Married But Available Part 2

  • 2 months ago
Married But Available Part 2
00:00your mysterious wife all right take a drink
00:08arthur has a very important day tomorrow i will drink in his place
00:15it's all right i can handle it
00:20second question who's prettier chloe or your wife
00:30i don't know
00:36arthur and i have a purely professional relationship he and his wife are very much in
00:41love and they don't talk about things you don't understand that's why arthur brought
00:50a new delicacy this year
00:58alpha i would like to apologize for my rudeness last night like anyone believes you
01:08my dress
01:20my parents gave this to me who's responsible for this step forward now and i might show
01:29you mercy it's okay i'll find out who did this don't worry we'll take chloe to get changed
01:42chloe i want you to know that you have my full trust and i promise i'll help find whoever did
01:49this and also it's like brand new i am a doctor i've mended a human arm before so the dress was
02:01easy thank you oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you're hurt this not it's
02:11nothing my needle works a little rusty i owe you so how long has this been going on
02:26since when can you mend dresses even you know to stitch up a wound
02:31same thing i can take it from here someone's picking me up your husband
02:36how did you know i heard you talking to tim yes i'm married he's irresponsible i would never let
02:45my wife walk home alone especially this late is that any of your business well
02:51but it's not my problem if something happens to you thanks for today
02:57thanks for today
03:02wow chloe's like sunshine she makes everyone around her feel warm i uh hope you don't mind
03:11me getting a little closer to her i'll let it slide for today but from now on keep your distance
03:18not seriously jealous of me are you as far as your wife is concerned eileen's just a small problem
03:27i should tell you a bigger problem just bought a ticket into the pack house
03:32elena yep the real princess of the william pack house is coming back
03:43before you go i have some good news i sent your perfume samples to the pascal company
03:51they're inviting you to the world perfume expedition next month you're gonna be famous
03:55chloe thank you don't you think you maybe care about chloe a little too much
04:07just looking out for my employee nothing more yeah i can tell when you're lying i'm pretty sure
04:12it's love what do you mean love i mean you miss her when she's not around and then when you finally
04:20do see her you feel nervous i can even hear your heartbeat picking up remember no fears very funny
04:32let's hurry we need to get back to the pack house before she gets there
04:36good morning this is weird why do i get the feeling that arthur's been avoiding me since
04:42the banquet man you look like a love struck little puppy shut up
05:01chloe didn't you sweep the cellar alone a few days ago so you think i stole the wine
05:08you know the punishment for stealing from the pack house is banishment
05:19the punishment for stealing from the pack house is banishment that wine was a gift for miss elena
05:27from the old alpha for her 18th birthday it was a 100 year old vintage and i'm afraid that if you
05:33work 10 years straight you wouldn't be able to pay for it now i heard that you were the last
05:39person seen leaving the cellar what do you have to say about that chloe i swear i would never steal
05:46from the williams family i'll give you one day to prove your innocence arthur the maid saw her
05:52she's lying i only trust what i see now leave both of you
06:04i thought you'd stand up for chloe that would only get her in more trouble
06:10go ahead and inform security tell them to cooperate with chloe in the investigation
06:15and then get me the footage from the hidden cctv cameras wow helping chloe in secret huh
06:26whoever set me up must have left some kind of a trace
06:35of course the lock doesn't work looks like we're stuck down here
06:39here i'm sorry i'm so clumsy you need to keep warm don't want you to catch a cold
06:52it's that smell
06:56perfume i made it myself arthur i didn't steal the wine
07:05her smell always makes me feel calm and peaceful arthur
07:09oh i missed you so much
07:17how dare you treat me like this my father will make you pay tell it to the police you don't
07:22have any proof actually the cellar is our secret hideaway so i had a camera installed to make sure
07:27no one disturbs it so i can walk myself just the two of us so this is the true luna of the
07:38william packhouse
07:58welcome back lady elena it's interesting
08:02arthur doesn't usually allow other women around him he calls me a sister because we grew up
08:07together that's ridiculous a moment please lady elena i didn't know you heard yourself like that
08:33stay still you have a gift for smells i've noticed
08:40it's my dream to be a perfume maker you do have an intoxicating scent
08:46i mean you're uh you're you're perfume making its business value you go on a date with me
08:52a date next month the pascal family is hosting the world perfume exhibition
08:58many world-class masters will be in attendance i got an invitation but you're not a vip guest
09:04a vip entering like a rookie isn't gonna get you noticed
09:11you want to introduce me to the executives of the pascal family yeah why not
09:16um i'll think about it it's already a privilege arthur made me his personal butler but introducing
09:24me to the pascals listen don't even think about seducing alpha arthur an alpha is naturally drawn
09:32to the woman he loves it's like fate i know that arthur has a wife a luna what do you think
09:41arthur's grandpa will do when he finds out you're trying to steal him away you might get fired or
09:47worse fired fired arthur's grandpa is a man with means you don't want to make arthur's life more
10:00difficult do you chloe what do you really think of arthur he's a great leader he's very skilled
10:11i respect him he's he's my boss you say so right fetch me some aromas to sleep
10:30did you hear that she doesn't like you you're just her boss
10:34keep me company tonight would you like when you're okay elena i hope you sleep well
10:41chloe what are you doing grandpa won't like this you have a wife
10:51it's pretty late is it your husband picking you up thank you for offering to introduce me to the
