The Serpent Queen Season 2 Episode 1

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The Serpent Queen Season 2 Episode 1


00:15Previously on the serpent queen I used to be just like you
00:19Nobody in the world to care about me. If you learn to use your powers, you will achieve greatness. How would you know?
00:24I'm a fortune teller my dear me your marriage has been arranged second son of the king of France
00:30Then something terrible happened. I fell in love. He's the best man
00:34I know and you know what? I learned that day never to trust a single soul. I'm afraid I have bad news your uncle
00:42Medici pig he's dead. Don't you understand? We will both be out unless you give Henry a son
00:49I must get pregnant. I'll pay what's required with your jelly. There's always a price
00:54Find the man who killed my son
00:57Was it you or your dressmaker?
01:00Someone's gotta die
01:03Your new doffing is with child when you find life conspiring against you
01:09You must find a way to change it to your favor. I
01:15Tolerated the nights you spent together. I'm his wife. I'm where I want to be
01:19You just in the ceremonies today. It would please me to see you as you were when we first met
01:25Madame de portier the king is dead. This is a family matter
01:28Your presence is no longer required my first order of business a decree that makes Protestantism illegal on French soil
01:35Fuck off banishment fucking bitch
01:43Do you have a plan separate the king from Mary's influence
01:46I must ask you to reconsider before we reach our destination or what happens at our destination mother
01:57Said fate of a young boy when the fate of a nation hands in the balance
02:03I'm not
02:05I'm just better at this than you are. Tell me where to find Antoine. Mama Renzi will be region
02:10I can't just be forced to sign away the Regency to whomever has the bigger gun. I don't see why not
02:18Boy I had him sign over the Regency to someone capable of sacrificing their friends and plotting with their enemies to rule France
02:24Why does it have to hurt so much? I have something here that will take your pain away
02:33Now you must rest and now I will leave you to live with your choices
02:40Louis of Bourbon is pardoned for the crime of treason by order of the new regent Her Majesty Queen Catherine
02:46I'm alright Queen Elizabeth in England when she hears that some commoner has stolen the throne of France
02:50She will be moved to help me. Are you with me? I am with you
02:54My cousin wrote to me saying that she would help me in my time of need
02:57I'm sure you've been fooled by forgery Her Majesty. What?
03:00Thank you for your loyalty. I imagine she realizes she cannot govern without women like me on her side checkmate on the contrary
03:08I will spend the rest of my life getting back at her for what she did to us now
03:12She promises to make tolerance the new law of the land and break the treaty with the Holy Roman Emperor
03:18Allow me
03:23That's good to be bad, doesn't it?
03:29They say that you get the life that you deserve
03:33But I say fuck that
03:37Life is about what you are willing to do to survive
03:41And I am willing to do anything
03:43How about you?
04:36Had been regent for more than ten years
04:42My son the king was finally of age the royal family embarked on a grand tour of France
04:52To ensure the loyalty of their subjects
05:00Most of whom were illiterate
05:04Superstitious and
05:06Increasingly disillusioned with the Catholic Church higher
05:13Push push
05:21Nothing like the grand tour had ever been attempted
06:06Guess we're here. Give me my shoes. It's like another shithole. Hope they like jugglers
06:15It's time to play King a
06:17Only they knew you pissed the bed until you were 12
06:21Shut up. Thank you. I don't understand why we all have to go
06:24You know the answer to bombs the people to the royal family
06:27It's presumably so they don't want to kill us. Of course if they do want to kill us
06:33We won't know until it's too late his royal highness Charles the ninth king of France
06:39Has come to meet his subjects the people of France along with Prince Alexander Edward
06:45the Duke of Anjou
06:48Prince Hercule and
06:50the princesses
06:51Elizabeth and Margo, how do I look?
06:54What does it matter the peasants has ever occurred to you? They're just like us only born in the wrong place
07:00Maybe stupid Margo. They're nothing like us. Yes, we were born to rule and they were born to serve
07:06Looks like it's showtime
07:31Dear subjects, it is my pleasure to greet you in person. Thank you for your fealty
07:40Maybe the children should return to the carriage
07:46Quite close enough
08:15Never underestimate the power of presentation
08:35Heard you had a bit of trouble on the road. Are you? All right?
08:38I was trampled to the ground by members of the public. How do you think I am Kraut was passionate?
