DNYCE Clothing Boutique

  • last month
AltspaceVR Critic - #10
00:00Okay, guys, it's my pleasure to present to you D-Nice.
00:07We are stronger together, baby.
00:09You're going to like this.
00:10I'm going to love this myself.
00:12It's a lot of clothing you can put on people.
00:14D-Nice Clothing Boutique.
00:16That's where we are.
00:17D-Nice Clothing Boutique by D-Nice.
00:21I already gave her a favor.
00:24I think I'm already sick.
00:28Who's here?
00:30All right, bang.
00:34Man, look at this place.
00:35From the moment I came in here, I'm going to show you what's behind me.
00:38Once you place your order, please allow five to ten business days.
00:41Okay, once your order has been delivered, come to...
00:44There's one radio, dance hall.
00:46You got the Duke's Jammy.
00:48Got all the stuff for the females and the water out there.
00:52This is me again.
00:54Anybody behind me?
00:56I hear somebody talking.
00:59Okay, now this is where it starts to get a little bit original here, buddy.
01:05You're going to like this.
01:06I love it.
01:07I love to see progress.
01:09Look, July 27th, 12 noon until 5.
01:13The Motherless Door.
01:14Look at that ride, man.
01:19Sending 15 girls from the STEAM Camp Program to Splashwater Park.
01:24Look at that, man.
01:25Look at that, man.
01:26You're invited to a girl's self-care spa party.
01:31This is strictly female.
01:33Look how beautiful this place is, man.
01:41Look, November the 6th.
01:42This is coming up.
01:45Tony Stark.
01:56Let's see who this is.
02:03Check this out over here, buddy.
02:07How to receive your new D-Nice outfit.
02:16Oh, look at this guy, man.
02:17They're working together.
02:20Raul, I've been to his place.
02:26I'm blown away.
02:29Another wedding outfit.
02:30Wow, man.
02:31Look at this.
02:41Look, a real number, dude.
02:43A 1-800-829-4933 number for assistance.
03:01Wow, this is really a business.
03:05Look at the styles and patterns, man.
03:12New suit.
03:17Body shapes.
03:26So, we got black, gold, jade, lavender.
03:33Whoa, look at that one, buddy.
03:36Realistic skin.
03:39A little bit of jammy in the back.
03:42Come out the front.
03:43That's not normal.
03:46Should be like a camel toe or something over there.
03:52Oh, look at this, man.
03:53Come on, now.
03:54Look at this outfit.
04:01I don't know why they show the butt in the front.
04:06That's what the butt looks like.
04:08Dude, look at these colors.
04:12Wow, this is a nice outfit.
04:14I like these outfits.
04:15This is like a Supergirl outfit.
04:16Wine color.
04:20Look at the cloth on there.
04:22I don't like the way they do the bottom part, though.
04:26It looks, you know.
04:29You should show the front the front.
04:32These are nice, too, man.
04:37Dude, my outfit is going to be played out.
04:39It's already played out.
04:40Look at this one.
04:42You know what these are?
04:45Almost like a business outfit.
04:52Wait a minute.
04:57No, but I speak Spanish.
05:08Beautiful designs.
05:10Maybe for a party or something.
05:13What do you think?
05:14This one is pretty.
05:15I like the white.
05:16I like the pink.
05:19When I come in, I never say what I don't like.
05:21I say what I do like.
05:23People put a lot of work in here.
05:24You don't want to come by.
05:25I don't like this.
05:26Of course, you're not going to like them all, buddy.
05:29What do you like?
05:32Did you look around here and say it's a beautiful place, man?
05:35Did you make a place like this?
05:37No, you didn't make a place like this.
05:41You put a lot of work in here, man.
05:42This is beautiful.
05:44I like it a lot.
05:46And this is a new way to get drinks, man.
05:48You don't lay them over here.
05:49You have it over here.
05:50You just order it from here.
05:53Because it's not real drinks anyway.
05:59Do I wonder how long this thing is going to be here?
06:01It says that they muted me.
06:03And look at this, man.
06:04You could do a live camera action here.
06:08It's a lot to see in here, brother.
06:11Some of the places I went to, you know, you got to find the right words to make it work.
06:15But look, in the dressing room.
06:19I don't know about this spot.
06:20Look at this.
06:25You got to check everything out, man.
06:29Look at this, man.
06:30I can just chill right here for a while.
06:31You know what?
06:33All right.
