مسلسل صراع القدر مترجم حلقة 13

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مسلسل صراع القدر مترجم حلقة 13


01:04This is a Tanswari.
01:06Where did you buy such an authentic Bengali saree from?
01:09Actually, Dida, this is my mom's.
01:13Yes, you are very lucky.
01:16Virat has nothing of his parents that he can call his own.
01:24When he couldn't sleep at night,
01:27we used to tell him stories about his parents.
01:33Actually, Virat has his mom's parents to take care of him.
01:39And now, you too, Anushka.
01:45Thank you, Dida and Dadu, for inviting me here.
01:49If your stomach is fine, say thank you.
01:52What are you saying?
02:03Where is Virat?
02:06He must be talking to Sheetal on the phone.
02:10He talks to her ten times a day.
02:13You are his girlfriend, right?
02:15Do you like all this?
02:19Did he say anything to you?
02:21I know about all his friends.
02:25He changes every month.
02:27But he has never brought anyone home.
02:31Dear, he means to say that you are special for him.
02:38I mean, this is Virat's final year.
02:43He has to leave his childhood and think about marriage.
02:47With a good girl.
02:51Just like you.
02:53Dida, we are just friends.
02:58You will remain just friends.
03:00Finish Sheetal's chapter.
03:04One minute.
03:06Do you like each other or not?
03:14Dida, I don't know.
03:17I don't understand feelings.
03:21I don't hear or see feelings.
03:24So, I don't know.
03:28In the beginning, there is no sound of feelings.
03:32There is only peace.
03:34It is just felt.
03:37But when the heartbeat stops after seeing someone.
03:43Then you can hear and see the feelings.
03:49Dida, what is he doing?
03:51Where does he keep it?
03:53He is hanging it.
03:56I am wearing a normal kurta.
03:57How can you see me?
03:58I am going.
04:14I have an announcement to make.
04:17We have decided that Anushka will be our daughter-in-law.
04:26Not daughter-in-law.
04:29Dida, what is this?
04:30Don't Dida me.
04:31Anushka, you can reject Virat.
04:35But you are our daughter from today.
04:44This belonged to my daughter.
04:49And from today, it is yours.
05:06Now, I am free.
05:13Now, I am free.
05:43Hey, Kirsti.
05:44What's the gossip?
05:45The court is not open yet.
05:47From where should I give the gossip?
05:49As if.
05:50The great Kirsti Damania has all the news of the legal world.
05:56Then you must have heard that Prashant Radhakrishnan's wife...
06:00That news anchor?
06:02The protector of India?
06:11The protector of India?
06:13His wife Tara killed herself in front of him.
06:19Is it a case of 306, abetment of suicide?
06:22Not yet, but it will go that route.
06:25Listen, I think you should meet him for legal representation.
06:29See, the FIR has not been filed yet.
06:32So, how can I meet him?
06:35You know, honestly, I have seen him on TV.
06:39Looks like a criminal himself.
06:42I don't think I want to defend him.
06:44Oh my God, Anushka. Rajdeep was right.
06:47You know nothing about business.
06:49Let me remind you, Kirsti.
06:51We are lawyers, not businessmen.
06:54Let me call you back.
06:55I'll call you later. I have to go.
07:09Good morning, sir.
07:10Oh, careful.
07:11Harold and Skeet's shirt.
07:13But you should be careful too.
07:15Especially when you start drinking and talking.
07:21What did I say?
07:24Nothing much.
07:25Just your bank details, your bank balance, credit card number, debit.
07:30Yes, you didn't say any of this.
07:33In fact, you were quite honest and vulnerable.
07:38But you were very emotional.
07:46We need to talk.
07:49And then you said that she's gone forever.
07:52After that, you became very emotional.
07:54So emotional that you almost like passed out.
07:57But even in that state, you kept taking Anushka ma'am's name again and again.
08:00Shut up.
08:04But can I say something?
08:05Sir, if I had seen you in Devdas's state, I would have definitely fallen in love with you.
08:13You know a lot about love.
08:18If not about love, at least I can tell you about a girl's perspective.
08:22Girl's perspective?
08:25I know what girls want.
08:26Chocolate, flowers, an expensive dinner, a cute message, a relaxing massage.
08:32And then you know what.
08:33How many long term relationships have you been in?
08:39Diamond necklace?
08:41Oh no.
08:43Then what?
08:46Women like to see a change.
08:50Become the way she wants. Simple.
08:53And how will you measure this change?
08:58Okay, for starters.
08:59For starters.
09:02Don't say anything from your heart.
09:04In fact, stop and think about what she wants to hear.
09:08And then say what she wants to hear and not what you want to say.
09:12One minute.
09:13What a stupid idea.
