Married but Available -Part 2

  • last month


00:00But Chloe, I won't let you win next time.
00:04Next time? Oh, please, Lady Elena.
00:08Lady Elena, please allow me to take you to wash your hands.
00:16That possessive stare of yours, you definitely have feelings for Chloe.
00:21That's ridiculous.
00:23A moment, please, Lady Elena.
00:26I didn't know you heard yourself like that.
00:29Um, it's just from the cellar upstairs, in fact.
00:34My personal butler. My assistant. Wounded. Doesn't look good.
00:42Stay still.
00:45You have a gift for smells, I've noticed.
00:49It's my dream to be a perfumer.
00:52You do have an intoxicating scent, I imagine.
00:55I mean, your perfume-making has business value. I can help you.
01:02You would support my dream?
01:04Under one condition. You go on a date with me.
01:08A date?
01:12You go on a date with me.
01:14A date?
01:15Next month, the Pascal family is hosting a world perfume exhibition.
01:19Many world-class masters will be in attendance.
01:21I got an invitation.
01:23But you're not a VIP guest.
01:25A VIP?
01:27Entering like a rookie isn't going to get you noticed.
01:32You want to introduce me to the executives of the Pascal family?
01:36Yeah, why not?
01:39I'll think about it.
01:41It's already a privilege Arthur made me his personal butler, but introducing me to the Pascals?
01:47Listen, don't even think about seducing Alpha, Arthur.
01:51An Alpha is naturally drawn to the woman he loves. It's like fate.
01:56I know that. Arthur has a wife. A Luna.
02:02What do you think Arthur's grandpa will do when he finds out you're trying to steal him away?
02:07You might get fired. Or worse.
02:17Arthur's grandpa is a man with means.
02:19You don't want to make Arthur's life more difficult, do you?
02:23Chloe, what do you really think of Arthur?
02:28He's a great leader.
02:31He's very skilled. I respect him. He's my boss.
02:37You say so?
02:39Right. Fetch me some aromas to sleep.
02:50Did you hear that? She doesn't like you. You're just her boss.
02:56Keep me company tonight, would you? Like when we were kids.
03:01I hope you sleep well. Chloe?
03:05What are you doing? Grandpa won't like this. You have a wife.
03:13It's pretty late. Is it your husband picking you up?
03:16Thank you for offering to introduce me to the Pascals, but I don't think I'm qualified.
03:21What did Elena say to you?
03:23I don't want your handouts, Arthur.
03:25I just want to know what you actually think, Chloe.
03:30I just want to know what you actually think, Chloe.
03:34Does it bother you being this close to me?
03:37You know what? Why do I even care?
03:41It doesn't matter.
03:43It's not that bad.
03:45Yeah, it is.
03:46No, it's not!
03:48You missed your chance to get rich. Now call yourself an idiot three times and I'll spare your life.
03:54I'm an idiot.
03:57I'm an idiot.
03:59I'm an idiot.
04:02We gotta stay away. We're married.
04:05Don't tell me you still have feelings for him.
04:08Arthur is like a flame that every woman is drawn to like a moth.
04:15I tried to stay away. I can't.
04:18You're right.
04:21Elena has over a million followers.
04:25And you? You can't even pay your phone bill.
04:28Okay, enough. Take out the trash.
04:50Chloe, help!
05:05This again, Arthur?
05:07Why do I care so much about the opinion of an employee?
05:11And she has a husband.
05:13Maybe you should ask your heart.
05:17Why hasn't my wife signed the marriage enrollment agreement yet?
05:20I sent it like three days ago. Maybe she doesn't care enough to respond.
05:24And you haven't tried calling?
05:26Well, her phone's also out of service.
05:28Seems like all the Chloe's in the world have a knack for pissing you off, huh?
05:33Enough of this crap. File for divorce and pay her off if you have to.
05:39Yes, Huffman.
05:46Elena, I thought you were in danger.