06:34I'm going to chill right here for a while.
06:45Look at the color, too.
06:46Look at that color, man.
06:48I like that.
06:50This is a nice little area over here, man.
06:59Let me see what I can do.
07:01I don't even know why I was going to see if I could fly.
07:03You can't.
07:04They won't let you fly in here, man.
07:06And you can leave right in your bedroom.
07:07Nobody will see you.
07:08And go right downstairs.
07:11Which is what I'm going to do right now.
07:13Oh, I can jump downstairs.
07:15They see me, man.
07:18I hope nobody comes in my bedroom.
07:21All right.
07:22Let's see who discovers this bedroom over here.
07:27I just want privacy.
07:30All right.
07:31I got people outside.
07:42You know what?
07:45I can come out of this room and go,
07:46wow, what an experience.
07:48You're not going to think I actually did something.
07:50I'm coming out right now.
07:55Look at the glass.
07:57Rub your hand right across it.
08:00Look at the floor down there.
08:01Everything is beautiful over here, my friend.
08:05Did you see the office?
08:06I showed it to you already, right?
08:08There's a lot to see in here.
08:11Go out here.
08:14You can go over here, too.
08:20I'm going to be careful.
08:21I don't want to make a mistake and go somewhere I don't want to go.
08:24We're in Paris, dude.
08:26And check this out, man.
08:27I went up that Eiffel Tower.
08:29If you look at my video,
08:31Alt Space VR Critic, The Fraternity,
08:33you'll see I went up that Eiffel Tower.
08:39All right.
08:41It's down here.
08:42Look at the glass, man.
08:43Look at that.
08:44Look at that.
08:49There's more outfits downstairs, too.
08:50And upstairs.
08:51What do you think I should do?
08:54Downstairs first and then upstairs?
08:58All right.
09:01I'm already up.
09:02The stairs are right behind me.
09:04Here we go.
09:05Look at this.
09:06Look at this lamp.
09:08Look at that design.
09:15Let's go to the rooftop.
09:16You can hit the button and go to...
09:18Hold up a second, buddy.
09:21I'm going to walk up.
09:22You know I do the virtual reality thing.
09:25I still don't have any legs yet.
09:26They haven't made the avatar with the legs yet.
09:30Oh, look, buddy.
09:31Look at that view.
09:33Look at that view.
09:36It's time like this.
09:37I got to show...
09:38Oh, D-Nice.
09:41Look at this, man.
09:42This is a runway.
09:45Let me check it out.
09:46I'm getting the wrong one.
09:48You walk down.
09:49You walk up.
09:50Let's walk up first.
09:56Here we go.
09:57I'm going to say I did everything in my life.
09:59Runway and everything.
10:01Ladies and gentlemen, introducing for a Grammy, an Oscar, an Emmy, the Alternate Space VR
10:10I'd like to thank everybody for your creations.
10:13You did a great job.
10:15I had fun watching them.
10:18I had fun talking to you.
10:19I learned a lot in the environments.
10:22It took my mind off of life and my problems.
10:24I just want to thank you guys.
10:26Keep up the good work.
10:28And you too.
10:30What is this going on here, buddy?
10:33I can't get on the stage?
10:35I get right here?
10:38What's going on?
10:39Can I get here?
10:41Look, man.
10:44The All Space VR Critic.
10:49All right.
10:50So this is what it looks like anyway.
10:52That's what it's going to look like to the people.
10:53To me, I'm walking down.
10:54That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
10:55Thank you very much.
10:56It was hard work.
10:57Sometimes I felt like giving up.
10:58Sometimes I looked.
10:59I didn't get any subscribers.
11:00I never see any comments.
11:02I got a lot of views.
11:04I didn't get too many likes.
11:05But I stuck in there because I knew one day this would mean something.
11:11It has to mean something because nobody's doing it yet.
11:13And once you do something nobody else is doing, it has to have a purpose, my friend.
11:19So thank you for your time and energy.
11:22Thank you that you believed in me when I didn't believe in myself.
11:27Thank you that maybe I can walk up the stairs this way.
11:31No, it's not for me to get up the stairs.
11:33I got to wait for the Emmy Day, the day that I actually get that award.
11:40But thank you for being here in this beautiful place that D-Nice made.
11:44Look at this place.
11:47Extravagant rolls of trees.
11:53Let's go in the backstage.
11:55Look, this is virtual reality.
