مسلسل شجر الحور الحلقة 108 مدبلجة

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مسلسل شجر الحور الحلقة 108 مدبلجة


00:00How did the accident happen?
00:02I mean, were you alone?
00:04I was alone. I fell.
00:07Your life wasn't easy, was it?
00:10No, my life was good.
00:12Maybe you don't love me, but to be honest, this doesn't concern me.
00:16So, if you'll excuse me, don't get close to me.
00:20Take this gift.
00:22And don't return it to me.
00:31That's a lot of money.
00:33Take from it as much as you need.
00:35And return the rest whenever you like.
00:38Lavrendis told me about what you did to him.
00:41And to be honest, I was very surprised, and at first I didn't believe it.
00:44I hope it's positive.
00:46Of course it's positive, I even told myself.
00:48And finally something came out of his hand to clean up all this mess.
00:56Stay away from his lessons.
00:58Don't bother her and go see someone else.
01:01So we can start a family.
01:03If Lambros or anyone else comes to see me, I decide if I'll let them or not.
01:08And you, I didn't hire you to defend me.
01:13Thomas, wait a minute.
01:29I hate you, life is slow
01:33Air, give me a horse
01:37You chased me away
01:40And you didn't want me
01:46Mary is sleeping in the fire
01:54The beauties are torturing me
02:02The beauties, you are hurting me
02:09And you are the one who hurt me
02:23And you are the one who hurt me
02:42I didn't come here to cause you trouble.
02:45I just wanted to see you.
02:48But Thomas...
02:49I know, I heard him.
02:53Don't worry, I'm fine now.
02:56Thank you for taking care of me, Lambros.
03:01You can't imagine how much I suffered when I saw you like this.
03:04I don't know how I managed to hold on to myself when I had no one to rely on.
03:08I wanted them all to leave so we could be alone.
03:11It's good that you didn't do that.
03:13If you weren't like this, how much would I have wanted you?
03:15You should take care of yourself, Lambros.
03:19You need to rest now.
03:22I have a court hearing tomorrow, and I don't want to be tired.
03:25I will be with you.
03:26We will all go together.
03:28We will be by your side and support you.
03:30I don't accept objections.
03:32And that's why it's our only option.
03:35No one of you will come.
03:37You can't come and leave your work.
03:41At least the lawyer said that nothing will happen to his son in this hearing.
03:45Because he could most likely be fired.
03:49As you wish.
03:53If that's what you want, I will let you rest.
03:56And I apologize again.
04:19Honestly, I didn't expect her to say yes.
04:23I don't know why she wants to keep me away from her.
04:27I'm not the kind of guy who likes girls.
04:30I didn't say that.
04:32But believe me, this is better for us both.
04:38Do you want to taste the sweets that you make for me, Mr. Alexander?
04:41No, not at all.
04:43I'm sure you'll like it.
04:45I don't know if you'll like it, but try it.
04:47No, thank you.
04:49It's really good.
04:51Give me your hand, Orania.
04:53Excuse me, I have to go.
04:57I'm glad to have met you, ma'am.
05:08Really, Lily, he's not a nice guy?
05:10He's taking the family, like I told you?
05:12Yes, that's true.
05:14But in any case, it's up to him to decide.
05:17Yes, of course.
05:19We can't force him to do anything.
05:21But if he comes to his senses, he doesn't have to do it himself.
05:26Anyway, what should we do with the new fabric?
05:33I don't know.
05:34There's no problem as long as I sew it.
05:37You're not going to get mad at me, are you?
05:39Ever since I got the sewing machine at home, I've been comfortable with it.
05:43And I'm very happy, too.
05:45Yes, and why should I get mad at you?
05:47You can do what you want with it.
05:49And if you feel it's hard on you, we'll see.
05:54You know I don't like to leave this place.
05:57When I was sitting in my corner when we were sewing together,
06:01I felt like nothing was bothering me.
06:04I was safe here.
06:08Aren't you comfortable at home?
06:11Are you having trouble hiding from me?
06:13No, it's not like that.
06:14I'm really fine.
06:18But I've been picking a lot lately.
06:23Come on.
06:25I have to go home now.
06:29I have to go. I'll see you soon.
06:32Goodbye, my love.
06:35You can't imagine how happy I am to have you here.