05:48You thought it was actually an emergency?
05:50No, I just wanted you to come here and drink with me to celebrate my reunion with Tim.
05:54Elena, thank you for inviting Chloe.
05:57I sent her so many messages.
06:02Let's go. This place is a bad influence.
06:04Now you're scared?
06:08Let's go. This place is a bad influence.
06:10Now you're scared?
06:12Elena, you're a lady. This place doesn't suit you.
06:15Ever since I got back, Arthur can't keep his eyes off you.
06:19I'm not happy about that.
06:21So I wondered, if he knows I'm here, will he come and rescue me?
06:26Let's have some wine!
06:28What are you doing? You can't treat my friend like that!
06:31I have to go clean up.
06:35Lady Elena, she is so superb.
06:39Her smell is so inviting.
06:44These two are top notch.
06:46They deserve all our effort.
06:53Hey, Arthur.
06:55I just got word from a friend that works in the club that Elena is out drinking with Tim.
07:01She must just be trying to get your attention or something.
07:04Tell your friend to get her out of there.
07:06It's no place for a lady.
07:08Right. Oh yeah, one more thing.
07:11Chloe's there too.
07:13Chloe's there?
07:18You should have went with that.
07:20I'm very sorry for ruining your dress.
07:23Please accept my apologies.
07:25I'm taking Elena and we're leaving.
07:27You can't just up and leave like that.
07:29It would be very insulting to Tim.
07:32At least try our famous wine before you go.
07:38Wait, no.
07:40What? What's wrong?
07:42They're trying to drug you.
07:44You dare try to drug a member of the William Pack House?
07:48Arthur won't let you get away with it.
07:50Stop overreacting, miss.
07:52You have any proof?
07:54Fuck off! Don't touch me!
07:58Like I said, you're just a bunch of bullies.
08:05Hey, Omega!
08:06What are you waiting for? Stop them!
08:10Go now!
08:12You know, you're the first woman to ever strike me.
08:18You should have been beaten more often.
08:20Your mother never taught you any manners.
08:22I can't say true words.
08:24Come on, little pretty human like you.
08:34Oh, dear God.
08:36We're dead.
08:38Are you alright?
08:45Arthur, please.
08:47Let me go.
08:49Which hand did you touch her with?
08:52Then I guess it's both.
08:55Bow to me.
08:58I said bow!
08:59I'm sorry.
09:00Don't waste your breath.
09:01You'll need it when I send you to hell.
09:05I'm sorry my recklessness got you into trouble.
09:09Chloe, I was a bastard of the Pascal family,
09:12but Arthur and his grandpa took me in
09:15and gave me a happy childhood.
09:17But seeing how he treats you...
09:20I was jealous.
09:22I'm sorry.
09:25Thank you for telling me, Miss Elena.
09:28You still shine brightly,
09:30no matter where you come from.
09:31Do you love Arthur?
09:34I dare not covet an elephant.
09:36You dare not, but you want to.
09:41It's okay.
09:43Go help him cook in the kitchen.
09:51Can you put on my apron for me?
09:52You have no problem striking ten,
09:54but you're afraid to get close to me.
09:59I'm sorry.
10:02It's just...
10:05I can't.
10:10I'm sorry.
10:12I'm sorry.
10:14I'm sorry.
10:16I'm sorry.
10:18I'm sorry.
10:20I'm sorry.
10:23You're not that frightening, too.
10:48If this is the Chloe Arthur's married to,
10:50then I guess I can let him go.
10:52What happened between you two?
10:56You don't want to know.
11:19It tastes just like my grandpa makes it.
11:21I hope that's a compliment.
11:24You'll have to ask him.
11:26I wish you were my Chloe.
11:28This would all be easier.
11:30There's a man outside the packhouse.
11:32Says he's here to pick up Chloe.
11:39Are you okay?
11:40Did they hurt you?
11:41I'm fine.