11:57You look over here, it looks dark.
12:00Look over here.
12:03So this is how you make an entrance.
12:04They don't see you at all.
12:05You're back here.
12:07As we can see.
12:09Ladies and gentlemen, once again I want to thank you.
12:12I don't think I deserve this.
12:14But I'm definitely going to take it anyway.
12:15Is there any cash attached to this?
12:18Don't just give me an award.
12:20It looks nice.
12:21But I got a lot of pictures in my house and sculptures.
12:25I need money.
12:26I need something of value.
12:29Okay, I'm going back downstairs.
12:35She actually got a business here.
12:39Look at this.
12:40Look, from here.
12:42Who's that chick?
12:44That's the one that says she like it, she don't like it.
12:45That's Lucy.
12:47Look at this, man.
12:49I love anything that's new.
12:54Even though I won't wear it.
12:59Even though I won't wear it.
13:01I like the fact that somebody can come up with their own original designs, buddy.
13:06Look at that.
13:08That's some outfit, man.
13:11You know what, take a look at the full body outfits.
13:14These are definitely Grammys.
13:19I like to see somebody make full body outfits, man.
13:23Look at this, buddy.
13:25Look at that one.
13:26Look at that one.
13:34I like the clothes.
13:37Alright, I'm going back down.
13:42I'm not bothering nobody, buddy.
13:45I'm in here looking around.
13:50Look at this now.
13:51We already went upstairs.
13:53Going down now.
13:54You ready?
13:55Here we go.
13:58Look, my friend.
14:00My gosh, you got stuff that looks like polo and stuff.
14:03Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude.
14:05How much are these outfits?
14:06I might have to switch my thing, man.
14:09I might have to switch my thing.
14:11Look at this, man.
14:17Dude, these are clothes.
14:18Oh, you know, Raul makes clothes in real life, you know.
14:20I need to get a chest.
14:21Dude, look how they make this guy's chest big.
14:25Look, big chest is to match the lady's brushes.
14:30Yo, look at this, man.
14:31Look at the material.
14:41I've been wearing my same outfit for a while there, buddy.
14:44But it's okay.
14:45I've been wearing my same outfit for a while there, buddy.
14:47But it's okay.
14:51So, let me tell you.
14:52When you come in here, man.
14:54You be thinking twice.
14:58Look at this one, man.
14:59Especially that one.
15:01Holy Toledo.
15:03She didn't do that, did she?
15:06She can make a design and put D-Nice on it, man.
15:10Oh, my goodness.
15:11Outfits are $55 each.
15:15$30 for each purchase goes to charity.
15:21And you can have your own outfit.
15:28First and second and third.
15:30The outfit name code.
15:33Lavender Polo.
15:34I knew it was Polo.
15:41Wow, man.
15:42They're working together then.
15:43All right.
15:44Method of payment.
15:45Allspace username.
15:48Send payment.
15:53Look at this, man.
15:57Dude, look at those outfits up there, man.
16:05That's why people got to work out, man.
16:09If you don't work out, you don't have nothing to put in your outfit.
16:11You're just putting a little skinny body, a little fat body in there.
16:14Now, I'm not knocking skinny and fat people.
16:16But, if you're skinny and fat and you want to change,
16:20don't just feel bad.
16:21Do something about it, man.
16:23Work out.
16:24Eat more.
16:25Do something.
16:26These outfits look great on people that work out.
16:30Look at this one.
16:32I mean, you don't really have to work out.
16:34Your avatar.
16:36Where are we?
16:37Oh, I said Paris already, right?
16:41Look at this, man.
16:52What time is it?
16:54It's 11.20 p.m.
16:55It's outstanding, man.
16:58I really like this, man.
17:00You know, I like the new ideas.
17:02I like the option that I have a chance to buy an outfit.
17:06What am I going to buy?
17:16That's how you make money here.
17:19And I saw this before.
17:20This is beautiful.
17:22I got a video where I did something like this, man.
17:24Y'all got to look at some of my videos, man.
17:26I made a lot of videos in AllSpace.
17:30I remember this video.
17:32I made this video.
17:33Well, not here.
17:34Nothing like this at all.
17:38But, when I made this video,
17:47called on me.
17:48And I went to where Marty was.
17:49Look at this, man.
17:53Man, I'm just going to sit over here for a minute.
17:57Oh, boy.
17:58Look at this, man.
18:02Really nice, my friend.
