• 2 months ago


00:00Hey, give me a second, okay?
00:07Did I scare you?
00:10It wasn't my intention, I'm sorry.
00:12Are you okay?
00:13Uh, I'm fine.
00:15What are you doing here?
00:16No one can come in.
00:18I don't know, I was...
00:20What about you?
00:21I remembered this place and I thought of visiting it.
00:24Do you know what happened here?
00:27Before the holidays, a boy committed suicide.
00:30He jumped out the window.
00:32He was my partner.
00:35And why...
00:38Why did you remember this place?
00:40Something happened that made me think of him.
00:43Well, we weren't friends, but...
00:46I had seen him before.
00:49I saw him fall out the window.
00:52And then I called the police.
00:56I wonder why he did it.
00:58What made him make such a decision?
01:01How did he find the crutches to jump?
01:05What happens next?
01:08Is there something after death?
01:11Suddenly I thought of those things.
01:14By the way, it's not training season yet.
01:16What are you doing missing classes?
01:18Look who's talking.
01:20You missed classes for days.
01:22I thought you had left school.
01:24What? Why would I?
01:26Well, you left for a week.
01:28Something like that in the last year is very bad.
01:32Well, I came back for lunch.
01:34I couldn't miss it anymore.
01:37Did you come back for that?
01:39Did you come back to school for lunch?
02:07I'll introduce you to lunch.
02:09At least that's what I call it.
02:11I think I'm the only one.
02:14You can tell I was very hungry.
02:19If I don't come back,
02:21if for some reason I don't come back,
02:23could you take care of him for me?
02:33Now follow our lunch.
02:44What did you tell the police?
02:49Oh, that I was here feeding lunch.
02:53Suddenly I heard a deafening noise.
02:56I got closer to see what it was,
02:58and I saw him lying down.
03:00It was Park Wonsiok.
03:17It was Park Wonsiok.
03:36Hey, where were you?
03:38Yeah, you disappeared.
03:40You're the only one who comes to lunch after a week.
03:43Now it's clear that you only come for lunch.
03:46You don't deserve to eat it.
03:48You don't deserve this pineapple.
03:50You missed the practical exam,
03:52but I have a copy. I'll give it to you later.
03:54Okay, thanks.
03:56Now tell us everything.
03:58What did you do all week?
04:00I wanted to see the sunrise,
04:02so I went to the East Sea.
04:04You're crazy.
04:06I went to the beach on my motorcycle,
04:08watching the sun rise on the horizon.
04:11I didn't even remember there was an exam.
04:15You lost your mind, man.
04:18Anyway, I have to go.
04:20Yeah, me too.
04:26Look at him.
04:28Kick him again.
04:30You're a bad guy.
04:32Get out of here.
04:34Now you.
04:40I knew it.
04:42He's the best.
04:44A brain tumor?
04:46Yes, a very high-risk tumor.
04:49Does that mean I'm going to die soon?
04:52How much time do I have left?
04:55Six months.
04:57Some people live up to a year with this.
04:59It's possible that he lives longer,
05:01but I can't assure you anything.
05:03I decided to pretend I didn't know anything.
05:07As if I hadn't heard
05:09what they told him that day at the hospital.
05:27Why is he looking at us like that?
05:29Is he going to eat us alive?
05:38Min Sonja!
05:40What the hell?
05:48Tell him.
05:54What's wrong?
06:00Damn it!
06:01Move it!
06:05I can't believe they let Jung Kyung go back to school.
06:08Do you know what he did to her?
06:10The girl's name is Sonja.
06:12She was at the photography club with that bastard.
06:18Sonja is in her second year.
06:20Last semester, Jung Kyung's idiot
06:22sexually assaulted her in the dark room.
06:25What a bastard.
06:27What a bastard.
06:29Shouldn't he be in jail?
06:31The police didn't find enough evidence.
06:33They withdrew the charges.
06:34They're trash.
06:36The school committee only recognized the verbal abuse.
06:39He was supposed to change schools.
06:41I don't understand how he got back.
06:57How is he?
07:10You want me to let you go?
07:12Hurry up.
07:15What are you doing?
07:23Who is she?
07:25¿Qué carajo?
07:27Ah, esta escuela cambió.
07:29No sé en dónde la dejé.
07:31Sí, tienes razón. Todo se siente distinto.
07:34Pues sí.