10:56pascals but i don't think i'm qualified what did elena say to you i don't want your handouts
11:02i don't want your handouts arthur what you actually think chloe
11:06does it bother you being this close to me you know what why do i even care it doesn't matter
11:16it's not that bad yeah it is no it's not you missed your chance to get rich
11:22now call yourself an idiot three times and i'll spare your life i'm an idiot
11:28uh-huh i'm an idiot i'm an idiot
11:35we gotta stay away we're married don't tell me you still have feelings for him
11:40arthur is like a flame that every woman is drawn to like a moth
11:47i've tried to stay away i can't you're right
11:51but elena has over a million followers and you you can't even pay your phone bill
12:00okay enough take out the trash
12:21chloe help
12:36this again arthur why do i care so much about the opinion of an employee and she has a husband
12:45maybe you should ask your heart why hasn't my wife signed the marriage
12:50annulment agreement yet i sent it like three days ago maybe she doesn't care
12:55enough to respond and you haven't tried calling well her phone's also out of service
12:59seems like all the chloes in the world have a knack for pissing you off huh enough of this
13:06file for divorce and pay her off if you have to immediately yes alpha
13:18elena i thought you were in danger you thought it was actually an emergency
13:22no i just wanted you to come here and drink with me to celebrate my reunion with tim
13:26juliana thank you for inviting chloe i sent her so many messages
13:32your name was let's go this place is a bad influence now you're scared
13:40let's go this place is a bad influence now you're scared elena you're a lady this place doesn't suit
13:46you ever since i got back arthur can't keep his eyes off you i'm not happy about that so i wondered
13:53if he knows i'm here will he come and rescue me let's have some wine what are you doing you can't
14:01like that i have to go clean up
14:07lady elena she is so superb her smell is so inviting these two are top-notch they deserve
14:18all our effort hey arthur i just got word from a friend that works in the club that
14:30elena's out drinking with tim she must just trying to be getting your attention or something
14:36tell your friend to get her out of there it's no place for a lady
14:39right oh yeah one more thing chloe's there too i was jealous i'm sorry
14:51thank you for telling me this elena you still shine brightly no matter where you come from
14:57do you love arthur i dare not covet an altar you dare not but you want to
15:06all right it's okay and go help him cook in the kitchen
15:16can you put on my apron for me
15:27you have no problem striking tim but you're afraid to get close to me
15:34i'm sorry it's just i can't
15:44am i that frightening to you
16:10if this is the chloe arthur's married to then i guess i can let him go what happened to you
16:19you don't want to know
16:41it tastes just like my grandpa makes it i hope that's a compliment
16:46you'll have to ask him i wish you were my chloe this would all be easier
16:52oh there's a man outside the pack house says he's here to pick up chloe
17:00chloe are you okay did they hurt you i'm fine thanks for picking me up of course
17:10oh my god that's the man with the flowers that came by the apartment to see you
17:15arthur with flowers i set up a date for him and his wife but i heard it went badly
17:25so that's why he was so pissed
17:35there she goes again
17:45chloe elena told me to thank you for protecting her tonight i hope you reconsider my invitation
17:51to attend the pascal world perfume exhibition as a vip i'll see you at golden street tomorrow
17:56morning oh my god what's going on
18:04should i go oh come on you gotta say yes what if his grandpa hates me for interfering with
18:10his marriage then you'll be a boss ass bitch and a famous perfumist you'll never have to be
18:16an assistant again hello miss did you get the divorce agreement in your email i did and i'm
18:33ready to proceed but i can't be bought off so you can tell him that he can keep his entitled money
18:48why are you still here because i felt a bit off
18:54so i called in sick oh so you want to dig a hole and crawl in it too
19:16arthur have you been waiting all day yeah and i came up with a thousand reasons why you wouldn't
19:23come i thought maybe you got in an accident on the way got lost got hurt so i decided to stay
19:30right here when i said we'd meet i've never waited so long for anyone this is so cute i
19:40gotta get a hold of myself i'm sorry i didn't think you'd wait you're so cold arthur i'm really
19:52cold let me hold your hand and consider it a way to make up for your mistake this kind of feels like
19:59a date what are you thinking about you're so kind i'm just worried don't worry
20:11i'm just being kind to someone with talent
20:22is this a personal library
20:24okay is it closed
20:32why don't we spend the night here
20:38why take me here you know about the ancient wood family of course i do it's famous
20:45well the woods shoulder the sole responsibility to fight against enemies of our species
20:51and they also have special gifts but even they
20:54are allowed to share their true identity otherwise other families would prey on their wealth
21:09i can't this is too much i want you to have it
21:31my grandpa and the wood family are very well connected
21:35it's said this ring is a token of theirs the ring has a special scent
21:44and you want me to make a perfume to give to the pascal family
21:51yeah you tried to brush it off but this ring is really meaningful
22:02why did you hide it's a reflex um my family lost all their money a few years ago and so
22:09i've been in some pretty rough situations i thought you just wanted to be closer to me
22:15don't mistake my loyalty this is purely a professional excursion i can tell you're lying
22:32will we're at the bookstore in golden please come quick i'll call a doctor
22:39you're burning up
22:45why can't you be her her what are you talking about what the hell is love
22:56um well i've never experienced love at first sight before so i'm not really sure
23:09i don't give a damn about my family's orders
23:14i just want to follow my heart
23:19you are your own person arthur no one can take that away from you
23:27i feel cold
23:37oh it's not every day you see such a awkward alpha arthur saving this one as a souvenir
23:46okay i'll delete it sorry