09:15See, I am telling you.
09:16Women are not that complicated.
09:18It's very easy.
09:19I just don't know how.
09:24Anushka ma'am calling you all.
09:27Monthly round meeting.
09:30Thank you.
09:31Thank you.
09:37To new avenues.
09:38Apart from Delhi and Mumbai,
09:40we should be focusing on getting cases from second and third tier cities.
09:45Justice should...
09:48Justice should be available to all because law is applicable for everyone.
09:53And now let's talk about the thing
09:55that every legal firm is afraid of.
09:59According to Legal India's latest ranking,
10:02our firm has come from number three to number seven.
10:08Number three to number seven.
10:11Number three to number seven.
10:14Number three to number seven.
10:17Number three to number seven.
10:25That is true.
10:26But it is also true that Rajdeep Rai Sigani's personal rating is number five.
10:31And I think that's good enough to celebrate, right?
10:35Another thing.
10:37Anushka has entered the top 50 lawyers in the country list.
10:41And that also in such a short span of time.
10:43And I think that's a great thing.
10:44Congratulations, Anushka.
10:47Thank you.
10:50Thank you. Thanks, guys.
10:53But where some people are happy with their personal victories,
10:58for all of us, for this firm,
11:01I want a collective victory in every battle.
11:09So, Jyoti, Rajesh and Dheeraj.
11:13You will personally oversee the important clients of this firm.
11:17Coming out of specialization,
11:19you will expand the profile of this company.
11:24But Anushka, till date, we have come out of our specialization.
11:28With all due respect, Jyoti, this is not a discussion.
11:31This is an instruction.
11:34Make your specialization and experience your strength, not your limitation.
11:39You are the first lawyers.
11:41And that too, good lawyers.
11:43To advance Rai Singhani Legal,
11:46we must get new and important clients.
11:49So please, get out of your comfort zones
11:52and put in that extra effort.
11:56I totally agree with Anushka.
11:59We need young and dynamic lawyers.
12:02No, uncle. Sorry to cut you off like that.
12:05This is not the time for hiring.
12:07This is the time to make the existing workforce more efficient.
12:12Anu, I think
12:15I mean, it's a great initiative, Anushka.
12:22after Rajdeep sir, I have fought and won the most cases in this firm.
12:26And I think,
12:28that's why
12:31like sir, I also got used to becoming a star.
12:34But now I think, we should work as a team
12:38and the more cases we can win, the better.
12:43I think, Anushka's democratic vision
12:46is not just going to make us the number one firm in the country, but
12:50worldwide. For the whole world,
12:52or I should say, for the whole world's law firms,
12:54we can set an example.
12:57Let's make RL great again, guys.
13:03Thank you.
13:05Thanks, Virat.
13:07We all should have this vision.
13:10No personal egos, only professional achievements.
13:16Let's not bring Rajdeep Rai Singhani's name down to number seven.
13:19Let's bring it back to where it belongs.
13:26Any questions?
13:29Good. Let's get back to work then.
13:36I'll call you later.
14:07I wanted to talk to you.
14:20Anushka, I'm really, really impressed by your clarity of thought.
14:26If anyone can take Rai Singhani's firm to the number one position,
14:30it's only you.
14:32Thank you.
14:34Is there anything else?
14:38As a token of appreciation,
14:40I want to give you Mr. Mehta's case.
14:43No, thanks.
14:44I'm happy with your work on that.
14:47Actually, I want you to finish that case as soon as possible,
14:50because many other cases of the firm are pending,
14:53which need your attention.
14:56Anu, look at me once, please.
15:00I just want to see you smile once.
15:02It's Anushka Rai Singhani.
15:05And I'm your boss.
15:08If you want to talk professionally, you're welcome.
15:11Please keep your personal issues out of this office.
15:16And please, Virat, don't make me say this again.
15:27I just want to say one thing,
15:30from the bottom of my heart,
15:33without thinking,
15:37will you trust me or not?
15:43I may not be the man that you wanted me to be,
15:47but I will keep trying.
15:57To become the person
15:59who deserves you.
16:03To deserve your love.
16:07And I will keep trying until I become that Virat Chaudhary
16:12who can make you smile.
16:16The same,
16:17Mona Lisa.
16:24Wishing you all the best.
16:27Thank you.
16:29You're sincere.
16:32Thank you.
16:40Thank you.
16:41Thank you.
17:00I've binge-watched all the episodes.
17:02Which episode are you on?
17:11Which episode are you on?
17:12Which episode are you on?
17:13Which episode are you on?
17:14Which episode are you on?
17:15Which episode are you on?
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17:36Which episode are you on?
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17:38Which episode are you on?
17:39Which episode are you on?
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17:43Which episode are you on?