11:42Thanks for picking me up.
11:44Of course.
11:47Oh, my God.
11:49That's the man with the flowers
11:51that came by the apartment to see you.
11:55With flowers?
11:57I set up a date for him
11:59and his wife, but I heard it went badly.
12:02So that's why you're so pissed.
12:12There she goes again.
12:24Elena told me to thank you
12:25for protecting her tonight.
12:27I hope you reconsider
12:28my invitation to attend
12:30the Pascal World Perfume Exhibition
12:31as a VIP.
12:33I'll see you at Golden Street
12:34tomorrow morning.
12:35Oh, my God.
12:38What's going on?
12:42Should I go?
12:45Oh, come on.
12:46You've got to say yes.
12:47What if his roommate hates me
12:48for interfering with his marriage?
12:50Then you'll be a boss-ass bitch
12:52and a famous perfumist.
12:54You'll never have to be an assistant again.
13:02did you get the divorce agreement
13:04in your email?
13:06I did,
13:08and I'm ready to proceed.
13:10But I can't be bought off
13:12so you can tell him
13:13that he can keep his entitled woman.
13:23Why are you still here?
13:25I'm here to see you.
13:26Why are you still here?
13:29Because I felt a bit off.
13:32So I felt a bit sick.
13:34Oh, so you want to
13:35dig a hole and crawl in it too?
13:37Arthur, have you been waiting all day?
13:41I came up with a thousand reasons
13:43why you wouldn't come.
13:45I thought that you had gotten
13:46an accident on the way.
13:48I thought that you were sick.
13:50I thought that you had been
13:51feeling ill.
13:53I thought that you were sick.
13:55I didn't know you were sick.
13:57I'm sorry.
13:59I'm sorry.
14:00I'm sorry.
14:02I'm sorry.
14:03I'm sorry.
14:04Got in an accident on the way, got lost, got hurt.
14:08So I decided to stay right here.
14:10What do you say we meet?
14:14I mean, I've never waited so long for anyone.
14:17This is so cute, I gotta get a hold of myself.
14:20I'm sorry I didn't think you'd wait.
14:27You're so cold.
14:30I'm really cold.
14:32Hold your hand and consider it a way to make up for your mistake.
14:37This kind of feels like a date.
14:40I've been thinking about it.
14:42You're so kind.
14:45I'm just worried.
14:47Don't worry.
14:49Just be kind to someone and tell them.
14:52Is this a personal library?
15:04Is it closed?
15:11Why don't we spend the night here?
15:16Why take me here?
15:19You know about the H.O. Wood family.
15:21Of course I do, it's famous.
15:24Well, the woods shoulder the sole responsibility to fight against enemies of our species.
15:30They also have special gifts that even they are allowed to share their true identity.
15:36Otherwise other families would prey on their wealth.
15:40I can't.
15:42This is too much.
15:44I want you to have it.
16:09My grandpa and the wood family are very well connected.
16:14It's said this ring is a token of theirs.
16:20The ring has a special scent.
16:24You want me to make a perfume to give to the Pascal family.
16:31You tried to brush it off but this ring is really meaningful.
16:40Why did you hide?
16:42It's a reflex.
16:45My family lost all their money a few years ago and so I've been in some pretty rough situations.
16:50I thought you just wanted to be closer to me.
16:54Don't mistake my loyalty.
16:57This is purely a professional excursion.
17:01I can tell you're lying.
17:11Will, we're at the bookstore in Golden. Please come quick.
17:14I'll call a doctor.
17:18You're burning up.
17:24Why can't you be her?
17:29What are you talking about?
17:31What the hell is love?
17:38I've never experienced love at first sight before so I'm not really sure.
17:49I don't give a damn about my family's orders.
17:53I just want to follow whatever.
17:57You are your own person, Arthur.
18:01No one can take that away from you.
18:06I feel cold.
18:17It's not every day you see such an awkward Alpha Arthur.