18:04They got the air conditioning going on over here, too.
18:06You hear it?
18:07It's pumping.
18:08Look at this.
18:09I know you're just looking at here
18:10to see what it looks like over here
18:11from this angle.
18:12This is what it looks like, man.
18:13So, I'm sitting here.
18:17I can get deep in here, too, just like that.
18:20And look at everything from this angle here, man.
18:23Which is a beautiful place to put the chairs at.
18:25I can see upstairs.
18:27I can see the wall.
18:28I can see all the suits.
18:29I can look over here and peek.
18:31See who's coming in.
18:34Beautiful, man.
18:41Look at this.
18:44Oh, look at that, man.
18:47These two...
18:49No, she's got glasses, huh?
18:54You know where I saw this at?
18:55These two pictures.
18:56Do you remember?
18:58We walked through here together.
18:59Where did we see this at?
19:01I'll tell you exactly where we saw it.
19:02We saw it on the second floor,
19:03right here on this window.
19:05You see those two people over there.
19:06Unless it's over here.
19:07Unless it's over here.
19:08But I'm almost sure it's on the second floor.
19:14Yeah, it was on the second floor.
19:16And look at these beautiful swings
19:17you can hang out at, man.
19:19Isn't this something original?
19:21Instead of having chairs,
19:22you can have swings.
19:25Exercise your legs a little bit,
19:26swinging back and forth.
19:31Look at this view, man,
19:32from this angle here.
19:33And I always like to see
19:35the leaves that drape down the building.
19:38And the water.
19:42Look at this.
19:43Look at this water, man.
19:45You know what you gotta do, man?
19:46If they got a lot of the same MREs,
19:49you have to...
19:50First, let's go in the pool.
19:53You have to do your creation first,
19:54so it doesn't look like a duplicate.
19:57Look at this, man.
19:58Just chilling right here,
19:59by myself.
20:00Just chilling right here.
20:01By myself.
20:06Just chilling.
20:08Right here.
20:11Dude, we didn't go to the rooftop, right?
20:20Or did we?
20:24I'm just gonna chill for a while.
20:27I came in earlier today, man.
20:29There was nobody nowhere.
20:30I'm looking now.
20:31I see the number sixes popping up
20:33a lot of places.
20:39This is not super big, man,
20:40to get rich off of.
20:45how many people you think you need?
20:46Like, let's say you had
20:47500 people
20:48giving you $100 apiece.
20:50That's 5,000.
20:52You don't even see
20:53as many people
20:54over here.
20:55You don't even see
20:56at any given time
20:5720 people
20:58in one spot
20:59over here.
21:00Maybe 15.
21:02But not consistently.
21:04Not 15 here.
21:0515 over here.
21:0615 over here.
21:0715 over here.
21:08And if you can't add up 45,
21:09how you think you're gonna
21:10ever get to 500?
21:12Now you get to 500?
21:14Because some people
21:15make creations.
21:16They have
21:20And then they decide
21:22I don't know.
21:23I'm too busy
21:24with something else.
21:25It's not working.
21:26They're not getting
21:27the reaction they want.
21:28They're not getting
21:29the subscribers they want.
21:30The people they want
21:31as quick as they want
21:32to get them.
21:33And it takes time, man.
21:34It takes time.
21:35Once you become
21:36a household name,
21:37then people can
21:38rely on you.
21:39They can say,
21:40yo, you can go to
21:41A, B, and C.
21:42A, B, and C
21:43is always there.
21:44But you can't be
21:45a shooting star.
21:46You flare up,
21:48Somebody look for you
21:49next week, next month,
21:50you're gone.
21:52The race is not
21:53to the swiftest.
21:54It's to the one
21:55that endures
21:56to the end.
21:57You gotta endure
21:58to the end, buddy.
21:59You don't get
22:00too many points
22:01for hanging in there
22:02before the game is over.
22:03You get all your points.
22:04It's like a paycheck
22:05at the end
22:06at payday.
22:08Look at this, man.
22:11Let me ask you a question.
22:15I don't even have to.
22:16Oh, we got a crossover.
22:18Right here, buddy.
22:20Now I'm here.
22:23Chillin', baby.
22:24Do you get the sense
22:25that you're in a pool?
22:27I get that sense.
22:28And I'm in the pool.
22:31You know, just chillin'.
22:34This is equivalent
22:35to you just sitting
22:36in your chair
22:37in your room
22:38or your apartment
22:39or your house
22:40and not doing anything.