06:38Although Lavrendis told me that you're a very difficult person,
06:42and that you wouldn't accept to help me.
06:44That's true.
06:46Actually, I didn't want to risk anything for a failed case.
06:50Because as much as Mr. Lavrendis was a very strong person,
06:54it's impossible for him to destroy the reputation of a strong family like the Sifastos family.
06:58And after the trap they put him in, things got much more difficult than before.
07:04But ever since I saw that you were with us,
07:08everything started to change.
07:11If you want, we can start.
07:13Or do you want to take some time to think?
07:17We can start.
07:19What's wrong with you in this situation?
07:21Everything you need to hate your father and not be able to accept him.
07:26And since you're here, I'm sure your relationship is very bad.
07:30We always disagree, and we don't agree on many things.
07:33That's obvious.
07:35I don't see you as a problem.
07:39But since you've reached a point where you want to destroy your family's house with your own hands,
07:43that means you have other reasons.
07:47Let's start with the simple problems.
07:50For example, one of the things is that the idea of a vote for Lavrendis didn't reach the BNO committee.
07:56Or let's talk about the more important things.
07:58What are the more important things?
08:00Like bribes, threats, forgery, and the way you deal with government employees.
08:07You have a lot of things.
08:10What's wrong? Why are you so angry?
08:14I know it's not easy for you to betray someone,
08:16especially if it's your own flesh and blood.
08:20Don't be afraid, Nikiforos.
08:23I'll stay with you as long as you want.
08:25I'll explain to you what your father did,
08:27and then you can decide what you want to do with your father.
08:37But how did you get all this evidence?
08:40You can say that I have my own methods and ways.
08:45As you know, our world is full of thieves and robbers.
08:49But there's also a good world, and I'm definitely one of them.
08:57I'm sorry.
09:09I didn't do anything that you accuse me of, Benelope.
09:14I don't see it in your eyes.
09:18I didn't hurt any creature in the village.
09:22I confess that what happened was a mistake.
09:28Because I wasn't thinking straight.
09:31But I didn't hurt anyone else.
09:34I didn't do anything wrong, Benelope.
09:47I'm Melitissa who loves you.
09:51Melitissa who loves you.
09:54I'm the man who didn't leave you.
10:08Your husband who filled your head with these empty words, isn't that right?
10:13And who else?
10:16He wants to ruin our relationship so we can be different and leave each other.
10:20But you didn't deny anything he told me.
10:22I'm denying it.
10:25But why do I have to torture myself?
10:29I know that these thoughts will stay in your head, and no matter how hard I try, they won't be locked away.
10:34So I don't have to prove anything to you.
10:38I'm sorry.
10:52I'm sorry.
11:04I don't know how to prove it to you.
11:08Let's say I'm a book, Benelope.
11:13A book with all its pages, lost and forgotten.
11:17Everything in it was erased and there's not a word left in it.
11:23This is for you.
11:26And now you have a chance to write about it again and again.
11:31Write whatever you want.
11:36You can write a story.
11:40A story that only you and I will travel through.
11:44And choose a place to live a beautiful life.
11:48Do this for me.
11:52My whole life is in your hands, Benelope.
11:55You can't erase everything so easily.
12:00And this scares me every time I think about it.
12:17And now give me the money you promised me.
12:19But don't spend too much.
12:22And God willing, with pleasure.
12:36What's going on with us today?
12:39We've been meeting a lot lately, and I'm going to think this isn't just a coincidence.
12:44So what do you call it?
12:45So what do you call it?
12:47I call it, no one escapes their fate.
12:50That's what our ancestors used to say.
12:52I don't want to tell you about this story to distract you.
12:56I have work to do, and I can't keep hearing this empty talk.
13:00You think I'm bad.
13:02But the truth is, we didn't have a chance to get to know each other before.
13:06And there won't be a chance.
13:09I understand why you see me as an enemy.
13:12That's what the people at my house said.
13:16The hatred between our family and your family destroyed everything.
13:20But I only have love for you.
13:22And where did this love come from, all of a sudden?
13:25No one talks about you.
13:27And I've never heard you say anything bad about me.
13:32Especially about Sebastos's family.
13:34Even though you've heard my story, it's not heard.
13:37Maybe my words didn't reach him.
13:39We're family, after all.
13:41Now, the important thing.
13:42If you need my help, don't hesitate to ask.