08:43I'm a fucking animals is what they were all part of God's flock. I'm sure you'll agree
08:53Sorry, we're late. What did we miss?
09:00Can I just say unequivocally this grand tour taking the king to the people this whole policy of tolerance has now gone too far
09:07It's a direct challenge to the order of things and how they've always been
09:10It's a direct challenge to the Catholic Church is what it is. We don't expect you to be happy about that
09:14Yeah, you two idiots have any idea how dangerous this is
09:19Princes of the blood divine right? Where do you think that comes from the Catholic Church?
09:23That's me
09:24so when the people stop accepting my guidance you two are gonna have to prove you have something to actually
09:29Contribute to society make it on your own get a job. Do you think you can do that bollock chops?
09:34It is my intention to unite the people behind the king not out of any fear of divine retribution
09:41By choice by choice. What are we Greek now?
09:45Peasants are like livestock. They need to be told what to do. The cardinal underestimates the French people. Montmorency is right
09:52There's been no religious violence since we completed our grand tour
09:56I think we can safely say that my strategy has been a success
09:59Indeed it has a golden age might just be upon us might be overstating it a bit
10:04Most of the country still shits in the street plumbing issues aside. We're enjoying an unprecedented year of peace. Peace at home
10:10Peace with the Holy Roman Empire. Yeah peace with England and here it comes to that end
10:15I'd like to propose a trade deal with Queen Elizabeth. Well, you want France to ally with its arch-enemy
10:21Protestant England your majesty
10:23This is ridiculous. The people were revolted people be too busy getting fat and rich and building commodes to shit in
10:29I believe it's worth mentioning that we attained this peace by acting with caution and deliberation. Yes
10:38Judging French prejudice towards the English
10:41Now is not the time for such an alliance. Oh, thank God for that
10:46But when France becomes a secular state it is something to consider in the future secular
10:53State and there we have it. That's your ultimate goal, isn't it?
10:57We all have to evolve cardinal the Catholic Church has been in business for
11:011600 years not by evolving and it will die
11:07What about you me yeah you you got anything to say for yourself
11:15May I respectfully remind the King that your mother's Regency is at an end
11:21You're entitled to have your own opinion your majesty
11:25Of course
11:28Your majesty
11:36Whatever mother decides I'm sure we'll be best
11:45So that's all we can expect from our king
11:48Mother knows best Wow, I will remind you to speak with respect to your king
11:55That will be enough for today
12:14Beg your pardon, but this is my brother burnout. I told you about the lace maker. Yes milady
12:23My card
12:25Five percent age
12:28Very well
12:29Come and see me later, and I'll give you an answer
12:39Reseal them and deliver them as bidden to your masters
12:43Yes, milady
12:44Right ladies, you know the drill
12:47Mouth shut and your ears open
12:52Anything you hear you bring to me first understood
13:07It's time we toast my big brother after his historic victory
13:13to the king of all France
13:16The people's king
13:19Congratulations on a job. Well done. No one could have done it better. I'm sure to the king for the king
13:31Come on then let's have it
13:37What I'm waiting for the insult why don't you get it over with insult
13:42Why would I insult you you're my king just give the orders and I'm sure I'll be dragged off to the dungeon
13:48Or I could teach you a lesson myself like I used to well
13:52I would check with mother first just see if that's good for the brand. I make my own decisions. Really? It's funny
13:58That's not what I heard. I mean, what was it? You said to the privy council, whatever mother says
14:07Mother is teaching me to rule. I happen to have the forethought to want to learn
14:11Something that might be difficult for you to comprehend. In fact, the rest of us can only thank God I was born before you were
14:20Is that what you tell yourself
14:22Well, I've got some news for you brother and this might sting a little but mother's never giving up her power
14:28Especially not to you
14:31That's why you're not allowed to make any decisions. You think it would be different if it was someone else. Hmm
14:36Well now that you mention it, I guess I would say that some people are just born to lead like you
14:41Come on, I mean you can't really think you're up to this. You don't even have any friends
14:46And you have to admit I do inspire loyalty. I
14:51For one would do anything my prince asked me
14:53Stand on my head dress like a tart or even cut your throat if I asked them nicely
14:58That's not funny on you. I'd be careful if I were you I'm obviously joking. What's the matter with you two?
