already what did i tell you stop resting there i'll get it keep still
22:05no stop that let me go
22:21what happened vice president is that i am so sorry i had a little accident
22:33pull it together
22:38hana isn't feeling well so she'll be taking the rest of the day off
22:41good work kiyoshi what matter of sneak attack did you unleash on her
22:47i didn't do anything mom's the word i understand but whatever you did our
22:51plan can now proceed uninhibited hey four eyes no one gave you permission to speak
23:41Don't touch me! Let me touch your heart!
23:45Burn it up! Torment me more!
23:48All of my nerves are falling out
23:55I want you
23:58I want to know everything
24:02Burn up our dreams
24:09I don't need love
24:12Please give it to me
24:15I don't have to worry about puberty
24:38A mighty spurt!