18:22Saving this one as a souvenir.
18:25Okay, I'll delete it. Sorry.
18:33Your perfume is superb.
18:36But I'm afraid I can't let you attend as a VIP guest.
18:39VIP guests are big shots.
18:41And as stated on your invite, you can only attend as a participant.
18:45I understand. Thank you.
18:49Is that a token of the woods?
18:53Yeah, it was a gift.
18:55Is that a token of the woods?
18:58Yeah, it was a gift.
19:00I'm sorry, Miss Chloe. I didn't know.
19:03I'm putting you down as a premium VIP guest.
19:08Of course.
19:13You knew they'd let her in with that ring.
19:16I knew.
19:17Did you think Grandpa was going to get angry?
19:20Let him.
19:21I'm glad I gave it to her.
19:26Congratulations again for getting into the Pascal Exhibition as a VIP, Chloe.
19:33Hi, Carolina.
19:36This is my half-brother, Eric Pascal.
19:41Jesus, Eric?
19:44I'm sorry. Do we know each other?
19:55This is my half-brother, Eric Pascal.
19:59I'm sorry. Do we know each other?
20:03Yeah, do you know each other?
20:06Let me introduce myself. I'm Eric.
20:10This has to be one of the most awkward moments of my entire life.
20:14Meeting a first love that didn't work out.
20:26You did it!
20:28Oh my god, he's so cute.
20:31That is a new transfer student, Eric Pascal.
20:34All the girls are trying to get his number, and they're all over him.
20:40Chloe? Hello?
20:42Sorry, that was really good.
20:45Eric is so out of your league.
20:48Why don't you go crawl back into your sewer?
20:50You don't have to do this.
20:52Another little maggot trying to get into Eric Pascal's bed.
20:55You'd think that losing both of your parents would knock some realism into you.
20:59Hey, that's enough.
21:00Hey, I don't want trouble.
21:04This is how we treat fellow classmates.
21:06Eric, I'm sorry.
21:08Good luck with the rest of your day.
21:11People like that will go nowhere in life.
21:14Straight? Encourage them.
21:18Next time just don't fuck up.
21:20He was my first love in school.
21:22My only love.
21:30God, I wish I was that strong.
21:33I'm so jealous.
21:39Wait for me after class.
21:46Did you two fall in love with each other?
21:48Should I change?
21:58Chloe, would you...
21:59Eric, I...
22:01Actually, you go first.
22:05Come on, Chloe.
22:07Whatever happens, you have to confess your feelings to him.
22:11I don't care what other people think about me.
22:18I just...
22:20I want you...
22:23I want you to know my true feelings.
22:27Oh, this is so embarrassing.
22:29This is the worst way to say I love him ever.
22:32Eric got transferred again.
22:34And I haven't seen him ever since.
22:36So I hear Alpha Arthur wants a divorce.
22:38Seems to be the case.
22:39I heard his wife is living with another man.
22:42So that's why Arthur's been so grumpy.
22:46I'm sorry you look so familiar.
22:48Are you sure we haven't met?
22:50I gotta take off.
23:02Just go to your golf game.
23:04I can go to the exhibition alone.
23:10You're going to the exhibition?
23:12You tricked me?
23:17I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression.
23:19I need to keep my job at the packhouse.
23:21What are you so afraid of, Chloe?
23:23Don't be nervous, Chloe.
23:25You'll do great.
23:27Thank you, Will.
23:29You're too kind.
23:31Alright, let's go.
23:33We're gonna be late.
23:50Arthur and I have to share a room?
23:58You don't have any more rooms available.
24:00Can you please check again?
24:02Miss Chloe, we are hosting two events today.
24:04So we are a bit overbooked.
24:06And this is something of a last minute request.
24:09Nothing we can do.
24:12Can you please pull some strings?
24:14Get me a separate room?
24:15You said our relationship was strictly professional.