15:04What well, we can't take a joke anymore
15:08Stop it what
15:12Stop it on June. I'm warning you. All right, you mean this
15:18Aren't you bored of black
15:20Maybe it's time for a new color. I wear black in mourning for your father
15:25The people expected of me. Well, if your wardrobe isn't going to change there's no reason why you can't find yourself a new man
15:32You're not dead. Yeah, are you I?
15:35Don't have time for such things
15:38The country needs me almost as much as you need the country what's that supposed to mean nothing just
15:47Well, let's be honest
15:49You had a straight thing through every tiny village between here and Provence to strengthen the foul wall grip on power and for better or worse
15:56That's you
15:58Let's not pretend it was for the good of the country
16:06What is it a situation you might want to attend to
16:09Now perhaps you can tell me what the problem is the problem is
16:39Your favorite son is a cunt. Well, don't insult her cure. I'm not her favorite Christ. Did you think I was serious?
16:46I favor none of my children over another of course. Well, if you don't teach him a lesson, I will
16:52That's the new gonna teach me
16:57What is the meaning of this aren't you I'm sure you can see for yourself
17:00The king is clearly crumbling under the pressure of his birthright
17:05Look if you want people to take the Valois court seriously, then why don't you just give me an official position?
17:09You are a prince
17:11What more do you want? I want a seat on the Privy Council the Privy Council
17:17You're serious
17:23Some people have the temperament to govern
17:28Judging by what I just saw clearly you do not
17:34See your sole purpose in life to be to support your king. Is that understood?
17:43Is that understood aren't yes fine, whatever I was joking anyway
17:49When I could I still found comfort in the forest some habits die hard I suppose
18:24Can I say
18:44It's been a while since I've seen you
18:55Friend an apprentice
19:02Yes, you have been busy
19:06The way subjects inspired by the sight of their King
19:09Seeing the very pink of his flesh
19:12Did the royal family provide a balm for the peasants hard lives?
19:16with a touch of their
19:17soft and calloused hands
19:21You mock me only a little and you agree with those who criticize my policy
19:25My only concern is for your welfare and therefore wish to point out what should already be
19:32Painfully obvious you'll never be able to govern by love
19:37Only by fear
19:40You're wrong if the people love their king and they will protect him
19:51What are you doing here
19:56Dream was it the same one
20:07Show me
20:22Find myself alone in the forest a place. I know but I cannot remember how I got there
20:30In a tree I find a mirror
20:36It becomes a bird's nest inside there are 10 eggs, but only one bird flies free
20:56It's just a dream 10 eggs for 10 children and you wonder what it means
21:03There's always a price
21:09Price is my children. Then you already know that is a price. I'm not willing to pay
21:20Get the easier I imagine
21:24They've already buried fool I
21:31Was looking for you. Oh
21:34What are you reading? Nothing? It's just something I found, you know, you shouldn't let all you got under your skin like that
21:39He's an idiot. I know and I'm an idiot for letting him get to me
21:45Can I ask you something
21:47Yeah, of course
21:56Do you think mother will ever really let me rule
21:59Make decisions of my own. I mean she's supposed to now
22:07Do you remember father
22:11Not really what a bit
22:14He didn't seem very happy
22:16Drank a lot, but do you know why he drank?
22:21You can't wait for anybody to give you permission Charles you must be your own man
22:28You don't end up like father
22:37Thank you
22:50Can't use history bless you sister
23:03Haven't seen you in a while told you I was traveling with the court. Yes grand tour
23:09heard about that
23:12Taking the king to the people
23:14I'm not sure what good it will do them a country united behind the king will be good for everyone
23:20What these people need is food
23:23Shelter honest work. Believe me. I'm doing all I can
23:28I'm grateful
23:32But do you ever imagine what you could have done if you took the Regency for yourself
23:36Instead of prostrating yourself before the woman that tried to kill you we've been over this
23:40Catherine is the best person to lead you are
23:46You consider yourself a good judge of character I picked you didn't I why did you do that?
23:52Because you made me believe there's something good in the world
23:58No, I made you think there was something good about you
24:06Perhaps I was just telling you what you wanted to hear
24:10Eat it
24:18Secular fucking state you're even listening to me. Are you know?