07:35Park Wonseok ahora eres el jefe.
07:37Sí, porque Wonseok era muy rudo, ¿no?
07:39¿Qué? ¿Por qué te ríes?
07:41¿Eh? ¿Crees que me da gusto que Park Wonseok haya muerto?
07:50No pude meterle una paliza antes de que muriera.
07:52Eso es lo que me duele.
07:55¿Verdad que es una pena que el idiota muriera?
08:02¿No tienes respeto alguno por los muertos?
08:05¿Te parece bien hablar así de los que se fueron?
08:11Sabía que me caerías mal.
08:13¿Quién te crees?
08:15Puedo decir lo que me da la gana.
08:17Mejor cállate.
08:18Cállate tú si vas a hablar esa mierda.
08:21Imbécil desgraciado.
08:26Todos empiezan hablando mucho.
08:28Que te respete.
08:31Déjala en paz.
08:39Tienes razón. No hables de los muertos.
08:44La dice el que no se pudo graduar.
08:46¿El dinero de papá te da valor?
08:51Ya lo veremos.
08:52Estás muerto.
08:53Oye, Sayun Jung.
08:56Esto no fue lo que acordaste con el director.
09:00Ya basta.
09:12De acuerdo.
09:13Lo siento.
09:15Vete la mierda.
09:18Sigan con sus idioteses.
09:48Lo que ves aquí, el área blanca, es el tumor.
09:52Si el tumor no estuviera en el óvulo frontal,
09:54o si no fuera tan grande,
09:56ya lo hubiéramos retirado con cirugía.
09:59Pero en este caso, Sugeun,
10:01la cirugía podría causar una parálisis respiratoria
10:04o parálisis cerebral postoperatoria.
10:06Por eso la descartamos como opción.
10:11¿Entonces qué hago?
10:12Podemos retrasar el crecimiento del tumor y aliviar el dolor.
10:17¿Ha presentado algún otro síntoma?
10:19¿Cómo cuál?
10:20¿Qué clase de síntomas hay?
10:22A veces hay cambios de personalidad.
10:25¿Cambios en la personalidad?
10:26Sí, es posible comenzar a presentar comportamientos que nunca se habían tenido.
10:31Por ejemplo, volverse extremadamente tímido o violento.
10:34También es posible presentar depresión o episodios de manía.
10:38Lo más importante es que se mantenga tranquilo.
10:41Sé que es difícil, pero hay que continuar.
10:51Esta dosis debería durarte un mes.
10:53Recuerda tomarla con comida.
11:20¿Dónde está?
11:41Buenos días, señor director.
11:42Buenos días, entrenador.
11:43Le presentamos a Xeog Yaebum.
11:45Claro, bienvenido. Es un gusto conocerte.
11:48Entrenador, agradecemos su cooperación y toda su labor.
11:53Director, no hay problema. Es un gusto. Ojalá sirva de algo.
11:56Nos sentimos optimistas. Observarlos podría ayudarle a recuperar la memoria.
12:01Oye, Yaebum, qué buena decisión tomó tu madre.
12:05Oye, Chanmi.
12:13Ella tira con pistola de 25.
12:16Creo que es el calibre ideal para que Yaebum se aclimate al disparar.
12:20Claro, eso tiene lógica.
12:21Chanmi, vas a ayudar a Yaebum.
12:23Serás su entrenadora.
12:26Le ayudarás a aprender los básicos y lo que necesite para acostumbrarse a tirar.
12:33Va a ser un honor.
12:42Muy bien, mantén los brazos rectos.
12:46Cuida la postura.
12:50Baja el brazo.
12:55Otra vez.
12:57Fíjala, viste en el blanco.
13:05Relaja el hombro.
13:07El brazo bien recto.
13:09Baja el mentón.
13:11Mantén esa postura.
13:13Viste en el blanco.
13:18Eso, Yaebum.
13:20Tienes que enfocarte.
13:21La viste en el blanco.
13:23Eso, enfócate.
13:26Y mantén la postura.
13:31Hola, bienvenidas.
13:51Hong Ayung, qué gusto verte.
13:53Suhyun, ¿es cierto que dejaste la escuela para ir al mar?
13:56Bueno, me quise desconectar un rato.
13:58Apuesto que el señor Huang se volvió loco cuando rastró el celular de Ayung y la encontró en el Mar del Este.
14:05Ay, imagínenlo.