22:41I'm sitting down
22:42and I'm relaxing, buddy.
22:43I'm chillin'.
22:45You guys
22:46splash in the water.
22:49Enjoy all
22:50we did go to the top floor.
22:51That was a runway.
22:58I don't know, dude.
22:59Sometime I get too comfortable.
23:00I forget I'm recording.
23:03I'm enjoying this, man.
23:04I'm enjoying it now.
23:07And when I look at it later on
23:09in the video,
23:12I'm enjoying it, too.
23:13I'm reliving the moment, man.
23:15I don't want to go through life
23:16and have a bunch of moments
23:17that I can't record.
23:20I want to record
23:21every good moment
23:23and some of the bad ones, too,
23:25to remind me.
23:30You know?
23:35See, all this water
23:36make you sleep,
23:37but you don't want to go to sleep
23:39and you find yourself drowning.
23:43Beautiful, man.
23:44I want you to get the sensation
23:45of how it feels to be in the water.
23:47You know what I'm saying?
23:48And you know what I notice, too, man?
23:49When I watch the video,
23:51I see things that I didn't see
23:52when I was here.
23:55What time is it?
23:57I keep looking at the time, man,
23:58because I want to get this hamburger.
24:00The joint closes about
24:02supposed to be three,
24:03but I'm going to say
24:07just in case, man.
24:08There's nothing worse
24:09than wanting a hamburger
24:11Oh, I got chicken, dude,
24:13and french fries.
24:15Do I?
24:17Well, I could do the hamburger
24:18and french fries
24:20because I want a good meal
24:22before I go to bed.
24:24I have trouble sleeping at night.
24:26I try the beers
24:27and the wines.
24:28It just gets you
24:29a little bit of drunk
24:30and you pass out.
24:31You don't really sleep.
24:32Sleeping is,
24:33I lay in the bed,
24:34I think of the tooth fairy
24:36or whatever the hell it is,
24:37and then, bam,
24:39my eyes close.
24:40I didn't even know it closed.
24:41I'm dreaming.
24:43I know I'm dreaming.
24:44I'm enjoying the dream.
24:45Do you know what I'm going to do?
24:46I'm going to look out
24:47that balcony again over here.
24:49I wish I can keep myself here
24:50and look at the balcony over there
24:52and have myself up there, too.
24:54Oh, you got to check out
24:55my stuff, too, man.
24:56This is beautiful,
24:57no question about it, man,
24:58and if I was going to buy it...
25:07What I'm thinking about, man,
25:08is I know people
25:09that make costumes
25:11and avatars, right,
25:13that I like that I'm like,
25:14that I like that are my friends.
25:16I friend them,
25:17I talk to them and everything,
25:19but the bottom line is
25:20they're going to have to
25:21step up their game, man,
25:24because the people that I know
25:26that are making, um,
25:28that are making the outfits,
25:30they're not making them like this.
25:35Not like this, brother.
25:36Not like, you can see the cotton in it.
25:38Then when you move the bubble,
25:40people feel like they actually got,
25:41you could feel like a texture.
25:44Look at this, man.
25:45I don't even know
25:46which one to get, man.
25:49Dude, that's why it pays
25:50to have real money
25:51in the real world.
25:52You can wear every outfit you want.
25:57I wonder what the people,
25:58the creators do.
25:59See, this is what I was telling you, man.
26:00Remember I said the second floor?
26:02The lady and the guy
26:04that was together,
26:05they was wearing this outfit right here.
26:10Kathy Collins, House of Hope.
26:12Now, let's see that certificate again, man.
26:14I didn't really read it.
26:15I just glanced through it.
26:18You don't learn anything like that.
26:23Beautiful, though, buddy.
26:25Yeah, beautiful, D-Nice.
26:28Which is funny,
26:29because D-Nice, N-I-C-E,
26:32y'all never realize
26:33that it's New York City.
26:39I mean, that's not what
26:40it stands for, but.
26:46Every once in a while,
26:47I come into a place
26:48I really like, man.
26:50I can really appreciate.
26:51Look at this, man.
26:53You know how you can tell
26:54when somebody got good products?
26:56When you don't know
26:57which one to pick.
27:01Now, I can see what
27:02the lady was saying before.
27:04None of these are really me.
27:07But think about this, man.
27:10If you're fat, ugly, and skinny,
27:11look like somebody hit you
27:12with an ugly stick.