24:27My darlings come kiss me
24:38What brings you to court
24:41Concerned for my children. What else are you injured? I'm perfectly fine mother. Oh, thank God for that
24:47In my day that rabble would have been strung up just for laying hands on a member of the ruling class
24:51Well your days over
24:53If the modern world is one where there is no respect for order. I want no part of it. Sure. The thing is mutual
24:59Wouldn't it be much simpler for you to live out your days far from the court of Charles the ninth and surrender to our fate
25:05No, I'm well aware that the court belongs to Catherine and not her son
25:09And that her policies will lead to disaster or misery for the house of geese, which effectively is the same thing
25:17Tell me
25:19What happens when the people decide they can talk directly to God I'll be out of a job Wow
25:26That's just the half of it
25:28The starters who is to say what God says back
25:32Without enforced conformity there is only anarchy
25:36Well, perhaps given time
25:39Catherine will start to see sense when it will be too late
25:42She must be made to see the dangers now when it can still be corrected and you know exactly how I suppose
25:49Well, that's a matter of fact I do
25:54Unfortunate event that might bring her attentions to the dangers at hand
25:59There is a church not far from here
26:02Whose congregation of infidels worship their Protestant God in peace
26:07if they were to be made an example of
26:14suitably brutal and apparently random
26:17There would inevitably be reprisals a series of tit-for-tat killings, which would all soon escalate into an
26:25existential struggle between the religions in which Catherine and a
26:30Marionette of a son would have no choice but to side with us the Catholic Church
26:36France is a tinderbox. All we have to do is touch a match you want us to start a war war is inevitable
26:43Might as well get it over with while we still have the advantage
26:48I think
26:51I think she has a point
26:57I want no part of it. Oh sit down Francois. It's just a suggestion
27:04I've been down this road with you two before
27:06Do you remember your granddaughter our niece Mary? Oh, this will end the same way. I want no part of it
27:20You got any other bright ideas
27:23Don't worry
27:25He'll come around
27:26When he realizes the other option is to cease to exist
27:33Feel that Antoine
27:36The wind is blowing our way
27:40Yes exciting. Hmm, but the Cardinal does make a strong point, doesn't he?
27:47I'm not sure. I want to make it on my own. That's where I could actually
27:54Maybe if I were challenged to a game of petanque, I'd make a fair fist of it. But aside from that I'd be fucked
28:03See I'm not clever like you Louie
28:05Fair point Antoine, but let me assure you
28:09No matter how France evolves the peasants will always need nobles to look up to its human nature
28:16And since our father had the foresight to adopt the new religion
28:20We are the peasants natural allies
28:24You have to hand it to father
28:26Gambling with our status like that high risk high reward now
28:31We must deliver on their loyalty by opening back-channel negotiations with England back-channel across the channel
28:38Excellent fun brother, but may I remind you Catherine said no trade with England. Well Catherine said no trade with England yet
28:46All we need is an introduction at Elizabeth's court, which means
28:50You'll have to get your wife here
28:55for fuck's sake
28:57You know, I'm fucking terrified of her afraid. So and your son Oh God, no
29:04He's awful. Hmm. In fact, I think he might actually be a moron
29:08Medically. Hmm. Well, it's years since you've seen him
29:11So unless you want to make it on your own as a professional petanque player, you'll get them here
29:32I interrupted your reading. Yeah, you did. That's why I come up here the quiet just me and the servants now you
29:44How'd you get on your grand tour I think I gave him a good show
29:49You mean being paraded around in a pretty dress and directed to smile at peasants
29:55It's a little bit nauseating to be honest. I thought girls like pretty dresses not all girls
30:03What I don't like is feeling like some piece in my mother's game
30:07Well, I'd like to tell you they grow out of that, but they don't
30:12I get I couldn't it's yours. I finish it
30:36You wish to see me your majesty
30:39Yes, perhaps you're concerned with the Bourbons I
30:44Hear Antoine has invited his wife to court
30:48first Antoinette keys and now Jean d'Albret
30:53Presence must mean he's up to something
30:55He's had most of his adult life avoiding being in the same room, sir. Maybe he's simply rediscovered his matrimonial duty
31:03Unlikely I was trying to be humorous
31:18Fear the king misunderstands my intentions
31:23Perhaps if you were to talk to him to give him a clearer idea of what I'm trying to do for France and for him
31:32He looks up to you
31:34Because he misses his father
31:37As you miss your husband I imagine
31:44I'll do as you ask
31:59I hear there was some trouble between you and your brother
32:02My brother is always happy to let me know what people say about me when I'm not in the room
32:06People say many things
32:08Most of which they don't remember in the morning
32:14These are delicate times
32:17Religious tolerance will one day lead to a more stable society
32:22But we must give it time time of course, it's always time
32:28But how am I to know if my mother will ever make way for me
32:32Before we died
32:34Your father asked me to care for you as I would my own son I gave him my word I
32:41Believe your mother's motivated by what is best for you. And if I have ever caused a doubt it I will tell you
32:49And when it's time for you to govern with no advice or opposition from your mother. I
32:54Will support you
32:56You have my word. I
33:00Trust you I
33:02Believe you trust my mother
33:05But you would not be the first to underestimate her ambition
33:21Drink I don't drink
33:24No, no, of course not filthy habit
33:29I see you've fallen far without my supervision on tour. Well pens where you start from doesn't it?