14:07Seguramente se volvió loco, sabiendo que no podía atraparme.
14:11¿Y qué, te llamó el maldito?
14:12Una vez.
14:14Eh, contesté en pánico, no sabía qué decir.
14:17Cuando dije que era tu novio, me maldijo y colgó.
14:19Está loco.
14:21Oye, ¿reconoces este número? Me envió diez mensajes.
14:25Hola, ¿este es el número de Hong Ayung?
14:27Soy Ok Chan-mi, la nueva estudiante de tercer año.
14:30¿Tercer año? ¿Suhyun estudia contigo?
14:32¿Quién es Ok Chan-mi?
14:35Sé que no me conoces, pero necesito hablar contigo sobre Park Won-seok.
14:39Por favor, llámame cuando puedas.
14:41¿Ok Chan-mi?
14:43Es la nueva del equipo de tiro, la que vivía en Busan.
14:48¿Y quién es? ¿Por qué quiere hablar de Won-seok?
14:51¿Sabes qué pasó aquí? Antes de las vacaciones, un chico se suicidó.
14:55Saltó por la ventana. Era mi compañero.
14:57¿Y por qué? ¿Por qué recordaste este lugar?
15:02Entonces sabe lo de Park Won-seok.
15:05¿Qué? Parece que sabes algo.
15:07No, ¿de qué hablas?
15:09En fin, ya tienes tu teléfono. Me tengo que ir. Adiós.
15:14¡Suhyun! ¡Gracias!
15:20¿Qué debería hacer con Ok Chan-mi?
16:03Ok Chan-mi, Jae-bum no quiere ser un atleta.
16:07Esto es solo parte de su terapia.
16:10Ya sea por terapia o deporte, las armas son cosa seria.
16:14Hace un año sufrió un accidente. Estuvo en coma durante seis meses.
16:19Fue un milagro que despertara.
16:22Por eso está repitiendo el último año escolar.
16:26¿En serio?
16:28Sufrió un golpe en la cabeza que le borró la memoria.
16:31Casi no recuerda nada. Ni siquiera a sus maestros ni a sus amigos.
16:38No seas tan estricta con él.
16:40¿De qué hablas? No fui muy estricta.
16:43Oye, Jae-bum.
16:47¿Fui demasiado estricta?
16:49No, la verdad me gustó.
16:51Me hubieras dicho antes.
16:53Creí que eras el típico niño rico con malas calificaciones
16:56que entra al equipo de tiro para inflar su currículum.
16:59Ya sabes cuál es.
17:02Chan-mi, cuida lo que dices.
17:05Jae-bum es un año mayor.
17:07No se fija en la edad.
17:09Nadie se trata con formalidad.
17:11Bueno, pero Jae-bum es diferente porque...
17:13No le hagas caso. Gracias por tu tiempo.
17:18Tal vez sí fuiste estricta.
17:24Pero sigue enseñándome.
17:27La próxima clase.
17:29Sí, está bien.
17:31Prepárate bien.
17:33Te voy a llevar al límite.
17:35Si tú quieres.
17:48Hola, mamá.
17:50Ya voy de camino a casa.
18:03Oye, disculpa. ¿Podrías ir más lento?
18:08Oye, Chan-mi.
18:12Oye, Chan-mi.
18:14Oye, Chan-mi.
18:38¿Ya ves?
18:40Tenías razón. Eres un niño rico.
18:43¿Y tú qué? ¿Siempre andas en moto?
18:47Qué lindo.
18:49Dime, ¿pasó algo?
18:53¿Por qué te detuviste?
18:57Es que no te había podido agradecer.
19:01Sí lo hiciste. No te preocupes.
19:04Bueno, me siento bien.
19:05Bueno, me siento muy agradecido.
19:10¿Me das tu número?
19:14Mi número es 5513.
19:51¿Qué haces?
19:53¿Te dedicas a asustar a la gente o qué?
19:56Lo siento.
19:58Soy yo. Creo que me asusto muy fácil.
20:01¿Con qué te puedo ayudar?
20:03Quiero preguntarte algo.
20:05¿Cómo conocías a Park Won-seok?
20:09Cuando hablamos en el laboratorio,
20:12no dijiste que lo conocías.
20:16¿Hong A-jung te dijo algo?
20:19O tal vez aún tiene su teléfono.
20:21Yo pregunté primero cómo lo conocías.