27:15You can come over here.
27:18Get yourself an outfit.
27:21You know, or whatever you want.
27:23And you can live the life
27:24you never could have lived
27:25in the real world.
27:33Look at that, man.
27:36I seen people wear these outfits
27:38when they came out.
27:40This is a little too much, man.
27:42This is like if you want to be
27:43hanging out just at the club
27:44or something like that.
27:46You can't really interact
27:47and talk to people,
27:49you know, logically
27:51and stuff like that
27:52and expect them not to,
27:54you know, think sexually about you.
28:00I don't see any...
28:01Something like this, man.
28:02It's like a business outfit.
28:07You know, I don't see
28:08anything like this.
28:10You know, in the real world,
28:12if you dress nice,
28:13you get more respect, man.
28:14That's the bottom line.
28:17All right, I'm getting ready
28:18to get out of here
28:20because I want to check...
28:22Oh, this one I wanted to see, man.
28:23You didn't remind me about this.
28:31How long ago did she start this?
28:34Kathy Collins, House of Hope.
28:37You can Google it.
28:40Applying for employee
28:41identification number.
28:45Identify your business accounts,
28:46tax returns,
28:48even if you have no employees.
28:51Please keep this notice
28:52in your permanent records.
28:54When filing tax documents,
28:56and related correspondence,
28:58it's very important
28:59that you use the EIN number
29:03and complete the name address
29:05exactly as shown above.
29:09Thanks a lot for
29:10letting people know this, man.
29:12Oh, look at this, man.
29:14See, I told you I've been here
29:15for a while.
29:16I recognize names and people now.
29:19Remember I said I wanted to
29:20stand over here and look over here?
29:23You know, look at that, man.
29:27Beautiful view.
29:31Beautiful view.
29:39Which is kind of deep, man,
29:40because look,
29:41it looks like they're
29:42looking at her store.
29:50Wow, man.
29:53The colors of the bricks.
29:56Always like that color.
30:00I'm in New York City, man.
30:01We're not too far from the village.
30:02In the village,
30:04you have colors like that.
30:10All right.
30:11I can see it,
30:12but you guys can't,
30:13so I'm going to get up close.
30:14Look at this, man.
30:15November the 6th,
30:17which is only like
30:18three weeks from now.
30:20I heard of the
30:21Tony Stark thing.
30:24I saw Tony Stark
30:25actually in here.
30:27He didn't have the Iron Man
30:28outfit on, though.
30:32I wonder,
30:33that's kind of deep, man,
30:34to take the name of a character
30:36on television
30:37like if I called myself
30:38Bruce Wayne.
30:44self-care for kids.
30:47They're doing a lot of stuff
30:48over here, man.
30:57Look, man,
30:58a real address.
31:02780 Main Street.
31:03They got a Main Street
31:04in every city, buddy.
31:05Forest Park,
31:17The Josie Foundation.
31:21Wow, man.
31:22See this place?
31:26This is definitely
31:27going on there.
31:28I did a lot of videos today.
31:30I started like
31:31maybe early this morning.
31:32Some of them are
31:33kind of nice.
31:36I'm going to start
31:37doing top shelf
31:38stuff now.
31:45Almost don't know
31:46what to do, man.
31:48Go to the store,
31:49post this.
31:52I played
31:53A Walking Dead, too,
31:54by the way.
31:56I haven't done that
31:57in a while.
31:59I haven't done that
32:00in a while.
32:03At least can I get up here
32:04so I can see?
32:07Can I?
32:11Dude, look.
32:14I can get up here.
32:16I don't know what I'm going
32:17to do,
32:18but at least there's
32:19a little bit of something
32:20I haven't done before.
32:21I can see something.
32:23Let me see.
32:24Right here.
32:27Right here.
32:32Come on.
32:33I saw it.
32:34Gave it to me
32:35a second ago.
32:37Did you make a mistake?
32:38Change your mind?
32:40I saw something.
32:41I can get up on that wall.
32:44Even though
32:45I didn't think I could.
32:46What if I stand up, man?
32:51How about now?
32:56I just want to test the boundaries.
32:57How about up here?
32:59No, definitely not here.
33:00That's invisible.
33:01How about here?
33:06Right over here.
33:12Look, man.
33:13I'm outside the park.
33:14They didn't know this.
33:15They didn't know
33:16I tested boundaries.