24:18How would I look if I was seen doing favors for you?
24:23Mr. Arthur William, as our distinguished guest,
24:25we do have one of our premium suites available for you.
24:28The Moonlight Suite.
24:30Now, if you and your date don't mind...
24:32I don't!
24:34She's joking.
24:36Please have our bags brought out for us.
24:38I will split the bill with you.
24:42You're a married man!
24:54Uncle Roy, I know Maple Hotel cares deeply about its audience.
25:00How does this happen?
25:02It's not even busy season yet.
25:04We had an order put in this morning by the Wood family.
25:06They wanted us to host a golf game for them.
25:08We couldn't say no.
25:12The Wood family has been casting the shows for years.
25:15I know.
25:23It is said that the leader of the Pascal family
25:27once fell in love with a beautiful and kind commoner.
25:32He'd go to her workshop in the mountains every day.
25:36But the Pascal family would never allow a commoner
25:40to tarnish their bloodline.
25:43One night, the girl gave herself to the leader
25:47and then left.
25:49The leader made the girl scent into a perfume
25:53called Fog River
25:56to commemorate their quickly vanishing love.
26:00Once launched, Fog River became the number one selling scent.
26:05It was only on sale for three years
26:08when the leader learned
26:09that the girl had passed away.
26:12So he stopped making the perfume
26:15and sealed the recipe in his vault.
26:19What a sad story.
26:22I searched all my life, my whole life,
26:26and found a vintage bottle
26:29and partial recipe of Fog River.
26:32I hope that you can help me
26:35fully recreate this perfume
26:37with your expertise.
27:02You're so rich, you know that?
27:05This is your chance.
27:07You can do it.
27:23Lady Windsor, can I see the recipe?
27:27This lady has no certification in making perfume.
27:31Maybe she's just trying to steal your recipe.
27:38Without the proper credentials,
27:41she probably is trying to steal your recipe.
27:44Everyone calm down, all right?
27:46It's probably daylight.
27:48There's no way she'd attempt to steal the recipe
27:50in front of all of you.
27:52Maybe we should let her get a try.
27:54I don't discriminate based on title.
27:58You wouldn't believe the amount of talented people
28:01that I have met in my search over the years.
28:03Please, tell me what you think.
28:22The partial recipe lacks the morning drinking
28:25and mountain hikes.
28:27She must have picked it up
28:29while walking through the woods
28:30every day on her way to the workshop.
28:32But it's a catch amongst aristocrats.
28:35How could its recipe contain
28:37such raw crude materials?
28:39Remember what this lady said
28:42and rewrite a recipe for me.
28:46Isn't that right?
28:51You have no confidence in yourself.
28:56I just don't want to let you down.
28:57Every time I tinker with the recipe,
29:00I get more surprises out of it.
29:04Most of them are failures.
29:07But what would be truly disappointing
29:10is if I didn't try.
29:13I'd like to help.
29:27I'd like to help.
29:57I'd like to help.
30:13Top notes are crisp and sweet
30:17like the taste of forbidden love.
30:20Middle notes are engrossed
30:23with a sense of enjoyment.
30:27Bass notes ooze a sense of sad longing
30:32when the love is over.
30:34This is the fog river
30:37that I've been searching for.
30:42Oh, Miss Chloe.
30:45Thank you.
30:57Thank you.
31:27Thank you.
31:46Top notes are crisp and sweet
31:50like the taste of forbidden love.
31:53Middle notes are engrossed
31:55with a sense of enjoyment.
31:59Bass notes ooze a sense of sad longing
32:05when the love is over.
32:07This is the fog river
32:10that I've been searching for.
32:15Oh, Miss Chloe.
32:18Thank you.
32:25Thank you.
32:39Excuse me. Champagne, please.
32:42Oh, sorry. No, I'm not a waitress.
32:49I'm sorry. Do your legs not work?
32:54Oh, shit!
32:57You know what's interesting?