13:45I know what you're going through right now.
13:48And how do you know what I'm going through?
13:53The whole village is talking about what my husband is doing.
13:56It's not fair for a girl like you to go through all this.
14:00And you're going to get divorced.
14:03Am I right?
14:05That's none of your business, son.
14:17Your wife cooks so well.
14:19I can't get enough of her food.
14:22Tell her what you just said.
14:24She'll come visit you.
14:26It hurts her a lot.
14:30Enjoy your meal.
14:32I hope this is the last of your troubles.
14:35I hope so, too.
14:39What a nice dress.
14:41It suits you well.
14:43Thank you.
14:46I'm going to feed the chickens.
14:48You know where to find me if you need anything.
14:51But don't dirty my dress.
15:03Is everything okay?
15:08You're acting as if nothing's wrong.
15:12But deep down, you know the truth.
15:15And you?
15:17How are you? Still sick?
15:20I'm in pain when I'm out of breath.
15:29What's going on, Vanoris?
15:31You know me.
15:32How can I start?
15:35Are you sure you were alone yesterday?
15:38Why are you asking?
15:43Jaila and I came here.
15:45Theodosia was where I fell.
15:48I saw her looking for something.
15:50Then I saw her find the light.
15:53Maybe it's something else. I don't know.
15:55Why did we get lost there, Tara?
15:59What do you mean?
16:00I don't know.
16:06She was with you yesterday, wasn't she?
16:08What are you saying?
16:11No, I didn't see her at all.
16:13And if she was with me, she would have helped me.
16:18That's what I thought too.
16:22I didn't have anyone with me when I fell.
16:24Anyway, let's thank God that she survived.
16:27The dark thoughts are out of your head.
16:29Okay, Vanoris?
16:36I'll keep you safe, Mr. Cristodolo.
16:39I heard a lot of good things about you.
16:43Okay, I'll be there tomorrow morning.
16:46Thank you.
16:53Are you done?
16:55Yes, Your Honor.
16:56Thank you for letting me talk on the phone.
16:58There's no need to thank me.
17:00I'm here to serve the citizens.
17:02I talked to my lawyer.
17:04I heard that the objection didn't do anything.
17:06Yes, we're all tired of this story.
17:08We have to stay strong.
17:10Everything will be better.
17:12Bravo, bravo.
17:14That's what we want.
17:16But what did the lawyer say?
17:18I was talking to another lawyer
17:20about a personal matter.
17:22Yes, I have an idea.
17:24Of course you have an idea, Your Honor.
17:26Everything will be better.
17:28Just like you said.
17:30When I was a kid,
17:32my mom used to tell me,
17:34listen, a bird can't fly high
17:36unless it falls.
17:38By the way, my mom is the wisest woman in the village.
17:42You're a good man, Your Honor.
17:45Thank you.
17:47And if possible...
17:50Don't worry.
17:52I won't open my mouth and keep it closed.
17:54Trust me.
17:56Thank you.
17:58And you too.
18:00Take care of yourself.
18:08It's all right.
18:10I did what you told me to do.
18:14You deserve what you got.
18:16Is it true that
18:18she and the lawyer will get divorced?
18:20Because people saw him sleeping on the floor.
18:23That's what they're saying.
18:24Are you sure they didn't see him sleeping on the floor too?
18:27Shame on you spreading rumors
18:29when you're this old.
18:31Calm down, Mr. Tantes.
18:33We didn't say anything.
18:35Come on, give him a kiss.
18:51I'm sorry I kept you from all these visits.
18:54Especially during this time.
18:56But I would have been upset if you hadn't come today.
19:00Because I was so afraid of what happened yesterday.
19:04On the contrary, thank you for coming.
19:06Don't worry about it.
19:08I'm fine now.
19:10You don't have to worry about me.
19:15Of course, this is Fagilio.
19:17I want you to return the book you gave me.
19:20Thank you very much.
19:36Honestly, there's another reason
19:39why I came here.
19:41Thomas came and told me
19:43about the story with Lambros.
19:47In my opinion, Thomas doesn't need a lawyer to turn him down.
19:50And I think he needs a lawyer.
19:54I once told you
19:56that for me, he was an unknown book.
19:59And I don't know what I'm going to find in his pages.
20:02And it's still like that, Lino.
20:06I won't hide from you that this man
20:08has tormented me a lot in the past.