20:25El club de tiro.
20:27Lo conocí hace mucho.
20:29Yo soy experta y él era aficionado.
20:32Eso es todo.
20:33¿Qué quieres saber de él?
20:35¿No te parece algo trágico?
20:38Es algo muy triste.
20:41Quisiera saber por qué lo hizo.
20:44Hace una semana en la escuela,
20:46llamaste al número de Hong A-jung.
20:49Viste que yo contesté, ¿verdad?
20:51Pero no dijiste nada cuando me viste contestar.
20:55Sí, era yo.
20:57¿No crees que es muy raro fingir que no lo sabías?
21:00Nunca fingí que no sabía.
21:03Lo raro es que tengas el teléfono de A-jung
21:05si ya se graduó.
21:07No, no es raro.
21:09Tenía su teléfono por una buena razón.
21:11¿Qué razón puede haber?
21:13No puedo darte detalles.
21:15No lo robé, si es lo que estás pensando.
21:18A-jung me lo dio.
21:20Supongo que A-jung podrá aclararlo
21:22cuando hable con ella.
21:24Si ya terminaste, me voy.
21:43Oye, Jin Soo-hyun.
21:57Es que...
21:59olvidé pedirte un favor.
22:01¿Podrías hablar con Hong A-jung?
22:03Dile que quiera hablar con ella.
22:05Por favor.
22:24Analicemos los incisos uno y tres.
22:27El poema clásico, la historia del pescador.
22:30Siempre figura en la prueba estandarizada.
22:31Tendrán que hacer una revisión literaria...
23:28Maestra, ¿puedo salir?
23:37I'm sorry.
23:38I'm going to leave the room.
24:08Are you here?
24:18Suheon! Open the door, please!
24:24What are you doing here?
24:32Who's bleeding?
24:34What the hell?
24:36Get me up. I'll see from above.
24:44There's a girl bleeding!
24:56Hello? Can you hear me?
24:58Wake up!
25:00It's the girl from yesterday.
25:02The one from the photography club.
25:04Why is she looking at us like that?
25:14Hello? Emergency?
25:16A doctor is coming.
25:18Call an ambulance.
25:22Watch out.
25:42Is he dead?
25:44Get out of there, young man!
25:46I heard you don't die that easily.
25:48Come here, you damn lunatic.
25:50He opened his wrists.
25:58Let's go, Professor!
26:00Don't be afraid.
26:02Don't be afraid.
26:04Don't be afraid.
26:06Don't be afraid.
26:08Be yourself.
26:10Don't be afraid.
26:14Don't be afraid.
26:22Are they okay, young men?
26:26I imagine they're in shock.
26:28Did you see who it was?
26:30The girl who made a scene at the station.
26:32I hadn't noticed, but it was her.
26:34The suicide victim's sister.
26:36But she lived in Busan. She moved.
26:40the young man next to her found the suicide victim
26:42and carried her away.
26:46We should question him about this case.
26:50I'm fine.
27:10Feeling better?
27:12Yes, I'm well.
27:16Suhyeon, are you feeling better?
27:18I'm fine.
27:21The detectives are waiting for you.
27:28Do you remember me, Mr. G?
27:30From Park Wong Seok's investigation.
27:35Do you know Min Seon Ah personally?
27:38No, actually, no.
27:42You recently transferred from Busan, right?
27:48Does that mean you don't know Min Seon Ah well?
27:52That's right.
27:54In fact, I don't know her.
27:56Did you call emergency services like the last time?
27:58It wasn't him.
27:59I was the one who called the ambulance.
28:01I had to go to the bathroom all of a sudden.
28:03I didn't feel well.
28:05I went to the bathroom to look for Ji Seok Hyun
28:07because he hadn't come back for more than 10 minutes.
28:09I didn't expect Ok Chan Mi
28:11to burst into the men's bathroom like she did.
28:13Well, I was worried.
28:15She didn't look well when she left the classroom.
28:17I don't know why she followed me.
28:19She started knocking on the door, asking me to open it.
28:22I saw blood on the floor coming out of the bathroom.
28:25I thought it was Ji Seok Hyun.
28:27Ok Chan Mi looked up and saw her.
28:29Ji Seok Hyun tried to stop the bleeding.
28:31One moment.
28:36Oh, I see. I understand.
28:38Thank you. Yes.
28:43We were informed that Min Seon Ah regained consciousness.