33:35So where Henry? Yeah, what'd you make of the big palace? Hey, I
33:40Raised our son not to waste his words
33:42Mission accomplished keep them wanting more
33:45Good idea. Well, perhaps it's time. You told me why you asked me here on tour. Yes, of course
33:51Henry do you want to run along so mummy and daddy can have a little talk and it's all right
33:55You can speak freely in front of him
33:57He has no interests
33:59Aside from scripture. No wonder he has so many friends
34:03Well, it's it's quite simple really and we just need to ask you the smallest of favors
34:10Do you still correspond with Lord Throckmorton in the English court? Yes. Well, he's an ardent believer in the new religion
34:17I don't think I'd be going too far as to say our correspondence on the matters of faith
34:24sustains us both
34:26Say you fancy him
34:29What nothing focus aren't one
34:34Wonderful. All we need you to do is in your next letter
34:37Ask your man if his Queen would be interested in exploring a possible trading partnership with France
34:43You know, we sent them some salt from Normandy. They provide some woven textiles, you know
34:47Something small-scale to get things going
34:50Then we see what's possible. So it is nothing more easy peasy lemon squeezy
34:56No, I couldn't possibly. What?
34:59Why not? Well, perhaps you've forgotten Antoine, but France is a Catholic kingdom
35:04And it seeks to destroy my faith and consume Navarre of where I'm Queen
35:10Why on earth would I want to promote its interests?
35:12France will soon be a secular country with many times more wealth than tiny Navarre
35:17and your husband and son may have more influence in that newly secular country than you could possibly imagine if
35:24We handle things right
35:25So do you propose a treaty with Queen Elizabeth as a means to promote the new religion amongst other things? Yes
35:34Very well
35:37Then prove it
35:39Have your king make a gesture towards the Protestants
35:41I don't mean a speech to a crowd of peasants, but an unmistakable gesture of respect
35:48For the new religion
35:49By what?
35:50There's a church not far from here with an effective preacher young woman
35:53If the king were to visit I would feel comfortable to do as you ask
35:58How are we supposed to get him to do that?
36:00I don't think that's my problem
36:08Matisse I'm late. I'm sorry. You've been at that church again, haven't you?
36:13You have a job, you know and find someone else but you won't
36:19Come with me just once if you don't like it, I'll never go again. I promise
36:27I'll think about it
36:43Your majesty, this is a happy coincidence is it thought you hated riding
36:55What diversion do my favorite cousins have for me today favorite cousins? What a lovely thing to say
37:01We could not help but notice your unhappiness at the Privy Council meeting. I must work on my gambling face
37:05Your mother means well, of course, she does have so much on her plate hard to see the wood for the trees
37:11What is it you want to help
37:13Word has spread about how the people received you on the grand tour. They do adore you. Yeah, they do
37:20they're afraid of your mother and of course that has its place but a
37:24People's love for their king is a different matter
37:28It was quite a moment for me to be honest
37:30For the first time I felt like I might actually be able to lead the people. Well, of course
37:35Where would you take them your majesty? How would you lead France?
37:41When this
37:43Period of tutorial under my mother is over and her policy of tolerance has created a stable society
37:49I will govern a country that forges many international treaties. I
37:53Believe this is the way of the future
37:56Interconnectedness a web of alliances free trade free movement of people
38:02No one will go to war because everyone will suffer in war equally. Oh, I knew it Antoine
38:07You truly are a visionary your majesty a seer and is it not time to begin?
38:14All it requires is a gesture
38:16Something that shows the people you are not afraid of the new religion something that shows Queen Elizabeth
38:21You're not afraid something that only the king can do
38:25What is it you have in mind?
