Teenager Phoebe Gill reveals she watched Gilmore Girls to beat pre-run nerves at first Olympics

  • last month
Teenage Team GB athlete Phoebe Gill revealed she watched Gilmore Girls in her room to beat the pre-run nerves at her first Olympics. Gill, 17, put in an impressive performance on Friday night (2 August) in the women’s 800m heats, finishing third in her debut race with a time of 1:58.83.She has qualified for at least the semi-finals.After her debut, Gill told reporters that she battled through some nerves ahead of the race."I was in my room, trying not to hyperventilate, just watching Gilmore Girls to take my mind off it," she said.


00:00uh was the stomach out where the butterflies the nerves i don't even want to get started on it i
00:05mean i asked my roommates i was just in my room trying not to hyperventilate just watching
00:11gilmore girls to try and take my mind off of it but i got ready like five hours before i got here
00:18because i needed something to put my mind on so