28:45She did an excellent job, Mr. Ji.
28:48That's good.
28:54She was in the hospital.
28:56The young woman has woken up.
28:59That's great news.
29:01Did you become friends with Ok Chan Mi because of Park Won Seok?
29:05You found Park Won Seok's body,
29:07although that time it didn't turn out like it did now.
29:11I don't understand.
29:14What does this have to do with Park Won Seok?
29:17Seok Hyun doesn't know.
29:19If he knew I was his twin sister,
29:21I don't think he'd tell me the truth.
29:23I just want to know about my brother.
29:26Besides, everyone would have kept their distance.
29:29I'd appreciate it if he didn't say anything at school.
29:34Count on it, Chan Mi.
29:36But your transfer implies a problem.
29:40If you insist that death wasn't suicide,
29:44and you transferred to find your brother's killer,
29:47we'd have a problem.
29:53Why would it be a problem?
29:55The police didn't even bother to investigate the facts.
29:58There was no evidence to indicate a murder.
30:03I want...
30:05to get to the bottom of this.
30:08For me.
30:10Don't let his death become an obsession.
30:13Once you've fallen into the swamp,
30:16it'll be very difficult to get out.
30:18Focus on the sport.
30:19Any other questions?
30:30What did the detective tell you?
30:33The basics.
30:34They wanted to know how I found her.
30:36Didn't they ask you the same thing?
30:39Well, yes.
30:42Was that all they asked you?
30:44What do you mean?
30:45Did the detective ask you anything else?
30:48Yes, something like that.
30:53By the way, why did you go into the men's bathroom?
30:57How did you explain that?
30:59I said I followed you without thinking,
31:01because obviously I'm crazy about you.
31:04I can't stand you.
31:06You're crazy.
31:07Hey, I heard you.
31:10Yes, that's what I wanted.
31:13You have shooting strength.
31:17I'm going to get my revenge.
31:19You'll see.
31:34I'm going to get my revenge.
31:36I'm going to get my revenge.
32:01Don't talk to the director!
32:02I want an explanation!
32:04What do you want from me?
32:07Did you see her, director?
32:08Did you see what they did to my daughter?
32:11Answer me.
32:13Why did my daughter cut herself like that?
32:15What did they do to her?
32:18What did they do to her
32:19for her to think about taking her own life?
32:21Calm down.
32:23Mr. Armin, please.
32:24It's the responsible one.
32:26It's the bastard who raped my daughter
32:27and left with hers because his rich family paid them
32:30while my daughter...
32:31while my daughter suffers forever.
32:35It's his fault!
32:37He couldn't let that bastard go back to school
32:40after what he did to my daughter.
32:42Mr. Armin, please.
32:44Calm down.
32:45He's so angry that he could kill me too.
32:50Where's the bastard?
32:51Bring me the idiot.
32:53Bring him.
32:54I'm going to kill him with my own hands.
32:56My daughter didn't do anything to deserve this.
32:59She deserves to die.
33:01She deserves to die.
33:03She deserves to die.
33:05She deserves to die.
33:31I'm going to kill him with my own hands.
33:33I'm going to kill him.
33:52I've never seen her before.
33:56Are you sure? Think about it.
33:58I'm sure.
33:59As sure as I have hair.
34:01Don't even mention the hair.
34:40I'm Honga Jung.
34:45You look like a celebrity.
34:47You're so pretty.
34:49What's your name?
34:51Honga Jung.
34:56What do you want to ask me?
34:59I have nothing to ask you.
35:01I want to talk to Honga Jung.
35:14I saw you at school.
35:16Why are you doing this?
35:17So you know how Jung is.
35:20Tell me who you are.
35:21I heard you transferred from Busan.
35:24Why do you want to talk to her and how do you know how she is?
35:28That's none of your business.
35:30Tell me where Jung is.
35:32You have to understand that if you want to talk to her,
35:34you'll have to tell me what you want.
35:37What do you want to know about Park Won-seok
35:39and how you found out I'm not Jung?
35:40Shut up.
35:42Where is Honga Jung?
35:43Tell her to leave. I'm not kidding.
35:47You think you're so brave, don't you?
35:50You're useless.
35:52Because you and I...
35:56Stop looking for her or I'll have to kill you.
36:07Tell Honga Jung...
36:10that if she regrets her death,
36:14she should send me a message.