17:44Which episode are you on?
17:45Which episode are you on?
17:46Which episode are you on?
17:47Which episode are you on?
17:48Which episode are you on?
17:49Which episode are you on?
17:50Which episode are you on?
17:51Which episode are you on?
17:52Which episode are you on?
17:53Which episode are you on?
17:54Which episode are you on?
17:55Which episode are you on?
17:56Which episode are you on?
17:57Which episode are you on?
17:58Which episode are you on?
17:59Which episode are you on?
18:00Which episode are you on?
18:01Which episode are you on?
18:02Which episode are you on?
18:03Which episode are you on?
18:04Which episode are you on?
18:06The big people...
18:07...ask satan secrets secretly.
18:11The big people ask satan secrets secretly.
18:13And come behind to murder me.
18:14And come behind to murder me.
18:15And come behind to murder me.
18:18How do you know I am from Illuminati?
18:19Mr. Harsh..
18:20Aunty's beard.
18:22Babulal's Tea.
18:23James seems to have a sharp eye.
18:24James seems to have a sharp eye.
18:26Be Cautious.
18:28Thanks for the warning.
18:29Thank you for the warning.
18:32What's up?
18:33I was last night..
18:34Look, you're going to blackmail me.
18:37Don't even think about it.
18:39Blackmail? Have you gone mad?
18:41I want to help you.
18:45Why would you help me?
18:47Love. It makes a man do anything.
18:50Look, stop this nonsense, okay?
18:55How did you find out?
18:58Who's your source?
19:01Mr. Rajdeep was having an affair with a journalist named Madhulika Sharma.
19:04She was reporting on the Mehta Smart City case.
19:07I saw your mom the other day and this article.
19:10So I assumed that...
19:11You're a con man.
19:12Not a con man.
19:13Psychological intuition.
19:14I didn't stop at Hercules.
19:16But in common language, I was a smart guess who joined Facts.
19:21Don't you know anything else?
19:22Should I know anything else?
19:26Look, Ankita, my intention was not to trigger you.
19:29I genuinely want to help you.
19:32But if you don't want my help,
19:35I won't tell anyone. I promise.
19:38Look, it's pretty clear that in my life,
19:41relationships, love, all these things don't have a place.
19:44But if you want to help me by being my friend, then...
19:49I'm in for friendship.
19:52That's all I need, buddy.
19:53So, what are you doing in the evening?
19:55What are you doing in the evening?
19:57There's an interview of a journalist, a special journalist.
20:01It's his birthday today.
20:18Listen, for all this, where did you get the money from?
20:21I had saved it for your birthday, Mom.
20:24Yes, but you've just started working, so...
20:29Are you doing something wrong?
20:31What are you saying, Mom? It's nothing.
20:34Look, listen.
20:36I know you very well, Ankita.
20:38You can do anything to fulfil your dream.
20:41Even if it's bad for someone else.
20:43Tell me the truth.
20:45What have you done?
20:49Tell me.
20:54I was 15 years old.
20:56I've been taking care of you since then.
20:59Okay, you tell me.
21:01What do you think I did?
21:04Did I steal someone's pocket in the train?
21:07Did I rob a bank?
21:15Did I murder someone?
21:20You're a murderer.
21:21You're a murderer like Rajdeep.
21:23Mom, I'm sorry. I was joking.
21:25You're a murderer.
21:26Mom, okay.
21:27You're also a murderer.
21:28That's why you're both murderers.
21:31Yes, you're both murderers.
21:33You'll kill me.
21:34Mom, no.
21:34You'll kill everyone.
21:35You'll kill everyone.
21:36Mom, calm down.
21:37You'll kill everyone.
21:38Mom, get me some water.
21:47Do you know how to drink water?
21:48Drink some water.
21:49Drink some water.
21:50Relax. Relax. Relax. Okay.
21:52I won't do anything like this again.
21:54I'm sorry, mom.
21:55I thought her insanity was cured.
21:57Who said she was insane?
21:59Borderline personality disorder.
22:01Don't you understand?
22:02If you don't know how to write a mental health report
22:04then it's better to sit at home and study.
22:11No, mom. Nothing will happen.
22:12Nothing will happen.
22:13I'm here with you.
22:14Calm down.
22:15Breathe in.
22:15Breathe out.
22:16Breathe in.
22:17Breathe out.
22:18Let's go to the room.
22:19No, let's go to the room.
22:19Get up.
22:20Get up.
22:21Look at me.
22:22Look at me.
22:22Yes, calm down.
22:23Okay. Okay.
22:23Relax. Relax.
22:24Breathe in.
22:25Breathe out.
22:26Breathe in.
22:27Breathe in.
22:27Look at me.
22:28Look at me.
22:31What is it?