33:17I want to see where I'm at.
33:20You can walk over here?
33:22Dude, am I flying?
33:23Let's see if I can fly.
33:25If I can't fly,
33:26I'm in bad shape.
33:29All right.
33:30I might just jump.
33:34No flying here.
33:35You know what that means?
33:36That means
33:39First of all,
33:40I can't even tell you
33:41what I'm on.
33:45I was going to say
33:46I got to stay on
33:47what I'm on.
33:48But what am I on?
33:51All right.
33:52Because you don't want
33:53to go that way.
34:01I'm going to jump into the pool
34:02from here.
34:07What do you know?
34:08There's another way
34:09to get to the
34:10That's how high I fell, man.
34:11I'm okay?
34:13You've never seen
34:14a bloody avatar.
34:16I'm okay, buddy.
34:18What's this?
34:19Look at that, man.
34:20I'm from one situation
34:21Now I'm on the swing.
34:22Now I have a lunch.
34:24We're having a light,
34:25cool, refreshing
34:26kind of a lunch.
34:27It's only fruits.
34:29A little bit of juice
34:30and some water.
34:32Then we leave out of here
34:33and we walk down there
34:36and we pick up
34:37some more meals.
34:40we'll pick up the meals
34:43See if I had a chick
34:44or something like that.
34:45Pick up the meals
34:46over here
34:47while you talk
34:48while people are looking
34:49over here
34:50This is what we have.
34:51This is our business.
34:52A, B, and C.
34:53I pick up some seafood
34:54from over here
34:55if they got seafood.
34:56But I don't know.
34:57This doesn't look like
34:58a seafood spot.
34:59I don't see the sea
35:00too much over here.
35:01I pick it up.
35:02Me and my girl.
35:03I don't have to get out of here.
35:05And then we'll just
35:06walk through our
35:07beautiful place.
35:09We'll probably sit down
35:10for a second over here
35:11and talk about things.
35:17Are they gonna let me in here?
35:18This is like
35:24They spared no expenses
35:25in this place.
35:27I know you're looking
35:28at this.
35:29You're wondering
35:30why does it say
35:31the host is muted?
35:32It's not really that.
35:33I can't put another...
35:41I thought there was
35:42another place.
35:43Anyway, look at this man.
35:44Look at this pool.
35:45Look at this um
35:46I said pool.
35:47Look at this tub man.
35:48You ever seen
35:49a tub like this?
35:50Look at this.
35:54Look at this.
36:02You know what?
36:03I don't know if I wanna own it
36:04or just borrow it.
36:06In the real world
36:07you have to own it.
36:08And here I'm borrowing it.
36:09And I'm having a good time.
36:11Enjoying it man.
36:13Let me see what it feels
36:14like to be in this.
36:16Look at that man.
36:18If you're not careful buddy
36:20people can see you taking...
36:22Thank goodness they put
36:23a wall over there.
36:24Alright, but check it out.
36:25I could be riding in here.
36:27When I shower
36:28at every hour
36:30I sometimes get the feeling
36:31of a fresh bouquet.
36:33Look at this man.
36:34Nobody disturb me.
36:36Right here.
36:40Dude, what's that?
36:42It's not a picture of me
36:43down that drain is it?
36:44What's that?
36:48Look at that man.
36:55Within reach.
36:58And instead of you
36:59standing up in the shower
37:00you can sit down
37:02taking a bath
37:03and a shower at the same time.
37:10I've been in the house
37:11of millionaires before.
37:18Financial millionaires.
37:19It's not like
37:20Alt Space.
37:21Not like the quick
37:22Google or something like that.
37:24Those are different kinds
37:25of people altogether man.
37:27It's more freedom
37:28when you get it with the...
37:29Look at this man.
37:30The wood.
37:31See this?
37:32I don't even know
37:33how long I've been in here man.
37:35Longer than anybody else.
37:40I like it.
37:42I like the tiles on the floor.
37:44I like the way the water is.
37:51I'm starting to be here
37:52so long
37:54that I'm starting
37:55to notice things.
38:03If I wanted to make a place
38:07it would look something like
38:09the building
38:10would look something like this man.
38:12I want the walls
38:13to look like this.
38:14I want the glass
38:15over here like that.
38:16I want a view
38:23I wouldn't even know
38:24what to do anymore.
38:26I've seen this
38:27brick color for a while.
38:29And I would want
38:30the bed over here.