36:21If you're trying to talk about Won-seok,
36:23you're with the wrong person.
36:25Do you know who you should look for?
36:27In-seo Mi.
36:33In-seo Mi?
36:41Yes, who is this?
36:43Yes, sir. Good evening.
36:46Yes, I can talk.
36:50Sir, I'm really sorry.
36:52I know I have to pay you on time.
36:55No, sir. I understand.
36:58I'm not the one who should apologize.
37:01Yes, I'll send you the money.
37:03I'm sorry, sir.
37:12Your friend Oh Chan-mi is crazy.
37:16I don't know how, but she knows Jung's face.
37:19I didn't even fool her with the stupid wig
37:21and she got mad and demanded to talk to her.
37:23She had something going on with Won-seok.
37:28Hey, are you listening to me?
37:32What do I do? I need money.
37:39What happened? Why do you want to talk about money?
37:41I'm serious, Jung.
37:46What do I do to get money?
37:53I need to go to the bathroom.
38:06Wait here for me.
38:23¿Quieres hablar de Park Won-Seok?
38:26Me llamo Chan-Mi.
38:29Gracias por tu tiempo, en serio.
38:31¿Quieres algo de...
38:32¿Qué sabes de lo que pasó?
38:34Quiero saber qué te dijeron de mí y Park Won-Seok.
38:37No me dijeron nada, por eso te busqué.
38:40Para escucharlo de ti.
38:44Cuando escuché que había muerto...
38:46...me puse muy feliz.
38:51Y cuando supe que se había suicidado,
38:54creí que fue el karma,
38:56haciendo de las suyas.
39:01Por su culpa, me tuve que transferir de escuela.
39:04Y nunca dejé de pensar en cómo lo mataría.
39:10¿Te digo por qué?
39:13¿Te digo por qué?
39:27¿Estás listo para esto?
39:30¿Por qué actúas como si a ti te afectara la situación...
39:33...o Sung la embarazó?
39:35Ya cállate.
39:36Si me equivoco, cierro la boca.
39:38Hazte la prueba y demuestre que estás embarazada.
39:42Usa esta prueba.
39:43Tenemos que saber si estás diciendo la verdad.
39:50¿Quieres que orine frente a todos...
39:52...para probarles que estoy embarazada?
39:54No puedo, Won-Seok.
39:56Mira, aquí está.
39:58¿No les basta con la foto que tomó?
40:01Una maldita foto no es suficiente.
40:03Podrías haberla falsificado.
40:06Pruébalo si es verdad.
40:08¿Qué te pasa, maldito?
40:09¿Estás loco?
40:11Oye, Somi.
40:12Hazte la prueba ya.
40:13Y hagamos que Park Won-Seok se calle.
40:20Soy la parte neutral en todo esto.
40:22Voy a acompañar a Somi.
40:24¿De acuerdo?
40:27Yo también.
40:28Seré un observador.
40:29No quiero que haya malentendidos más adelante.
40:32Así que voy a grabar.
40:33¿De acuerdo?
40:38Tranquila, Somi.
40:39Vamos con ellos.
40:41Que quede registro.
40:43Park Won-Seok dijo que cerraría la boca si dices la verdad.
40:46Ya deja de hablar.
40:48Háganlo de una vez.
40:54Dame eso.
41:01Y, Somi.
41:02Mira a la cámara y admítelo.
41:04Admite que tu embarazo es mentira.
41:09¿Por qué no puedes decir nada?
41:13Ozung se hartó de ti y quieres controlarlo con esto.
41:17¿Creíste que íbamos a creer esta mierda?
41:20¿Crees que somos idiotas o qué?
41:23¿Cómo te atreves a engañarnos?
41:27Di que eres una mentirosa.
41:31Park Won-Seok.
41:33Te voy a matar algún día.
41:39Qué miedo.
41:58No fui la única que se alegró.
42:00La noticia de su suicidio alegró a muchas otras personas.
42:05Descubría los secretos de otros y los amenazaba después.
42:09Park Won-Seok era una basura.
42:11No entiendo.
42:14¿Es cierto lo que dices?
42:16Claro que sí.
42:17¿Por qué mentirías si ya está muerto?
42:22Im Somi.
42:28Me disculpo en su nombre.
42:57¿Crees que me da gusto que Park Won-Seok haya muerto?
42:59No pude meterle una paliza antes de que muriera.
43:01Eso es lo que me duele.