22:32Is there a movie going on?
22:33Come on, the party is over.
22:35Let's go to our homes.
22:36Come on.
22:37Let's go home.
22:38Let's go.
22:49I am ready to go to that special home.
22:55Look, I don't want you to get insulted because of me.
22:59And if I go there, I will be fine.
23:03And I will come back.
23:05I don't care what anyone says or thinks.
23:22I just want you to get well, mom.
23:25Get well soon.
23:27And I promise, I will arrange all the money for all these things.
23:34But you also promise that you won't ask me how I will arrange the money.
23:39I won't ask.
23:40I won't ask anything.
24:04Anushka Rai Singhani, my God.
24:33You know, someone is right.
24:34Even in simplicity, there is a lot to be done.
24:38Who said that?
24:39I said it.
24:40It's the dialogue from the last film.
24:41Hi, Akshay.
24:42Oh, please, please.
24:45In friendship, no sorry, no thank you and definitely no handshakes.
24:49Well, you were the eldest in our friend circle.
24:52So this is how you meet the seniors.
24:54Oh, come on.
24:55I am a senior.
24:55I am not a senior citizen.
24:57Give me a hug.
24:57Come on.
24:58Give me a hug.
24:59Both the writer and producer are my friends.
25:01But the producer doesn't want to give the writer any money.
25:04Now he is going to file a criminal case.
25:06The film will stop.
25:07I even tried to mediate, but nothing.
25:09Well, the writer is being clearly exploited.
25:15Contract is completely one-sided.
25:18He will be very ugly in the court.
25:21But what can happen legally?
25:23Well, legally, after years of struggle, your writer will lose in court.
25:27I mean, the amount of money your producer and friend
25:29spend on a party, he can give that amount of money to the writer.
25:34And you can help him.
25:36Me? How?
25:37You are a famous director.
25:38If you stand publicly with the writer,
25:41then the pressure on the producer and his association will increase.
25:44I mean, who likes bad publicity?
25:49But the relationship between the producer and me, you know that?
25:53It will just go for a toss.
25:54I mean, have you ever supported the truth?
26:02You know,
26:06will you go out with me?
26:09You are asking me questions, but I am not getting an answer.
26:12In fact, what will we do this evening?
26:15I will go out with you.
26:17You are asking me questions, but I am not getting an answer.
26:19In fact, what will we do this evening?
26:21I will go out with you.
26:22In fact, what will we do this evening?
26:27I have...
26:28I don't like expensive gifts.
26:30So whenever you have time...
26:32Shall we go now?
27:07Thank you everyone for coming.
27:10When I met Tara for the first time,
27:12there was something special about her that I couldn't miss.
27:17Her vision, her thoughts.
27:20But most of all, her smile.
27:24She had that mischievous smile.
27:30News reporting was not just our work.
27:32It was our passion.
27:34With this passion, we made our news channel.
27:37And our relationship too.
27:44I don't know what I will do without Tara.
27:49I don't know what I will do without Tara.
28:02If Prashant Radhakrishnan was the brains,
28:06then Tara Kaul was a soul.
28:17I don't know what I will do.
28:25You have to be strong, buddy.
28:27For Tara's sake.
28:34Thank you.
28:41Mental depression is a serious problem.
28:45Tara was suffering from postpartum depression for many years.
28:51And Tara's memory...
28:53I am going to start a helpline for those who are suffering from depression.
28:58So that no one can come back to depression and take such a big step.
29:06I am going to start a helpline for those who are suffering from postpartum depression.
29:11Thank you.
29:22Thank you, Prashant. That was...
29:24That was lovely.
29:28Tara and Prashant are not just my seniors.
29:33They are my family.
29:36And as Prashant said, he has been the brains.
29:40And Tara, the soul.
29:43And in fact, their relationship has inspired some of my films too.
29:48That's why I feel that Tara is still here.
29:52Here, in between us.
29:54And will always be.
29:57As love.
30:01I remembered a line from my first film.
30:05Love is never unsuccessful.
30:08It always gives you something.
30:11Its experience is its success.
30:14You just have to feel it.
30:18Every moment.
30:19Every second.
30:37Yes, Kursi.
30:50You refused me and went to her prayer meeting.
30:53Anushka, this is not done.
30:55Are you spying on me?
30:57I just want to make you win, Anushka.
31:01Listen, please consider the Prashant R case carefully.
31:05It's going to be huge.
31:05I'll talk to you later, Kursi.
31:35You still don't understand, Anushka.
31:38Maybe sir was right.
31:39You are too weak for all this.
31:40Nature can never change.
31:42I don't know why I felt that you can change.
31:44You just absorb and destroy as much as I want to keep this firm together.
31:50Mom, no.