20:12But lately, I've started to understand
20:15a few things about this man.
20:17Like what?
20:19He's afraid.
20:22Just like Thomas, who looks calm,
20:25but when it comes to love,
20:28he starts to tremble with fear.
20:31And that makes him
20:33act like a little boy.
20:35So, in your opinion, he's suitable for me?
20:38Since you don't want us to leave each other?
20:41In my opinion, you're the one who's suitable for him.
20:45You're the one who can change him.
20:48But it's a huge responsibility on me.
20:51I know.
20:53And you don't have to take that responsibility at all.
20:58you have to think about the power and authority
21:01you possess over him.
21:02And don't turn your back on him again.
21:07I'm just afraid of him, that's all.
21:10And I'm sorry for bothering you with all this.
21:13So, you really love him and you care about him that much?
21:17Because there's something very strong
21:20that ties me and this man together, Eleni.
21:24And I felt that from the moment I saw him
21:27and met him.
21:28The future will tell everything
21:31if it was good or not.
21:34And if it was,
21:36I'll convince myself that it was good.
21:43I don't feel sorry for you, Militis.
21:46Usually, in a war, both sides get some benefits.
21:49Even the weak ones only win once, at least.
21:52But you,
21:54you're the only one who can win.
21:56You have to have a strong will to keep going.
22:00You don't love him.
22:03We both know that you're a man without honor.
22:07Why are you making him suffer?
22:10What do you expect from a man without honor?
22:13What do you want?
22:15Be honest with me this time.
22:18I don't want to hurt you.
22:21I don't want to hurt you.
22:23Be honest with me this time.
22:26Tell me, what do you want?
22:29In this situation, I can help you,
22:33but don't take it from me.
22:36Do you want to help me?
22:39Look, this is a dangerous suggestion, and I might accept it.
22:42What do you want?
22:47I want to kill Dukas
22:50and get all his wealth.
22:54Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
22:57Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
23:00You're laughing?
23:02Laugh and say no.
23:05Why would I ask you for that?
23:07To kill my father and my wife?
23:11I should have waited.
23:13I shouldn't have laughed.
23:15I should have waited for your answer.
23:17Why did you hurry?
23:26These machines have proven to be effective in increasing production,
23:30especially in Italy and France.
23:32I think we should raise our production level, Dad.
23:35I don't think this investment will cost us much.
23:38We already paid a lot for the industrial area, and we still want to raise it.
23:41I understand.
23:43But the purchase of these machines will help us at least in the long run.
23:46Do you know how many competitors we had at that exhibition?
23:48Did you go to Athens to tell me this nonsense?
23:52This is not nonsense, Konstantis.
23:54This is our future.
23:56This is it.
23:58So you're here to tell us about the future?
24:00As if we don't know what's going on in the world.
24:02Do you want us to live like they did in the Middle Ages?
24:05Do you want us to depend on horses and donkeys,
24:07and the workers who burn under the sun?
24:09The workers are not affected by anything.
24:11They have everything they need.
24:13Yes, that's your opinion.
24:15Do you want us to close our eyes to what's going to happen,
24:16so you can walk around and give orders, right?
24:19I've heard what you have to say, and we're done.
24:24It's good that you're thinking about this,
24:26and I'm going to keep these records.
24:28But right now is not the time.
24:33You can order whatever you want.
24:35Do you want anything else from me?
24:47Did you do what I asked you to,
24:50or do you want me to bring someone else?
24:52I'm working on it right now.
24:55I'm tired of waiting for you two.
24:58You have to work seriously.
25:04Go now.
25:06Do what I asked you to, Konstantis.
25:09Otherwise, my patience will run out.
25:32Come in, Mr. Russ.
25:39Hello, Thomas.
25:41Can I talk to you for a minute?
25:43Go ahead.
25:44What brought you here when you're like this?
25:47I'm fine.
25:50I'm not tired or upset or anything.
25:52Let's talk about it, please.
25:54You're stubborn, as usual.
25:57But since you've come this far,
25:59it means there's definitely something important.
26:01I want to talk about what happened when I saw Lambros.
26:05Because you let me down.
26:18Do you like to sleep on the same bed at night?
26:21Or do you like to sleep in front of them,
26:23and you feel more comfortable in your room?
26:25It seems you feel more comfortable in your house than here.
