Watch the young auctioneers in action as they test out their skills.
00:00By the 10 here if it's these and you're eligible 450 kilos excellent factor white ratio there ladies and gentlemen
00:07What they're gonna make there for an under for an editor guy?
00:14$1,200 be anyone else at $1,200 get a part of a
00:1820 30 40 50 got an option of a $1,250 bead anyone else at
00:28$1,260 to be anyone else at $1,260
00:34Larry what do you think makes a good auctioneer?
00:38Well a hundred things concurrently working at the same time good auctioneer in my mind has a clear
00:45understanding of what their role is and that's got to start with a legal and moral duty to protect your vendor and
00:53Extract the best price in the market on the day that doesn't mean working against the buyers and means keeping a
00:59Collegiate professional relationship with them and working with them to achieve that ultimate goal of representing your vendor properly and then on the day
01:07I mean, you know when he's standing up there what's really important to get the most money
01:12I suppose it's a consistency and understanding with the buyers that they know the signals of when you're going to sell and
01:19You know giving everyone an equal opportunity to be a part of the process
01:23I suppose keeping people awake sometimes it's a long day
01:26And so you need to have an ability to add light and shade and and the right amount of humor without making it about yourself
01:32Trying to keep people engaged
01:34Through a long hot cold wet day is a big part of the process and engagement with with people is what you know
01:41Not just auctioneering but agency in general is you know communication and engagement with people