43:04La noticia de su suicidio alegró a muchas otras personas.
43:08Park Won-Seok era una basura.
43:37Aquí está Min Seon-Ha.
43:41¿Quién eres?
43:42Hola, señor.
43:45Soy... Soy una de sus compañeras.
43:49Seon-Ha es mi hija.
43:51Está dormida. Acaban de darle un tratamiento.
43:55Esto es para su hija.
43:59No es justo, señor.
44:01Estoy muy molesta por lo que pasó.
44:14Es tarde para una visita.
44:17No puedo hablar de esto en la escuela.
44:21¿De qué quieres hablar?
44:27¿Y si recaudamos dinero para sacar a Joon-Young por lo que le hizo a Seon-Ha?
44:34¿Estás mal de la cabeza? ¿Qué estás diciendo?
44:38Dijiste que quieres dinero.
44:42Visite a Min Seon-Ha en el hospital.
44:52Señor Min.
44:58También sufrió...
45:01...de acoso en la escuela.
45:08Digamos que entiendo muy bien a Seon-Ha.
45:11Sé que tenía ganas de matarlo.
45:15Pero no pudo hacer nada.
45:18Por eso hizo lo que hizo.
45:20Ya que no hubo justicia, quisiera matar a ese maldito.
45:28Señor Min.
45:31Tal vez pueda hacer algo para que lo expulsen.
45:34Lo haré por usted.
45:40¿Estás loca?
45:42¿De qué demonios hablas?
45:43No, Su-Hyun.
45:46No estoy loca.
45:54Ya me salvaste una vez.
45:55No sé.
45:57No sé de qué hablas.
45:59No lo haré.
46:02Desde ese momento...
46:05...recuperé mi seguridad.
46:07Me sentí viva otra vez.
46:11No pienso hacerlo.
46:12¿Recuerdas cuando llegué el año pasado?
46:24Maldito imbécil.
46:40¡No sabe caminar!
46:43¡Qué tonta es!
46:46¿Qué pasó?
46:47¿Tienes miedo?
46:49¿Qué haces aquí?
46:50Te extrañamos en la escuela, cabeza de algodón.
46:53¡Ay, qué bonito algodoncito!
46:55¡Qué patética! ¡Está llorando!
46:59¡No llores, ridícula!
47:04¿Qué quieres?
47:06¡Ay, qué fea es esa!
47:12¡Parece un perro mojado!
47:20A ver, perrita. A ver. ¡Mírate! ¡Mírate!
47:26¿No sabes caminar?
47:27¿Qué esperas? ¡Párate!
47:31¡Ay, creo que tiene hambre!
47:35Aquí tengo comida. Abre la boca.
47:38¡Qué rico!
47:39¡Qué abras la boca, carajo!
47:45¿Quieres más?
47:56¡Sexy and high!
47:58¡Déjenme chupar un poco!
48:00¡Aún con algodón no!
48:02¡Déjenme andar!
48:04¡High, high, high!
48:09¡High, high, higher!
48:15¿Qué? ¿Y este quién es?
48:17No sé.
48:18Oye, ¿quién eres?
48:20¿Qué te crees?
48:23¿Quién carajo te crees?
48:26¡Oye, déjala! ¿Qué te pasa?
48:28¿Qué te pasa?
48:56Van a disculparse con Tais o John.
48:58¡Eres un idiota! ¡No nos digas qué hacer!
49:00¡No nos digas qué hacer!
49:25Hicimos algo horrible.
49:30Nos equivocamos.
49:52Si alguna...
49:54vez las vuelvo a ver...
49:57me juro que las voy a matar.
50:28Ya es tarde.
50:29Ve a casa, ¿sí?
50:31Déjalo así.
50:34Así como me salvaste,
50:36podemos salvar a Seung-ha.
50:39Sé que no aceptaste el dinero que mi padre te ofreció.
50:43Para agradecerte.
50:45¿Por qué?
50:47¿Por qué?
50:49¿Por qué?
50:51¿Por qué?
50:53¿Por qué?
50:55¿Por qué?
50:57Pero te habríamos dado cualquier cosa.
51:00Mi padre lo dijo.
51:03Es en serio.
51:07Ese tipo de basura humana solo entiende la ley a golpes.
51:14Te daré hasta mañana.
51:39¿Para qué?
51:41¿Para qué?
51:43¿Para qué?