26:28You're right, Melit Yadis.
26:31But here, the situation is strange with the kids around.
26:38But not today.
26:41We're not going to sleep far from each other.
26:52Where did you go last night?
26:54Did she tell you anything?
26:56She told me she had to go somewhere.
26:58I don't know much more than that.
27:00Are you upset about them?
27:02I decided not to meddle in their affairs.
27:05You advised me once, and it was the right thing to do.
27:08Whatever I do, it will affect them.
27:10And the more I try to stand by them,
27:11the more I will harm them,
27:13or one of them will be harmed more.
27:15No one can meddle in solving any problem
27:17between a woman and her husband.
27:19Only they can solve their problems.
27:22Only they can.
27:24The important thing is that you're standing by them,
27:27and you support them, and you love them,
27:29and that's enough.
27:42What do you want now?
27:44This is your story.
27:46We're meeting the lawyer tomorrow for the divorce.
27:48I was going to wait for you to come home
27:50so I could tell you your story,
27:52but I don't think it's going to be easy for you.
27:54It's not going to be easy for me either.
27:56You don't have to pretend to be Lambros.
27:58Here, I got what I wanted.
28:00Now you can sit with me on the other side of the table,
28:02and try to separate our lives
28:04as if we were talking about a piece of land.
28:06Tell me, is there any other way,
28:08since you refuse to understand me?
28:09You're right.
28:11There's no other way.
28:16I'm going to pay for all the costs and the lawyer's expenses.
28:19I don't want anything from you.
28:21Leave the money with your grandfather.
28:32I didn't expect you to go down to this level, Thomas.
28:35And frankly, I didn't expect this behavior from you.
28:37Lambros used to come to my house all the time.
28:40What happened to you that you decided to attack him
28:43just because he was close to someone who was related to you?
28:45And that's why you showed me my mother?
28:47You told him that I'm not important to you.
28:50So that's what happened?
28:52Am I important to you now?
28:54Why did you talk to me like that?
28:56Okay, fine.
28:58I admit that I said things I shouldn't have said.
29:01But you have no right to tell people about my house.
29:05Are we going to keep going around like this?
29:07I know you're honest, Eileen.
29:10Do you think I have a problem with the people who come to visit you?
29:13I have a problem with this person.
29:15And you know the reason for this particular problem.
29:19I don't know what the reason is.
29:21Can you tell me what it is?
29:23Of course.
29:25As long as you don't embarrass me, I don't have a problem.
29:27I can explain it to you and I don't mind.
29:29It's up to me.
29:31Lambros was your first love.
29:33And you always wanted him to be yours.
29:37He's so selfish that he can't see you happy with anyone else.
29:42And he's trying to ruin everything.
29:44Thomas, stop saying that because it's not logical.
29:47And what was your reaction?
29:49What was it?
29:53Maybe you still want her, don't you?
29:55I'm here to solve the problem.
29:57But you're not in a position to allow you to speak logically.
30:00Why are you wearing the ring?
30:04I'm not a little boy.
30:06Either you're wearing it to prove to me that you love me,
30:09or to make me suffer like this.
30:12Are you done talking or is there something else?
30:15I'm done.
30:24I'm sorry.
30:26I'm sorry.
30:28I'm sorry.
30:39Even the investigation into Vrendis
30:41didn't reach the Ministry of Industry legally.
30:45And even after they arrested him,
30:47they had to investigate him and all his connections.
30:58And Dukas,
31:00he made a network of employees in the Ministry
31:02and some circles in the local authorities.
31:05And your father's plan faced a lot of difficulties for one reason.
31:09And that is that the other area that they were fighting
31:13was much more important.
31:15But in the end, he did what he wanted.
31:18Because he threatened anyone who could stand in his way.
31:23And here,
31:24there are clear cases like the eye of the sun.
31:27Do you have proof of this?
31:30Of course, I have all the evidence I need.
31:33If this gets to the public prosecutor,
31:35and he's a very clever person,
31:37this whole problem will be solved.
31:39Why are you collecting these papers?
31:41To protect the rest.
31:44I was part of this corrupt system,
31:47and when I wanted to leave,
31:49he pressured me not to leave,
31:51and this bothered me.
31:52And now,
31:54after I moved to another department in the Ministry,
31:58I'm trying to stay away from the eye of the sun.