38:27Perhaps the king could attend a Protestant service with us
38:30From what I understand. There is one not far
38:32The preacher is popular a woman a woman
38:36Always plays well. Mm-hmm word will spread the English will see you're serious about a post-religious France
38:42ushering in a time for peace and
38:46Just as you said how history will remember you. Mm-hmm
38:55Then I will consider the matter
39:03I was actually quite moved by that. He's a wanker Antoine really a huge wanker
39:21You must be Thomas yes, my lady do you have what I asked for
39:31This what you're after I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for my father being out your sense of duty moves me
39:46He only wrote to help me learn how to read but he writes so beautifully I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them
39:53until now
40:06Won't let anything that happened to him or you of course not. I'm his mother
40:19Hello son, but we might have a little talk
40:23Told your mother you want to start a war to yourself. I don't think it would come to that
40:30You may recognize the writing
40:34Dressed to a young man named Thomas a billman in the army sweet boy
40:41Rather attractive. In fact, I see the appeal
40:58Wish you get it. He sold it to me
41:07Along with others quite a few others. I'd no idea that you wrote so well
41:15It's so heartfelt and descriptive
41:18You must have really loved him to be stupid enough to put all that down on paper
41:22I mean a quick fuck on the field of battle when faced with imminent death anyone can understand that
41:28But a man's profession of love for another man
41:32your soldiers would never take orders again when your back is turned they may do worse, but I
41:39Don't want you to worry. I will ensure your men never know of them
41:44At a price
41:51Do I need to say it
41:54And I want you to know
41:57That I don't judge your preferences
41:59In fact, I respect them
42:01even envy them
42:04So reproduction thing it makes such a mess. Don't you find it?
42:08and anyway
42:10And anyway, you were my son, however, God made you and you will make me proud
42:20As I know
42:34Is there anything else your majesty no you can go
43:03Were you looking at
43:10I spoke to the king. He knows you have his best interest at heart
43:21For years, I thought I was unable to conceive
43:25Turns out that was the easy part. I
43:27Suppose it's possible. We make too much of parenting when all is said and done
43:33We all raise ourselves, don't we?
43:36You certainly did
43:38What is it you and Edith
43:44When I found her I was a drunk
43:48She prevented me from killing a man that tried to sell her to me
43:54The man was a father
43:59Now she's the closest to family I have I
44:05Failed to protect my children
44:09Failed to protect your husband. I
44:12Do not intend to fail again
44:19If we're finished here, I will leave you we could stay
44:30So we might be a comfort to one another
44:41See in that moment, I thought I could be truly happy
44:54You beat me he beat me apparently your son has inherited your luck aren't one I don't believe in luck
45:04What do you believe in that preparation
45:07Calculation precision attack
45:11How intriguing
45:16Do you fancy a drink
45:19Can I yeah?
45:22Sure, there's something we can give you isn't there Louie
45:24Red or white I'm gonna get you pissed. Yeah
45:29The King is here
45:40Thought about your invitation and I've decided to join my Protestant subjects in prayer tonight wonderful news your majesty
45:47History will remember you perhaps but for now, my mother will know nothing about it. Of course Tom cred prepare our horses
45:58And when Jesus saw the crowds he went up on the mountainside and sat with them
46:04His disciples came to him he said blessed are the poor in spirit
46:10For theirs is the kingdom of heaven
46:14Blessed are those who mourn
46:16They will be comforted
46:19Blessed are the meek
46:20For they will inherit the earth
46:23Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
46:27They will be freed
46:30blessed of the mass
46:51Burn it down
47:08Said of the merciful that they will be shown mercy
47:13Blessed of the pure in heart, but they will see God
47:19Blessed of the peacemakers, but they will be called children of God
47:50What is it it'll cost you
47:59It's urgent what is it the King your majesty?
48:20Ready my horse. He's telling me
48:25That's me
48:56Watching my TV
48:59And my
49:03Tell me how I my shirts can be
49:09But it can't be a man
49:12Cuz it doesn't smell the same
49:16cigarettes as me
49:24When I'm running
49:29And I'm doing this and I'm signing that and I'm trying
49:59Church was burned to the ground who could have done such a thing. I had been played
50:05This was a deliberate provocation the perpetrators must be punished no matter who they are
50:09It sounds like you have a choice to make more with the Protestants or war with the Catholics unless there are another way
50:17Hello cousin even from beyond the grave my husband finds ways to humiliate me