51:45¿Para qué?
51:48¿Sí, hola?
51:50Sí, soy el hijo de Shin Yuk-jung.
51:55¿Tiene neumonía?
51:58Vengo con Shin Yuk-jung.
52:01Al final del pasillo.
52:17¿Por qué?
52:19¿Por qué?
52:21¿Por qué?
52:23¿Por qué?
52:25¿Por qué?
52:27¿Por qué?
52:29¿Por qué?
52:31¿Por qué?
52:33¿Por qué?
52:35¿Por qué?
52:37¿Por qué?
52:39¿Por qué?
52:41¿Por qué?
52:43¿Por qué?
52:45¿Por qué?
52:48¿Por qué?
52:50¿Por qué?
52:52¿Por qué?
52:54¿Por qué?
52:56¿Por qué?
52:58¿Por qué?
53:00¿Por qué?
53:02¿Por qué?
53:04¿Por qué?
53:06¿Por qué?
53:08¿Por qué?
53:10¿Por qué?
53:12¿Por qué?
53:14¿Por qué?
53:15¿Por qué?
53:17¿Por qué?
53:19¿Por qué?
53:25No va a pasar nada, ok.
53:29¿Crees que me asusta que se haya cortado las muñecas?
53:32No. Pero ahora toda la escuela está en tu contra.
53:34No seas idiota. ¿Qué importa?
53:37Además ya estoy trabajando en algo.
53:40Para qué cierre la boca?
53:45I'll tell you when!
54:08I'm curious. What will you do?
54:10You'll see!
54:12He'll shut up as soon as he sees what I've got.
54:15as it should be.
54:17Shit, what a scare.
54:23Who is it?
54:25Book the dark room.
54:27It's booked.
54:31Hey, I'll call you later.
54:33Can't you leave me alone?
54:39What the fuck?
54:45What the fuck?
55:01What is this?
55:07Must be to cut fingers.
55:15What the fuck?
55:27Keep screaming and I'll cut both your fingers.
55:37Why are you doing this to me?
55:39What do you want? I'll give you all the money.
55:41This is for what you did to Min Xiong Ha.
55:45I'm sorry.
55:47Please forgive me.
55:49I'm sorry.
55:51Min Xiong Ha needed your apologies.
55:53I don't need them.
55:55Please, I'll apologize.
55:57I know I did something terrible.
55:59You did something terrible,
56:01but there were no consequences.
56:03For every sin, there must be a punishment.
56:05Please, I'll do whatever you want,
56:07but don't hurt me.
56:09Forgive me, please.
56:11Forgive me, I beg you.
56:13I'm going to the director's office
56:15so everyone can see you.
56:17Is that clear?
56:19Yes, yes, yes, of course.
56:21I'm going to go, I promise,
56:23but don't hurt me.
56:43What is this image?
56:45Didn't you hear the question?
56:59Why did you reveal this photo?
57:03Answer me!
57:05Answer me!
57:07Answer me!
57:09Answer me!
57:11Answer me!
57:13To threaten Xiong Ha
57:15and make her leave.
57:17Open your mouth.
57:19Open it and don't...
57:33No, please, don't hurt me!
57:35Please, don't hurt me!
57:41Please, don't hurt me!
57:43Please, don't hurt me!
57:45Sometimes there are personality changes.
57:49Yes, it's possible to start
57:51presenting behaviors that
57:53had never been done before.
58:11Please, don't hurt me!
58:41Please, don't hurt me!
58:43Please, don't hurt me!
58:45Please, don't hurt me!
58:47Please, don't hurt me!
58:49Please, don't hurt me!
58:51Please, don't hurt me!
58:53Please, don't hurt me!
58:55Please, don't hurt me!
58:57Please, don't hurt me!
58:59Please, don't hurt me!
59:01Please, don't hurt me!
59:03Please, don't hurt me!
59:05Please, don't hurt me!
59:07Please, don't hurt me!
59:09Please, don't hurt me!
59:11Please, don't hurt me!
59:13Please, don't hurt me!
59:15Please, don't hurt me!
59:17Please, don't hurt me!
59:19Please, don't hurt me!
59:21Please, don't hurt me!
59:23Please, don't hurt me!
59:25Please, don't hurt me!
59:27Please, don't hurt me!
59:29Please, don't hurt me!
59:31Please, don't hurt me!
59:33Please, don't hurt me!
