• 2 months ago
What Happens If You Stop Eating Sugar for 14 Days – Dr. Berg On Quitting Sugar Cravings
00:00So the question is, what would actually happen to your body if you really gave up sugar,
00:05I mean completely, for two weeks?
00:08Let's take a look at that.
00:09Number one, you are going to lose your appetite to sugar.
00:15Because every time you consume sugar, a hormone comes in there and pushes your blood sugars
00:20down causing a low blood sugar situation, hypoglycemia to some degree, and that is going
00:27to cause you to crave sugar.
00:29So by getting rid of sugar, you get rid of the craving for sugar.
00:33Number two, you're going to be less hungry.
00:37Until you do this, you won't really fully know, but I'm telling you, it's the sugar
00:42that keeps you hungry all the time.
00:44When you give up the sugar, you become a lot less hungry.
00:48Because you stabilize your blood sugars.
00:51And now your cells can be actually fed because when you're living on sugar, because sugar
00:57is toxic to the body, the body starts rejecting it.
01:01That's called insulin resistance.
01:03So the body is blocking insulin because that controls sugar and what your body is really
01:07trying to do is limit the amount of sugar inside the cells.
01:11So the body doesn't consider it a good thing, it's a bad thing.
01:14So when you give it up, this thing can reverse and not only can you now absorb proper amounts
01:19of fuel, you'll absorb nutrients a lot better too because insulin resistance also blocks
01:26nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and that's one of the functions of insulin.
01:30All right, number three, you're going to have less fatigue, especially after eating a meal.
01:37When you're eating sugar on a regular basis, usually you're going to be tired after you
01:41eat and that is a blood sugar thing, but you're going to find that you're no longer going
01:44to be that tired after you eat.
01:46It just means that now you're no longer having higher sugar, which basically makes the brain
01:52It's normal sugar and now your brain can be awake.
01:55All right, number four, you're going to lose excessive water and fat.
02:02For the first week, you're going to dump a lot of water and some fat, but after that
02:06it's going to be more and more fat.
02:09You're going to be surprised how much fluid you're retaining.
02:13Some people within one week can lose about 13 pounds of fluid.
02:17They're holding that fluid around and that can't be that healthy for the heart.
02:21Of course, you're going to see your clothes loosening, especially around the midsection.
02:25Your gut, your waist is one of the best indicators to tell if you're doing too much sugar.
02:30If you reduce the sugar, the stomach shrinks.
02:34If you eat the sugar, your stomach will expand.
02:37Number five, enhanced mood.
02:41If you were grouchy before, you're now going to be a lot calmer, less stressed, and you're
02:46going to be actually nice to be around.
02:48That's good.
02:49Also, your cognitive function will improve, so you're going to feel more focused.
02:55You're going to have more concentration.
02:57You'll be less ADD, more attention to focus on your projects.
03:01Okay, number six, your skin is going to look much better.
03:04You're going to have less acne.
03:06Your skin's going to glow.
03:08That's just a reflection of what happens when you consume sugar.
03:12Your insulin goes up and also the hormone androgens, and we're talking about females.
03:18Insulin will go up, and that's going to create acne.
03:22In a male body, the increased insulin will lower testosterone, so you're going to have
03:27other problems that are associated with low testosterone.
03:30All right, number seven, you have less stiffness, so you're going to have less inflammation.
03:37You're going to have less pain.
03:39What's happening is all we're doing is we're converting your fuel from sugar to fat.
03:43It takes three days of cutting down the carbohydrates in the sugar.
03:49You may have a worsening of the symptoms for three days.
03:53Guys, anyone can actually handle three days.
03:55If you took some B vitamins from nutritional yeast and some potassium, you probably won't
04:01have any symptoms, so it's going to be relatively easy.
04:04At the cellular level, you're building new enzymes to run your body off fat fuel.
04:11That's what's happening.
04:12You have little machines that are literally changing over to a different fuel source.
04:17That's what's happening over these two weeks.
04:21You're getting decreased inflammation in your arteries.
04:26That's what's happening when you get off sugar.
04:28Less inflammation, it's going to help you in the long run prevent a clot or a plaquing
04:33and help reduce the risk of a stroke and a heart attack.
04:37Also, you'll start growing brain cells.
04:41Because when you reduce sugar, then you run your body on a different source of fuel called
04:46Ketones support the growth of nerve cells.
04:50Next one, the liver.
04:51You're going to start dumping some of this fat that's been accumulating in your liver.
04:55You can use that as fuel.
04:57You're on your way to cleaning out the liver so it's no longer fatty.
05:02By the way, as a side note, if you have a large belly, chances are you have a fatty
05:08By doing this, you will reduce the fat inside your liver.
05:12Lastly, you're going to have better kidney function.
05:15Take a look at a diabetic.
05:16The kidney is the target for problems.
05:19When you actually cut down the amount of sugar, reduce the carb, you're going to improve kidney
05:24function greatly.
05:25All right, guys.
05:26There you have it.
05:27You may want to try this.
05:29The proof's in the pudding.
05:30Maybe I shouldn't talk about pudding, but this is the icing on the cake.
05:35No, maybe I shouldn't even talk about that.
05:37All right, thanks for watching.
05:39Hey, guys.
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06:24I want to know.
