Surah Noor

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00:00Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth
00:04The likeness of his light is like a lamp with a lamp in it
00:10The lamp in its glass, the glass as if it were a star
00:17Lighted from a blessed tree
00:21Olive, neither east nor west
00:28Its oil almost illuminates even if you do not touch it
00:35Light upon light, Allah guides to His light whoever He wills
00:43And Allah sets forth similitudes for the people
00:48And Allah is Knowing of all things
00:52In houses that Allah has permitted to be raised and his name to be mentioned
00:58I glorify him in them in the morning and in the evening
01:03Men whose trade does not distract them nor do they sell from the remembrance of Allah
01:12And establish prayer and give zakat
01:16They fear a day in which hearts and eyes will tremble
01:23So that Allah will reward them for the best of what they have done
01:26And increase them in His bounty