32:03And now,
32:05tell me, what do you want from me
32:07in return for your help?
32:09It seems that you still don't believe that my intention is sound.
32:13Usually, I don't accept people like this,
32:16not in the Ministries,
32:18not even in the government circles.
32:20You're not wrong.
32:22Destroying this corrupt system
32:24will make a lot of changes in the Ministry.
32:28And I want to be part of this change.
32:32So, you have ambitions.
33:23Two months later
33:50Oh, my poor dear.
33:51Are you still suspecting me?
33:53That's your question.
33:55It reminds me a lot of Yahuza.
33:57But at least he revealed his truth before he took the death oath.
34:01What do you mean?
34:03Do I have to regret what I did?
34:05Or do you want me to hang myself on a tree and die?
34:08Instead of thanking me,
34:10for not telling anyone and you're still fighting me,
34:13I didn't hear you apologize.
34:15You won't hear me apologize.
34:17Your apology won't make me right.
34:20But you'll regret it.
34:22Because you're suffering.
34:24Even if you don't want to admit it.
34:26I know you regret what you did.
34:28And I know why you didn't talk to Brussels.
34:30Because you hurt me too.
34:32And more than I hurt you.
34:34You feel guilty.
34:35And you think that if you didn't tell me what happened,
34:38you'd be denying your mistakes.
34:40No, Eleni.
34:42I never forget this easily.
34:49Hey, hey, hey, hey!
34:51What are you doing?
34:53These are not stones.
34:55I'm sorry.
34:56I'll take care of it.
34:59They're like mashed tomatoes.
35:01Listen to their sound.
35:04Do you think this is normal?
35:06Oh, God.
35:07Are you trying to be a musician?
35:09I'm a musician, Tolyas.
35:11It's not a sheep that can't hear you.
35:13You really think I'm a sheep?
35:15I'm not a sheep.
35:17I'm not a sheep that can't hear you.
35:19You really walk like a sheep.
35:21And you've been doing this since this morning.
35:24Even Rony didn't do what you're doing.
35:26We haven't even talked about cleaning yet.
35:29You're not doing the basics.
35:32This job is not a joke at all.
35:34You're not playing the clarinet,
35:36and you're surrounded by dancers.
35:40Is this why you hired me?
35:42To make fun of me?
35:44I don't know what you mean.
35:46Between me and her?
35:47My wife.
35:49What about your wife?
35:51What is this nonsense you're talking about?
35:54I know something happened between you while I was away.
35:57A cat in the woods, Abiy Affar.
35:59Isn't that what the saying goes, Tolyas?
36:01I don't know who told you this nonsense.
36:04But your accusation has no basis whatsoever.
36:07Don't change the subject, Mr. Mokhtar.
36:10Or I'll take you out of your head.
36:12And if you were a man, you'd admit that you liked Rony.
36:15Something happened between you two.
36:17But I don't know how it happened.
36:19Tell me.
36:20I'm listening.
36:24I can't take this humiliation anymore.
36:28There's nothing wrong with me and your wife,
36:30except that our friendship is strong.
36:32And this happened after she helped me
36:34when my wife went to Ghana.
36:36If you want to believe me, it's very good.
36:38And if you don't believe me, then this is your problem.
36:41Do you still have those ugly thoughts in your head?
36:44Or are you no longer a local?
36:48No, and you're still teaching him.
37:06Nikoforos, this is very serious.
37:08How did you get these papers?
37:10The important thing is that they got to me, and they're correct.
37:13The study conducted by Theotokis disappeared before it reached the committee.
37:16And the ministry has made a decision on forged information.
37:20If you don't want to say whose sources,
37:22the only witness with you will be Theotokis.
37:24And this man will definitely be charged with bribery.
37:26Right now, I don't need anyone with me.
37:28And how do you want to prove this?
37:30Uncle, we don't have time to work according to the law.
37:33That's why we're going to act my father's way.
37:35From tomorrow, all this evidence will be published in the most important newspaper in the country.
37:39We're going to scare them, and then
37:41we'll see the results that will satisfy us.
37:54Good morning, sir.
37:56I looked for you in the office, but I couldn't find you.
37:59I came to look for my glasses, but I don't know where I put them.
38:02I collected some money from your merchant.
38:05Here you go.
38:11Did Milas pay you?