38:31Right here man.
38:32Just the way they have it.
38:34the way they had it.
38:35Wouldn't change nothing.
38:36The thickness of the bed.
38:38The color of the blankets.
38:40The pillows.
38:42Just the way.
38:45Oh my gosh.
38:46I just want to
38:47get ready to go.
38:50I'm going to
38:51find the best picture
38:52I can find
38:53and end it there.
39:03You know what I do?
39:04I find something
39:05that people aren't
39:07they haven't seen before.
39:11Like those polo outfits
39:12over there.
39:14For the men.
39:17I'm a real man buddy.
39:18There's no
39:19girly thing about this guy.
39:21I might be the last
39:22of the original men.
39:25I've seen real men in here too.
39:26I can't say that man.
39:28I've seen them.
39:29You can tell by them.
39:30The way they talk.
39:31The way they carry themselves.
39:33There's a few real
39:34real men in here.
39:39Right here.
39:41That's where we're going to get it.
39:43Thanks for watching.
39:44Please put a like
39:45over here.
39:46Don't forget man.
39:47If you want to get
39:48one of these outfits
39:49this is where you go man.
39:50It's $55 each.
39:52Some are $25.
39:54But dude
39:55it's a
39:56you know what?
39:57It's a difference.
40:00It's a difference
40:01in this $55 outfit man.
40:04It's an outfit outfit.
40:07The only thing about it man
40:08is you can't even see yourself in it.
40:10You'll buy it.
40:11Everybody else will see you in it.
40:12You can't see yourself in it.
40:13You know.
40:14And I can't wait
40:15for them to put legs in here.
40:18But this is beautiful man.
40:20You did
40:21you got a great business here.
40:23It's excellent.
40:24I couldn't find any improvements.
40:27I never really find
40:28too many improvements anyway.
40:30But I couldn't find
40:31any improvements in this.
40:34Everything is top notch man.
40:37You must be proud of yourself
40:38and you should be proud of yourself.
40:40Look man.
40:41Home Team 723
40:43at gmail.com
40:56But more than likely
40:57before you do any of this stuff
40:58you need to talk to them personally
41:00and let them know that
41:01you're ready to send something to them
41:02so they can expect to see you.
41:04That's the best way to do it.
41:07That way you won't feel
41:08check it out man.
41:09What if I snap this?
41:12This is everything.
41:13Just about.
41:15You know.
41:16Depending on how my eyes go.
41:18This is a lot right here.
41:19Alright guys.
41:20I'm going to end it right here.
41:21Please put a like.
41:24Make a comment.
41:25I'm up to 89 subscribers
41:27right now guys.
41:29Who's going to be number 90?
41:31I want to see somebody
41:32put number 90 down
41:33and put down
41:34I made you number 90.
41:36So I can give you a shout out
41:37and maybe make a video of you.
41:38To thank you.
41:39You know.
41:40You know what's cool about 89?
41:42I'm not worried.
41:43There will be a 90 and a 100.
41:44Because I actually got to get
41:46a big amount buddy.
41:47I got to get a million people.
41:48That's going to be a heck of a long time.
41:49It's not going to happen here.
41:51In alt space.
41:52I can tell you that much.
41:53Because you don't have
41:54a million people in here.
41:55You don't even have like
41:56a hundred thousand in here.
41:58Maybe not even five hundred thousand.
42:01Maybe not even.
42:03So anyway guys.
42:04Check it out.
42:06This video is not about
42:07This video is not about me.
42:09It's about these
42:11wonderful creators
42:12over here buddy.
42:14Wonderful creators.
42:15And check this out.
42:22I was going to show you
42:24No we're going to have to
42:25end it right here buddy.
42:27If you want to see some more
42:28you got to go on the second floor.
42:29When you come here
42:30you go on the second floor.
42:32You have a person that's making these
42:34making these creations
42:35that's connected with
42:37You can get some more
42:38information upstairs.
42:40I'm going to end it right now.
42:42Thanks for watching guys.
42:44And uh.
42:45Please subscribe.
42:46I need all the help I can get.
42:47Like everybody needs all the help.
42:48I'm helping these guys.
42:50I need help too.
42:51And you need help too.
42:52We can all be a network.
42:53We can help one another.
42:55You know what I'm saying.
42:56So thanks a lot.
42:57Have a great day.
43:01It will be Monday.
43:02Have a great Monday.
43:03God bless.