38:13Milas, Sundolis, and Kaikonomo.
38:16What happened to you? What's wrong with you?
38:18Nothing. I stayed up all night.
38:21I couldn't sleep.
38:24Now go back to work.
40:01What are you doing?
40:06I want to talk to you.
40:08Jordanis, I'm on my own. Go back. I don't want anyone to see you.
40:11Stay at the door. No problem.
40:13I want you to explain something to me.
40:16What is it?
40:18Yesterday, I met your sister, Asimina.
40:21She told me that I should stay away from you.
40:25I don't understand why you're telling me this.
40:29All people in the world want me to stay away from you, and I don't know why.
40:32Can you tell me why, please?
40:35I'm very happy because Mrs. Sifastos organized this meeting.
40:39Because this means that she's ready to talk to my boss, and peacefully.
40:43And I hope we can talk about the problem together.
40:45And try to find a way to...
40:47I'm sorry. I want to punish you, please.
40:49Just don't think that we came here today
40:52because we agreed to meet your boss, Lambros.
40:55So why did you come?
40:57Mr. Lambros, we're here to prove that your accusation of my boss for treason is not true.
41:02So there's no need to end this marriage, and it will remain between us.
41:06And if we have to, we can prove this in court.
41:13It looks like they're very late.
41:15We're going to enter the hall in a little while.
41:17And now, you'll see that they're going to ask for a delay, just like you expected.
41:22So this is a good thing?
41:24We could have finished this story earlier.
41:26Delaying is for our own good. Don't get too excited, Eleni.
41:29But usually, it's the state that wins such cases for its own good.
41:33Yes, but don't forget that the objection has been rejected.
41:36And we have no choice but to accept it. That's why we have to win.
41:39Or we can delay the invitation as much as we can.
41:41And that will benefit us even more.
41:47What are you doing here?
41:49And why didn't I come here?
41:52What I told you yesterday...
41:54Don't try to change your words, Thomas.
41:57You said what you felt.
41:59But I shouldn't have raised my voice in front of you.
42:02And before that, you didn't give me any time.
42:05Even though we agreed to give each other a good time.
42:08Because you're the one who left me in the church.
42:11And you're the one who made me suffer.
42:13And now you're telling me that you don't want to suffer anymore?
42:17I don't want to suffer either.
42:21No, no.
42:23You're not going to tell me your story.
42:25Not like this.
42:27Not here.
42:35We have to go to the court.
42:37The ministry has sent a group of lawyers for this case.
42:40The trial is going to happen as we expected.
42:42Unfortunately, it's not going to happen.
42:44We have to go to the court.
42:46The trial is going to happen as we expected.
42:48Unfortunately, it's not going to happen.
42:50They're also in a hurry, just like you.
42:55And of course, I was very upset.
42:57I said I had to stay away from you if I wanted to be okay.
43:00I'm sorry I said that.
43:02You shouldn't have been upset.
43:04I don't care how you talked to me.
43:06Ever since you told me that story and you're giving me bad ideas.
43:10Did you hear anything bad about me?
43:12Of course not. What are you talking about?
43:14What's going on?
43:20Can you trust me?
43:24If you have a problem, we can solve it together.
43:27Do you still trust me, Drosso?
43:30Jordanis doesn't trust me.
43:33And I'm telling you, if the situation was different, we could have been together.
43:37But now we can't.
43:40Drosso, tell me, please.
43:42Don't come near me.
43:44We're going to solve the problem, whatever it is.
43:46Just tell me when.
43:47I'll do it.
43:50And I think this problem can't be solved without you.
44:43I'm sorry.
44:44I'm sorry.
44:45I'm sorry.
44:46I'm sorry.
44:47I'm sorry.
44:48I'm sorry.
44:49I'm sorry.
44:50I'm sorry.
44:51I'm sorry.
44:52I'm sorry.
44:53I'm sorry.
44:54I'm sorry.
44:55I'm sorry.
44:56I'm sorry.
44:57I'm sorry.
44:58I'm sorry.
44:59I'm sorry.
45:00I'm sorry.
45:01I'm sorry.
45:02I'm sorry.
45:03I'm sorry.
45:04I'm sorry.
45:05I'm sorry.
45:06I'm sorry.
45:07I'm sorry.
45:08I'm sorry.
45:09I'm sorry.
45:10I'm sorry.
